The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 8

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Summer Normal Attracts.
Monmouth. Teachers In many dis
tricts of Oregon, experienced nnd In
axporienced, nnd high school frrnd
tiles an- nntotig f lie Inquirer regard
ing the summer srhool Ketodon to be
gin at the Oregon normal school on
June 22. iTonporfB are becoming
lorn favor.ilili' to fill to I greater f,x
tent IkC lucrcming (lemiiiiil for teach
ers In the stale. Teachem who SBS
ot attend crhool during IBS regular
Winter term lire given mi oppoitunity
to take the usual courses and apply
their credlta toward graduation at
uine future date.
Party to Seek Abandoned Rlflee.
Klamath Falls - With a view to lo
cating the rifles abandoned by the
routed troops In the defeat of Major
Tlioin.ii' command In the Modoc war
of 1X7:;:!. captain .? C, RatootS, Mm
;. Hi hiillixk and A. ('. Yaclen aro
making pri piiratloliM to Journey lo the
llodoc Isui beda, and make a thor
ough smirch. The defeat and iiihhah
ore of the Tliomua troops by the erafty
Mod oca waa one or the last Indian
victories In the west.
Life Sentence for Ferrari.
Msrshlleld Pointing out that the
crime Tor which the prlxoner must pay
the peunlty fM due to drink, Judge
J H. Coke In the rlretilt court sent
enced to the penitential for life
James Ferrari, who waa found guilty
of second decree minder for the kill
lug of .fob n Kelly In a drunken riot of
coal minora M llotiiyville .. few
motitha ago A widow's pension Is
to be provided fur tin l'eii:irl.
Socialists Seek Change.
Balein I'or the pin , a "i rodUfl
llIK the time nipilri'iueiil lor a cllljten
to h.n . i . '.I .1 in IT he
tug intiiiii lo ote 1 1 'in da i th
to .'In days, and inakno; olio ' I
lii i. I i.. 1 1. . ilom of electors, llic
tsolsll I part) "i i ii 'ii is prepartai
In ililllnle an iiim nine nl to the statu
c OIIKl It ill Inn A OOP ol the lnltlatle
petition waa flh d with the hi.
Of Slllle
$90,000,000 INVOLVED
State Railrc d Commiicion Investigat
ing Rate of 3 Power Companies.
Parti ind Paadlai baft ra II lata
rullload . om.iilHiilon lit LSI' are
1)5 till In i i . oi.ipl llll Ill u lili h
Lite lo i Mini :.' to pUblld mil
i .III. lulu, ui I . .Hi la II. IN. H.'
ui a hit i sr la at it i a nh rail
I qui nuns ami i. in 'ii.
. i In .
, i.l ll, e llll,. i
ileal v.ii.i.
aid" ...iei,
Hone lie' Kin nil,
tin . pii ui th ii. Hoik
m , i from tie- i. ii i Hint i ii,
raliiai inn eli mi, i 14 towns mid
aJUaa ' ' lata, laahMllaj all tha
prim Ipal i it IoIim iin s , ,-. pt fen
Uleioii. i.iui,... ii. , iin i aad I
More Hi. in lb .ii. a total of 'M.
I hnoUiii in iin Investigation which
the coliiniis .ion Is i oinliicl lug Into the
light, poa i aad t al la ktt ol Um
t'ortiund Railway, i.tuhi a. Poveraasj
p. in . .lie I I Iclll Olci'.oli I i lit til
Hower oonpau) aad tha Calift i
Ii. nil I'owei i iiiip.iiiy
'I lie i oiniuln hi a e lii I' on ii
13 railroad valuatloa awttara, lavoli
tug appraisals ol phjraloal propartlaa
of thin nuiiiber of line pi tloallv
very railroad in the atata is Included
111 tills .ippl.llsc lllclll. llie pulp.
wim h in lo iiini baala tor tlxui
Two Parties Have Chart Disclosing th
Hoard's Whereabouts.
