The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 2

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Events Occurring Throughout Important Occurrences Of The
the State During the Past
Free Books Asked For Schools.
Klnmn1li KiiIIh.--A petition In bring
ctrrnliiti'd to plaro a BWUMNf on the
ballot at tho ncbool H-rtlon In Juno,
proponing to furtilHh text hooka frr
Id tin- graded public tirhoolH. It Is
thought thnt tho book. i ran bo pnr
chnHfd by the district more rhrnpljr
thiin by the Individual, that there
will !" no disci Iminatlon In thona
furtii-iu'd and that UM district will
always have ;in amdn Hupply.
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stat
For Orchard Protection.
Mood HIvit An limcc-inry haa been
eatabllHbcil In Hood lllver rounty by
ProN'ttRor V. I. Hnfro. of tho Oregon
agricultural (iilliiv, for the purposo
of KtuilvltiK the Innerta that Infant
POOd Itlvi-r valley orchardn. HhtI
fnetiH of each lirci'd of Innerta will tin
gathered atid their entire life courno
will be atuillerl under powerful mlrro
MOpne Hood Itlver orchards arc had
ly Intei, ti d with IiimmIh thlH HeuHOD.
Mines In River Removed.
Aatorln Three of the four siihmn
rltie inliieH that were planted ulonn
tile ehaunel i-iIk" of I'i'iicock spit and
huvn been a great menace to finning
operatloiiH have been removed
Two of the mlneH, one the marker
ami the other flouting near the sur
fare, were picked up by the nteamer
8hort Line Cuts Rate.
TIoIfo That the OfOfOI Short Una
Railway cotiimny Intends to comply
with the order of the public utilities
commlHHlon directing a niluction of
freight MM on the Mill City branch
of it k road and to reduce the ratea on
coal without appeal la evident from a
tariff filed here The Hill City branch
line rale on noaj la fixed as tho mime
bh that for Holse, or $: 50 a ton from
the mlnea. The filing of the new tar
IffM In conceded to be a nlgnnl victory
for consumers anil mean: the Having
of thouHanda of dollars to them each
The Short Une la the main common
carrier In southern Idaho and prm
tleally the iinh aMt naMe fruin I few
email Independent linen.
There la now pending before the
( 'ommlHNion a complaint to procure a
reduction In the rate on lows and a
iltnlliir complaint ban been placed be
fore tbe Interstate commerce coumi,
Kloti, which has nerved notice thut it
Will take tbe matter Up.
Facts About Man Commanding
Special Service Squadron
Haa Hla Ear Sawed On.
Mm hfi dd Kloyd lioylea, an em
ploye on the logging train on the
local railroad, cuiiKht between cure,
bad hla ear pinched off between two
logs lie wiih brought to thla city,
where the ear wait Hewed on The
aurgeoiiH aay the operation will be
La Grande to Stage Motorcycle Meet.
I.a (iranile- l,u (iraude motorcycle
im ii are to atage the Hi'cond annual
niiiinn vi le rice meet centering about
a in. id event from I.a (irunde to Maker
and return The date hits been net
for June 21, and la auction! hy the
nulloual leditfallon.
Faced Spsnlsh Ouna During Laat War
and Cut Cable, Thue Stopping Com
munication Between Fleet end Ma
dridWork For His Veeaela In
Waablngton.-"Ifg WlnaloWa luck."
any navy men.
Hear Admiral Cameron McRae Win
alow was plni id by Secretary Daniels
In command of a special aervlce
aijundron for une In tbe war with
Mexico. It la made up of tre miper-
lrenilnoughtfl New York and Texas,
anil then grades down to steamers
about big enough to go up a creek.
That's where Window's luck comes In.
If this were n regular wnr and he
were to tackle an enemy's fleet with
that assortment of Juveniles he would
MOM h"ine with cracks In bis cast Iron
Hut whatever work there may be for
Kamlah Clav Cure. WounH. ""' ";,v except lying outslile a not.
Kamlah Some time ago the I'lerce biinmcrlng port, slowly frying bj the
brothers discovered n new clay In the I - wn '' Inshore work In shallow
vicinity of kamlah. which was found " Wlnslow Is provided with
to contoln curative qualltlea for " "rt of Ixist for wblcb this eort
wounds. A satisfactory analysis has r wa" wn Invented.
