The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wort Market for the Interior of Oregon
The Ontario A runs
lends in Pristine,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch uh grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres it
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 22
Many of the Prospects Be
ing Opened Up Have
Good Ore.
A. K. I lagan y of Sampler will lie ov
T In the Mrmn Basin this week to
begin work on his, group of claims
here. Andy llergensnti It busy clean
Ing out the tunnels preparatory to
slatting Mil- work. Frank Ruck It
Working on W. K. Shumate's claims
ndjoinlng M. Dagnny't property.
J. H. N. Peterson Is driving a 2&0
foot croatcut to cut the loud In IiIk
lied Wing claim, lie tins five feet or
Ofl on the surface or which II Inches
on the foot wall will mill f50 per
Ion fl '
II 'ii. lull Porter iiinl Mow the iH
aecs of the Sunduy Hill group expect
to cut the ore UiIh Week l.i 111'
Tip Top clnlni, from which $17.
was taken out. .Severn I pillars of the
,iiue ore was I - r t in I i- uppei woi k
lug. ranging rrotn II to M tons in
inch, which the boys expect to HI
tract und mill. At present they ex
pert in crush their me ut the Hum
lioldt liui luter If the ore bodies in
the lower workings Justify will erect
.. miiiuII mill on tin- property.
Mi IHinick bus sold his half In
terest In the l'ii Mil) claim In the
tieud of Cottonwood to William Phe
Isil. The new owner is now driving
n tunnel on the pfOptfljri
Jack Monachal) h.j. Just reiurnej
from Maker where she has been
spending the past lew mouths lie
will begin work 0:1 bis group of claim
iihout lull a unit- from the Humboldt
Judge llurke is interested with him.
Andrew Hansen Is working his
placer on Qlengury (lulch He ex
pect! to clean up woon us water It
siting shorl Hliil will move to l-'ieiuh
gulch where be will work the rest of
tin' summer.
Win. Miller und M MM) me work
lint on Mr. Miller's claim, driving u
crosscut. They have u good showing
011 the - in 1.11
D. Emiho Rabasa. one of President
Huerta's representatives at the media
tion conference at Niagara Falls.
Captaiu Heury lrvlu. oue of tie
tlrst settlers of the Ptyette s.ctioa,
died suddeuly Wednesday uioruiap,
aged 82 He was going to Portland
with sbpmeut of bogs and dropped
dead uo the train near Peudletou.
Mrs. Krviu is uu auui of Mis. 1. A.
The "Standing room only ' sign
could be placed uu some ut tin. late
fatiiious in wouiac' skirN.
ti laV. aaaKflaa IbIL
A line of march will be formed on
MhIii Htret, neer the Farley Kuril I-tun-
Co't ttore, 9 :30 on Saturday,
May .10. led by the old soldiers, fol
lowed by eitieus, who will proceed
to the cemetery to decorate the
graves of departed frieudt.
The Indies having In chsrge the nr
rnugemets for decoration day 'an
uounce the following for the literary
exercises to be held iu the Opera
House nt 1 :H0 p. m.
Mayor Trow will act at chairman.
Opening ode, America, by the an
Prayer by Rev. Koemg.
Solo, Mrt Mcllrttney.
Remarks, by Kev Johns.
Keoltstloii by Claudia Harton.
Hong by the Uaptst Church choir.
Holo. Mrs. J. W. McCullnch
Recitation by Dora Pluglmtf.
Snug by the M. K. Cbnrcli choir
Recitation by l.'nili I.inki
Here on June 3d to Get Ac
quainted With You at
10:30 to 11:30,
Salt Luke City, May 2l'th. Salt
Lake busn Nt men ara uot setting
1.1U1 on tue l.'ll tiade extension
excursion expectiug the citlea they
visit to entertain them; raliier, they
expect to euteitnlu their hosts.
Ilil.r.. famous brass baud and the
In 1 1. ii Male i.iu.n.fl will aecuui
1 Mil the speolal stall from the time
It leaves here May :11st. until it re
tuius from the 1 "' ' mil swing
tbiough nortberu Utah aud Idaho,
June lilb.
Hi 1 Th band is famous throughout
tba iiitermoiiiitaiii cuuutry It la
acknowledged to be oue of the pre
iiiii-i- mimical orgaui.utious of the
Welt aud will be conducted 011 the
trade exuursiou by the futiuder aud
director, Jubu Held.
There will be a coucsrt by the
baud and the iieitet iu every oue of
the 52 cities where the speclul ex
cursiuu train is sobeduled to stop.
