The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 7

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East and South Threaten Im
portant Western Land
Washington Two bills of great Im
portance to the west are threatened
with defeat Ihtiuihp of opposition by
eastern and Kouihern members of the
house of representative. One pro
poses to modify the cultivation clause
of the homestend law by reducing the
area that must be cultivated prior to
the submission of final proof, and the
other grants to settlers on govern
ment Irrigation projects 20 year, In
tend of 10, In which to pay for water.
Consideration ha been given by the
enate and house committees on pub
lic lands to bills proposing to amend
the homeetend law. but neither house
has passed such a bill.
80 far as the 20 year bill Is con
cerned, that has already passed the
scimt''. but the house has refused to
consider the senate bill allowing set
tlers cm government irrigation pro
jects 2(i years Instead of ten, In which
to make water pa.Miinits. and provid
ing for Kradunteil i im-nts.
House Begin Work on Trust Bill.
Forma! steps to start the adminis
tration antitrust legislation through
congress were taken by Uie house
rules committee, when It formulated u
special rule for the expeditious pas
age of the three bill which make up
the antitrust program
Mouse leaders were Interested In
report that In case the senate find
It Impossible to put through nil the
trust legislation which the house will
pass and get away from Washington
about July 16, an effort will be made
to effect a compromise, put through
part of this legislation and go home.
According to this plan, the senate
would provide nothlug further thun
the creation of an Interstate trade
commission, with authority to invest!
gate and make a report at the next
aesslou of congress.
There are many democratic aena
tora who are convinced that the sen
ate cannot hope to put through the
sub-committees trust bill inside of
two mouths st the least.
Statue to John Brry Is Dedicated.
With the dedication and unveiling
of a monument to Commodore John
Harry, the Irish patriot of the Amerl
can revolution. President Wilson eu
loglted the early settler and hero who
"brought his heart lo America when
he limit from Ireland."
The president said Harry and Wash
ington were the men who first saw
that America iiiiihI live her own life
without "entunglltiK alliances '
"We need not," said the president,
"and should not. form alliances with
any nation. Those who are right,
illume who hold their honor above their
advantage do nut need alliances You
need alliances only when you are not
at rung. Yuu are vteuk when In the
wroug and wbeu afraid to do right "
Heferrlng to Harry's heroic work us
"the father of the American uavy," on
his coming from Ireland, the president
"The test of us all Is whether we
will assist America to live her life,
retaining our undent Interest and af
fection for our uatixe land "
National Capital Brevities.
Senator Horuh offered an amend
meat to the riser and harbor bill, uk
Jug for u loan of 5o.oihi.iioo to be used
in reclamation projects.
A further urgeut deficiency bill, ap
propriating upwards of fb uoO.OOO be
cause of army and navy activities in
Mexico, will hi- passed by the house
I'rchident VPlaSM will oppose the
ghftagM In tli- l'i inliiig ant 1 1 nut bills
lidu;tld h labor leuders to in.u.e
more 1 plii 11 ilu- exemption of labor
union irom the operation of the Sin
man ami iriit-i law
Tin- dll'killia'ii and ;iipro
priation bill lUai W.0
w.i.-- paaM-d b the boilM- ll PrOVldS
for the acquisition of embassy sites
and bUlMtsUi a) Toklo at flou.oOu; In
H.rne Swiui-rlund. at IMo.unu and in
Mexico City at flau.uou.
Tlie t'harles S Mellen, former pres
Idetit of the New York, New Haen
& Hartford railroad, told him the
whole political story of the New Ha
ven road was the assertion here of
Joseph W Folk, chief counsel for the
Interstate commerce commission,
which ll probing the affairs of the
New Kngland railroad system.
A new regulation governing weights
on carload shipments of berries by ex
press from points In Oregon and
Washington to destinations as far east
as Chicago. Ill . by which the trans
portation charges were Increased, waa
suspended b the Interstate commerce
commission The suspension holds un
til Sep'ember 17.
Democratic leaders In the senate
aligoed with the president for repeal
of tolls exemption expect to see the
bill closed by Sunday, but the most
optimistic house leaders do not be
lieve the three trust measures can be
passed in less than three weeks.
Ex-President Think Offer And Ac
ceptance Important Future Step.
New York. William Howard Taft
gave his views on the Mexican situa
tion In an address at the Free Syna
gogue's celebration of I'eace Sunday.
While the ex-presldent expressed
little hope that the pending mediation
conference would accomplish Its Im
mediate purpose, he asserted that the
offer of mediation and Its acceptance
constituted an Important Btep toward
the future settlement of International
disputes In the western hemisphere.
"nut If we are to be Involved In wnr
because of Mexican anarchy, let us
have It fully understood that we go
into It 'In the service of mankind,' as
the president phrnses It. and not upon
the Issue of a mere punctlllio In naval
Habit Cheeksd, Consumption Reduced.
