The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 21, 1914, Image 3

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Interesting Facts About Repub
lic In the South.
POPULATION IS 15,000,000.
Nation Covers 767,000 Square Milaa.
City of Mexico 264 Milaa by Rail Waat
of Vara Crux and la 7,400 Feet Abova
8a Laval Raached by Two Diffarant
Railway Lin...
VnnMiiKt'"'- The following Infonna
j,,n o'ln i'i iiIiir Mexico was given out
in (In' National - i .i i 1 1 i - aocletjr In
Wmdiliiutmi the other day:
It Is InleivHtliiK to note thnt the urea
0( Mixta) la practically mm groat aa
yint "i i he United States between the ,
Ifjajaaaippl rlwr and the Atlantic
cv.i-t. the (Trent lukci and the Kiilf of '
lei ii. :i r i nar In altitude from Hen
l,vrl in laVOQO Wt Hh climate Im ar
ferti'il hy thexe elevation and hy a
rniik'i' el eighteen decrees of latitude. I
TwiIm' hundred nllw (lie distance
trnwisi In pMataf MWtt ti'oin .Inn
rr. mi the northern liouiilary. to the
rni'H d. ami 1"' miles more to the
nonti k latern boandtiy, The guir oi
Htileo and ( 'urlM'euii aajfl const line
nl la lnr I. Too mill's, while the I'll- I
clll cm and t'lilf of ('.illfin nla touch
4.INMI miles of Myl an fuauafc
Prior ! ll'i Melci, as a Spanish
colon: , and the Cnlteil State covered
a 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 : 1 1 I ' eiiial mens, hut the
Texas Mcccstdoti and the result of the
M,'l an war mhled nearly LQMUOOO
aaaaWa miles to our territory, and the
rxteiit of Mci'o now la lesa than one
feiuiii thnt of ci'iitliiental United
Mclco has at 111 territorial ex
panse eUal to the aKKri-Kte of Ana
trln lliinunry, (iermany. France, (Sreat
lint ii ;nid IicImiiiI The total area of
tbe republic, 7H7.IKM) sipiare mllea. la
Iras t ! ti ii that of Texas. California.
Montana, New Mexico and Arl.iua
The average density of population of
Mcli apimixlinateM twenty per
aaajarfj mile, the most thickly populated
parttaM outside of the ftsleral ill ti his
nUaJ the states of ThlXeala and Mexl
en. the former being less than I'ela
a .ii i- In alxe and or about the same
density of population, and the latter
being nearly an large na New llamp
ablre. but with more than twice the
iiiiiaber of iniiMi. ii. mis The IMajnl
dim let modeled after the llatrlet of
Cuhimbln. but of eight times greater
area, la suironnibsl li the state of
MeVlcii. the large Hipillnlion of the
raininl. materially abllug In
bringing the a erago to more than l.'JOO
per Nipiare utile.
Inirlng nearly IWNi years snliM-ipieut
to I he conquest by 'ortes Spain doml
tinted Mexico A century ago a bold
effort for freedom waa atnrfetl. which
eveutuiilly reaulted In the republic of
Mexico of today. Moae than half of
tbe firat century of Mexican MftfMeV i
deuce wna abortive, one coterie after
another coining Into temporary power
and a nuiitlier of those acclaimed nil
ers, after brief regimes, meeting Igno
minious death at the hands of tbe pen
pie they sought to govern
The form of government adopted by
Mexico follows lu general that of the
t i, lied States, having executive. Judi
cial and legislative divisions. Kui-li of
the twenty seven states Is represent
ed In two houses of congress, compos
ed of . n. it. ,is and deputies Congrea
holds two sessions each year for limit
ed periods. Km h atate baa lit
gov ei nor and legislature uud la sub
divided Into districts or counties, over
each of which a "Jefe politico" la
plansl. the districts having subsidiary
muni' Ipalltles, with magistrates, pre
siding ottblala and councils. Tbe ao
culled autocratic feature of the gov
ernment may be largely due to the
fie t that governors hold office with up
: of the president, Jefe K)
llti. os have similar relations with the
paverunr and that the officer of the
Uiuidi ipalilics are generally controlled
b) the jefe pollllcos
The church ami state are independ
ear. and emigre cannot pass laws
prohibiting r aafabllahllH any roll
flou. i if the IlLOOOjBOO inhabitants
two-fjftha claim descent from auclent
tribes or families which are uccepted
ii- the basis of Mexican history, two
Htlhs are ol native and foreign blood.
