The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 4

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Ettertri in the (Ottcflct nt Ontario
Orftfon, for tnnimlwtoa through the
mail" a -''itn! cImi matter.
M. & BAIN.
People Regaining Sanity.
A ratten ol lb, date primary .lac
Hon from an lodu.trl, id bnelni -
i i v.- that artal iter,
III li.M :n . ' ''II IIHAII-
Kill. . ' 111 I tO
radii il 01 Ireea
i,i .1 i i
Otograni pbullill
I .
I l II. I I'll III 'I I In lUMll ' '
to .n i,i i 1 1 . unemployed
win.. . i . i dl bit
Ml ' I I i i ;,i il lllatl I I r ;"
mil .mi nit. ii aa i in t nt 1 1n-tr cam
i H i. , in i u i on tain lag indlci i pi o
poaltloi Del " ' 1 1 ' ' '. ii i inni'
to go i ii tba I nllol in No 'i i i
si. I. eandltlataa won placa on ii..
pari) tlekati baoanai tbej nete In
ii H and i mi tot advantage it ran
miig BffBII ' I Id ami mo
l"""1"' ",l"'"''''
.. tba n win!, ii aleotlon tbara
... , , ,
will lilnilii rill In V nl Hie .ir
iiiiih potty candidate Mini a tnrtoai
weeding "Hi from the ataodpolHl ,.t
" i "" '' k,",", ' ' "l"' M
Tha ii-nii of tin' primary la to
tiii that iln' 1 1 1 i i. . ( : i.'iiii are
tiM.i nl crocKylng lodnatrlaa and
,.,,,, , . ,- ,; ,,., .i ,
A "" -' -l '
iin.i. v. ni . d wealth I ltli ab'in
ii. mil I to invit-
aopllal aod attain tba blgbaal proa
pel II V
I n imi In il Ion linvx and ,
of too much M .. , mi i i
1 ' ranllal hara d
in irh i ' : ... i . i i ii i
II, N- I I I II I. I II I '
Tin. t bna t in in .1 i ' '! Boo
MgHlll llllll 1 1. U'.l nil III m III on (all
mid kujital i.'iiiih. iiii.ler uhieii labor
will ba nail aninloyad and all klnda
of bualnaaa in ravlta
Baapad All Righta.
A light In on In fora Hie I In gun
I .' U I I I I ( II II l-klllll lllll III
I., ..i,i,. it i.'Mi,., ..',. oftba
atata it i" aibal tau loan -Portland
i-t.nii hae Ita aonl fntoa oa
llitenil l"i'i i lerll in !llie I Ight In
Inn mile i IdM
l.liinton wlneh la fnilher from
Portland tbaa timiicii iinni.. gataa
live cent hlO OO the I'nlte.l Ii'iiUn,
nnd heine n Hiiiiih Mkn tlml
I, mi. he Hill I til (he l.lnntoii Lire.
rbo United Rollwaya aad tba Daatoa
Kleetile at oontoatlng both ptopnaf
Tba United Pntlway hn that it
la loalaaj four aaota oo anok paoaaoawi
IihoIi'.I tor live eeiitn, ami the Olegrll
Klt'dtrii' el.illliB It wiin l.l lime uioiiey
Bf leiliieing fin Iron (ianleu ll"ine
... I ...... lun. I t.i 11... 1,1. nun I int.. i.ii.I
.11 . i.iiini... . ..... ii..- .....w .n.- ....
hence ieUls Hie dinuin.l.
i in. i i, ii,. i Bollwoya It port of tha
Hiii ayataaa. ami abnwa ' v the aoaool
lajOfaa 'hut if It were operating an
lllili'peliilent enmpaiiy II would he III
tile h.lliiU o a reeeivei and the limie
poopla "i btata fro Lltttoa for lea
nut. the im hue. ,
The KtllWtJ I'l'iinni-ilnn haailla
.iiviieil b Ha Ota iM'eit tliMlth.
