The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 3

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Workers Can't In Them, Though He
Smoktt Cigars and Chawa.
West OtlHHN N. J. -When the 0.7OO
employees of the Ktllsou plants here
enten .I the shops the other morning
they were confronted on every side
with printed signs bearing thin warn
ing: "Cigarettes Not Tolernted. They
bull the llmln."
A n result of correspondence with
Henry Ford, the Detroit automobile
tnnnufncturer. Thomas A. Kdtson de
cided to be itiihikIit against the rig.
arette. At the request of Mr. Ford
Mr. Edison mnde annlvses nf nt least
twenty brnnds of rlgnrettes. While
tie found the tobneco contained In
them wns of nil qualities, be found
poisonous matter In all the papers In
which they were rolled Said Mr. Kdl
on: 'That Hilon sttarks the brnln and
works havoc with man's menial ac
tivity. Ills mind becomes clouded.
Emrlsto Madero. brother of the late
president of Mexico, told here a few
dnr mro that men. women and chil
dren are Inveterate smokers of cigar
ettes In the southern republic That Is
why Mexicans as a race are not clenr
Mr. Edison has always abhorred cl(t
nrettes. but he I a heavy niuoker of
lgnrs. and he likes to chew tobacco
Boy Disappointed Whan Told War Had
Not Been Oaelarad.
.Illckion. ftm-Coining afoot nil the
wny from Tate county, llsi mile-..
tiHirce Slarks, n young fanner, went
to (he olllee of the adjutant general of
tlu- state iind iislnnKh.-d everybody
llicre by stitlin; that he wanted to en
list ns a private for the war In Mexico
The attache of the olllee looked nt the
man In wonder This certainly win
unusual Everybody else that had nil Id
anything nlxxit enlisting In the state
inlllllii t anted to be n captain, a colo
nei or a major.
The Minion pure patriot n- told to
keep up with the dolly newspapers and
return to the adjutant general's oftlce
when war should be declined mid Ml
slfdppl would be called N for nil III. i
Htarks was dlsnppoluietl. lie wanieil
to pal Into the tight ut once, lie want
ed no stripes, no honors simply the i
privilege of being u private In the
ranks to tight for the honor of the flag
House of Commons Decides
Long Fight by a Majority
of 77 Votes.
London. Home rule for Ireland be
came assured when the house of com
mons, by a majority of 77, passed the
Irish home rule bill for Its third and
last reading. The vote was 361 to
274, and the measure becomes law In
u month whether It Is sanctioned by
the house of lords or not.
The struggle, dating back to 1870,
came to an end suddenly, the Union
ists refusing to debate the bill with
out further information as to the at
titude of the government toward the
proposed amendment to the measure.
The principal provisions In the Irish
home rule bill are:
A senate of 40 members, a house of
commons of 164 members.
Irish parliament cannot legislate on
peace or war, navy, army, foreign il
lations, coinage or legal tender.
The Irish parliament takes over the
constabulary at the end of six years
and may demand the control of old
age pensions and national insurance,
giving one year's notice.
The Imperial government In to Col
lect the taxes and pay these to the
Irish government with certain nihil
tlonnl sums The Irish parliament
may. under certain conditions, add to
the taxes.
Ireland runs her postofflre.
The number of Irish members In the
Imperial parliament Is reduced lo 41!.
Religion Is strictly safeguarded.
The Imperial government retains tin
absolute veto power.
Oratna a Oitoh and Catenae
With His Handa.
Sim Francisco -W II Davenport,
returning to his Inune here, tells this
story. "I was back In Nevada recent
ly, ami a friend of mine who owns
That be calls Just a little ranch' of
IHHKl acres asked me If I would dke lo
fish for mountain trout. said I would;
It's my favorite sport.
"'Come on.' nit ill he, and he took me
to a stream across which he has built
n dam for tho purpose of Irrigating
his alfalfa
"Instead nf producing fish iles be
suddenly turned on the water and let
It run full force through the Irrigating
ditches for Just a half minute. Then
he turned It off, and. beckoning to me,
led me to the Irrigating ditch
"Ily this time the water which he
had let In had run out Into the Melds.
and on the Isittoni or the ditch were
uliout a hundred mountain trout left
high and dry and (lapping about at a
great rate.
"My friend gathered about twenty
Into a basket and (brew the rest back
alive Into the stream. We had the
ones he caught for supper, and they
were delicious "
Should be purchased
from your home jew
eler who .stands ready
at all times to make it
We have the late pat
terns and standard
makes to select from.
i nWfckJjl j -flWfH1 1 1 null llflMim
Official watch man for the railroads
of this section.
The biggest bargain we have
ever offered our subscribers is
the Argus and four magazines,
all one year, for only 1.1S
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
We have several hundred Government Bulletins on
corn and hog; growing; and on the selection of seed
corn. We will distribute these Bulletins free to all
who call for them, as long as the supply lasts.
Resources Over Hdlf Million Dollars
A. L COCKRUM. President; H B COCKRUM. Cashier
T. TURNBULL. Vice President C W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
For Sale In Ontario. A lite
room bouse with belli room, hot and
Mrs. Waleh Would So Honor Distin
guiahed Ladies of Today.