Hut If tbe navy men concede that
Wlnslow la lucky they do not enw
lil iii . wr I li.n.l lliuv fill tin! jnw him
"" " " S.v ".
more than human nature forces
Bandar School 10 A M
Preaching Service 11AM
Jnnlor League -3 PM
Rpworth Lieague 6 :.'I0 P M
Preaobing .Service 73:0 P M
Thomaa Jobna. PASTOR.
Congregational Church Notice
Sunday Services,
Sunday School 10 a m
Preaching Services 11am
O K Meeting 7pm
Preaobing Servicea 8pm
Midweek Lectures every Wednesday
evening 8 o'clock
Philip Koeulg, Pastor.
Best Job Work at The Argus Office
Mans at I A M on 1st and Hnl Snnday
of each month. On nil other Sundays
at 10 A M.
H. A. Campo, Rector
0 -.-
Rev. Rob't J. Davidson I' O Pas
tor. Services nt 1 1 :00 a ro and 7 :30
p m Sabbath school at 10:00 n m
EVt, i Ml Old J
nbbatn nbool -- 10:30 a m
Ui le Study 11 :.'I0 a m
Voting people, meeting 1 M pm
Sm I'll 'p'i llr' WaMoflL rTsil
JtPvJjBMHsfl LLr IpTWll V
'i;iiiiff "M'-..
One Piece Hammer
In The New Model
If you see more than one hole in
n hammer you know that extra
parts are fastened to the hammer
whether shown or not. Our ham
mer is all one piece, only one hole,
no ti'gglen Of stirrupH attached.
We have cut out all cocking
levers, barn, push rods and ham
mer stirrups and cock the gun di
rect from toe of hammer.
Catalog Free; 18 grades, $17.75
net to $-100 liBt.
i im ." Hi :'" hore is a hummer
be down to date and shunt one.
ITHACA GIN CO., Ithaca. N. Y.
tint been made, but Im al physicians,
after testing the clay thoroughly, say
Mint It In ii retmirkittili illn-iii ,-r i A
company haa been Incorporated tn ""'
handle It, and a sanatorium bus been
erected nt l.nwlston which, under the
management of Dr. Taylor. Is affect
Ively demonstrating tbe use of the
Lost Shepherd Mlns Found It Is Bald.
Three Creek It Is reported here
that the Lost Shepherd mine has been
found It In located at the bead of
the east fork of the Hruneau river.
John Isham, a camp lender of the
late John Pence, the well known
I pinan. claims to have found the
IkIkc originally Samples .mn.ivi-tl as
high as 7 a ton
on them For Wlnslow Is not only
very popular, but be la on of the
vary best officers In tbe service. He
baa proved that a wore of times. He
Is one of the half dosen or thereabouts
who won high distinction for personal
daring during the Hponlsti war. and
thla statement is made In full ns-ol
lection of the fact that almost every
mail in iii.'h services waa burning to
distinguish himself and would take al
most any inline at all to get bis
Official Count of Votes Cast for Gov
ernor Not Finished Yet
loiiland Allium, .h the official
count of votes cast for governor ut
the riH-cnt primary election hsn not
been compiled yet In all tbe counties
of I In' slate, approximate l correct to
tain hhovi the relative positions for
the I ipulilli all Ion with 1 r
Jauicn vVlthy Coin lie leading by over
470 olen. (inn I' Moner second and
Altoruev Hernial A. M. Crawford
With a complete vote troin all but
one ol the 14(7 prOClnetl of the stale,
the Vole lei lived b.V I lle.'e three call
did. ilc . an
U lll.vii.liilie ( :i
lo , , 4JMI
Crawford i
I ii W ii in . oiuhe i an n d L'ii of Ore
IIiiiih M iimniies hhowniK bin Kreutest
nlniolli in (lie ui I...I iiinillleH
Hue lo the Lot tliat iiillllt) offlclllln
have almost liiv al I ililv i,nu:ihii'i tile
repiildii an vote firsts the democratic
totals .ne not as complete as those ot
the rival part) With I. am- alld I'lli k
auias loiinti Incomplete, one pre
i mil missing lioin M.iiioii coiiutv and
tn ti, iii v, .i in til 1 1 Hi (' .1 Smith
I, . i a' n tn Id I'V ov el
In I Ul It lo
.1 I none ill the other
ll.i, , olillUK an) here
S m n Ii i ir
,., I'ui'iv )0UH
v. inblll i null
t . i .! the hi
Voli al I he pi III i . ful I ' 'lev lion
In i l:i supre lie In nch of l)l:iiti
rtlOl Wisl has jndors
d 1 1 . adopted b tlii
HiaiiKi vvliiih favor the inttialnm of
a lull at tin next Kclieial diction to
abolish the state senate
You i.iii mii for me, said the 0
erniT. "thai I tavoi them Sin ll a a
WOUM al oiisii an offices at one tuue
and VOttUl M a noo.l (Iiiuk
Boy Kills His Brothsr.
