ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon (Mbxvto The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow Qhe v$m. The Produce from 15,000.000 acres hi marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1914. VOLUME XVII NO. 21 HYSSA GETS A RURAL ROUTEJSTABLISHED Covering the Owyhee and Kingman Kolony Sections. OPENING UP BIG DAIRY FARM Tba farming communty west nod Ollttl Nt of Nvhhh hav t ..... t imuit thi.lr iiihiI Ml .. jhi'i' postottlce. IlllOIlt twelve in i !- southwest of Nyssa. For oma time nn effort tuia) bean i I" to establish a ratal routa and It will In good tnwi to tba ruin-in rs tbat this baa flnally l .-- -n secured. Tbis routa will serve the oommouliy wait and eouthweat of Nysa Including flu Kingman colony. The large dairy farm Icing estab llahud nn tba mesa aaat ot Nyaaa la rapidly assuming shape and will noon ba In active operation A dwelling. large baru and -.in I- and much t .-1 i n u have already been completed and watei for Hi.' IjIk faiiu la expected to ha supplied ntiT diiy now. Tba .-1 1 1 --r i i i.i. la M -I by the Interstate Laud and Loan Company Of BOaM and Mr. I) A. Kbeisol. until recently a successful grocery man nf Holte, la resident manager, Mr. Kbereole 1-already on the ground mid to hi energy 'I "I enterprise la largely d'la tbe rapid tranaloruiatlou of a .. t i n -I. waste Into a dulry ho in to wbicb Hi" people of Nyssa oau poiut with pride Tin- tract oouatata of 4 40 acraa. l ' ... n-- of which is Mr. Kbersole'e i -t- oil prnpertr. Tin- land will be brought to a high ktuta of cultivation. Slxtv acraa will be planted to cm this year and ailoa will ha built M MmI the I.--.! results iiiht be secured. Tin. dairy will start with about 50 I.. .1.1 of high grade cows aud the Nys a cheese faotory a 111 tn k- uare of the product It la a source of gratification to Nyaaa people that tbe company rec ogulzod tba superiority of this OM tlou .11 a dairy country aud decided to make tin. tbalr Held of operatino. Journal, Nyaaa. WOOL CLIP PICKED UP BY THE BUYERS At Priced Below the Market Because Growers Not Organized. MANY SOLD BEFORE SHEARING Aa to the wool altuation m Malheur aud Harney country tbia year, condi tiooa are different from what we have ever scu for a uutnber of years. As early in tne seasou it was autlolpa ted that the pnoe per pound would be two or three oeuts less tbau last yeur, aud the gruwera bad banded tgetherwltb the warehouse people with a view of holding public sales aud attracting both tbe repreaenta tivea of the Kaatero Wool Houses aa well aa buyers from tba Mills, but bout tbe middle ot last month the prioea took ou upward tendencies and our country has beeu full ot buyers scouting around tbe sheep vamps aud shearing pena aud have bean piokiug the wool up as fast as tbey could locate tba owuers at piio ea far in excess of any tbiog tbat tbey bad anticipated so 1 lu fact a ureal deal of tbe wool bas been sold tefors) shearing, which is very uo usualjiu this country. The Merino grades of wool have been selling from 14 1 2 to 10 1-2 J ceula according to quality, while tba I uii.lniin. have been bringing from 15 to 18 ceuts. These prioes are an tirely satisfactory to tba growers but it is a koowu f ct tbat If they had of (Continued on page 4. ) ONTARIO WINS AT THE WEISER MEET Gaining Seventy Points and Weiser only Forty Points. BLACKABY INDIVIDUAL WINNER Some nf Hi.- memhera nf the Oo tin!.. l iu!i School track team went to Weiser Saturday for the meet and succeeded in wlunlng 70 point- In Walser 40. Hlarkaby and Huated tied witb 10 pnluta for beat Individual record, Hlarkaby drawing nut In the pole vault Hutted and lllackaby tied for lir.i and In the draw Hus'ed got tbe place. A summary nf the events In the order tbey ucourred la given balow. 