The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 6

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Natural Resources Are Richest
In Entire World.
Oldest Unlvareity Eetabllehed Yeare
Ago, Yat Maaaaa Ara Ignorant Con
stitution Perfeot, but Rulora Always
Hava Baan Law Unto Thamaalvaa.
Minaa Moat Valuable of All.
Mexico city 'I'lTlinim nowtii-ro pise
la the world In them a country no full
f contrasts nH Mexico," snys Wllllnin
Joex-ph Nlniwtilter. "Willi ii university
atiiliiNiiiKi iM'foro John llnrvnnl, Klllm
Yale or William mill Mary were tiorn.
tli masses of Its iinpiIc nrc hopeless
1 U-iM.rji ut With a hoxpltiil founded
boforn Jiiiiii-vtuw ii Kii even tlri'ii med
of. It la one of tin? most Imekwiird re
rIoiis of the toirt Ii In it ini'illr.'il way.
w ifi dm tan I rii'iii'M iimiif tinm 11km
Of ii tliiiusiiinl Midlines. It" MUM un
just us Mor mm Mm in'nveilihil church
MM Willi ii constitution us i'i
fpf't MM Illll lllL'llllll' l.ltt III till' I'll ill.
txl worlil, II Is ii tuition H bow rulers
ttlWIIIS llllVI' llCCtl H lllW IllltO tlli'lll
eh M
"Here yon will see n Mexlrnti linlf
hrcisl. barefooted, weurluir n ilollur
pull of iroiiscis. m llfly cent shirt 11 nl
n ti'ii ilollur Moiuliri-ro There, ut n
Mint !' kImiu'c Mini within the lenirlli ot
n slnulc dtj block, you mil) mis' mm
Iflllhlll l'lirj,Ml'M II lllillkc.V. .'Ill oM'.'llt.
iii rlnmv ii railroad iniln n ! i !
rnr Mini mi mil. .mobile iilnii'Mt ov.rv
t.M' of lOPOMOtlOtl mIikc AiImiii Vmi
M trend tin- tniriiliiir mmihIs of m
impli'itl desert with the ml of the
pofpottml mow of towtnim iiKiiintiiiiis
Mini 1 1 jroui ihoM Von iiim tiiki
n Minifio railway 1 1 of Ihlrtj -in
lours In which tin' mmiiIi- yon MM nt
Hi.' riilliMi, sliitlou will In- dfMMfd In
four illffiii'iil w'rluhtM or rlnlhliiL' Bt
vprywln-rc you turn IN contrast, Itl
II ;Ii(m noil ili'i'l' sh .kIowm
"No other iiHintry "oiiih if Hie Ill"
inutile Is mi well niiiiIIis with mil
roinls I'rloi to tlii Mudcro rei olutlini
It linil .'".'xmi mill's or ii to Alter
I. an iii onl which curried 11.000,
(Ml IMUMfllltlf llllllll till Mini lllllllllisl
lilioilt II.Imnmi ,,i s of frrlLhl Hull
tot ii I ri'MMiui's iiiii.'iiiiii'il la mImiiii ,m
Imiii I'll,, uu ,. lillirllt owns II roll
trollliiK Iniciest In the iiinjor srtinn
nf tin' I illi'i ! of tin' I iIIiumiIm,
"Mevl. " i i ..ilu. ii..' ilil.l .f tin
world's sllvnl n- i.'i i able .orclll
Hut of ii- uoiii mm ninth of ii- ii'ini
ninl inn' twentieth of Its . i. pint The
is.uniry's m I ii.-i.i I pr. mIih-i 1. .n. ex. lu-lvc
nf Iron, pan I and prtitaVwra, nm'iulod
to $.ViaMKHi III I.'I" The I ii ii
iimi Mountain nt Dttrnuim is aMliuntwl
! ('..iitniii ittMttUMMI loan of lion ore.
t hl II I- worth Helen lime Ih.- value
ot nil the k'.'l.l ninl slUei uiltie.l In
Me. I. 'II III lw iiliiilo I lie Silil.i
M. H l.i I.-I ...lllle lllllies .ire l'i.' l.-itucsl
ninl -i iiii..iit.ini In ii.. w.siein
..I.I III. I.'ImII III. Hill. I II..' tftllf Of
M. ... i- il h III .etlolelllil Ulie
( mi il I'- .' il.l I. lull" si l in h M
BMOlrt Ml. ih lloweil llNiium l.nir.'U of
Oil M il..l
"The ill i I. W.nk of Ilu- M.-M. in
In. 'I. n I- in llj I mi. si Ilu .1. Ii.. ill Hie
V ..I 1.1 II... .1. .i . .-. II nl. M llll the
Illl.ot -.i-'i , ll.lllllll I..
