The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 21, 1914, Image 7

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Sunday School 10 A M
Preaching Hervioe 11 A M
Junior League 3 P M
ftp world League 6::i0 P M
A'reaobing Her loa 73:0 P M
Thomaa Jobna. PASTOR.
Conarcoational Church Notice
Sunday SerTieas,
Sunday Hohoot 10 a m
Preaching Services 1 1 a id
O E Meeting 7pm
Preaching Servicss 8pm
Midweek Lectures every Wedaeaday
-m i me 8 o'clock
Philip Knenlg, Pastor.
Maaaat 8 A M on lt and 8rd Snndajr
of each timnth. On all other Sundaya
at 10 A M.
II. A. Cam no, Rector
Rev. Rnb't J. Davidson D D Pas-
tor. s..m i at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
p m Siihl Ht acbool at 10:00 a m
Ev, J 'aturdny
abbatn "bool 10:30 am
Hi i- Htndy 11:30 a m
Voiiiiu people. a meeting 1 ;30 pm
I'aM Ailvartlvrmrala
Whan Huaband Return Wife Payi
Cost and G.: Daoraa.
Towniida. I'ii I'eelile with the
weight of year, .set .Lin 1 1 1 i i , . -. i In
manner. Un. II:iiii;:i lliirrlflnii DtaWd
tin' court bouae nnd ileum mleil the pa
POT 111 H divorce granted baf twenty
eight yearn ago I'rotlionotnry IXell
aiit two hour Mearihing the records
and Anally fouiid tlint back In the
eight lea Mra. Ilnrrlaon had lieen grant
ed n divorce from Jnmca HnrrlHon on
the grounds of desertion. The decree
wns to become effective when MM.
Harrison pnld the coata of the cnae.
The conditions were explained to the
need wiiiium, nnd she snld she knew
all about It nnd wna ready to pay the
coata as required.
Then she explained that about the
time the divorce was applied for she
hoard her husband wns (tend, and she
decided that n divorce was not nere
anry. 'A few dnys ngn he returned
nfler nil nhsence of over thirty years,
nnd she decided to lift the decree. She
accordlnirly paid the costs nnd wns
given the pa tiers, which restores to her
her iiiiiiden name.
"I put him out of my life forever
when I applied for that divorce, and
now I Intend to keep him out." anlil
the woman na she placed llie court's
iarfaa In her hand bag and left the
court house
How Admire Was Started on
Binar 1 President
Money to loan Improved irr- i
Rated farms. W. II. in.. .little Co.
Lota for Hule I in Riversitli
ddilioo, ni-iii sub station. In
jtiir at Argus.
Hay tlelivored in Ontario at jut ton. Call Ki uillaml
livery. PfaODt'lOfll.
l400 buys HJO acres, :t.". witli
good water rigbt and in cultiva
tion. I n.jMi i-.- I.'i Marquise,
Ontario, Oregon.
You can get tour splendid
magazines one year for 1H cents
txtra by renewing your sub
suription to tbe Argus.
Three Iota for aala 3 blooka wast
of poatofUce at a hsrgslo. Inqulra at
Argus utfioa.
For rent Furnished bouse in
cluding garden plot, rbickeu
park,. barn tbree lots, nice lawn.
Box 41. Ontario.
For Bale- Doroo Jaraays, boar 7
months old, sleglble to reKlatar, sow,
eight uioutha old, will pig to June.
I'd. .lie '. N I., i Argus otBca.
For Bala In Untarlo. A flta
room bouse with bath room, hot and
oold watar eouoactlou. good oallar. In. ue. ebioktn park, and two
Iota; cement sidewalk, elartrle. lights.
Close in on Moltlt Street, for csab oi
terms. furnished or uufuruiahed
Km further Information, box 83, On
tario, phone 9o. K. 18-lino.
Coina Not Pratantioua and Look aa If
Mad by Amateurs.
.Iiiarei!, Mexico.- It Is not generally
I: how 11 llnit the. Constitution. illst foil es
lii Mexico liave coined money In sllser
and copper. These coins were struck
hi ciilliiialii:n nnd are very crudely
done In fact, are about the most
amnteiirlsti piece of money that have
I n products) In many years. The
peso or dollar has on one aide simply
"II del Utia." In n wreath, and
on the other side, "1 pao."
The half dollar la more pretentious
On one side Is the Inscription. ' I'uer
Wis ConstltUtlollilllst.iN. l'.ll.t" (IdllMlllll
it. mill forcesi, and In the center a lib
erty cap surrounded by rays, a copy
of the older style of Mexican coins.
The reverse haa ".TO ceiitavos" In a
wreath, a pour copy of the present
coinage of Itnerta The copper piece,
which la said to have lieen made from
trolley wire melted down. Is similar to
the DO ceiitavos. Imt bus a "2 C" lu a
wreath for i! ceiitavos.