Rioeuse of the immense territory
covered und the number uf cities in
the itinerary, stops must MOMWrilf
In- short but tbey 'will be tweet.
Interest among Salt latin business
lii'li iu im- excursion is keen. Heads
of the most importaut business insti
tutions of tin- city are p mining to
make the trip, to get tetter acipiain
ted with the progressive cltljUS of
inn tliii 11 I tuh and soutberii Idaho.
The e.xctusiou will be uuder the
ilirectiou of the K.xcursiou committee
uf the Commercial Club, members of
this Couiinltltl', Pl'fcaldcht W. 1'. .It'll
ii. Secretin v. W. C. Stark aud mem
bers o' tin- board of liovt-riiors will
1 lllclelli repiesent the club ou the
trip, while there will (1 countless
las rtpTtMtttll Til, as 01 the maim
t.ntui r association aud u'hti l
Luke civic tUttllttlOlt Vvh'lc
uuder the auspices piimarily of Un
commercial Club, the trade excurs
ion it representative of all the tlftl
aug business interests of the commou
wealtb. The 1UU or more excursion
ists with tbeir Inn d and quartet and
supernumeraries, will arrive in On
tarlo on tbelr special train June 1.
11)14 for a atuy from HJi.'lU a. m. to
11.30 o'clock.
Le Noe. deputy tJsb and game
man, returned a few days ago from
(be head waters of tbe Willow aud
Malheur .where be has been looking
over tbe country and getting familiar
with it. He reports plenty of trout
aud birds.
Wilson's Mexican Polky a Farce, Re
sulting in Great Loss to all the
American Residents.
Mr and Mrt U lover are hnme
from Mexico, where they have been
for the rntt year.
Mr. tllover stated that the average
American citizen hat B3 conception
of the Mexlcsnt as a people, as they
are tnllv a thousand years behind the
Anglo Saxon. Thev are still mnsly
savage, wit hi ut honor. When two boyt
get In a light In this country the
sympathy of the crowd l alwnva with
the s miller try. In Mexico It It
just the reverse, the. always side
v it ti the stronger, and their nature in
many other ways is Just opposite to
thst of the white people. The Am
erican and Kngllsb residents of that
country were in favor of the govern
ineiit and wanted the I nite.l States
to recngmz llnerta.
The sending of the army to Santa
Cruz, hat oot the American aud ether
foreign residents mlllllous of I I
lars aud will not accomplish auy
good. All the people had to get out
and lnve evsrj thing lor the hnudit
to steal aud destroy as lbs feeling
was very strong One of the causes
of the III feeling toward the Culted
State la the clua of man that are
there ciininls. The old consols
"h: understood the laogmiga and the
J people la bei d replaoed ly 1 aw
All (he town-. In Ihe I'a.wlte valley
will come to New l mouth July 1
to cele.ii.Ue the meal 111liun.1l holiday
The tWlMM men of New ri.Mliouth
have planned the greatest p
ever held here The fsft asking the
p.-i.ple q Kininett. Letha, Kalk, Kniu
laiul. I' ami () tai 10 to alien I
He 1. ' at ion lure. A splendid pro
main tor the oer.isiun 1 neiiiK ariaii'
fd. The principal speaker tor the day
has not ,-i h.eii e 11 ed. hut It is
thought that the .,ti.,iin -.ueral "I
-(ad -. Hon. .1- II. I'iIii .111 will
in- selected Df Hie U''-;iaiu coniinille,-.
One of 'he hig li'.i''in- or the day
will be the athletic events, besidei
: allies. Will lie pla.M'J. New Pl-
liiouth lioasts 01 I tin- In -eho. 1
i--. ins iu the state, Tail team njM
I heeli defeated on 1th home mounds
but onie, and that saj h ihe Holse
hinh Bi-hool team .nat
i'l.i '! Inn- UUt l'l!ila, fof ilistaiu-e,
Fiuitlahd ana New Plymouth, the
tQ 0 in I.ivoi nt i n
I PlyniOUtbi It as (la.-.- .iiiu-
tliiougliout. Tin.' btttiMtt nun of
PI mouth will h ilir up S 1 lal
1 lor the
athlet.i tit. -
In addition to the athletn- piomaui
and with the two ball sanies theie
will he givia a t'.uili of the wild Mtl
In tbe bhape of bu king tOTtt MBtaatl
There will be 1! QClBg all atternoon
and 1 veiling f. 1 inose who thin
dlvil - . 1. . 1 hot weather.