UH n ui.ilnder being classed under the
Common appellation of "foreign"
I In I'ity of Mexico. -'tW miles by rail
aaat ,,t Vera Cruz and 7.40O feet altl
ttnle. is re.iebed by two rail routes.
Climbing through the hot lands through
difficult mountain passes, one of which
closely follows the trull taken by Cor
tes In i:,l!i. by Cencral Wintield Scott
with American tnsips in 1S47 and over
"liivh. tifteeu yeurs later, the Invad
ing French troops passed. It U the
most iHipulous city
Sparrow Seta Fire to a Barn.
St Paul, Minu A sparrow that die
covered a way to warm Its toea dur
in u recent cold sn. p is blamed for
the destruction of a bum belonging
to L. O Wulden of Wilmington. Houa
ton county. A report on the Are ra
rived by state Fire Marshal C. E.
IvilUr says thut tbe sparrow plucked
a live ember from a Isinllre and car
MM it to Its nest in the envea of the
W'nldeii barn The ember set Ore to
the nest, and the dre destroyed the
burn with u loaa of $1,300.
People in the News
McKee Kank.n, veteran actor, died
at Sim Francisco.
George Alfred Towimend, well
known aa a Journalist, died at New
York. He wrote under the pen name
of "Oath."
Application for the parole of Aba
Ruef probably will he presented to
i the California prison board at the May
Mayor H. II. Rose of I,os Angelea
engaged In a flat fight on the street
aa n reault of an alleged Insult offered
Mrs. Rose when she declined to algn
a petition for her hushand'a recall.
Charlea 8. Mellen, ex president of
the New York, New Haven & Hart
ford railroad, may become the active
head of a federated body supreme
among the vuilous organlxatlona of
the United States with which 2,000,000
employes are nrftllnt d
Important changes among the high
est offlcera of the army took plnco
Wednesday, when Major Genernl
Leonard Wood s term of duty a chief
of stnff expired. General Wood waa
Hiirir-edeil as chief of stnff by Major
Genernl William Wotherspoon, and
Rrlgadler Gem nil Hugh la Scott be
c.itni' assistant chief of stnff. General
Wood will hav command of the east
orn department.
Brief Nevs of the Week
The 1'ngllsh BOIUN of lords rejected
woman Mllllai by a vote ol 1U4 to
Sirrilary I. .ne will nppcnr at Tn
conn June 1.1 to 17 to meet delea
tlons of the Indians for the purpose
of considering ihelr condition.
Abe Ruef, new serving sentence In
San (jiicntin,, has made another
application for a pardon. Former ee
quest had been denied.
The lla.tlen government paid the
claim of tttyMf to a llritlah sublrct.
whose sawmill had been destroyed
during the Leeonte revolution. Itrlt
ailii had delivered nn ultimatum.
Anthony Camlnettl, commissioner
general of Immigration at Washing
ton, has decided to be a candidate for
the democratic nomination for gover
nor of California.
The fan, nou hronite statue erected
In Franklin park In the national capi
tal In honor of the memory of Com
modore John Harry, one of the early
heroea of the Culled States navy, la
to be unveiled Saturday with elaborate
More than 700 Methodlat pastors
will be employed by the church In the
prohibition campaign in California,
Oregon and Washington, according to
plans completed and announced at
Topeka. Kan., b) Dr. Clarence True
Wilson, general secretary of th Tem
perance society of the Methodlat Kpi
eopal church.
Oil men have asked the department
at Washington to furnish protection
for their Interests In the Tamplco dls
Ity order or lluerta, lighthouae aerv
Ice on tbe west coast of Mexico has
been abandoned, uud the coast la In
darkueaa at night
Dictator lluerta i . said to have pro
teated against the extension of Gen
eral Funston's lines at Vera Crux.