The In. I II kl .ill s..r ..I so. nil
i.. I I ' it... ..iil.i . ..I lie-
(..Ill l-l Tin UltW littllM ol' I 'llel'ii;iv '.
ii i in i r iii. iii. ii.. I .in --. .1 iii 1 1 1 1 i
e Ililn .'I.I I .inn. HI .lie Hie .I.Iim
ttol. .1 . . rj one M ItU .-.- III. in I
hiiimII . I;. i in iiimln. i . i !' II) ii-ii
..i.. iin.l rilll(lllll II. no the I'
dun u iin- . inii .in.) iin- Iiii. i.
Illll mill.'. W'olllil ilii ii.. Ill I. lln- .. -n n.
.l III llll II s. II I ll MI I II
III I lie hi I pUlllll HlloUM nl the H "i .1
Hill M'I li:l I'-- tin i I t .nil. Illll III nil
ore the lin iIiihuhhI lie is w lib h
., vi lJ n.
x..ini. i ii M'urk "i the Iii.IImh- a Hie
in '. 1 1 . . ..I le.uli.'i iniiir.-. Ii. on Ihe
iiiiiiM.'.' ..I UlllUUllllH lilnls ni.w nl
inoM :. ..-1 -irl
" I'he In. Ilia ol Ml'J .1 in IRJ
I'lli I. "i I .1 ' I the lUOBl te
in.ii I. ihle ..I I III . i- i
of M s..-. i, . i li.ili ,le
.lil. le .ii
riie i
Ml Il.l. I I . - II III' Il
1.1 .
mil II
v 1 1 1 1
m . .hu
ll.. I i . .-. i . . . ,
win Ii Hi- nl... iii ill. -. ul ihe buUUM
ll.. lite . l.IH. .1 miiiImI lUlU a I'ilsle
ImuIisI in I'uruliuaka lu uiui'b inn aaiun
fnsiiii.ti i- lamaloa and In IhM - ii
aii' enlen "
Child Succumb to Bram Hiiih.hIuj
Bator Caramony.
l'ltUlleUt. Miisn Miss lirin-e M n-Ar
ttltti. Illtivn inia nidi iluunhtiT Ol 'r
unit Mrs Willi;. in S MinArthiir, .In si
auuMculv a f. unuuU'.s ui.-ie klio
waa to Iimio In en l..i.lli..l in Hie I'll
grim Menmrhil CudlMOJttaMMJ ohureh
Mis Mii.'Ai'thur. who Ml ilMMi to .
iro to the ohnrvh. waa uprvoiui over Hie i
piirxHieliluK - i -in iiunt. Si . eouiihiln I
tsl of ilnrki -s. Ins-nine iii.'ons.loua
U.I ilh.l btl t$ I pliNsKl" Mi-ilve.1 ut
tier fitlhfr's linns. llei ile.ith Ml
causisl !' n MMffMfl nfttie Inalu. ,
dun to t'ii'lt.-iiH'Ut.
Employees In Interior Depart
ment Are All Members,
Cabinat Mambar Thinka tha Smiling
Man or Woman Can Accomplish
Mora Than tha Grouch Big Changa
Brought About In Firat Yaar of Now
WnahlnBton. Serrptnry of the In
terior l-'riiiikllti K. LAM hna oonprttsl
his ipirtini'iit Into one vnat elnh
the llutiip .'hth Up Im chnrnrtprl7.isl
mm "the inislneMM iniin of tin en lil not"
Me iroieeis on the theory that co-o
iTiltlon lliemiM eltlclPltey
The Monte oluh's tncmtierMhlp la Mm
Iteil strictly to Pinploypea of the In
terior ilppiirtinpnt Thi-re In n dnnce
nr ii mush'iilp neiirly eipry nlirht.