New I'll im Itb'l centril location in
tin- I'. 1 iiti' Valla make this a tsttl
ilesira le an I on wnieiii place to hold
such a i-eli ' 1 lion as is heing plained
for Ii ' - day. Iu additi' 11 to
tin- Mgulai train seivlre on the l'a
ette wille 1 ii load there will be s)ec.
lai Irtitt a"'1 i'e'ial rates prosi'led
men who know nothing of tbeir du
ties, many not even going to Wash
Ington to u-i instructions before go
lug to tbalr posts. This hat caused
the loss of much trade and prestige
and the other foreign powers are out
slow tu lake advautage of it. and are
taking the tiade for their countries.
Wilson's foreign policy la the laogn
Ing stock of I'm world and le ousting
millions of dollars in trade that will
rcipilre years to bring hack. Olplo
unit, to le of service must have ex
perience, know the language aud
im ill1 to whom they are aeut
The average Mexican plncee little
lvalue nu human Htc. There la a
superstition that it will bring bad
luck to kill a dog and tbey are el
doin killed, tint with human beings
' It ! different ami nothing is thought
of muiib-i ing 1 in-ill
Mr. (Hover hat much property
thara that he was compelled to leave
an Hbiiands of others did. It is es
(minted there were some fifty II
and Americans In the country before
the trouble started.
No half wty policy will ever tie
sucoesslul with the 5leican peonle;
it it necessary to deal with them
with a Hi in hand.
for thit gala occasion
New riviiioiiih is a ttllfttflll place
to spend Tttl holiday, lis cinular
in els. Hind as l.ey aie with finu
shade trees, give the town a park like
appearance. There will he an abund
ance of good drinking water provided,
and the thousands of vhators cxpeeted
tO be ple.-elil at the I elelualioll Will
find that this (own has made ample
provision for feeding tin- multitude
rinle will he ko'.I hand liiuhli
throughout Ihe day aid eveionu nnl
the nig pKigiaiu win im :mie iplandld
Meal ami iiiuaic.
The comuiiltees having tile celebra
tion in ttartjt me 1 1 1 1 s . 1 hey plan
to have even detail o tlnoii.-li with
out a hin h "i hi . kind
New riyillOlltll Will he i,ii .le a bW .
little eolullillliil I hi.-, silllllliei . III,. 1
n't . factori in brlnilat tins about
Till ill the hull llllg theie this . Ulll-
" addition to the
1 hoTi.-,. , - arblob vara
voted rei elilly hy an OVitri bl
jority. Oontracta foi thl
are soon to he lei, and the addition hj
so he rumpli'tod hy the .,ieiiing ol
cbool :n Seiteiiiiei . Profiiaof o p,
Cupel, the new superintendent of the
Hwuoiiih aahool, tali vaafli trtll
move here fyotj Htar and will wateh
the building uf the new school house
addition. The last of the graduation
exercises were held l-'iiday evemnv at
I'ioiieer hall. An excellent program
was rendeied In the presence of a 1
large audience. The graduates were'
Misses Mardel W'aihtei, l.ucile a.,
Viola Meeeham. Julia HiiMiigan and
l. - i (JU'n Baku and Mil Lynch-
J. Flu lull will l.uild a new ilui 1 y
ham at a cost of ahout ltM, It Is un
xl this barn will be large
enough for a,", or -iu cows
Following is a list of names of
I successful applicants lot Htb grade
II 1 I IImi Im hi
Rosen Conk 1 In
' lladys Kmisoti
Alible SVinegsr
( Irace Reeson
Henry Ootids
lleruard Ruder
Ivllhv Id. MI4
KdtnuuJ I in-, r
Dorothy Jiuiulth
Opal Parley
Roy Stewart
('alia Macomb
John Moore
Ruby M.ililron
Nicholas Kesseler
Wesley R nntnli
I; 1 lllllll'l .III- 1 M
0 ward Holden
Ihv Miirsdeu
Mary Ashton
Arthur Moore
lone Limits
Sherman Hierce
Mary Carter
Kdna Jonet
Onrethn Jsipiish
H.i . I lh I llll
Junule Cook
Arthur (,'operncy Alice Peiioock
Orvlll Nlcl.ol- Mattie Redsull
Iheodosha Wells Oavld Kershner
Robert Leet Irving Hnrrii
Ruy Uervin Nellie Ruth
A I Wethcrly is in from his ranch near
the Narrows.
He was at the Juntnra horse sale and
reports prices from iio to I1M) a head
About $2ll,iNNl worth changed hands.