Services In honor of the American
bluejucketa and marines who were
killed at Vera Cnu were held at New
York Sunday. 1'resldent Wilson at
tended the aervlcea and delivered an
The Uraxlllan ambassador In Mexico
notified the state department at Wash
ington that American Acting Consul
tionney and wife have arrived safely
at Mexico City Irom San l.uis l'otosi.
Mujor Manuel Cublllero, paymaster
of the constitutionalist army of the
Itio Grande, was aught below LupmIo
by the Cnited State bonier patrol
and Interned at Fort Mcintosh. Vln
lution of the neutrality luws are claim
The hospital iklff Solace, with
wounded marines on board, has been
ordered b Seiretnv o: the Navy Han
iels to sail Irom vv-ra Cnu to New
York. CtbMtlC !. inges, it !s exp.ct
ed, will hasten the recovery of the
Speaking b fore a i hecring crowd
(hat u tad lllh ,'""'"1"' '",0 Tor
rcon. tjcmral l' declared the
.success of the constitutionalists bad
due in a Urge measure to the
friendly attitude of the I'nitcd Stutea.
Tl.c tension over the Mexican situa
tion was relieved by the action of ft
German steaim-hip compaiiy in refua
Ing to land at I'u.rto Mexico a cargo
of munitions consigned to General
Lockout Ordered in San Franclico.
San Francisco A deadlock exiata
between organised labor and the
Building Trades Employers' assocla-
' tion, and it is predicted, all building
I .1 i uo vn. neiscn will cease.
with the exception of work on the
Panama-Pacific Exposition structures.
The general lockout waa ordered by
the associated employera on the re
fusal of union painter to call off the
atrlke for higher wagea In effect for
a month. Hetween U',000 and 15,000
trade artisans are involved.
Animal Killed In Air aa It Leaped en
8houldere of Warden.
Rnngor, Me.-The life of Game Ward
en 10. S. Hodgklns wns saved recently
In the woods nenr here by the quick
nesa and unerring aim of William
Ryer, proprietor of a set of sporting
camps at Hound Itrnnk lake. Tho two
men bad licen hunting wildcats with
dogs and had killed two of tho mil
mala. They were standing under a tree
when Mr. Itycr c hanced to look up
Perched on a branch directly above
the (tunic warden was another cnt. as
large ngaln as eliliet of those that had
been killed. The nriitnnl wna creeping
alowly forward, his lips drawn back
over his glittering teeth and the look of
a demon on his s.naue face. Just as
Ryer'M eye cauuht the cat tho animal
gave n start nml leaped full for War
den Rodgklna, Still BOCSMbJoM of his
danger, liver. ibMttof a hasty cry of
warning, whipped his M caliber re
o,.- from Ids bolster and tired while
the cat was In the air. The bullet
'truck the : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 between the e.
and he dropped dead.
"It wns the closest cnll I ever had
mid I never want another like It."
Warden Hodgklns said In telling of the
Patient Had Been Burned About the
Head When n Child.
Italtlmore. - A rare operation In optl
ml surgery was performed, at n
till here when Ihlee large pieces of
skin were tal. en from Hie am of Miss
Sarah Trego to i :. I e a MW lid for her
left eye. It Is thought the llgbl of the
eye. which was rapidly falling on no
count of exposure, will be sax o by
the operation. Already tin- grafted
akin has started p, take root, ami t In
patient can partly open and close the
After the sl.ln was taken from Miss
Trego's arm the ftOffftd tissue sur
rounding the eye and the membrnne Of
the lid were removed In the denuded
area the akin of the patient's arm was
NOW WORTH $83,000
Borrows $6, Gobs to Alaska
and Makes Fortune.
Portland. Ore-Head broke leaa than
a year ago and working at odd Jobs
Cleaulng basements and yards lu this
city and now worth SK1.UU0. all or
which was secured through his own ef
forts. Is the experleuce of W II Con
ucii. an Alaska miner.