50-yard dash Oramae nt Ontario woo Hut place; Waters nf Wci.it second: Locey of Walser thud. Time. 0 seconds Discus throw Maddux of Ontario wou Drat place; Loony of Welaer sec ond, and lllackaby of Ontario, tlilnl, Dislstici, 104 feet .'I Innlies 880 yard dash - McMlun of Walser llrst; Konlg o. Outario, second aud Hover of Ontario third, Time 2 mm iCea 5 I V 'i aeconds 100 sard dash lllackaby nf On tario, lint; Huated of Ontario, eeo 0 id an i Lucas of Weiser. third, lime 1 1 ., ouuils High .lump Hlaekahy of Ontario first; Locey of Weiser, secoud ; I'lalt nf Omarlo and Lucas of O.itarlu, tie for third, llelghth 5 teat 4 Inches 410 yard dash Hlruue ol On- o oi Ural, : Uric K.uau of Welaer, sec mi.iI and Hamilton of Weiser thud, 1 in 50 4 seconds Slnu Pin Looey of Weiser flit ; I'l.iit of On rlo r. it ml and Mlaoasbv ot i let. ii. i urd; dlstatice, il'.i feet 0 inches 1'. I vault - Huated of Outario llrl . Illackaiiy of Outaiio sec nd : and Plait of Ouuirto tun. I. h. mhih 0 1 4 feat Ml aid dash Waters of Weiser drit. Stiane of Oitiino seeond .ml l.ocai of Weiser tiiinl, Tine. J l 1 -5 aecouds .lav. Hi throw I'latl of Outaiio first; Hustid of Ontario seouud aud Mh.I.i.ix of Outario third. IMstsuee 11!) leet. Uroad jump Huated of Ootario in.' . Loo of Weiser aeooinl ami Blackaby of Outario third, Disluuce 19 feet 5 1-2 Inches Mile font race Unver of Outnii. lirst ; McMilliu of Weiser secoud and Dearborn of Oulurio third, Time 5 ii.ii.oi-- aud '21 seconds 880 yard relay Wilser. Time t :iii R. A. BOOTH R A. Booth, who will oppose the pressnt United States Senator from Oregon, George E. Chamberlain, had no oppoaitlon for the Republican nom ination at ths primaries. - i . sa. s' .EJayjsOJJ bbbssI. OBsSv xrVnnlnl Mm RESULTS OE THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD LAST WEEK Withycombe Strongly Endorsed by the Republicans for Governor. DEMOCRATS NAME SMITH BY NARROW MARGIN Republican Nominees. Member National Committee Italph K. Williams. Crilteil still ex Senator K. A. Tooth. l;.'.i..etilMllve, Klisl llstrli't W. C. I In wiry lli'presantatlve, gerund District N. J. Blion.lt !i.'i.i."..'i.i.itie. Third District C. N. M. Vithur. (Invernor Jnmss Withycombe. 1 ii'imurer Thimui'S II Kay. Justice Hii.i..iii. 1'i.nrl Henry J. Renn. I..iwi.ii. e T llairls, Thomas A. Mi Hrlile, Charles I. Mc.Sat v Altornai Qeneral Qeorgs M litnwn. Silliellllletlilellt I'lllilll' IllSttllltlun J (in iii SOile Knglnepi John II Lewis. I .'..i Commissioner O I tioff U.illii.u.l I'.immlssl. met Frank J. kill Isr uperlntsndenl Water Division No. 1 Jumes T Cnlnnocfc Hupetintondenl Water Division No. I Oeoiife T I 'im to nn Democratic Nomlnsss. Memiiei National Ostmmltl ll. M ' iii.m I Htilte Hetliitnl -li-olge B. Chambei l.iln lletiresentatlve, First District Freder Ok llolhslfi Itfiiri'si'iitatlvs, Renoml District No . .oi. II. I. .1. - lte mallve. Third Dlslilct A. T. Flscsl i ,.. .'i ii. . i C I. Hinllli Justice H.iciiae rouil--Vllllam Oal i,, end . illi.ini Ramse) it. ii n. v . leneral John A Jeffrey i v.. i-andldutes f,.i Treaaurer. Buperln i .i, nt I'ui. in iiihiiu, lion. Bnclnssr, La i... i Commlaal r, iiaiho.ui Conmlaaam .I oi w.iii-i I'liiiiiiilsslt.ni'ts.) I'ortland. Dr. Withycombe. repub lican nominee for governor, owim his nomination to counties outside f Multnomah In Multnomah county, .Minor polled htrongesl of all, but olh it iiortlons of the slate flocked to the Withycombe banner, and cut down, then passed IiIm lead. While, on the republican ticket. Dr. Withycombe carried a majority of ih counties, each of the leading cnmli dates was favored with one or more. I'liuiiilia. the former home county of Dr. Smith, the democratic nominee for governor, and Wasco, the home of Judge r.. illicit, who ran second, both gave h. noisome majorities lor their i MifliilctcH. The other coiiiiIIcm throughout the state divided between the two. Although Oeorgo M. Drown lost Multnomah county to Frank 8. (Irani by approximately 4nno, the outside vote more than olfsei Mr Urania gain and Mr. Drown is nominated by a plurality of 4600 to 6000. William I'. Lord is third and J J Johnson fourth Progressives Select GUI for Governor. Willi but a few precincts uncounted, the result of the contest over the pro groMlv,. nomination tor paVOfSOf ajMfjhl 780 votes for f M Olll and 468 tor MtMtThtt ''he Ui Kill ol the lat ter has caiihcil Keueral surprise, as it uh believed that he would capture the gubernatorial nomination without .litnculty Saiificld Macdonald received the progressive noiniiiiition for oaaajBal rtioner of labor. 