i!i. ints I'. ins Rlckard Saner. 10
years old. non 0l UaorgS Saner, was
accidentally nhot and tilled by his
brother. Creino Bauer, II vears oli?.
while the latter wan loii'ing a revolv
or. The bullet stnuk Iii hard In the
Miner Oropa Powder; Is Dead.
(illinore While packing three botes
of dwiuitiltc i .ipn iii-it Kaiinv. a min
er, dropped one of l lie boxen, which
exploded, netting off the others, In
niaiiilv klllinc h.iuni-ll and seriously
Injuring hi. wife and baby. II.. in
fmit may die.
Arrangements Being Made to Havs
Thsm at Panama Exposition.
Wallace Siriei.uv Ravenel M.u
la Hi of the Idaho Milling asnoclatlon
Is III tin- loelir d Alellen to nee thai
(lie great mineral resources of the ills
trlct are given proper puhllclt) al the
Panama Pacific exposition next vear
He bus held various consultations
with the leading milling men ot the
district with that end In view.
A recommendation has been made
bv the asnoclatlon to the Idaho exponl
Hon i oiiiinlssioinis that a local imiu
In apniliitei to gather a t oinprelioii
Slve exhibit I ioiii Shonboiie, Clear
water. Lewis. KiHileiial. Ilolltler and
Latah oouatlaa, and if tins in not doM
bv the coiiiiuissloti the ininlliM asso
iiainui will endeavor to defray the
ii ) epi in i :. or placloj the i X
A MrOOJ ncutlmellt exists that a
inovlim picture cvhlbit ot the actual
iiilniiiK opii.iiioii- lioth underground
and oil the nllllai e. the lllllllllK op-la
llolin. cXtelinlve luiprov einents. scenic
Vli-wn and othet llltelotlllg leatlires
ot the district, ai vollip. lined bv a lee
nil' I'V a competent local man laiiill
i.i wuh ihe d. sunt and Ita various
eiiiei lid 1"' the iiiosl sati-
iaii.ii and Instructive exhibit tliat
could in piui el at the big fair
Photo by Ann 1 1, .in 1'ii-Mi AssoelstloB.
name In general orders Wlnslow wits
Judge Steven in Hace For Governor.
Illackloot JudgS J antM M Stev
ens im yaars oa the bauck la tilts'
I t. ban cnlcred the i.o tor gov
ernor as a republican au-i laauod
slati no nt nettinj. torth his position
on nrhai ha - i lha most mi
portani issues before tin trotari ol
the stale at (bis nine
Fair Exhibits to Be Planned
Salem The Will. .un -r.e alley ex
hibit at the Panama Pacific I vposltlou
will le planned at a BtaatlBJ of tba
executive iiiiniiiiitcc .1 tl-.- Willam
ette Vailoi aaoaclatloa pom
Silk Flag Pupils' Pnxe.
l'otlat.h s a t.-slilt of a contest
In attendance during the last school
month the seventh grade of the Pot
Uttch schools won a large silk flag
riieir ooMontacc v attendants for the
month was M.0I Thay had no omm
of tardiness during the month This
grade lias h.ul onlv 0 vane of tardt
ness during the MBjOOI fOBT
Wool Sals at Mourtainhoms.