8sys Government Report.
Washington Consumption of opium
iiinoii--tin-1 i ii'iiio h.m been complete
ly checked. If not entirely eradicated,
says a report to Hrlgadier (ieueral Me
InMre, chief of the bureau of Insular
affairs, from the collector of Internal
rcwnuc In the Philippine. He say
that as a result of laws 011 the subject
"the use of opium Is now conllned to a
comparatively mIMiiII number of con
firmed users of the drug, pnictlcnlly all
of whom nre Chinese, who cannot give
up the ! and who will go to uny
lcni.Mli to obtain It"
While there are In many pnrt of the
Island scattering Instances where Fill
pluos still ludulue in the umc of opium,
It Is reported that lc than d per cent
of the former I lllplno users, who had
numbered flfeftO In llMNl. were still vic
tim of the rice In IUI1 and Hint since
then conditions In Manila have greatly
Improved Conditions In the provinces
lire snld to lie fairly satisfactory.
"It Is perhiip- too much," the report
says, "to suspect Hint the opium evil
will erer he absolutely suppressed In
the Philippine I-I11111K It tuny he said.
however, that uluuwt without excep
tion Chinese users of opium In any of
lis forms are today using a much small
er 11 mount than that used by the snme
persons a few- year ago Tbl la
shown by the comtaratlve ense with
which Chinese users aout to the hospi
tal today are cured The only hoiie of
approximating total suppression lies In
making Indulgence In the hnblt so dim
cult that the younger generation will
not acquire It. and In this direction thu
progress made has certainly becu most
satlef actor jr."
Success of Hunt Conducted In the Vel
lowstor Park.
tiurdliier. alont.-Oue or the most
unique limits In history and one that I
be I m; conducted on a large -ale Is the
mountain lion drive In the Ye lowstoue
Natlonul paik Within til 11 da.
eighteen lions Were luiggtNl im ludlie:
the largest seeiucll ever seen ill this
tculon. The hunt Is going on kj cr
mission of (be government
The lurgeat lion was Jumped at a
point near liurdlner and led the hunt
era and dogs a chase of forty II miles
before It was killed neui the xtarllug
The method pursued In hunting the
lions Is t trail 11 lieust to a tree or
some sMit whetc lie seeks safety after
desKrateiy trying to outwit ihe pack
of dogs chusiug bun. The lion I Inn Is
Much Confusion as All Clocks
Are Moved Forward an Hour.
Cleveland K.lSliril tilne I
ly Mipcredcl ccntial tai.d.ud lime
lule ( levclandei.-. ale lltllli 11. .1
appetite ami sleeping BOUH to the
new tune.
The new tune had 1 preliminary trj
out In 111..11.V busin ss pltt ea and
mm in uili. e im k wore turned
ahead gg limn at QOOU i u lull I" .
lunpio.wcx returned to sYork on i i
Hal time, lino p tttH -in extra b 411
The BMjorttJ ' ' leveaiiibi-. li"W
eer. lost un hum w lieu etoCsVI SYgfl
li.rn 1
Tie Cleveland Athletie club 0
ed the 1 h.iiio with an "e astern tune''
part, aiid factory whistles gniiOUU ed
the gtllfttM of links 1 .... ks 111 pub
lic arlMrOlg were uiovtil ahead in
uiuiiv buildings BfMClal exercises were
held. Churches, butb I'loU-slnul aud
Cuthollc, will gu liv eustern time.
At the new courthouse ceulrul time
prevails, a state statuU) 1 r.-s.
central Ume must be Used So fur as
the chamber of comuien e could leurn,
not a Cleveluud fuctory or business
house will continue to be guverued by
central standard Ume. All churches
conduct their serv ices under the new
order. Theaters, saloon and profes
sional and amateur baseball orgaulxa
Uoua observe the change.
The dairymen and truck gardener
nave arranged to make their rounds
an hour earlier, so breakfast need not
oe iate. i'ue movement for eastern
Ume became state wide last winter,
but the legislature failed to provide
for the engage Cleveland then took
the Initiative
Brief News of the Week
8hrlnera will hold their next annual
national meeting at Seattle. Wash.,
July IB, 1916. Dr. Frederick H. Smith
of Rochester, N. Y., has been elected
Imperial potentate.
Postmaster tlcneral Hurleson, dur
lug the 14 months he has been In of
fice, has appointed 2a..'!17 postmasters
of which number 5171 were of the
presidential grade
Ogle county, Illinois, residents told
the public utilities commission they
preferred to have the present phone
svMem to the new plan which would
prevent them from listening to neigh
borhood gossip by "cutting in."