I oil.. I kallWtn la lo.lng lieu IB, 'I.
than it . Ihiuii.I at l he hearing llaa
the roat Of Hie .tale an i.iteu.l in
inli mil an- ling operated ut e loan
im am alt Mtalfaatly n. t
winii inii-i i ini the i.'.t of the n tilling tba Dratoa Blentrta
In Itiii i Inl a nlikel
tioin iini.ii ii ii me Into Portland at
.1 mid wl.i.l will bO thii'lleil
ii tba development "i tba rati "t it''
('an Dreoon rcaeouably mpiit
railroad extaaeiuua nkeu the itate
com I nn,, nl la n. e,l in heat diiwn
Iboee i.pii.iiing beloa an !? ligille' Will lint I'M'i-i.
aive imes have to be collected from
the rtitt Ol the .tad'.
It la a well known fuel that Otpl
tal la uol In ba tii'l l"i iMili.iil
itenaloaa iu Oratoa. end naaily all
l he BOO line, ue BtllUJ run at an BO
tual loaa la thla nut a auloldol
pOllOJ for ,. ataletn I in .ne I IikI lli'iih
ilevulnpiueut :
Uren and Kxtravajranee.
Tba art of Mtravtfttoa Mtd wtala
fuiuees in pnblta aipondlturo la Ok
ajot began with the adoptloo of
U'Renlam. Poi ten yotta atate. attt.
, i Hi and si'hmi! diatrlpta have jnmed
to pile tin' huideua upnii tba ttsptya .
whn iniist Itpptft goveiuineiit iu all
Itg I. lam he The ull.en ptyg three
1 on s ,,,. much Uii il'. he did I de
ago. That is when tho electorate
began to listen to l"Ren-
Not all tin- widened Brope of pu-
Idle activities, and Mt every f'stly
public ntai pi Im I due to U'Ranlim,
if course, lint I Ki'iiIhiji has played a
grant part in tha general trend toward
Mi" higher "st of public UvIiir
t brooch ail kiii'in i f experlmenl
and through tha aaaumptlon by tha
publle Of BTery kind of dnt .
Tha way oul of tho b if of araate
and ,
' BOt l0 '"' '
...,,,! la I.e, t r 1 h ii
efficient, anotl i
,!,,,,.. i, thatn, ara oarer arlll
ll th rough i ''
M i '
Dairy men Paying For It.
oval i.fl on liuttor 1 1
- it
loading creamer) nan
; ,.
tei fal With tha riuah butter aeaann
QOW ,, . , ,,,,.,. a
,,,. tl
I In I. I.. Ill i (I'll
" ' ,r w,n '
"" " ,l"
' ,H n'"
- '
i, ' .
i . bnaad oa what l
I i It. Sill
I Hi.' I
.,,,,., ,,,,.
I III. IIH.I'l ill. .11 II " i
n ni I'M i 1 1,. i i... .i Tn. lie
tba prlca will
' tiieH'i: ',
i i praaanl Jobbini pi h ol butter
I., il... i. .1 i 1 ,. ii. I im iiiLi i l. 'VI-. ii'lllM
i .. Il nl- and l"
caou rbo M '
.,, ,.,(i WM ., ion , ,,, baenoaa ol
htMV) in. ike. atandlna " M oonta, bnl
I" " '"' l,rtw m9t ""' :""'
llllllel' lb idle ip BOM lei an ta llle
, i r uiii 1 1. H and apt POt
DOB 01 ' HHle, In atoraae l"r
,1KI. ,,, i,,. arlntOI BMMBtBOi Bfl lh'
M11H ih.n WBn u ,, M nut it villi
k(W, hl ,,.,., ,, , ,,111 1 .- II Ion I f Un
....,, i,,.!.,., mimilv lioni New .en-
I ml
I'lllH fnielun hiltlei Will iml h'
.,,,,.,,. .,... ,,,.,,1,. and Imui -t.ned
b- n(ih( ilU. nvU ,,,.,
it,, miiki- Ihere U li" IiuvIiik fi'l' BtM Bl I
now whet production la ai the m.ixi-
iniiiii. tbara i B Burplna ,m ilie iii. n
kel and f.irnieis are IbOfOfora BtM
:..i linn iieani
Manufacturers Protest.