2J'i voters having written in liis name for this position The vote cast for other names appear ing on the ballot for this nomination was us follows M K. Miller, li; 0 P. Iloff, 18; J A. Madseu, 49; Fred 8. liyiion, 64. Supreme Court Race Close. For the four nominations to the su preme bench, Justices lieau ami tfe Hrnle ami Harris have substantial 0f0 all others. For the oilier p0M 'he content is close between Judge MoNor and Judge Henaon. On the ,! iiiocratlc t.cket two candi dates lot 'he supreme bench were named without op! Mtioii. They are William Q llOWOJ Judge of the Cur ,uit Coon :" Mar ii county and Judge WilliHin K Ran, ey. now ou tbe su preme belli ll. Primary Notss. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe was elected progressive national commltteemau without opposition. Miinou coiiity republicans nominat ed i heir flrol woman candidate for county ofi.ee, when Mrs Mildred K. fironk lefl Ihe ticket 'for counly f'pior der. The proponed Issue of 1860,01)0 road bonds In Marlon county whs snowed under by a two to one vote, It having lost In pracllcBl'e every precinct. Miss Iva Harrington won the repub lican nomination for clerk of Clacka mas county. John A. Jeffrc) of Mull liouuili conn ly was the only democratic candidate for Attorney general nnd received the nomination without opposition. Mrs. Mary Scott, of Sheridan defeat ed Ira 0. Nelson for the democratic nomination for treasurer of Yamhill cnunly. and to oppose Icr tin- repuh Means placed Mice I. Adams In mm luatlon. Miss Adams defeated three opponents, all men. O. I'. Huff Is nominated for labor commissioner, Frank .1 Miller lor rail road commissioner, John H. Lewis fur stale engineer onil Kolpli K. Williams 'or national committeeman on the re publican ticket. On the democratic ticket H. M. Fa terly Is the chosen national comuli t reman. It Is probable that Samuel F.vans, nf Klamath Falls, bus received the dem ocratic nomination (or congress In the second district. In the loootv there was a amail vote oast, I in in int. id being maul tested Wltiiycombe was the choice lm governor by a substantial vo.e. Far repreeeutative I'rnulall was Uh ahead of Daviy lu Ibis county but i lacou ceded tbe results in Harney will more than offset this lead Odell la the in iiiinee tor shirlit The other ..in. 1 1. laic bad ui opposition. t'lcdges of tbelr moat loyal sup port to Dr. Jaiut-e Withycouilie, who la shown by the returus received Saturday to have wou tbe Itepubll cau nominatiou for (ioveruor by a good plurality, were made Satunlay night by the defeated csndl.latMs. Attorney geuaral 'i-vfoid al Salem (flared In fit lo Withyeouilie won Id be elected and that he would give bim bis warmest support. "Dr Wllhjfoinl.e l. the choice of tbe Ki publican parly tur Ooveinoi," said Mr Crawford, "He is a man over whom all Itepublicaus aud iiihui bets of other parties as wall cau be enthusiastic I admiie Dr. Withy combe for bis record, the princii.lus for which lie stands aud the absolute fairness with which he ooudocted nis lainpaigu He will receive my win In-heai ted support " Mr. Cruwford telegraphed the fol lewlug miasuge to Dr. Withycoinle "Hear y co.igrutulatlom and as suraiica of tamest suppoit fur yaur electiou " tins . Mosler pledged his aid. "At several times duriug my can' psigu."saii Mr Moaler, "1 raid thai If 1 sbould be defeated I would support the regular uomliieo of tbe Republican party, and 1 raiieiate that statement uow. I pioiuise him my support inevery mauner. " T T (jeer said "1 am going to gtt out aud do all 1 cau to elect bim" A personal tt-legiaui bad already been aent lo Dr Withycoinhc by W A Carter when be was asked for a state ment "I assured Dr. Witbycouite of my Lenity auppoit, and I wish to assure bim nf it poblloly." aaid Mr.' Carter "Dr Witby combe's, prospects of el . . lion are splendid" Dr Withycombe is a man behind whom Republicans of Oregon cau unite to a man aud to a woman." said Charles A. Johns. "I shall (Continued on page 6. i ONTARIO WILL HELP NEIGHBORS CELEBRATE The Fourth of July this year Many New Families Locate Here. COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING The regular meeting of the Com mercial Club waa held Monday even ing. The ladles auxiliary waa rep resented by Mrs. (Henn aud Mrs. Morion, who made a rcpnrt nf their work Three more oignnistloiiN have joined lu the work and they now nave 1H clubs with them. '1'hev also report having 1)H families to be