The board of directors of the North
Pacific Fruit Distributors have order
ed that heiidipiarters for handling all
fruits be opened Immediately at Port
land, with Wllmer Sleg. of Hood Itlvcr
as sales manager
It Is expected that Harry A. Wheel
er, of Chicago, will decline to accept
the position as one of the new federal
reserve board Nominations of all five
members are expected to be sent to
the senate by the president this week
Sheriff Smith of Cleveland sold at
public auction $70,00(1 worth more of
Innd on Kuclld Heights owned by Pa
trick Calhoun, traction magnate of
New York and San Francisco, to sat
Isfy 11 mortgage of f1.A42.onn.
Waiei 'borne freight gggU passing
through the Panama canal Motulav.
when five barges carrying about I1M
tons of miscellaneous cargo were tow
ed from I1.1II10.1. at the Pacific end,
to Cristobal, at the Atlantic end of the
The one hundred and twenty-sixth
general assembly of the Presbyterian
church In the I'nlted States of Amerl
ca. commonly known as the Presby
teiinn church, North, wa opened
Thursday In Chicago. On the same
day the general nssembly of the
Southern Presbyterians met In Kan
as City and that of the Reformed
Presbyterian In Cincinnati.
The Mexican rebels under Zapata
are said to have reached a point with
in ten miles of Mexico City.
Hrltlsh residents of Mexico City
have gathered In concentration dis
tricts In the foreign residence quar
ter In the capital city In tear of an
attack upon them.
Notice Is said to have been given
foreign owners to reopen their mines
in Parral district. Mexico. In 16 days.
The Mexicans will selxe the mines If
the order Is not obeyed.
Rebel commander Villa Is said to
have put the lid on at Torreon. Sol
dlers are not allowed to use Intoxl
caiiug liquor and citizens ure com
polled to keep within proper bounds
Im tutor lluertu Is said to be sur
rounded by the best men in his army
for his own private body guard. The
Mh Hers wear blue shoulder straps,
tndliatlve of their service to their
The Hrii.llluu Minister at Mexico
City reported to tin- Stale Department
hat the liberating of Consul Silllman
at Saltillo hud been confirmed by
Americans who reuched the Mexican
The size of the expense of the pres
cut Mexican undertaking is show 11 by
the dcliciciu) appropriation bill for
IfiTOlJSTi in the house providing for
the army alone More 1 Im 11 one Imlr
of Ihe amount is for transportation.
otrirtiil reports show ihe innstltu
iloiuillsts rapldiv extending iheir field
ip.itiou ColiMil Canada ;it 1 .
CrM reported them in pt Ion of
'in ipaj&i ilu- Important east
tov. 11 S ,th BgtM iv ' oil uiei. 1 .
'I'll. I . p ll OUt lOO ol Pi l all
,n i!i rii hi soldier
wi.o ii !ed tMo... h the Mexican
:P 1.1 Invi 1(1 1 ted Immedl lie
Rllll 10 the
m r .Mr. n
Faces Bigamy Charge.
p, llo f M
M 'I mil. r ai .
and 1 ir, Ore., In
ruunli Finally he
found the second wlfi both
ph. 1 . 'I null 'be
1 ol the sheriff T) ler I i w ll
knovi n 1 ontraotoi
Will Mend Leu.tsn Roads.
l.tvviMoii fcfaVJ III b) an offi i; !
proclamation bv Mavi Morris, will
be designated us good 1 gull day Cli
Uens with picks utid shovels wi
spend t he day working on the iilu roa.i
from the Clearwater L-iidge to the
Washington state line
Caldwell Bank Pays Dividends.
Caldwell -An order for the pay
ment of a 30 per nt divldind to de
positors of the American national
bank of Caldwell has been Issued by
the I'nltad States comptroller of the
currem v according to Information re
ceived here
It if kuderstood that the checks for
the first dividend will be inailnl about
tin- first of June and thai the 1 reditors
of the bnk will benefit thereby Ifl the
extent of approximately M,04M.
Notice of Sale of Slate Lands.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State Land Hoard of the State of Ore
gon will receive scaled bids', until 10
o'clock n. in, July 11, 1914, for the
following described lands, to-wlt:
Sectln If, T II S- R. 42 R.
8 of Mitt. Malt of NWHi N4 of
Hsli, SE'i Of sVV and lots 1, 2 and
4 of Section 16, T. 16 8. R. 40 K,
Sections 16 and 36, T. M S, R 43 &
Sections and M, T. I J S- R. 44 E.
Sections If and M, T. H.'t S. R. 44 K.
Se lions 1(1 and :16, T. 33 S. R. II ft
So. tn.ns 16 and 36. T 34 S- R. 45 K.
Sections Pi and 36, T 36 S. R. 44 E.
Sections II and 36. T. M S. R. 45 E.
S'v of oection 16, all of section 36,
T. 36 S- R 46 B.
Sections II and 3A, T. 36 8. R. 47 E.