TbO Lane I'liuuty Manufaetin mg
Aaaoolotloo oloaad n aowotj tahMM
Hon Satind.i night Wlife hamiuet
at wlneh pnunlui nt biiaineae uieu
froai tattort Oregon otttaa dlaooaaad
lliilusti lal BJtUilitUHia. uud voiced uuoii' proteat tajtlttt lawacill
l log In. III. t riea and lieM'loi'Uieiil of
llui stale.
i i
Col Utftf rttBIOtdad f the pfOM
nt the .lute, and ileiliunl tlieie ua.
a all nng lotlttf nf disguat ainong
towaptpor aaaa tt to tba BtatatblHtf
ol any aeora raatrtotUa lettalatloo.
Itoottod too ntllot-Wlda dlitrlbu-
tl.o nl eaniinl I' llieappli' at II ' '
pel I b to the retailer, arbat Ura
;.n pem'lie. .in I other eii'He.l fTUll
ol naae giH.h told it M M i
I el .In. en. I In in. a I 11 "I"
uud grown bl coolei Itboi with no
reetrlctiou ta to bouia, atd to inn
iininii liiw
Maiiager Holt of l he flint Urowtra
A.. ei.ill ii said freight ratea, pniv.r
probleuw, urloaa i,t raw in.itiiiai
Colli. I all le I. alt With ''l'1 ,,l' ""
eei tiuul lea and un.ellli'd condition.
eaii.eil hy le.i.latii n they BOO Id nut
eonii 1 1 ll
Vice prealdenl A. J. Klngalev
pointed out tlie .tlllieiilllea creuted
bf the WorUlngiuena louipeeaat inn
BOt, au,l aald miles, it was obangi.1
large facturlfa could BOt come uuder
A. Nniuiau nf the Pacilie l.ighl
and Power Co. shnweil thet Oregon
had the raw uiaterala and the ItttB
I . ii t ni 1 1 ii tnr distril iiiiiin of products
ii.l i. .-iini.., in k-et auuiidauoe nt
iMlmr. All that wea needed Bjajl
capital. Capital must ktOW tbtl it tal
safe tioin lontlacation when put out
It mini he sine of a reaannahle aud
certain return, and uiual lint he taxed
out of eM.teuie There uiual he an ,
end of hara.aing legialatlou.
K. Wi Raymond, nmimger nf tho
MmiuiIki iintrx AMnciatloo, inid Ore
kod hi iirtling fifty per rent leal
colonists tlmii r year apn, while Call
! "in- itHtillK twelitj per ((lit
!- He predicted I 1 1 II rif h
tmw going to l'liitlnnd would in the
fut-..rc go tn Aetorla, nnd Kiigene
s ri 1 1 ( I mine day nrcupy the NM
p Oca hh a ilihtrlliit ing point hn I'm!
:n i I did now. lie git M grind round
i applaoaa inn ba aatd tba naon
fin-tun m Of the stnto .OttM go lit' i
tha laoalatnra and pteaeal riid
irnnt Hgiiiin-t aay im ii' lodoatrlal
leatli int Ion. Ba aoooonn d tba Ii i
unit Ii an ri n u laali n 1 1
.in 1 1 im Industrial tuney t l r
Davey's Appreciation.
n In, On bob. May :", 1014
ii '. il'o- :
i ,ii n i broiigb oai
umoi n bean ' i i " ;' c " "f ' ha
It ,,,., . ,1 I.Cl.'l 111 I I I . II Ill
u r"' '
RPbllMaa ol tbi Oot.rli ai
Inlnta proolMta for the noaalnntloo
for Joint Representative, That, too,
Oblla I hm on in v hack in I In M i
- qalta -ii It nalj and from
, I , I ..In i 1 1 . I I I I I V I 1 I i I : I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V
. borne, Hj ilncara ti ka an
lue and are hereby axpraaaad to tba I
paopla of tbla eoavnnlty. In liki
,-,. , I ti ln to t lunik 1 1 piilli
.. ,,,, IiW ,,,,,,,.., ir eoooty
Vc Hid and cutti-uus tirntmrtlt
in return, let BMoaiaN them thai
arlta my election, btob I bavo oven
i, ; at, Iba paopla of Mail
B UOty Hill Mini I'll llU'glllll ill tlie
j nnd pi nf tbatr la
, ii ,,. tba Btata Capital. WI I
,., ,, laalalatl
. ,i ,." ,. , .,( tail
''"' '' ,,,,k;""' '" n'" '""'-
m-nt of It- .tit.iiiiM.. for relief
t on unnaeaeenrj bardaoa, ibnll re
oalva ay baorty nnd naolotia aop
ami lhN im mi n, iv I ail ol M-.l
. .. .. . . .. .