When Seeretnry I.iiiti' took fhnrjte of
the .Input t null t list sprlm; the very
iiii inn of the ilepiirltnent MMaMMl to
W.ishlii.-loiilmiM uroiiehv old men. aour.
inlihlle iik'n.l men ninl honsl yotini' men
liiniililly porltn; oxer their work, while
nt ihI.Imi mil ilesks Mitt k'nsslpy ..I.I In
illi'M, tlti'il. tnlilille tiKi'd women nud
is) t'y An..'. i in p. ess As. ..inii. m
girls, all with the I. leu ot
llllslelllllk' the ' I", k lowitr.l I Ml Mil
lltin llllie. lis lil-l us possible
In one nil this rhiilik'isl
Ihe ilei'iii liueiil .Mill Its hiinili.sls of
employee',. IMS ill-,, .n el e.l Hint there
Im enough I llelil III Its ml. 1st to ell il.l.'
even one I h'X life strictly iion.m.'
Ill.'111-..IM' The ::l ..II. hlli.SK the -our
iii. I Ihe holed. .Ill lire . I n
fust: the ajinwllni Hie weul'.v mid the
Is'llllnlil Iimic .'.is off their blliil.ti"
III. I III" Whole ilepiltlUlellt llll- Ix-ell
llll i.e.l Inl" ..tie bin Inmlly
.. .i.n I in., arna n newawiM
Him ninl ii i -i l l.elnre he
I -e. let. Ill of the I III i't'l"l' II llll
.me of the knmaM he Iimn l.iiriied Is
Ih I m .his'lliil elllploier ."III III il li I
miles ihis'l fillliists o lliooe nlMiiit 111 I at
Me iiml Mi- I .1 in- rmeli nllnw I
week I" .n-- wllhoiit .ill. Ii. litis- "lie of
the li I . l 1 1 tn.lh'M of the Home club III
the old , liililmnse on .In. ks.m
.-e. nl n I .;iiu' .lis. o elcd i"l hM
.k" ..lie ol Ibe men in hi- ilep.nt
meiil i lllalHlralnM "III el', iltM.ill
III . ..iiipl.'le III- II Hi mil III Ihe
,i litti I he men MUUIN IM .Icp.H t
i. .-nl h nl In .Il.l (he "III H - UUMH Hitll
Ul III p. il. I mil mole liionei Hi. ill Ihe
in, . i.t "-I "l Ihe I'm. mi i -.mill ilnr
i inn it n- Mr Ijihc -i-iil tor the
i, ,, him l. Hie blind .inl
.1 him III the liillin- nf Ihe h
p. it lllient l"l III- l.o.k .Hill l.lllllln:
i i v I. e
! tin- end of Hie .l.i Ihe si.n
i .en i.-ieph" to im Wnnli Ul
OII ..ipcis. mill ....... Miller. Ihe ul
.luplni .'.'. is M all on ll.e i
I.. I line
l the I, i-l. ill. c ol the ViTcl:il'.v the
-tun "' lohl the i. purlers
Ihil lie would tell his recollection- "'
..lliiM- n- ot the nil. in i iM'
i , I lone lull the nexi eicinlu
When Ihe llitm ..line the mcilllci "
II. uiie .Inh l.iuiid ami
h . lam in ihe iivni rou
Ifler It i.e. nine .pille the IbllUI
I., bn ' in. inl. .1 nt Hie lloine elnh
All the einpniecs h:ie Iniilid that
. ,':in Ic.iiti sninelhini; froiu their
fellUW workers Ihe) have discover
el thill the novernuieiit dit'M not trown
mi ua.iely auioiik' H i-inplni MO, par
tb tilarli In this department
sctetiiry lone loiilldisl to a friend
tuUIOtblnt of tlie plan which was in
!n- mlii. I when he loruie.l Ihe UOUM
"I ant 1111X1011.'' ho said. "In see the
illl.ii n. ri.i"i'tii of this department
im I'.Hii auupnrad to the etllclency r
uurta or IMI "
Clock Long hli Starta Up
icrosM. Hi -Mm ink n clock .iboin
i mile to Waycross ,.in-e.l It to atari
ruiiuliik' after It had ivfn-.d to nitrate
lor seven v. ara. i:.iihiug (loaallile
li.ul MaB done dmi'ik ihe seven year
pet list lo make the clucQ, one of the
nt ii.t uit'iit itl varlet.i. k'et Imsv. but wbeti
It was placed lu the lie A' hoitsp reivul
j ii which Its owners were mm tug II
M t.-l riinnlng and baa MM giving
im trouble since.
