The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
W.ll . Mrlliiitiitv ri a VlolUM to
Wi'Ihit over Sunday.
ii- Killin (Itillln whs II vlnitnr tn
lh"t over S 1 1 ! h 1 ; i y .
Mtr. ('. ('. DodgS ret iirnr (1 Kundiiy
frnin Kiiiih, wliii' lbt bad bOBB rW
inu with li r ll i .
John EU Itt a as op f'"i" B I
Band rlalttog with bU I rothar'i
I.. I Stncv. BbO I If n (( ntly entn-
Bitted h iianrlannie home In the valley ln-t.
BBOVB Vnle. DM ln'ii' Tni'nl.iy. return-
II. c. Whltwortb is In Bo4bb thai
vi rl. looking nftcr DUSlnttl tii:. 1 1 1 is.
Deputy .Wi -nrf allium whs niniiii.l
thi-i aaata Bikini tii" Bsssssmeot,
0) nut Ti. -urer Wi BfOl
mi basloi i.i i
. in ty "f ROTMDB' nt
tai ti 'i i ut i t null to da iobss
work in tba si all Bpi h itotlooi
Milt I llltl 1I"I1H'II. (if Uii-M. H
the BOOBt of Mis. Define 00 I i Ida)
I'.ddv I iHsir i-niillni I tn tin
boON t btl uiM'k
Too i rldga cltib bi t with Mn
Pi i inn I :i 'l ussdBj iftCI BOOB, fM I s
i in ' r a lonloR the prlss.
"lit sotsi tutu
th Stnrs .if tie i u, i . (.
The two vim i; daogbtert of Mr.
H' .I M Pt. Wsstfall, mini id (inn h
i i n d i . t -.
'I lie 1 1 . Mi i I :; mi . 1 1
'III ;m ul. I Imiiilv
ItiK fr in H ti ip to BOB r.
,' ,Mrn. Boon Moodf ll BOOM fn.m
Loi ABaalaa to? o BBOft stall wiiti
her nn.tlirr. Mm. A. .. Hnnui.
Mr. mill Mm. Moody :ml tin- eliil
ilren wein down Ifiin Vnle over Sun
rliiy StaltlBg with Mr. Moody'
mnl her. Mra. A A. Hrnwn.
.Mill Until Mnille. -r I'HVctti'. N
Tin- V. C 1. I will bold n B HhI
ini'ftiiiu nt tin PNobyteftefl oburob
OB Tllesdliy altetliniill.
Mr. aud Mi . W, V. ShihI
ip visitors tn Until' OTtf Suinliiv.
Mr ShelUt'ld hll" nolle tn 1'nlette
to PMBBln BBBM tii.
Tim Music ( Inti lull) their tin i t
inn thiri in. Ic.
Thin ids i . mutt mi I ul ii ex no
ted tn I l' pit hi p (III.
aotei tainmoDti
, ttfd to i n.i
eh n.ii ao i i ama ti inbti
j unpad Hi nt i in-ill mi la m Ion i
i iiiU laa Mini OBI nt t hrm BBS
i mi the Ik-iiiI. rand i i ion in i
uiH'iiiiM -inii i. n aoBa tinn'.
Until Hie ilninit ii id Iv
i hurl. lirnwii BBBM OTOt finin
c T Pro! I it Baklni a trip oval tbt
Baatara Oraooa Coapaay'i laada tin
wci-k with too a ntolda i at plo
Judga b, R Ui i -I. i ii I1, iiimiii.
wu lure lurtnliiv. rtturuiim Irnin B Jordan Vol If) in B CM Sntiinlny mnl j
trip tn Boras. Blared the mnl. Rolofl op to the.
v ), In a it III Ii w hull tin t ippi it -v in
In. They stubbed the i ihj and II
(ii-nvin- Brotbora iblpi i i tootbt i
bbi Ii i of bogt Toeeday to ti" Port
In'nl miilkl't.
Jadfa Davit wb down froB Vala
Wednesday momma lookloa otor
j. ii. iiiMi-KM.y ii iiimiii' innii in- i-uhi
alter of Mre. Dr. I. (). Payne, waa I trip tn .lordmi Valley, lie report! con
niHrrii'ii Ihhi wi-ik to Rdajard ll iiitiMim t lord hi thn i.i -t in i bas orti
Murphy, of PBJBtte. n tlnin. llHiiue in HOB caodltlOB
Sun OrBBB wnt cbIIi'I tO IfBlaaf Hint pfftBOB up.
Bati i day by iBportantanalal nmttin. a bob bbi bt ru tn Mr, and Hi
lli i . - T lit r i 1 1 Mniiilnv BOrBlBfl.