tol I., i upon. Mrs Hecnr bas baoo eleoted viae president and will have charge dm lug Mrs. (Jlenu's abseuce. Mrs Dnclos addressed the club on (be Ivceiim course. I' our new members were elected to the commercial club. A circular was read legsrdiug the exo irsl.ui of ths Salt Like business mi u lo be here on June .'lid A piopnslllon tor the estnbllsh incut of a feed mill was turned down (rowers nia asked to save suitable material for exhibits at ths KseteMl land stums. Ill legnrd to celel.isllng tbe I 'on 1 1 Ii. a committee was appointed tO fotOfttOO (be business men and tbey reported Tuesday even ing that they had III out l.'Ji,il sighed up but the sriillineiit seiinul (u be tli-t a we held a celebration last year and the large emails from Weiser snd other neighboring towns made ll a big success that we shou I lii-ist in making (be celebrations at Weiser, Nsw Plymouth and other places a success Ibis vi ar and the celebration was called off. JUSTICE LAMAR Justice Lamar, of the United States Supreme Court, one of the mediators who will represent the United States at the conference in Niagara Falls over the Mexican troubles. LADIES HAVE PROGRAM EOR DECORATION DAY The ladles having in chirge the ar laugemets for decoration day ' au uouuee the following for ibe literary exercises lo be held Hi the Opera House nt 1 iM I' Mayor Trow will act as ehaiiman. Opening ode, Almoin, by tbe an dlence. 1'isyer by Rev. Rueuig. Solo, Mrs Mcl'.i atney. Remarks, by Rev Johns. Reo nation by Claud iu Merlon. Song by tbe Rapist Church choir. Solo. Mrs. J. W. McCulloch Recitation by Doia Fluglmtf. Song by the M. K. Church choir, Kn it. ai a by Ruth Lackey. MTmmWVW m '-Jmr ' sTaV iV ' 'oH sssmsai1 00 . e. U ajo. pjS OT jJL Ssssr isBWa I BTeaOH V. l-'lii E&. )pol ONTARIO LOSES POOR GAME TO VALE TEAM Plenty of Errors and Rajr- Red Playinir Mixed With Brilliant Plays. SMITH AND HURLEY HIT OFTEN In a rather freakish game Ontario lost to Vale last Hunday 7 to u. The interest of the game was centered largely ou two playera, Smith of Ontario and Hurley of Vale. Kanb of these men was credited with fnur hits, wbicb was nearly na many Id each case as made by the remaining mem I .-is of cither team. Tbla sort of batting was not unexpected of Smith who usually has several hits to his credit at tbe end of game while the Vain man bas beeu previously known us "strike out Hurley." Smith win safe on tlrst live times, reaching that bass once mi fielder's choice. One bit should hsve la en a home run but be failed to touch tlrst and was called i ... si He stole thrie basis anil jet with bis work waa un able to scorn or send home a runner. Hurler sent home two rune and crossed home plain twloe. Ills hits weie a home I nn, t three bagger, a two lii.gcr and a single. Ontario's weak point ens a little bad judgement in (he rullleld mid delay in returning until. 1. 1 talis Mill. ii. I pitched a good it 'sdy game all Ibe n.i. He struck mil live men slid walked two. Willi a little better support h should have won the game, lloucb .if the Vale team is net' o s with men on basea He sliui'k i nt six, lut walked fnur In the fourth limine, allowing four runs. Tbe score by Innings 1 '.' :i I ll 7 H ll R II K Vale n 1 I ii n J ii ii :i 7114 Ontario u 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ARE HELD And Diplomas Presented to the Twenty-One Happy (raduates. SUPT. CHURCHILL MAKES TALK The couiiiieni'i'iiieut exercises In the high ( liicl au . iturioui on Ihxi Thurs day evening alliaeleil an iiinllcnco loo large for (uu ball. '1 he tniiuhere by Hi. t graduates wele OUollOOl aud Supl. Chiiiclilll gave nil excellent add fees. H. ! koiiymi presented the d lomas lo the follow ng giadu ate . Jessie Klialiotli Hicks Froncia Roohol Chapman Mary Dion Taylor Jean Cotiklin I OtTOOM Coi Dorothea Cox Man, If Kidd Maude Agusta I'ool Louise William I'aulina Itlanton Fayc Cook Donald Karl I'latt Rayinoiiil D, Hover lleirsfliel M BltreTMO Doru.i ( I. Myers Kstcs L. Morton Will R Rla.kaby Will Stiane '1'lieo. Mis. re QoorgO T. Madux Virgil l.eiiimoii Sii.iul of the tcSfbfis received bauiisoine presents from tbe class members. Ou Saturday evening tbe Alumni nulei i .. im-il lu Wilson bull. Dr. Cogue aud W 11 Cecil are at tbe Odd Fellows giaud lodge. I - 4