BLUE READY FOR "A NO. 1," FAMOUS MEXICAN WAR HOBO, MARRIED To Him Is Inlrusted Duty of Romance Halts Roaming of Supplying Vesssls. FOUGHT IN CUBA IN 1898, ly Giving Cubam Whisky He Wat En abled to Draw Map 9howing Exact Location of 8pnnish Vessels Story of Brave Exploits and His Promotion In the Service. Washington In J oil rcllU'lTlbei Best Known Tramp. HIS REAL NAME A SECRET. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Thirty Years' Tramping Around the World at Total Expense of 7.t1 Rail road Fares Learned Four Languages. Now Prominent Citizen of Erie, Pa., Where He Settled Down. Krle. I'd. -"A No. ," tho "clinniplon lint tlii' governor of North Cnrollim ' holx" of tin. world, hns ittlid down nlil to tho pivi-rnnr of lootfe Ctirn I Md innnliil. Tho Wiodorvr who iiinile linn ? Well, Hit- application of that ' III" homo from Sn ?. to SltUn baa crnm principle mad Victor lllue fainniia. Jnit innv do hi Ifo.'tr .Vltnlntl Itiuc. In cotuiiiiiiil of tln liiirciu of nnvlun tlon of tin- 1 1 : i ili'lini'tiiiciit. That bureau Is to llie navy a good ileal tiled himself up In a nIx room apart ment. The tramp who una lioen uleep- Iuk In liox cars for full thirty years 1 now lias a maho.-aiiv lied. Tor a Ih Inl of a eonliirv he drifted All the tillable land an liable for Fettlem.'iit In tl.e area recently !' lnated from the forest renerves In cen tral Oregon will not accommodata more than 200 families comfortably. The president has restored to entry for 20 days fiom May 8. 200 acres In tho Oregon national forest In section 28, township 2 north, withdrawn from entry October 11, 1912. The Judgment of the lower court In Portland, where Attorney Mux Cohen ! was found guilty of subornation of I ! Im.m In t.-l.o.. alnvn rMiao wna I" I UI l 111 (l nillir i.wu ,uvv, . affirmed by the I'nlted States court of uppeals at San Francisco. In shipping IfM pounds of seed rye from Hums to Port llm 'k, Lake coun ty, a dlslance of 120 miles, L Wold enberg routed it by parcel post, the shipment going by way of t'alifornla ami Iteno, a distance ot MM miles. Massive logs cut from the forests of Oregon, some of which weigh 20 tons i in h, have born received at 8an Francisco for use In building the great colonnade at the Oregon fair struc ture. They were shipped by rail. aimlessly from Chile to Alaska. II. what I .iTiiii:iiy broad gauged train "rode the rods" far more than half a rjr, darOBOS True Wilson, general aeii"'iiry of ilie temperance society di.spati'hcr, with collateral authority ; million iniies. He saw mure srenery at over the general iiinmiger, might be law OVarttwd "! per lool than any to n railroad It practically runs the man living. In thirty years he paid di'P iitiiii nt Iuirlng Hie war with ' OBlf iil railroad fare. Hut lie BOTOf Mil'" ll will be lllue's duty to kit siin.kes. drinks at gambles. Ills only Hi it tin -.hill are provisioned nnd l great peaaioa u us the m ainlerlu-t. And coaled aiil inclined. Ilelweeti times he ; BOW this Imlio has fo.siken the road. win give tin iiiuamiers their sailing j fallen in lure nnd married. order Tin- hi. r ..r this bnrenn i the , Oi Igfil in February, mil. n freight ." and h'L's and right ha ml of the ' train elnmgeil into the yards at Krlo. lixerage chllliin se.iel.iiy of the nav. When he Was l.leuti'iiMlit Ulue. Salilp ami's tlisrt wns hjrtttg onl-lde Santiago linilmr wnlllng for t'elMia's licet to 'o ut ii didn't come No one Was eeii poaltlre that It was In. "I'll tlnd out " said Ithle lie went iisli'Ue nlone. depending on tin' guidance ami escort of the Cuban I'll The nlylit was rold and a stinging sleet was fulling "A No. 1" was hid den iiway In one of the DM ears iln ing The cur Inspeitor