Mrs TIlolllllH .1 Wlllsll M If.. .,(
for Walsh of Montana. Is heading an coM "",'r t,n,,n,,',,0," K"0'1
active campaign to honor distinguished
American women lit giving their names
to lakes ami other beauty sots within
Future Home Situated In Fash
ionable Washington Suburb.
Washington. -Notv that the Wilson
McAiloo Wedding Is over, one great
HstiiiiKlal fmi stand out proud-
The McAdoos are going to live in u
This has come us something of n
shock to Washington society, which,
when It heard (be Hews, elevated Its ,
e.tdiiow and emitted a little minium ;
of surprise
Hut It will be Jarring to certain or
a cast of mind in icnn
that the "cottage" of the McAdisis
will be a cottage lu iiime only
It's something on the order of the
Atrocities Called Unparalleled by
Carnegie Peace Commission.
New York Results of an cvlintis
live Investigation Into the conditions
i'i the Haitians during and following
the wars of l'.UJ and l'.M'. were made
public by the llalk.iu commission ol
imiulry of the Carnegie
tor International pi -a.
In this Indictment brought by the
commission against nil the contending
lino , one or the Balkan nations
l.i n pa led Mrocltics coiei:i!tte upon
tie toe a nt Moslems In Mace
donia surpassed In many liistiinces the
ci'iinei. committed by the race from
tliich tin I'lirlsii.iu nations were sup
posed In h.i v . celved their edili a
lion In the rtfll cincnts of cruelty.
The barb irons nits and Inhuman
reprisals perfOTied by Ihilgiirliiiis,
Servians I Oreeks against each
other ui uM be Incredible f they were
not supported by muim ntlnnable evidence
Uncle Sam's great national parks. Wo
men's clubs will be npculod to to fur
ther the movement
Mrs Walsh found Inspiration for tho
movement through the wen! courtesy
of Mr. Ivine. the secretary of the Inte
rior. In naming one of the moat beaut!
fill lakes In the Olncler National park
In Montana Lake Ellen Wilson after
Mrs Wmslrow Wilson, wife of the
In i lacier park nlone there nre sev
eral hundreds of these beautiful moun
tain locked hikes fed by glacier wnter
Only it few of them have names nt
present, ami Mrs Walsh wants to see
them named for famous American wo
men She believes that (he men of (he
nation will gladly acquiesce In the pro
Hobo Holds Himself Aloof From
the "Bum."
Roosevelt Visits Washington.
Washington -Colonel Boosetelt Tu
turned to Washington Tuesday on
one of the few visits he has made
Mncc be letl the white house.
St. I. mils. Superintendent Oeorge M.
Arendes. ufter four months' expellenco
us of the municipal lodging
house, ilis'hires there Is an aristocracy
among the Impecunious leisure class
us well dctliicd aa that among the re
mainder of society In the I nlted
"A lodging house In St Louis la a
necessity and Is helpful to the unfor- '
lunates who are leuiorarlly unem
ployed ami to the true bubo." snld
Aretides to a reporter, "but there la a
fast difference between this class of i
men and those who are labeled I
n. iino- 'bums' ami 'stiffs' by the ho-
Tlie lin in r i i it. iej-l nf I li . , . I. ,11 ,. I ... , n . ..
... .... j v . ' -...... u,),.!, in. munch cs. in uieso meniiicrs
...Mages d..n at Newport (hat . .. p, , , -wf ,,..,. ,.rort. ,. f ,,. ()Wt.r mm w )ou(, ,,,
N'.itlonal (ieoKriiphK nl society on his tend the same aid. If any. lu my opiu
:ioii(h American eilorutloliH, but ' lou. b.siiusc they do nothing I o deserve
Washlugio ilaiis who mix In politics . 't and Ho not prollt by It
nun ustsi to sing ulsiiit long vcurs
ago. and the cottage which the Mr
Aihsis are lciorlei lo lie taking Is
situated ut Chevy Chase, not fur from
the Chevy Chase club, of which Presl
dent Wilson Is a
A cottage at Chevy Chase comes
very near Is-lng the kind of bouse '
known lu MM as a maiisiou Chevy
Chase Is the most exclusive suburb
of all the suburbs around tin- capital
-i n.l the man who Inns a house there
finds his deed iilltc full of clauses,
stipulating everything from the price
of the bouse he must build on I he lot
to the color and nationality of the
man to whom he may sell tils prop
ert.v If eter lie ocs Inoke
Therefore It seems that the mere re
port that the McAdoo cottau'e Is to be
ill Chetr Chase Ull- all the rosea!"
dreams or the sentimental,
who probably coiijuris) up dreams of
M bung ilow where the red roses grow
were Intei-i ,ted In the conference held
with the progressive lenders in eon-
Aviator Retiree, Saying There Is No
Money or Glory For Professionals.