" JUaxaVaHaHaxaxaV
Party Diacovar Ten In British Guiana.
Dr. Farabee Writaa.
PhllnilelphlM Colonel Hoosevelt as
the rejMirteil dtMOVOfW of a new rlrer
1 In Hrnzll will ItHve to nhnre the laurels
In that field of explorntlon with the
I'nlveMlty of Pi'tmsylvnnln Amncon
expedition, whose leader, Dr. William
. U. I iirni.i-1'. nnnotineeH, In a letter re
ceived here, the dlacovpry of ten hith
erto unknown Indian tribes.
Dr. Farabee xvrltea thnt the party
renched Georgetown. Hrltlnh Gulnna.
on April It nfter n yonr spent In the
Aiiim7.hi IimmIii iiml thp hliihhimN which
i divide Hrazll mid the Gulanas. The
party, the letter proceeds, eiperlenced
terrible hardships while traversing the
JunKle nnd were compelled to live on
monkey nnd itlllKnfor flesh when their
reKU In r food supply was eihnusted. The
expedition em. from the Jungle
hnrehciided. bnrefootiil. hungry nnd
fever nicked.
"From Dee. 16 to April 1 we were
MOM trlhen that had never seen
white men before." Dr Knrtihee con
tlinipn. "Noiip of thpni had ever necn
guns or snlt or clothing or mntchen.
Tbpy IimiI I It ninl knlvpn. All want
ed (ImIiIiooIim I uiiide mensiirements of
men nnd women, took photographs and
nsordisl liiiik'iniKPM.
We visited the following trltiea In
si.iithern Itrlllsh (itilmin- Wnlwnl. I'nrl
km ii. Wnlnip. liiki'ini, Kiithiwnn. To
lipyiili. Dlow. Kiininyoniis nnd I 'ink
whiimm. None of these tribes Is men
tloiied lu Iti'lnion's list of American
"Scvenil new tribes were found on
the llin.ll side of the divide."
Miaaing Train For Firat Tima In Years,
Sata Out on Foot.
Quitman. (a.-I'rov lug Hint the no
table exploits of the old time circuit
rider are not hevoiid the clergy of to
diii. Ilev. A M lllcll walked seven
teell miles to keep his elik'auemetlt with
Ills i.iihttniiii . "tik'regatlon nt St. James'
lipl-iopnl ill in.ii
Mr. Itlch Inteuded cntcblng the after
noon train at ijultmmi from VaMosta.
n here he his hi- re-ldelice Mild Is
p of liiiice chilf. It Me Inl-se.l
the iniln. h.iwever. Im the llrst tlttie
III nine yenrs. he Insisted Me deter
mined to ie.p Um oppnlof nol here
Mini Mliirte.l nut to walk Ihe ill-l ime
Il s si'M-ni.'.ii tulles l.y rnllmad ami
li.iik-er by Ihe hlk'hwai
Mr Itlch arrived ten minutes late.
mid none of bis ci.iik'rck'Mtlou was
aw are until afterward that be had
R ilked
Psychologist Shows How Pop
ulace L'joks on Life.
t'bb ago Twelve tl sand persons
in i' il.l II i "iileinpl itllik' Mill. Ide til ('III
ago. a. . "lilt Ilk' I" the deiliicthilis uiiide
In. ill l'"i"iier MoffiiimTM figures by
T-v. Iiol.ik'l-t I'arker II S.ii'.oinh. tf
(Ills iniinl er mIhiiii iMNI annually kill e- "One thousand attempt
Hell murder." miu the .oroiier. "but
list reeover" SiM'iner'M law of ino
inentUUI Is ipioted by the psyeholost
to siippnri hi- aualyMls of the ..loner's
lik'iircs Me says:
"So iinllonn I- the operation of the
natural law which lontrols tlie fate of
miiikind that we Unrnv under the
prcM'tit ."iidltiniis that In I'll I and iin
HI new educational sv stems have had
il .linn e to take elTe. I about IM will
commit sill. Ide by polaoa, of vvboin IS)
Will use Mitotic a. id. 18 cotr..-lv,.