routed him mil nnd found that be was half frozen, lie took him o his shanty and shansl his ml'liiU-lil I h Willi him The remain iler of the night "A No 1" spent sleep ing on a I'uoi. rorered with black cosh- patriots who were eiiuiped In the tall Ions In the glare of a Pad hot stove. It grass thereabouts The patriots hud been badly Mimed up that day In a was an unusual art of kindness for n hobo In receive 'A No. " towed that burp skirmish with the Spaniards ' he would DereT forget It The nlian chief arils one of the l.nst NoienilH-r "A No. 1" rtalted grmii'Mi'Ml n!i. in chief-. Itlne bid ever ' Frle iigiiln. nnd this time he brought a present ror ms irue iriemi. nie ear Hi spe. tor. He wils Invlttsl to call nt the Inspector's house He Hoi eptod the In llailon Tin 'ii he met the lusptslol's t'ticountered Woumltsl patriots were lying nil over the rump groaning. Lieutenant lllue naked for guides nnd an escort "Not i nniii!" said the savage RelMtT al. "Not ii Hie!" He meant It That wns obvious. Ro Ulue didn't argue the case with him Itut In his sleud. i hUggUgU grUTU NM bottles of the hs whisky thai t'Ver sofletied the heart of mail. "M) gelienil,'' siild Itlne Hoftly. "will j on Join me in ii (oust to Cuba llbrer Would he? He did Ithle handled llm bo tie an I tilled a tllli'Up so full I wblsi. thai it dribbled doeru tie hides The general Is-gan to gn.e on Mill with ml-ly and aff.s tlonnte eyes j "My general. " auM Ulue. "before I go will you not loin me Iti a Natal to the allies the Fulled St. lies nnd fair Co bur The general did. In another Hump fill of whisky tlint wns .barged with . efaUtbMI and I'itiIv soon he pMI his aims iiround Itlne anil kissed dingbter, Miss Mary Abigail Troboskl n alga school graduate, twenty peara of age nnd a liniabed UUmIi lilll In that one utgbi Cupid a., ompllshisl for the roiliiier what "A No. I" had I living to do for himself for a ipiarter of n century l.oe wms stronger tbiin wauderlust. and lbe wert eugngasl Tlie hiiiioiiii. e llielil ' nils. si roostel ll.ltlou BUMNBg tin BBETPSBBbY si RHaaVam 'A NO. I." IB .i vomit' gentleman A iii.iii ton asked me Cur." wept the general "ami I refuisl you Alas. t-h.'H ll . inn men. m hero!" II I e)'ti i Nfg and wriggled tbioii.'b ill.- tail grnea until he mum I" the i i iplions edge of Santiago J.iili.'l Sp.uUllu in the daikucMM he I MB iilin he aaa the Until of (Vr Vera's s'.., He repot , h i.. S.nnp ' hidlew of File. They about BOO, but tun wns not enough, s.nnp ""' """'" "' pictO Miss TrohosUi aou wauled the position of everv ship I th'""lng herself away ug a hobo tapped s tbit the Ainerl. ans'.onld ' S"""' "f u,'r f'lends .ame to her with tievaie theli guua and aboil them urar U'"'H '" ""'" v""'''- ""' i''''"''"' "'"' the bills locked Santiago bar I ",-r " ' ousidei it. All Ik rultt. Miss bor. lllue Went hnoh mother night - ! nlgl replbsl that hers was not the ill danger of Ms lit,- ,, even NrlUgbj "" V,"'I,','V of 8I"' through Hie and climb.-l a trtsj "M M" '" "'" """il MnrlMlMg which overhung the harbor', edge I0 lm.!TPiom There h, n i bj miracle to I " v No ' " ,,,,,,,,p' u ""' Wv" k"""" io ii-. .lie any (iii.iii. . I . oiuuiein lie i ran away from home when be era eleven yearn of ae ami Iwcnine a yURg in. in kl.l A yeggin.iu iramp dooau'l beg. he robs; he would bin. kin. k a inau for a meal lie always his n kid ... trUTOi itli bias, loi the eliild egg ii i. id outeldo while he is crucklug a I lod ;:! bun tbe signal when a "i upper" appro.'lilles. Hesldes. the kid. wltli the appeal that his tender years .'an get food for both by beg ' if It. w bile a regular old Iramp would be more likely to gel lull The ye-guinu (hat this hols, traveled with thirty