II. .11 I ' il'lll ill. ni'll nr. Ill '
ii i inn mi
. mil, i. tor limn oiiv Hinonif I.'
.... ..
pobliann votora, iimi nonBdaatly i
f . ,-i it Tbla mi ropnbllaon
. mtora ara aoaalna back inn.ii
aiielioriige in the Kfp'ii ilruu berl.or iim il ei.iuni;e Hum and pnm
"" """', ta ""''v ,'"-
'" laoklna In Ortnon for gome
yaara mni thoobaea nl nblek ha Ii
nmrnlol tba btabort aaHoaa m the
p.i.ii mid imiiikiii in tin' atata and
n r u -ni vei y onSaalrofcla raMalta.
.. ,. . ,
IloK v nolera Kcmcoy.
'I lie moM irOOdOd Ii I ll e me in the
orld. hog cholera, h.n. alreadv umi-
.1 a hllKhl Innlhold III Oie.'.i U
i- w. t.i mun heioiuing uu uxueuaive
hl.lltlrt.,. 1UV , ,,. K1,..,M ,.,,
preventinu )a up read Sinee the ill
aooa in aoataad bj a oileroeoplc twrm
that la readily acallered in wa s
Iioin llllei led to well lloHH, .Hid
in il he i oininniiH .ileil exiepl In gel'ina
that ure tran teiied in BOBM WO) (0
'he i holel .1 I lee liei'lla, eel OWIiei
of luiga should guard aguiuat the in-
iani.n of eludeiii geriiia BJ e.u h .md
oil nf the foUowlai aaatboJa aa ovt
lined l lr II I .-'.iiini.-, t.-tem.
,if t. Am liultural eollege:
i ii, dm . i contact witu hoga auf-
lei log from i holei a.
L". Bj lainera, thai ia, h hots
thai hne reoovorod from tba dlaatta
but otiii atag gei ni8 with then drop.
I Hi human, hae DOOM IttO
loniaii with Infected in'-- " praaiaaa
i n do.;, oopotoa, btattrda or
niini carrluu feedera that bare eaten
that died from ebol
im k yti - en-.,
in which have been put hoga thai w ra
e,i nh choh
I i; infected euter ia fn
lufecti d hog lot r pttttra
:. n .lop, aw ni or garbage thai
i .mains uncooked bac n rind or bam
hones ol boga thai were affected with
cholera when slaughtered.
After inieitin ttkoa place tba
pu leiiiiuu ia the injection
nt hog
cholera terum. Hut t",,!,( aovere ott
bretka Bat) ba averted hj nbaarvlng
,.iie Willi regard in iprBtd Of the fnie
golng ineOiis
leu acres near New Plymouth, uu
der I'armer's Diteti to trade for towu
HOtoriy Iu Ontario. Addrvsa Box
111, h'rultlaud. Idahn. 0 21 gej
A lltata dilalnnneaa is he nig indul
,d In ov the giioaehniie weather pro
pheta in the aniii'iniceuieut of their
proguust icjtions a to Whether Ilie
approach nig siuuuier will he uucnui
fortally WBttl Of otherwise
Dr. W. O Howe
No. 732
First National
Hank Hldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wili-mi Block.
D. 0. BF
i ifflca 2nd door aaal of I Phar-
i: i: p. I-1
mi 1-2 :i First Nat'l Bai k Hldg.
OntariOi Dranon
Da ii iBHii i Ba mi"
Dn, I'm urn -Graduate
American Hchool ol Oa
l."l Bl hjf, K irk-vi i '-. M.i.
in llloek
Telephone, i I talk.
physician andlSUBttSOM
OfBoa in I. . 0. F. Hldg.,
Ontario, - . Omqoh
4TT0BK1 i it LAW
Will Prootlca in ail Coorta
iv 1'ill'lir. I " 'lire
im s i v
W. II IV, il. Ontario
Ben drown. Vnio.