Mm Cora MiNulty, who tiumht
BBBOOl ut WiiIIiiwii, In linnm fin tlm
Imli'liiy. Sim whs uri MtnpHiili"! ly
MIhk BOM SwiiIii, of Hurim.
Ii. II. I . V mi Sin, .In, i Iliilllt.
A BOB won I in ii ta Mr. iin-l Mr.
A I bar! Obapawn on Batorday.
Mr. in. I Mrn. .1 .1. H.ilv nm I
fur tin- hi in r. Mr. I tut y linn DBBB
The llrhlmi nlab mit wilh Mre. ..HohlnK In Wallown rnunljr.
(mini nt on i in. i day afterooon Mre.
Aii. mi lanlflg tiin pii".
A. I.. UoBbr inn niiiI eon Li-e rr
tiiriieii fnnn ii rtiand ut Tbartday
ill thi'ir BOB HodOOO nix, th. -, ten i in I
loo roooa fairly ajood, ksaopl Bkarv liv ,h n.,,,,,.,,,,1, ,.,
thi-rt Iih'I lireu iiii'iit ralim.
Mim. Hurry Aadaraofl i illinit
with her r.iollivr Mre. W i ml nt Kat'in
thin wii'k.
otin llhicknliv H'luriii'il trnni Mfl
Mn ii illi' Suiiilny mnl BOO I to .Ionian.
Mm. Hauudtirtoti BBtattelBOd th'
OBIBOilBBO on r'rldnv laa. the BfUO
Knlnii to Mrn. Wllttworth.
QoOiajB Vanderboof mnl Mm. Vau
derhont mih! MlaB Bl IBBBtBad front
iinki'i lu-i I'riiay, BBora tbay aara i uii wimt in. .
T. W. UroAii. who nan hceo at
UlHi'kfool. liUlin. for Nnvi'tul niontlii'.
Im ri'liirii.d liiuiii'.
Mr. Ilii ii'iiimi, nt Mi'Miuni 1 1 1 . lien
been InnkluK owr title tei'llnn and
Bxproejod hlBMslf a orattafl plaaa
called by the dtmth of Mm. Deuley,
u alater of Mr. Vnuderliuof.
Attorney Hr ku bae ttouc enat ou
pioftiaelonal bunlneee.
A iIhiiuIiIit wa linrii tn Ml. Bud
Mia. Win. Laxeou on Tliumday luet.
Hill fiii out nod K"t a nieea of
frotta lit.--, for the yoonueter ou Fri
day. MUa l.iin ui I. inn- la borne from
the Wallowa eeotlou, where elie ban
t-i'i u tiMi'liuiK' aolionl.
Mien Si ill mil waa a viel'.or to
tiniae over huaduy.
I'n.f I'riiii' Inn, Kone to Holee for
the hulidaye. Mr. I'etria wan eery
popular with the hiuli ei'liool pupil
Mien Maloney hat Kna to In-r hmue
nt NmiipK fnr thn bslMoyo.
The BobjbboiB aa va Baarprtsa party
I.i Jin. Stitpli'K tin- other I'Vfuinii mi
hiit liirthilny. Joe wt'lcnuii'd ilnui
and they all teport a very enjoyable
Wilmin Uroa. have rented the Can
Held and Uutler etore inniu on the
corner opposite the Moore, hotel.
They will e u I e rite their bueiueee when
they ttet into the uew IneMtlon.
()l Nioely mnl party were up to the
Irnovidt-a country the Hret of the
week u.nt report trout plentiful, hut
iiv no trouble In itettiuu the limit
Mi" I- l.n mi. Veil Valkeuberit ur-
I . Dai i.Niui, Ihe Valfl nil 'iihii
bbb bora Wadnasday fnr n leu ra.
Mr. DavldeoB raporte tbol loo oalli
nt Villi- mi I. nil nut i.i iti i a- .ii i ih in .1 mnl nil BBOdl I BI ' I .i i n i-l i in k
in mi.i I i. tin in
mid they reitrettea very m.ico tu eee rived home thie week from Ontario
biro no. where the bae been with her eieter,
Mm. Fred Bailey waa iu I'ayette Mrs Win Walker, fnr ennii' turn Tin
Saturday viiitiuu with frlenda. youuit lady will no out to the family
Jack Kairtuao. the Weetfall banker hou,e ou Ki,ver Crwk fur P'nt
iii.l merchant, wus here last week I Unitix tleralil
l.iukniki after builueae. lie eaye bis Mm John Maddeo, of Un Wyk.
Mil inn le iu Hue uliupe, with the I wan here thin week ilktinit witli rele
reue good OBd prices of all kiudsjtieea
Of etiick up.
I. T. Built bb aai in in tbla w ek(
ul in nlnu to .Ini.l'.i i tiMiu ii trip (..