years ago called him "A No I" kid Tbe bv got bis "monicker" lrom Ibis; 1 1. uui's never have real names. The are called 'Alkali Ike" or "llox Cur llennie' or the like. Aak "A No. 1" his real name, and he will reply. "Sh sli iust A No l." " He has a pi. lure of himself and .lack London taken during their companion ship on the road In lS'.M. "A No. 1 nuke a pet I.. I map f the position of the Spanish s'nps It.tweeu limes he liad to down out of the lice ami boot In. impetuous patriots Into gttiggj tip tin .i truus The tree bun.; directly over a populous gpankat fort, and Bpanlsh aoldlera arere within '.isy pot ting range lit- Cuhm - arauted to get 11 few s.nlps belote lli.- Went back to the Jungle lllue s uinp ui.iMiig htruck them as iic.idciuic md absurd an. I a U ase ol t For t lit t i vploii Mine was live numbers u rank, for "extraordl nary heroism' He lind fairly divided the S.inll il'o honors with I leillenanf llolison. although the bitter's feat was more (sjiistnc'ii DELIVERS POSTAL TO DOG. Carrier Calls "Tig." to Every One Un til Right Tail Wags. II. ii. urn In. I A card time also iiosschscm autoirrunhed ennts from from Hot Sitlt,s. Ark. directed to Thomas A lMtsou. I uther Hurlmnk and "Tigc. ll.imiuou.l. Ind" Fostal nuthor- William II Talt Anotli.i .aid has this Itlcs poUOOred over It long. It rend: ajeao note "I know 'A No. V to be "Darting Tlge, are you a (OUd dog" 0 Tb.s.dorc Itoosevelt " and was signed "Mother." -.v o 1" has prevented twenlv rail Julius Kusaukc. a mail carrier, agreed n.a.l wr.sks In as uimiv years, lie has to deliver It. lie .ailed "Tige!" at dogs utiei-s from three different railroad all day ami was efcaaed 09 them Ha ' ,.sdenl.s thanking him for his saving at lust came to bOMg where a bow l)( prauorty ud life, sway 1. 1 I... I bull pup came out A No I" ou a $1AW0 wager ouce to moat Mm j deadbeatlng" his wav from New The dog graven! savagely, and Ko , k , Sau Fran. Isco In eleven davs ksuko said. "Hello. Tig."' and the dog .,n.l til limi.v With i:) of this he wagged his stubbv tail. The currier bought uiub at t ambndge Springs the woman of the house whether jv, ami inscribed Ibis epitaph on It: her dog's niiue was Tlge ..A No , "It li. H .. von a lottaf from his The RaaaMer lolher'" all Koaai Ue. and then COiitluiic.l: A'ell. here is i letter to his Ui.'lhei ; ploaao mall ll " At Heat al 1 it The reiii.'iiuiug J'.'.'s) be spent in res of the Methodist church, will head an auto lour for the prohibition party. Heaibpiartcis will be opened In Port- I.M ll. Minos, placed by the war dopurtauont Oil the i 'Ue ol I'eacock apit at tlio moutli ol the Columbia river, will bn taken up on account of protests of IIhIiciiiu'Ii. The mines are unloaded, but are a menace to the Mil net men. Plans have been consummated for Silein's biggest eborrj fair, Juno 25, 2U anil 27. A temporary pavilion will be . reeled i n 1 1 urttiOUM Mtaaffg lor the hil.tis, nnd many novel en tcrlalnincnt fentuf". will be provided, 'Ihe Hull,,. I. umber coinpnay has filed suit against Clatsop county, nt Astoria, to restrain the collection of more than $:iiiim taxes UUdOC a speclnl levy made b I district No. 16, on the ground of Illegality of proceed ings. Through the efforts of Luther J. ( luipln, Marlon county farm expert, a potato growers' association was or ganlxed at Salem for the purpose of Improving the grade of spuds being produced In that section. The plan Is to ship In good potato seed. Judge Willi im Oalloway of the Ma rlon county circuit court has ordered that a peremptory writ of mandamiiii be issued directing State Treasurer Kay to deliver the 80(H) or more school fund notes, representing loans of si liool money aggregating over