Sections II nnd 36, T. 36 8. R. 48 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8- R. 44 E
Section II nnd 36, T. 37 8. R. 45 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 46 E.
Sections II and N, T. 37 S- R 48 E.
All bids must be nccotnponled by n
regtilnrh evecuted application to pur
chase and check or draft for nt lenst
one-fifth of the nmoiint of the bid.
The right to reject any and all 'bids
n reserved.
Application and bids should he ad
dressed to (1. O- Hi own, clerk slate
land board, Salem, Oregon, and mark
ed "Application nnd bid to purchase
stato lands."
Clerk State Lnnd Hoard.
Dated May 1. 1914. 8t
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlco at Vale, Oregon, April
30, 1014.
N.tlco Is hereby glvon that Rowlev
Robinson, of Ontario, Oregon, who on
May 13, 1910 mado homestead entry
No. 01311, for 8WK NW. NW'.i
BWVi Sec. 24, NEK 8EU. BE1
NEK Section 23, Township 17 8.
Range 46 K , Willamette Merldlau, has
filed notice of Intention to make final
three enr proof, to establish claim o
the land above described, before the
Register and Receiver of the United
States. Land Office at Vale. Oregon,
n the 11th duy f June, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
8. D. Moore, H. 8. 8utton, or On
tario, Oregon; John T. Taylor, Rolen
Hull, of Payette. Idaho.
Bruce R. Kester, Register.
Department of the Interior, U- 8.
Land Officii at Vale, Oregon. April
30. 1914
Notice Is hereby given that Stephen
Ii Mooie, of Ontario, Oregon, who .
August ''. 1910. made Homestead En-
liv No ol. ..17. Im SK'4 .-!:' See .:.
SW, S', Se, 24. NW14 NWW 8ec.
BJ and NKV NatH Section '::, Towu
shlp 17 8, Range 4A E. Willamette
Meridian, bus filed notice or Intention
to tnoko final three year proof, to
.tuhlish Claim to the land above des
cribed, boforg ItM Register aud Re
ceiver of the lulled States Land Of
flee t Vale, Olefin, oil ll.. Iltll day
of June, mil
Claimant names us witnesses:
Rowlev Robinson, A .lunulsh. II W
Clement a d Trousdale, of Ontario,
Itime It Kester, Id
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR SAI.K in quantities from
line gallon up, and many other
Good briu. lis, bv
L. B. TEIER. Wholesaler
For Hint Two room house,
two blocks north of school house,
l'lioi.c 200-K-::.
Always on the Job
If you have a job of hauling you
ant done, large or small, you can
alwavs iKpeml on John I ..Sliding haw
being ready tor you. Cull him st th
Moore Hotel.
if j
s: r s' im 1H p "x
j j sap W7 M ssaWssS ssssT a
v . mvr , m j
LjtwfE i, tk
AI mm
IMPRESS on the younjr man who is burning the cnndle ftt both ends
and who is spending his bi salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today.
If he is not hopeless he at onoe will sec the error of his ways. The open
ing of a bank account has put a stoj) to many a youth's wild desire to be
The Ontario
Must Be Printed
We arc printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Sjfg X JssA 1.,-jytas
Paint Your Own
You can do it yourself ami at little expense. It's easy
to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, vanish-glow
lotah in black or rub appropriate colors.
. Mt ' . A . I PAINT (Npul'sf
is made especially to K've to busies, carriages and
vehicles ot all kimls, I tOUgfa. durable, gto) tioilh that
will look nell and wear wt II. An idt al timsb for settees,
Mtlli(il:it lliiichN.ih .iibl I
A. Mc WILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer, baggage and
Meet All Trains
local M.i i ki i Report.
Corraolatl Apr. IU, for tli btuollt
uf Argus rsilers by tin- Msliitur .Vlsr
kV $rsJ
ten. 2s
National Bank
ArrilG (iin
Alg Uh UllltC
Hower stands, porch furniture, garden
tools and all surfaces that must with
stand exposure ami bard usage. Ready
to brush on and the label tells how.
nt inli.i i lo., Onitirto, liinimi
B l Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarteri fc
Monet Itoiifht and Sold.
uautiltt omi'Siiy.
Kggs. Bjgf ilozi'ii. 1 7 in.
Ilnlt.r, pat ouul, "J .1-.
OatN, .1 loin I M'.l. 91.1)0
WliBkt, per buiuirttil, 1.7.'.
liny, ii tun, s.
I'otstu.'s, ir liiimlrMd, I UU
Onions, per hi! u tired, 92.00.
l.-., .r l.iix, 91.00. s) 11,14
Clilrkein, ilie.Heil, pur iiouud, I He
1'oik, ifggfjgs), I I . ti : '.. u.
1'ork, live, t) M to 7
Veal. I to 10c.
Lit. t. lie to g