Prairts City, elm e be baa
itllltt with ii Inl ivct. Mr. SuIIiiit
ii i it Unit the railroad t aopla an
BOlBI liuht hIii'ni! with then w,uk mi
the lilii' tn I. ivi-. lili..
Doetef PoffBfl Ih hiiiiii' 1 1 nm the eee-
Inn of tbe Odd Fellow itnind IiiiI.t,
which win. In 1,1 in McMlin ill- HiIh
year. 'I In. doctor is loud In hi.
praile of the tleiiluniit tin BOOBbBM
Of the Indue were neenrded by the
oiti.eua nf Mi'Miiuiv iMe.
fflBi I 'live t'l uiHiit retiirin d
BOOM 1'iiemhiy frnin un BSteBdtd vilt
to Coast point.
William Haver caruo over from
I'm. iiti'lln this week mid retuiiii-d
V i .IiumInv , with Mm. liarer. lm
will BpOBd the ummer Iu I'm-iiiil...
Mr Kaver has teen tusy there with
I'tiiliiiuit eontracta aud bas several
more houses to build.
The people of Weiser arc profuse
In their BOfdjB of apiecliit Ion at the
action of the Outarin people forego
ink a l.-i -iiitnui of the Fourth this
Tear and jolitlutt with them Iu their
Mr. and Mrs. Wiiubt. nf Albany,
were the vticsts of Dr. and Mrs.
I'ottuo title week. Mr Wiiuht is an
attorney aud wan elec'ed t tin- head
of the Odd Fellow KiieHiiipuient at
tbe iiieetiuu at McMinuville last
Mr. aud Mrs. Van Sokliu were up
trom Weiser Ihis BOOka k'ueats of Mr.
aud Mrs. ('. K. Kenyou.
I'reshyterlao Church J. . Wen
ater, puator. 1'reachinu May 'II at
11 a. in. ami 8 p. in. BBBjBOl at
BorlOf service. "Saeifd and Smm-.I."
STBOlOff, "The I ui.ui di liM'i.bmp has been laid Wtll h, MIKU m'IiooI Iu h ui.
W. J. Ferris, receiver for the Idaho up tins week, but is now reported ' .. ,u..etlno ncb IV.itn.l.. t
iienai r nt i ut w m I i Injur
hIiI.i iiliI. ll, . pur It. inr, t idi. in i.. r
Harschsll Broan BtteBptloH tn
i i auk the mr i;nt ii kick ttiat brol
bis wrist and a II I canaa lit m to keep
1 01 a v id winks
.. Ii i ' in. In. ml chin -i ii mi
for a party i loesrnmi tl mt
WOO Hie wt'lklnu ill the II ut d- Mi nil. I
nt I I.. I'ninitv, wiin i lillllini! ll l.llu'i'l
1 1 1 1 v ami Ihi' I all wi t.t
llu ii i-!, Inn . II. BB i I., n to the
boopltel bb ' f ill probabl i i
I .11 -Ii' i 1st In' I mnl lliitll I
bobs fnrulsl nocb in-i for tba
n loldau Vallay raoebi r waa oul
n tba rani a lib id1 hi i sod t bbb
in- mit off i tlad tba raps aroood hU
leu. a looaa bona bbbm bIoor hiuI i
frlahtanad the sndilh- bbibmI with
th.' i. -nil that he stHited tn run and
the iiwitr liickllv BBBapad with inilv
a I i 'ki-n lev. man riiiniiiu BlOBB
hi the ilttlit time and niplint 'he cinl
die horaa.
On Tliiirnlsy BftBfBOOB at ItOfl at
tne lioniH nt Mr aud Mn Col. S F
Tai lor in t ti.tsi in iiccurri'd tin- mar
rintfc ot their yoBBQBSl dautfhter.
Mary Klleu Tnvloi tu Itaymoad Wll
limn I. tn-. Itev. I'ltilip Kneiiiii of
the chuich ottlil.ttiiitf.
Until vouiitf people ere well ac
i i nm . I ami BOfB hosts of friends iu
Ontario. The bride is u tfrmluate nt
Ontario hitfh school, a ynuuu lady nf
many scininpl i.hineuLs. The uioom
is the I'mprietor and uiaiisuer of the
Outarin Steam Laundry, ami a ynuuu
in. ut of Mei Unit business ipialitie
Their many ft minis- will be pleased
tn Irani that attei a hIiuiI BBBann "t
traiel they will liegln bOBOB keepinu
iu Ontai in.
May their future he hrltfht aud
OfBBjOB I.ik'ht and Powar Company, re much better
ports that he lias rOBBlvad the munev
fur tin- bonds authurized and work at
Dr. Ksiheunan, tbs upieme med i
Olty Marshal Odell made a raid mi
i ) How will be ru-ln-d.