Comes From a Family of Fightsra.
His Father Killed In Civil War.
Known In Navy aa Excellent Die
eiplinarian la Put In Charge of Bat
tleehipt Which Have " Gone Wrong."
Washington. This story begins In
Gnlenn, III, In the daya which immedi
ately preceded the outbreak of the
civil war Kvery one knows that one
of the unregarded citizens of Oalena
at that time was I'lysses 8. Grant, He
hud lieen a captain In the United
States army, but ho had resigned, and
he was Kor
"Hush," asM C.rant one day to his
nearest friend. Huahrod Howard,
"we'll have n war, sure. And I'm go
ing." Huahrod Howard had com ma tubs! n
company In the Mexican war. He
came of a lighting family.
"I ngree with you," said he. "And
I'm going too We'll each raise a
coinpims "
"Hush," said Grant, "you can't ulTord
to go to war. If anything happened
to you who would take cure of your
"L'lyas." said Howard, "you can't af
ford to go to war either. Hut you're
going, nren't you?"
The two men made a friendly com
pact If either failed to return from
the war the survivor pledged himself
to wnteh over those lert behind. Cap
tain Howard raised his company nnd
wnn Killed with most of his men In n
railroad aevhtow on his wa to the
fiol.t After tlie war Orant Interested
himself In llowanl's two aous. (in
wua sent to Weat I'olnt The other.
Should be purchased
from your home jew
eler who stands ready
at all times to make it
We have the late pat
terns and standard
makes to select from.
Official watch man for the railroada
of thia section.
ffllirf'iil ppilj'fi
Tbe biggest bargain we liuve
ever offered our subscribers is
tbe Argus and four magazines,
all one year, for only $1.18
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
We have several hundred Government Bulletins on
corn and hog growing, and on the selection of seed
corn. We will distribute these Bulletins free to all
who call for them, as long as the supply lasts.
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President; H R COCKRUM, Cashier
T. TURNBULL, Vice President C W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
Nearly Every Country In the
World Is Represented.
J. W. Boor Will be in Ontario
Saturday at tbe Eagle livery aitb bis
buret- Bryau and lack Don. 19--1
Horse pasture for rant. Ou flab
htobarv island. Impure of 8. 8.
Hi ewer. 18 I mo
Tan sores uear New Plymouth, uu
der Farmer' I 'it. n to trade for towu
property in Outario. Address Box
132, I'roltlau.l. Idaho. 20 21 22pd
Washington Popularity of Amerl
call colleio- mill tuns crsltles with for
elgnera I- -liosvn by the fact that l l.'.'
foreign xtuileiita attended these I nr-t I
tutloiis In WI3. au Increuse of ATT In
two yeara
They are distributed over '.To differ
em collctfca. uiilrereitle and sclioola of
ti llhology.
Cu inula, with 110.1 Students, leads all
other countries. China Ik second, with
, MM. ami .Imihii third, with .Till Other
I oriental or Asiatic nhicm are rcpre
I sen tt-1 us follows India. 1 ''.-'. Turkey.
I III; Ivore.i. 1.1; I'ershi. i Slam. :
Of IjiIIi: American coiiiitiles Mexico
with 'JIM. heads the list. Cuba sendx
Lie, i; Caata itica, 20: (itiiiteuiaia. :.
Honiliirna. r. Mcnraitiia. 1H; I'aiiauia
28; Halvador. 11).
I'roni South America. ArKentlna
aenda 43; Ilnnll. 113: Bolivia. 3: Mill.
12: Colombia. 8T; Bcundor. Hi; Par a
Ifuay. 2: Peru. 23; Uruguay, ft cue
uela. 7.
. i tn t Hritaln and Ireland are repre
Miiitit by 212; (lenuany. 1'.'.': Iluasla,
1LM; France. 45: Swtxlen. 41: Italy. :;s;
Austria HuiiKiiry, 84 Swlierlmul. LM.i
Norway. 2l; Oreece. 2J. Spain. J";
N'etlierliiuila, 11); Bulgaria, l.'i; Itouiua
lila, (1; Belgium, 4; PortUK'al. 3: Monte
negro, 1.
New .ciilaiul la represented by 50
atudents; Kgypt, 15; Liberia, 2; South
Africa. 44.
I loin Amerlcuii ioaasoiia Hawaii
u-iiils 1US; Porto Itli-o, 215. ami the
Pl.llippilies. 111.
.ajTy tlgaW.
wMatLU 4 ssHafl 9 I
Meals 25 cents and up.
Everything the best the
market affords.
Wong Ton, Proprietor
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
AU Orders.
"Wmrd" Burns Midnight Oil to Par
fact Talking Movie.
Weat OraiiKo, N J. Much ajrnlnsi
the advice of bia physician and Ws
family. Thomas A. l-MKoii la iitfaili
burnlni; tbe inliliilKht oil It bacams
known here that in a week Mr. Kdiaon
i baa pent less than six hours in bis
home. Oleiiiuont. in I.lewellyii Park.