i5,000. nun, to the stale land board I' S Senator Lane of Oregou, In Ihe debate on the amendment to the ngrl Cultural bill, said that the government d..l not vt.nii any of John I). Itock. I . ler's motley in extension work. He said the money was "tainted ' with ih. blood and tears of the women ami children shot down In Colorado The prune crop In several sections of Polk count is Injured and pros peels for the average crop are uiil.iv n.ible. according to the growers There are some orchards, however, that are well protected by near by hills and are expected to yield the usual crop Vivian (irav. secretary of the liar-iii-v Count) Cooperative association, has appealed to (inventor Wes' and Secretary of Slate Olcotl for state as lata, UPC in protecting tin- crops of II, line) count) against the J.ukrab bits. She says that the jackntbblts kUVg taken the crops tor several years until the fanners are discouraged and financially Impoverished A complete. I railroad grade between i u ana and Com Hay is practically finished and rails will be laid to Mntsiii'ield early In 191.', according to II. P. Hoe). Southern Pacific engineer In charge of the Willamette Pacific One thousand men ,nv al work and tbla number is to be im tensed as fast I us men can be shipped In. Heprcseiitatlve Siuiiott. by authori ty of the house committee on public lauds, bus reported favorably to the house a bill, heretofore passed by the sen. lie, authorizing the stale of Ore gon lo exchange its .-cutler.'.! school and indemnity lands In forest reserves for compact body of forest lunds of vipiul area and approxlmutcly the same value The bill affects about 50.(100 acres and was introduced orig inally ut the request of Governor West in order that (he state might obtain title to a single tract of laud suitable for a state forest. h the woii'on enfranchised the registration m Oregon tor (lie pnmnrv May If, tins year, totals MC3I4. with 11 counties reported unofficially . There will be little change either vvn in the final statement. For the prl inarv. J912. when only men voted, tin registration was 131,880. That ihe women will substantially figure in the primary and the election In November is proved by the reglstra (ion figures That the big lead of ih. prohibition puny over other minor parlies is due to the recent victories of the drv" element In this state is the belief of the men ft ho oppose the lit i ii 1 1 i . ' 1 1 --. ittA ...1 .. ........ -j. . The Barry Shoe For Men Is Acknowledged to Be The Best for Style Wear Fit Appearance Of Any Shoe On The Market Today We Have Them Let Us Show You The Line Malheur Mercantile Co Well, What Do You Think of This? $1 g This Is Our Best Offer H I Q I SZSSSl These Four Fir .i CI... Mgasine and Our I Paper, ALL FIVE ONE YEAR. Onl is && foffiy Tifr 28t WoW. World. 35c . W. Frui. Oow.r. 50. . Wm Uf .. Ifc . Horn. Ltf. All Five for About the Price of II tirO A AHA w he biBKest baruain in the bet readinu VIII 9 fllUllv ",a,,cr cvc' offend to our subscribere. It in. hown akaa, umpl. copie. ol which m be , SiSST Wc have never sold nnr !,,. -i i .- . .. D . i i . '"'v, "jwiic at. icis man a do ar a vear But on account of the splendid contract we have made with h s I 'lbiCa,:ll ' "IJ60 ive. "LP" M "r marine, with Z r-r , w. ,w Ior onty i.-just l cenu more lh ,h regular price of our paper alone Send u your order, right away, give them to our representative or call and see us when you are in town. As soon a. you see thea clean $1 .18 12? T"!NT!i WHAT ,T MEA"si i io ALL FIVE ONE YEAR. ONLY s - w - - The Ontario Argus Phone 49 J- P. O. Box 128 cuing boys from the hard lite that baa ""u " "icaiiug held him In Its grip for so many yeura. URUOra