Mr. and Mrs. L ti. Dlsen have TOBB
.-tl exautlit.r of the I'uited Artl I the Wall Chinese lauudry OB liidav
oaoa paid o tloll to Iho loaal lodaa ofoolaa aod co Saeaud b quantity of
to labJB, where Mr Olsen will take i this wei k. 1 in bOVO 90 BBB Ban goabllBfl l .n.iptn-i naliu. BBBJB opiut
part in the BMlor eyolaraoafl SatLirday.
Asset-tr Hill returued Tuesduy
mornlutf from tbe Odd Fellnva tfiaud
Mr. and Mre. Dearmoud and Mr.
aud Mis. Frauk Vines came do ah from
their ranches Tuesday aud went iuto
Boise to do some shopping.
ut in sent aud four applications in. j Hlld pipe. The City recorder I
I- .1.1 -I a line mid told tbe boys tbey
iiniat glfB up their had habits while
residlutf here.
Willimn Hluckaby. suu ol .1. I.'.
Ulackahy, arrived in town Tuesday
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Roy a I Crape Cream of Tartar
Mrs. .lames Divin aud Mrs. Frauk
MorMtt wnif iitiiitf with ih. ir rata'
lives here this week, retiirniutf home
A. U. Aiidnrsou, the Weiser buuk
er. was here Tuesday calliuu ou from Ontaiin aud will spend the
friends. summer here work lug for tbe Home-
dale Forward intt Co. He has just
graduated from the Outurio hitfh
school Homedale Prese.
Tom Hichardsnn, tbe 1'ortlaud
Commercial club booster, estimates
Oregon has lost 'Jo. nun people on ac
count of women uot makiuu it l.-.n
aot for newoomera.
Ali protframs ot radical leulslaiion
seem tu be off iu (Jretfon, and the
receut primarit-s served a warmnu to
politicians to let induatiies u-id
Cii-iii alone in future.
When the aiumuiici nieiit was made
this week that C Iv K.uvin had ai iaii"-inent.i to BBTB to Wall
ii Hun whs regret as pressed on all
sides, at wi- fan ill allnitl to 0O00
such unit. Mi. Ki iiv in has baUfbl
tutu tba WalBB I, nan and Tiu-t Coin
I mi v and will take an BOtllS tail In
the liiinni'p. about the tl i sit nt Si-p
tambsr Durlnc tbs )im that Mr
Kaayaa bbi baaa a raaldaal bow '
has In. n ttctlM- in the business, cuie
and BOOlal Hfe and will be much
misted as there are few men with
tbe ubllity aud iucliuat inn tu take up
these duties. It will neceasitate t
uew unin fui tbe Bohool Imarf. aud
other nrtfauiatioiis.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dode Stone started
Tuesday on a trip that will lake them
through eastern OtBgOBi Washington
tn the coast and tin n south to Cali
fornia. Tbey have a wagou rigged
up for theftrlp with all cuuvt'iiieines
aud hope the outdoor life and
ohauge will be ,l benefit to Mr.
Htone. I
At greatly reduced pruts at
Millinery and Art Store
' q beautiful li of Stamped I
hing for the baby, dresses, hoods, bool
Pillows, loin ij etc.
Hull & Harrell
Opposite INst Office
Ontario. Oreiron
Wc Have In Stock the Most Com
plete Line of Gasoline and Oil
Stoves we have ever shown
Now Perfection oil Cook Store
Clark Jewel oil Cook Stove
Clark Jewel Self Generating GtAolinc
Dftroii Sflf Generating gtjolfne eti i
Self (leneratinK stoves with oven and
oven burner luiilt in the ItOfl
Ontario HadwareCompany
. .. ..-.-- 1M1T
Must lie Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
olfices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type Mid workmen necessary and we
take the same care with BttttOT wrappers tlial we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of A feme Officii
liutter Wrappers to the llJLfUS lillltC
Summer Excursions
Union Pacific System
To Points Kast
including Denver,
Oiiuthfti Kansas" !lt) .
St. Louia, Chicago.
Ilinneauolia, St I'aul,
Momphu and many
other points.
May 13. IN, V 10;
June :i. ti, It). 13, 17, M 21,
July I, I, in II, VS. IB, 2; S.
August 5, Us l. Ml
Sept. Z, 16.
Limit October 11, t'H I
To Pointfl NV est
I" San Pranciaoo,
Uoaanffolea and other pointi
. la Portland, Oifden or
Bait Lake City.
Daily. J n lit- 1st to
Boat :io, t i
limited October II, 191 1
Tor KatoH itiid Further Particulars