Several buyers are atill there and
more trades will be made.
Another sale in the fall would bring
out a lot of big gentle work stulT r.nd it
is probable that two sales will be held
annually hereafter The location is
ideal, being in the heart of the horse
country. The owners can get their
horaes there at small expense and in
case uo sale it made they can be turned
loose and will drift back to their range
The Short Line has issued orders for
the Rrogau train to be run daily, start
ing today A supplemental time card
is expected Sunday, with the schedule
so arranged that it will return to On
tario in tune to i-oiiuect with the east
bound Hiny.
It is 1 . -1 ... 1 ted that another train will
be placed on the Juntura run, leaving
I mil ura in the morning, meeting the
west bound at Hope, und returning in
the afternoon.
The ball game nt Weiser last Sun. lav
was deilared oil' after the siioml 111
lungs on aicount of rain. The teams
continued playing, giving the Ontario
managers an opportunity to try out a
couple of 1.1 w men. but the Held was so
muddy it was bard to get a line on
tin 111.
Two games will be played lure Sun
day With Km Weiser team.
Si honl closed at the Vslhy View
DlaUlotP inlay. May f
Ihe average Htteii'laiiie fur Ihe
year was Kleins Johnson was
the onl p pil who went Ihe whole
teim without teing neither tardy
liov absent.
The Friday prcei edini.' the ttOM n
school, (be teachers took the pupils
to tbe Arcadia grove on a picnic.
1 luie during tbe day was well spent
as children only cuu spend time well.
Thursday evening tbe patrons gave
a reception in honor of the tesi In rs,
which was eujoyed by both oldaub
Miss OeArmond will uot teach
oext winter as she expects to finish
her couiae at Monmouth. Sbeilla
1 .si key has baeu elected lu her place.
Miss Odell has been retained, having
given exceileut satisfaction.
On the Lower Snake River-
Kiver Can Be Used by
Boats Also.
That the people me ovcroi 'king a development project along the
Snake river It the opinion of State
Knglneer John . Lewlt, who ret y
made un Inspection of the district be
tween (Meg, 11 and Idaho.
Accompanied by Leonard Liingicii
district engineer of the l'liliod States
(Orttl service, mid It. W. Williams,
representing the I tilted Ststls Kari
aatrlng department, an elevation of
Mill reel ahove the town uf l.ewisliill
I laho, wilt reached hy the gasoline
bout Prospector In a distance of ju
It Is this enormous fall in Ihe river
through a iiaiiow ink walh-d oitiiiin,
Inn leied Willi extensive forest, nilnei
al ml not her resource!, which gives
hope that in the near liiture cheap
alack water barge lriiiisxiitiitlon may
he had from the I'pper Snake river
I ille, to tidewater ill I' 1 timid
Mountains of llinetsoe, mai hie,
copper, alum and gi.iiille f.a bull. ling
plllposei, Wile polllte lout, lis We m
pioinlslng gold prospects, said Mi.
"Ihe comhlliatli'll of waleiMiWef
tiati .loilatlou ami these varied ie
sounes should make the Snake inn
project oue of the must feasible for
ilewiopmi'iii In units llelow in.-
mouth of the (iiande Koiide rler Ihe
Stream al low water has a flow of one
halt as great as thai of (lie Mississippi
1U11 al Koekuk mid Is ideal for the
development of power with ralttlTll)
l"W 1I11111M.
dam L'lIU reel III height would de
velop approxliuatelv Jiio.iiimi hnise-
poWi'l Hid make Ihe llllhlllellt wileis
ol the Snake HVel navig.thle with low
power 1, at im man) miles upstream.
The states of Oregon all I Idalio
make 111 i III Jill Isdlelioli ovet tile walei
powei, while aaagraat makes claim to
the a-iii 11 - control ot the stieam under
the llllel.-lile eomillille il.ol-e , .f the
1 oust II ill ion. Meanwhile the In u
f easlern t)ieg..n and ilali .11. p.i
lllg hbh .t n I Im 11 .in- km I.11 inn and
eapllal I invesllneiils in elei N le
I111 ii.k i- imliistiles I. iliiven to loielKU
count I ieS '
Joseph W Folk, counsel of the in
terstate commerce commission, who is
probing the financial affairs of the
New Haven railroad.
Or. (iohtsberry and Mr. Ciuipbell
took a cauoe ride from Nyssu to On
tarlo and spsak very highly of the
si- nil v along tbe route. 1'bey saw a
large number of some kind of strauge
bird on one of the tsluiuW, which
tbev were una! le to classify