' c. Morton, ISd'a Parry.
N. I I. White. W.l-er hridge.
J. E Holly Rlrerrtaw
Aba l ' nni Jordan Valley,
due Bankoffer, McDamltt
.1 KhmIiII N"ll
H ll MeWilii.ii,,- .Inniiira
U in Kille, II. ll per
Notiee to Creditors.
Notice ia herchv glveu that the
iinilerilgi.ed has lieell dull appollileil
adin'ul.tratnr with tin- will aniieM.I
ot the .-title of '11, i, nuts Hurtled, lie
c Maxell, hy the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the Count; of
Malheur. Any and all ,r hav
ing cImiiii. agalnal the aaul estate Hit
heieliy uot tiled tn present tho same
tn the under. Ignt'd udlli in i.tlator ut
We. ii. ill. (heg-ji. or to In. alter
ueya, Met'ulloch A Wood, at Ou
tario, Oregon, within all month.
from the dale of the tlrat political iou
uf tlna a !
Done aud dated and Hist puh-ii.ln-.l
this ll atf of May. A. D
Adiiiinlatrntor with the will an
BOIOd ot the estate of Thomas llui
lied, dect-aaetl.
U. S. Laud Office at Vale, Ore
gon. May 1.1. 1914.
Notiee la heit-hv given that K. Itit
McKinuev. of Ontario, Oregon, win,
un Nni, nh i s, p.ilii, made Home
Btetd eutiy No. 01015, for the SWJ.
Haclloa -:. Towatblp 11 -. Raoge
10 ... win. Meridian, baa Sled no
I ue ol iiiteiitli n tn make dual three
year Proof, to estahlish claim to
tha land ahovtt de&crihei. before the
lieglsttr and Kn i iier i t Ihe I nil". I
States Land Olfice. al 'ale. Oitgnn,
i u the 6th 'lay Of June, I'.'l 1.
Claimant i allies as witnesses S
p, Moore, Albert Worth, Prank
Welch, aud O. A. Knshuiek. all of
Ontario, Oregnu.
Harraut (all.
Notice ia heret. gieu that 1 have
t u nds on hand to pgj all OttOft) Fund
Warrants ordered uot paid for want
of funds.
Interest atttM Mgf Mb, 1914.
Dated at Va'e, Oregou, thla -Uu It)
Of Anril. 1914.
Couuty Treasurer.
l.ouis Hurtle is proptytd to
sharpen oui abotta I'or ten
cents u. ni guaranUti iatUlac
Sale on Children's Hats
Grove & Riley's
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
A lot of them at all prices
Trimmed 50c and up.
I mod 2Hc and up
IJitf line of ladies1 bats In the mid-summer
designs. Prices to suit.
o aV
The onp wnrrnn fitat hn. atond
J the most, pxset ; ot hard
ppi vico on tin muunuuni unu
miiiripfl atul Iris stmil tin Holid
and (iuntl)le sftsr Jffein of service whon the "almost as good"
wagon has long since gone to the scrap heap, is the
CM Reliable
Peter Schuttler
Awny bncl: In 1I3 (ooeTlO yotra ago) Ptcr Bcbottler built Mawaama
to i-i..- tha greateel po albta Qui il llty. They ara huiit today by retaf
Bchuttler'a grnndaone ju.-t a curofully. Their eole aim ia to produce
"The One Best" Wagon.
Don't fail to ' Ptttr Schuttltr bufor you bay. Lit
tuthow it to you and "prow" that it im (A "On Bt" Wagon.
Deerinjr Mowers Deerinjr Kakes
John Deere Hay I .t;uinm Outfits
Side Delivery Rakes Hay Wagons
Ask Us for Prices and Terms
Boyer Bros. & Co.
the Exclusive Agency ofthe Wei
st Creamery Butter selling now
al 30 oeuta 'i pound - - -
200 Acres for Sale
Filty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Klec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
18 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
i . I'ael
.. J. - JU L. .11. LJl
I. . c0V . u.iriim