Mtilillmale. 7 cyuiihle of potassium, fl
ar-enlc, et' .
' liile It I.'i lmpo--ll.!e in liatne the
iilit.ii I uii il. - we know, tn... that. Willi
the pr. -. i t popiilaliiiu Mini until out'
-...inl link' mid eiln. allniial sya
I. mi- undergo fundamental .Itiiuge.
a. li iii .leproxliiiiileli I IO will coin
mil kin. ide hy bOOtlnd 180 by SO
pbyxbitlon. iki by bOluriOgi '-' by stab
bing. 80 bj drownliuj and ii i jump
ing out of W Illll. iVVM."
Postmaster Burlsaon Has Ap
pointed That Many Postmasters.
Washington - rn-iuia-ter lieucral
Hurlesnii in the touitecu mouths be
has In .1 "!h t hi- appoliil. .1 23,817
po-llu. islets. ."..I.'I ol ihe pi esuliilllal
iii.i.l.' and IS. III. louiih d.i--
Tliere were on Ian I In the lliited
Slates and Its (...--.--Ions s ,;ip i,,.-
detitlal postolllccH and IS.'.i.MI fourth
,.ili. -CM. a kiand total of .'n.i.i
In a staiciuent miiioiiiiclug the appoint
ments Mr. Kurleson said:
"As shown liv M) alsive tlgures the
post -ler kiiiica. lias, within tl pe
rmit "l fourteen months, pcrtniniisl the
rcinarkiiMc task of selecting mill tip
imlutlnu i'l.-iitiastei s n 00 it cent of
all presidential cilices and f per cent
of all fourfli class ollices."
Wind Blowe Har From House.
U iiuki'stui. Wis -Mrs J tiotfltf of
KttK'lo narrowly isv.'its.l tx'lng .rustusl
li a iMt kllvlu'ii stun- .luring (tin ra
.nt St.. mi. Mi Hugto in-lit to ber
kit.lii'ii door to sH' Itovv tli. wvather
iitsl.lo. Just as tlie t.iiii.iil.i struv'k
Wlti'ii slio r.i;.aliusl COMCkMaMaV she
iv us Ivliu: In ilio rottil iiml within a few
Itu'lu's .if liv't was tl vv revk of the
stove Tlie IMJM Ik me was deinol
1-iusl .ver.i; othet iiulMiiita UN
No More Caa on the Stomach or Sour
Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling
After Meal or Constipation!
If you havo sour ntomach, conatlpa
tlon or gas on the stomach try JU9T
ONBDOSEof simple, buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-l-ka,
the remedy which is becoming known
as the MOST rOWEKKUL bowel
clean.i r ever eold.
The VHIvY FinST doso nhows ro
eulls and a short treatment with
Adler-I-ka will susprlse you.
This remedy drains such nntonlRh"
lng amounts of old matter from the
system that A SINGI..R DOSE relievos
constipation, sour stomach nnd ga9
on the stomach almost INSTANTLY.
Ask Your DruKKint For a Bottle
After Operation Failed to Help,
Cardui Worked Like a Charm.
Joncsvllle, 8. C. "I suffered wl.ii
womanly trouble," writes Mrs. J. 8.
K.ii'lrlik, In a letter from this place,
"and at times. I could not bear to stand
on mv feet. The doctor said I would
never be nny better, nnd that I would
have to have an operation, or I would
have a cancer.
I went to the hospital, and they oper
a'.d mi me, but I got no better. They
said im dlclni'H would do me no Rood,
snd I t'lought I would have to die.
At last I tried Cardul. nnd began to
Improve, so I continued using It. Now,
I mi will, and run do my own work.
I don't feel nny pains.
t'anlul workt d IHM n charm."
There must be merit In this purely
t ihle, tonic remedy, for women
Cardul for It has boen In successful
use for more tlrut M years, for tho
tr.'iiHi'cnt of womanly weakness and
dlsett le.
MOM try It. for your troubles.
N ii sTVOwfai l.iii.v ai.iuiiv tVpi. rtutia-
leJI ...r i i . Ch.ejn.sMii. Ti-nn I." '(.. . i',il
wtM.i. K-iU. Homi' lr4lmnl
SM Wouwo,' miii in fU ii i 4prf. on ihuhi.