To A. 1-lavle. deputy city 1 1 1 1 1 1 n
of this city, la lurut'ly due much of the
credit for the good fortune has
befallen the lucky miner Council
came to Iale lust July with the story
that he knew Judge llavle. the local
attorney's father, who was foiiuerly u
Judge In British Columbia. He had a
hard luck story and pleaded for work
I'avie gave lilm some tald Jobs (lean
Ing the yard and basement lu bis
home, for which lie paid the man H
After the work was completed tbe
stranger askisl for ! for railway fare
to Seattle, from which place he lu
tended to go to Alaska The man ap
pealed to be honest, and ho gave (on
nell Stt
That was tbe last heard of the man
until a few days ago, win u be received
a letter written from tho White BOfM
river. Yukon teiritory Council said
that he had reached Alaska and had
gone to tbe Clilsaun gold Held and
there had located on three claims
"I have sold the ihree claims." vviltes
Coiinell. "to New York syndicate for
!SKI,M !::.INHI cash. 1404)00 IB three
months and the remainder lu six
mouths. So. taking everything i lit
i on-ideratlon. 1 have not done so aw
fully bad bhice last July, when I was
tint broke. 1 shull certainly make It
my business to visit Portland and see
you and your family. I hive m notion
to ipilt the minim; fa ma, as ft&i.O
l.eep me If I MM It as it should I I
"By the wav. I h..vo a coup.e of uug
ets to send you and your wile and
also one for your sister. I ottcn
thought of you and Mrs Davie She
was vetv Ian 1 to me when I was
(leaning out your basement This la a
real liappciiin : III a miner's Ufa broke
otic day and plenty of money the
next "
COOClOdlBf his letter, Council said
the i MaaM country was no phue for a
poor man. because all the claims were
staked and prices of everything are
"sky high "
French Teacher Inventa 8yetem of In
ternational Correepondence.
Paris.-A teacher named J. Orat has
invented au Ingenloua system of Inter
national correspondence. Every word
in the French language Is referred to
by a uuuiber. and u corresponding num
ber Is given to the same word lu all
other lungiiagee.
Thus a merchant desiring to write to
a foreigu customer need only turn tbe
words of bis own language into num
bers, and the customer cau retranslate
tbe numbers Into the words of his lan
guage Dictionaries based on this aya
tern In all tongues are being prepared.
M David, the minister of commerce
has given his approbation to the Idea
M OlWll does uot behove lu the prac
tlcabl'lty of a spokeu universal Ian
Jfotlcr of Sale of Slnle I.nnd.
-Notice la hereby given that the
Stnte Innd Board of the Stale of Ore
gon will receive sealed bide until 1')
o'clock a. m. July 14, 1914, for the
following deacrlbed lands, to-wit:
Sectln 36, T. 13 S- It 42 E.
8V6 of NIK, MfeH of NWV4, NH of
SFV4, S of SWK nnd lots 1, 2 and
4 of .Section 16, T. 16 S. B. 40 E.
8ectlona 16 and 36, T. 32 S. 143 K-
Sections 16 and 36, T. 32 S- It 44 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 33 8. R. II K
Sections 16 and 36, T. 33 3. R. 45 E.
Sectione 16 and 36, T. 34 S- R. 45 E.
.S'cctlona 16 and 36, T- 36 S. R. 44 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 36 8. R. 46 E.
.' of nectlon 16, all of section 36,
T. 36 8- R 46 E.
Sectione If and 36, T. 36 8. R. 47 E-
Sections 1G nnd 36, T. 36 8. R. 48 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8- R. 44 E-
Sectione 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 45 E.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 46 E.
Sei tlona 16 and 36, T. 37 8- B 48 E.
ll bids most be accomponled by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase and check or draft for at least
one-fifth of the amount of tho hid.
The right to reject any and til bids
I . ti served.
Application and bids should be ad
dressed to ;. G. Iltown, clerk stnto
land toa'rd, Silem. Oregon, Bfid mark
ed 'Application nnd bid to purchase,
Clerk K M l-i "I Ho.irl.