Practically all day long and the bet
ter part of tbe ulgbt the "wizard" la
on tbe third floor of bis laboratory
working oil the talking movie
"Any pei son who kuowa Mr. Kdlaou
is acquainted with the fact that lit- will
never give up lntereat or work or ex
periment wltb a thing until it baa u
come aa nearly perfect as poaalble."
said William II. Meadowcroft. bia prl
vnte secretary.
dr.dtUn Twelve Years.
Akron, O. Jacob llerr. aeventy-flva.
who bad not been out of bia bed lu
twelve years. Is dead. Twenty-five
years airo he was t.tricken witb paraly
sis snd twelve yeara ago his condition
became audi that be was uusble to
leave bia bed. In the lust ten years
he bad prayed silently for death to
rwUeve hliu.
I'nulu l.y AiiiDili-nn t'luaa Aastii-lallua.
. . ii HMIIIAU lli. mi.
Thomas Illialil'isJ. received all appoint
nielli to Alilulpolli. hen he Kl'ilduut-
ed ; in li( sent 1.1 i:i it slim of luolif)
"llu.t ton will." said be "I'ra
been ,i aa at yniilmillou Hint- mill
I know him many things you'll need."
Over the liend of Ho is arils bed lu
any Isitllenliip on which his Hag may
lli Is the i-si on I that he Itooght wltb
liraiit'.i in. on i It is in. no a part of
lii in Ilia ii the ailiiilialM pluiiietl hat
lie hiii. to sseur m i asloniilly. for How
ard Is a aiugularly unaffected and
uiiHletit iiiiiii He la yootl tllM-lpIl
uarlaii even u stern disclpliuarluu
but he wins the aiic. ii..ii of lila men
lu tlie routine of service the higher
oltlcera are continually chuugliig ships.
Iil-iics t-r i toss. ml cliiinges an ava
lanche of ii-ipicM.-. Ilooil.i i In- depart-un-iit
from the m. -ii who nave coma
in perviii.ii coutuct with the admiral
ami si to follow ij 1 ill
"If I granted tlietie retpueata." a sec
retary of tbe navy ouce uld to blm.
"you'd man your ahlp wltb atewarda I
ami i ook.v''
In tbe service liny apeak 'of How
arils aa a "reformer " That la becauae j
be la a sort of first aid whenever a :
ship or a station bus "gone lunl" from
SXacutlra luirnw. Howard command
ed the Tennessee when that brand
uew warship acted aa the pathfinder
for tbe trip around tbe too of South
America some .scars ago When he ,
rea.liud San I'rauclaco he wua detach
ed to ussiiiue t omnium! of tbe Ohio
That ship is as then at the very bot
torn of her .lass lu tbe nasy Mutiny. I
a thliu; iinhe.ird of in tbe Amerlcau
nusy. hail becu bluted ut ill aome of
tbe bixlily colored reporta which bad
Ih-cii prliitetl 'i'lie un-u were certain- ;
ly lu a state raaajM majn revolt! They !
felt that some of their otbet-rs were
treating tln-m un.-i uiifuirly There la
no iieetl io revlie at Hi's time that!
aM -in inli I of tli. service. But olilccra '
hool. llielr beii.'-i when they illsciisHetl i
. oiitillioiis ou liounl the Ohio In a
very few mm lis after he bad assum ,
e.1 coilllliilllil llowiiiil h ill liruugbt tin
Ohio up to the vary lop of her class
Gets Ten Wolvaa In s Waek.
Atchison. Kan. Hick lolfau. a farm
er lis ing iinithwest of this city, cuptur
ed ten si. uvea In one week In the
aat ten years Colgan baa received
botiuty uu 3M0 sculps.
I'oUtto ContrartH Wanted
T. I. Turner and Co. of Oklahoma
City wanti to make coutraots wltb
growers for UOO cars of pnlstoes
Por psrtiuulara see tbelr represent,
the, .1. A. Mowers of Piultland.
Old papera at th Argus ofilae 2")
cents per hundred. Juet whst you
need to line your cabins and Place
under the carpet
A Complete Line of
WrtoMmi tatumrnj
At the Argus Office
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Rooungs and all P & B Products
The Most Compete Line of BuilditiK Maturiul. If you cannot Mud it anywhere oIhm
coino to us. We have it.
Three High Class
Papers Free
All subscribers who are in arrears can
by paying up back account and one year
in advance to The Argus secure the fol
lowing publications Absolutely Free:
Fruit Grower and Farmer, (52T) $1.00
The Vegetable Grower (monthly) .50
Woman's World ( monthly ) .50
This is an exceptional opportunity to square up
old accounts and prepare for the Future
Jj? ffintarui Argun
Phone 47 J.
P. O. Box 128