Pans - one ot the fafeBMatuf I'rench
mi men. Item- iMihirf. is retiring from
aviation disappointed That there Is
no longer either inoiiev or glory lu pro
fessional uvlutloii Is the conclusion ar
rived at by Vldart after four years
of activity
To celebrate bis retirement Vldart
looped the loop fifteen consecutive
times and then came to earth to re
main there. He will devote his time
in the future to automobile racing and
to big game sauutteeV 'or after the dan
gers of the big! airs, according to VI
dart, a man mis lost all taste for the
humdrum pursuits of life.
Boise, Idaho-One prltcner is dead
and two wounded as a i.null of an
attempted wholesale deliver) at the
Idaho state penitent inr Saturday. U.
(I llereiip. strung a lile sentem.- for
iniiider, committed at I'oi atello, died
two hours alter the attempt was made.
0 Allers, a prisoner Irom Shoshone
'). s.rwng an indeterminate sen
tence lor lorgett, will lose an arm,
which was shuttered by a bullet from
on. of the nuiia of the prison guards.
Lmii.ui Joins s.rung a sentence ol
from to in vears lor muuler in
I'niiiont couutv. was hlighll) wound
Tee break for liberty was made
while half of the guards on the prison
wall were at lunch The prisoners put
, up a bench to the wall where No. 2
' guard usually stood, but which was
unpiotected The met. were able to
make the top of the wall.
"A real hobo" snld Aremles, "Is one
who bus no llxed place of residence
and (ravels about more or less aim
lessly, by the roads as a rule, accepting
cuiplo) incut whenever he needs money
badly or an attractive Job Is located
"The members of the leisure class,
ranking Just below the hobo, are call
ed tfenipa bjf the hoboes." continued
Aremles "Tiamps are men who have
not worked for tears and bate no pres
ent Intention of et er engaging lu protlt
able labor. They keep to the mad. ex
cept in setere weather when they are
forced to the cities They .arry with
tbelll u complete eipilpllielit for their
simple needs, such us a razor, soup.
towels, changes In clothing and when
mi the road sometim.vt curry a blanket
and cool.lng utensil.
"A 'bum.' in hobo parlance. Is a
barrel hoiiscllv. who sticks to the
Itlos and begs on the streets for funds
Ihey are u siirl.t lot as n rule, uml tho
teal hobo will not associate with them
ei ept in cases of necessity They pay
no attention to personal cleanliness, as
the tramp and hobo do They are un
willing to wore under any conditions
and frcipichtly Into blgbwuy
ineu. burglars ami pickpockets, but not
of sufficient class to tin ve standing with
the professionals lu this Hue. 1 buvo
learned "
Ancient Cradle Still Used.
Columbus, I ml -John W Scheldt,
treasurer of Bartholomew county, has
presented his grand. 'Iilld. Walter J
Koch, son of Mr and Mrs. TlnssJure K.
Koch of this city, with u black walnut
cradle that Is fifty two years old. air.
Scheldt's father bought It Eleven chil
dren lu the famllt were ro ked in the
cradle and also eight children of John
W. Scheldt Now Mr. Scheldt has a
grandson, who will be rocked ill It
Mediator Leave Much to Mexico.
Niagara Kalis, Out. Smooth prog
ress toward a common agreement on
all phases of the Mexican problem Is
bell made b the mediators and the
American and Mexican delegates. The
mediators have taken the position that
they are essentially counselors and
nut dictators They will not suggest
iiauo-s for the provisional presidency,
nor recommend Bjfjj form of govern
meiit Prom the Mexican delegates
elves must originate proposals
concerning the internal affain of their
Msn Still Stent Owner of Puree Found
Fifteen Yeare Ago.
Hlchmotiil. Ind - I lines (iurrett. sev
enty tear- old. a tiiruier of Newgur
den township, w is In Richmond re
celillt lo ,k tiev -pais-IM to assist hllll
In hinting the 'UH f n hand bag
ami purse he ' unit at the Richmond
fair gnmml tl ' t n vears ago.
fiarrvtl ogplallMnl that he had silver
tlsisi lis fin. i n no- time and many
times -nice .i tboiit avail. The purse
cotit mi .ed a small sum of money.
"I m gett i. g pretty old now." said " I want to fry IbSbV more
to tin. I the woman who lost the purse
slut uii.iiey I hope to restore It to her
bvlotv I die."
coal Louse. chirk, t. ik. and 'wn
Iota ; cement sidewalk, electric lisht. !
Close in on Molllt Street, for ensh oi
terms. fiirnishsd or unfurnished
I-in (hi ther information, box H.'t, ()q
till In. pllol.e o , jo llllll
Old papers et th Argus utile .'
centa per hundred. Just what you
need to line your cablos and Place
tinder the carpet
A Complete Line of
BriUuuj &tatuntmj
At the Argus Office
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot tint! it unvwlierr
coinr in u- Wr have it.
Three High Class
Papers Free
All subscribers who are in arrears can
by paying up back account and one year
in advance to The Argus secure the fol
lowing publications Absolutely Free:
Fruit Grower and Farmer, (&") $1.00
The Vegetable Grower (monthly) .50
Woman's World ( monthly ) .50
This is an exceptional opportunity to square up
old accounts and prepare for the Future
(Ety tttarui Argun
Phone 47 J.
P. O. Box 128