D tl 1 '1 I. 1014. 8t
Depiirtni-nt of tho Interior, C 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, April
.".n. :;in.
Notice Is hereby given that Rowlev
Robinson, of Ontario, Oregon, who on
May 13, 1910 made homestead entry
No. 01311. for SW4 NWi. NW'i
swi; sei 2i, ni: si:',. si:
l.', Section -'.:. Township 17 S,
Rnnge 46 E. Wlllanu Ite Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land abovo described, before DM
Register and Receiver of the United
States Uud Office at Vale. Oregon,
on the llth day of June, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
8. I). Moore, H. 8 Sutton, of On
tario, Oregon; John T. Taylor, Rolen
Hall, of Payette. Idaho.
Bruce R. Keeter, Register.
Department of tbe Interior. O S.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon. April
30, 1914
Notice Is hereby given that Stephen
D. Moore, of Ontario, Oregon, who o i
August 30, 1910, made Homestead En
try No. 01MT, for sk4 si:1.
SWK 8WU afM -I. inm NW Be-.
26 and NE MH4 Section 26. Town
shlp 17 8.. Range 46 E.. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of ti.:entloi
to make final three year proof, to
MtaMish claim to the land above des.
crlbed, before the Register and Re
ceiver Of the United States Iind Of
flee at Vale, Oregon, on the llth day
of Jiim 191 I
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Bowl.;. Bobiuson, A l.mulsh. II W.
Clemeiii, a d (' Trousdale, of Ontario,
Bruce B. Keeter. Ri I ever.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, bv
L. B. FEITR. Wholesaler
For Kent Two room house,
two blocks north of school house.
Phone 20i-K-3.
Always on the Job
If you have a job of bauliuK you
want done, lame or small, you cau
alwava ilt-peiid on John Laudiuiiham
beluK ready for you. Call him at the
Moore Motel.
m aef
BBfcV ar-BH
JJSS7 1ft Mr
V ffffei M fel feW ffffel
yj m I Itm Wm
jkH ifffffffffffffffffl
IMPRESS on the young man who is. burning: the Cftndle at both end
and who is spending his big salary as fast as he makes it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today.
If he is not hopeless he at once will sec the error of his ways. The open
ing of a bpnk account has put a stP2 to many a youth's wild desire to be
The Ontario
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter w ; appns that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of Arriio Off..--Butter
Wrappers to the rVrgUh VIIIte
1 Mm tU&A k! ' J
XUMat'i L ZVkW iff r m IMI B r
Economy in Painting;
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest price
per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers tho
most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number
of years of service in other words, the best vaue tor
your dollar.
in ii . I. PAINT
costs less because it taKcs lcss'arul lasts longer. Let us show
M hr.iliii.v HdrJvuri' diii)
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Local Market Report.
Corrected .v. '10, for tli tt-uellt
Of ArtfUM Kl'li'K tiy till' 'luilleiil .-l
SPteK- 5,
National Bank
you pleasing color combinations, esti
mate quantity needed, or be of any other
service we can, whether you buy or noL
Com in im an Acm QuaUty Painting
Cbiil Hint and Juki ;uiir Jujfaftfjrtorut
lurnllun - Co.. Ilnurlu. I.'i.iinii
Be : Eq lipped Livery in
city. Headquarten for
I forms Lioiifjhl it ltd Sold.
cautlla CJiniaiiy.
Kkk. Ir duzeu. 17 10.
Uuttur, pur I'Miu.l, a. .ii.
Oata, per tiuiulrad. 11.50
Wheat, per buiidrod, $1.7.r.
Hay, par tuu, I -.
1'utnliii'B, per liiiinlitiil, 1.0U
Ouiuua, pur huudred, $2.00,
Apples, per box, fl.OO. toil. 50
ClileUeua, ill erne, I. per pound, 1 8c.
Fork, dreaaed. I j to '. ' o.
I'orW, live, ti.oO to 7
Veal, 'J to lOo.
Itef lie to l-2o