Meals 25 cents and up.
Everything the best the
market affords.
Wong Ton, Proprietor
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention (.im n
All Orders.
I rain Service.
Kast lioun.l
iintarlu, Oregon. M .iy lTth. Illll
linn' No T:i
No IS OnflOa x hsIi L't.l ':l a ui
No 7i'. BoIm PanMafM - "
No III l.istern i;ir;ss 12:1'J tu
No T BoIm 1'iisnMiner 8:80 p ui
N.. i! Qugnn W.iuh BipNM ,; W p nt
West tioun.l.
No 1 ; ON0M aVfjaJl l.'tvl 4 l a in
No T6 llliutllitfton I'sssellk'ei I'l'Jsin
No I' OmOB Wiiiili Rl 8sB4J p m
No .ri Fal Mail 0 1 b D
No 77 lliitillnutoii I'.is'iii' lil.'i oi
Mttll.i'iiii Valley litunli
West Mouuii
No 184 Vain ami Juntura. Mixeil.
Oaily Suii.l, 7 00 a ui
No HI Vale, mixed, Oaily Kxeei't
Siiu.Ihj 10 iOO a ni
No 111 Uroicau iiilve.l, Moil Wc.l nod
Friilays 10 00 a ui
No 17 N'sle I'asseuijei 7 .00 in
Kast ttv mil Arrive
No '.'H Vale RaNMfM 1:40 a
No 4I Vale Mixed, lues Thurs
days aud Saturdays 1 .00 iu
No 111 HioiiHu mi-,. I. Mon Wed nod
Friday. I 10 p in
No HO Juntui.i mixed. Daily eee t
Siiuday 0 lOfl p Ul
The Heme. 1. 1 le train leaves Nysaa
.. i l4l W Tuesday, Thursday ami
tvti:t.lay, returriug, arrive at On
tario at 0 i'. iu.
Everyone knows the Ford. It has
that clean-cut, dependable look-lightness
and strength in every line. It's
the one car sold in numbers the world
over. It's popular because it's a
better car sold at a lower price.
Five hundred sixty-nine dollars is the price
of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six
nineteen; the town car eight nineteen
f. o. b. Ontario, complete with equipment.
Get catalog and particulars from
Ford Garage
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how lonu it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Mi'tvlmnt utxl what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot alfonl to be without a Telephony
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
7 INDIANS. RANCH GlRtS (lV--" v ",l TV! W
i m'-'l ", iiiiai8aW lU!ti. v.
'SESSiliJPw: al
1 m Bpx: 9tfrmENE v v 0'w -
towuHtSffisr 78?$ I ft'r OT
EJUtn wil ( iy jtXrBf 'V-- .? vtvt. A'.JaS
ifi 'iVvUPOr iBlaV , a V )L BHuffjel
ftfclSk&fJ WWlPSS KUaWyW
... A' L Ai' "d! f " OK Wl Egi7,elaTti :'s lhi&-2
ltinraW I ' - n r n i ' 'r V r.c,-., v
Capt, dutch
IVJT.- V T fcu ., .. . r- i . . , , , . , vj
2 Performances Daily-Ma r. 2 -night 8 o'clock
BUFFALO B I LL . his Indians Ra"1 ' j-'-:. Cowboys wanf to see
all the boys and girls SELLS-FlGTO want iou to see the new
Wild fcooitj in open dens. Its splenoio new tableaux --600
6eopie of all Nations --450 horses--9 bands CO ME
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the State ol
Oregon for Malheur County.
Iu the matter of the estate of Q W.
I'ovviin, lotherwse known as cJeorge
W. 1 in), ilev-e.isevl.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
It may concern, that the un t.ii-iud
baa been alio a.Y'oTfW
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for
Malheur Count, administrator of the
t Tur j-s, . . , ..
estate of the laid G. V Downa (other
wise known as George, W Downs) de
ceased. Air persons having claims
against the estate of the said deceas
ed, are hereby notified to present the
same to me for allowauce duly veri
fied as required by law, at the office
of C McGonaglll. at Ontario. Oregon,
within sis months from the date of
Dated m oc .., Or,-y . this 'vOih
day ol April. 1914.
O. S. SMITH, Administrator.
iV r