Moiintatnhome The trst VOOl Mia
of the season was held here last
iwetitv hnjjroN and a larsc ooottBgaat
Of nlieepuieii were pienenl All the
wool 111 the warehouses, with the .
ception ol one small lot, was sold a:
prices most graitf.wuK to iio sellers
In i 'o.iniiaiiil of the gunboat Nashville
His couiiiiandlng desired to cut
the cables off Clenfuegos In order that
the Spaniards penned in there might
have no opportunity to couimutilcati
wlth Madrid He ordered Wlnslow to
do the cutting
I he cable could only he renchisl In
shallow water with the tools at Wins
low s command. Ami (he shallow wa
(er was In excellent rltle range of shore.
bOMBM Of which fact and also bo
cause In. saw a chance to have what
he is-cciitrlcally ladleves to lie fun I
Wlnslow left his junior In command or
the Nashville and went out with n
boat's crew In a small launch to saw
turuOJfh that cable Afler thr-e houi
the boat came back nputMd with biill. t
holes Wlnslow had been shot throu.h
Ihe band The cable 07M pullcil IB
and uttcilv unrooted It was held to
be one or the most gallant exploits of
the vv ir
Ki.iut'v Wlnslow bis been In com
mand ot the war at evvnut
and Is one of the several junior ail
II 1 1 l.i I s w ho have been picked out I'.V tile
gosips lo Hiiccecd Adllllrill Itadgcr
when that old seauian relinquish
command m a few modba He is one
of the expert navigntoii of 'hi- service
Few men know the north Atlantic as
Wlnslow does. He is one of the hand
soinest men In the n.ivv. and the navv
tlgures Itself as a rather puichritudi
I nous organization Wlnslow Is a grail
uate of the Annapolis class of Bf and
will arrive at the retiring age in lilli'i
And vet his waist is almost as slender
as when he was a boy. His back is as
straight and his muscle us strong.
"I found out why," suld one of his
associates. "Incidentally It gave me
an Insight Into Wlnslow's character
You kuow, be Is on of the real top
note society men tn the navy. On
morning I walked Into bis office.
"'Cigarette, admiral?' I asked.
" Thanks, no.' said be. 'I'm not go
lug to smoke during Lent.'
"'I didn't kuow you are a religious
man.' I said
"'I'm not.' said he. 'but I believe In
taking bold of myself OBM In avvbi:.
Just to show my body that Cameron
Wlnslow Is I'o.-vs I'll never owu I
habit that 1 cunt bsudle,'"
I'sM A'l'. . I in. m. -nl.
Money to
gated farms.
loan Improved trr
W. II. in ...mill. Co.
Lots for Sulo -.'I in Rivorsnl-t
ndilition, near nub atution. In
((iiire at Argus.
liny delivered in Ontario at
$8.50 per ton. Call Fruitlnnd
1&& ,
I aw aLT 4H
V (i
liMiti buya l'.i' acres, 3fwitb
good water right and in cultiva
tion. Inquire Hex Marquise,
Ontario, Oregon.
You can get four splendid
magazines one yeur for IM cents
extra by renewing your sul.
m 1 1 i, mi to tbe Argus.
Three lot for sal 2 Mooka west
of postoftic at a bargaio. Inquire at
Argua 1 1 then.
Annual Rose Festival
Portland, Oregon, June 9
to 12, 1914. Excursions Via.
Oregon Short Line Railroad
From Stations in
Idaho and Oregon
Tickets on sale June 6, 7, and
8. Limit June 25, 1914. See
agents for further particulars
or write
D. E. Hurley
General I'aHHenger Agent,
Salt Lake City, Utah
Well, What Do You
Think of This?
1 1 3 This Is Our Best Offer SI g
B These Four First-Class Magazines and Our
" Panar. ALL FIVE ONE VEAR. Onl.
Woni.n'.W.iM. J5cr.'. Tra.! Crow.r, 50c yr. K.rmUI., Z5c yr. Hoinu Lif. 25e yr
Al! Five f, Abcut the Price of
a. A -.-. This is the hi, ... t ' in the lust rciJin,;
5 g700 matter ever offered to our subscribers. It 111-
' aw .ijej ur papet the best weekly published
in this part of the state ami the I our Magazines of national prominence
show p above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office.
We have never sold our paper alone at less than a dollar a year.
Hut on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big
publications we are able to yie our readers the four magazines with our
paper, all one year for only $1. lft just 18 cents more than the
regular price of our paper alone.
Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call
and see us when you are in town. As soon as you sec these clean,
beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your own
home for a year.
v I Ig Bur Paper and These Faur Standard Maflazwts M I IP
.. . All aiucriMC vcad r aa w I
s-ssass w w "' - tnn, vis k.
The Ontario Argus
Phone 49 J. P. O. Box 128