Cueydan. La. An expedition, bended
by CaptalB .T. D. Hotmln. from Guey-
din Is In the wilds of White lake,
south of this place. In aeurch of tlie
. ore ol Pint lean l.alltte. Tho
Is composed of I)r .1. Milton
vVblta, Adam Braaaaasi ami k. p.
I'oule Cilptlllll .1 D. I'.'mi ill II ile
siemlant of one of the oldest families
01 Vermilion parish, lias a chart and
map left him by his grandfather short
ly before hla death, deacrlldng tho lo
inlily of the famous treasure.
On their trip the Cueydan pnrfy
hiiinch waa hit by the steamer Hobby
White On end of the boat waa dam
aged. In Whit lake also are Frederick
M ii kenie. magazine editor. nnd
t'harlcs Teiiney .Iin kson, novelist. They
claim to have the real Ijilltte chart
ami started their hunt from New Or
leans three araaks ago
Still another party la on the trenaure
hunt. hnvlng started from Abbeville,
l,.i Ita Identity has been kept secret,
House Facing Record Vote on
the Proposed Prohibition
Interesting Experiments Mads Prove
Soil Is Secondary.
Washington Kx perliiu-iits conduct
ed lij the department ot agriculture
den Strata that climate is Hie chief
fmloi in determining the varying
characteristics of wheat grown In dif
ferent region. It was announced.
To aacartaia thla experimenters grew
wheat for six jeais In California. Kan
aus anil Maryland on -oil taken trout
ouch of these slates The results show
ed that all wheat grown In 'alltornlii.
for example, wim much alike, whether
ral-ed on aoll of that atate or on soil
imported It, in Kan-. is and Maryland
OB the ether hand. II differed consider
alily from the Kansas and Mary land
wheal, no matter on what soil these
were grown In other unnls. It la Hint
ed the wheat grown on the three solla
In one locality was similar In composi
tion and iippeiirm Imt ipiite dlfler
en! from the Hiiiue w heat HTOa u on Hie
.me moIIs In the two other localities
Urges OlctalGr to Hold on to
the Presidency.
Nostra fitv The sally life of So-
.1" i HtNfta II of llie dictator who
rulis Me,o with mi Iron n mil Is
inosi inleii-liiiL' l.ll.e her hii-lniud.
she Is fond of the social whirl ami en
.ii a lal-h seule Kmui whllj
Hi i-oinilM I lorn with the wai. h.-r
lltl-liiilnl l.nlie. itepo-ltlou .i the hands
of the t 'lilted Kittle lie side and
Two Shot in Street Fight.
Kulni, r n H.iuiKiui mid Sam I .a
ii'i, .in- wounded C a saloon
keeper, is under .iinst on a warrant
swum out bj attj officials and the
city Is in a no, 'I ol ei iiemeni as
the lei-lilt ot a si reel fmlll h le. hl, h
was prei ipiialed when, supported
by Mulligan, alt, iii.i,-d h loivihle u
stsliiiuc to moid going to j.ul
Eagl Feeding Young Filmed.
kiuuuiiIi 1'niis Pattaaa Um rot
llo! loll pillule of a tiald eagle I lug
and teedtng her ouillg has Jin-
aaourad b a compaa) ugs i In
(liming bird mid aultuiil life In Kl.ini
th county Tin' tiliu was taken limn
pine nee la' le I tnnu th, l
looking down tutu the iu -i in snot bar
Hossburg Wants Own Railroad
hii.-ei'in w a in. i no etiug bald
bore and attended t .' (Ott
paaolatloa a aai bu u I II) adoi i
d ui autborl labia pi b) i -
ii Unite
tomU (or ."i"1 with v .i
aaoatructlou uJ railroad ;c - ot
l liato by Aniini.'ii, l'i Astoiiutlua.
amxiiia iicnirA
llu- re 1 1, I loiops on Hie other, Sciiora
llucrta SOOt not give up her social uc
tlvltle 1st la rood of the things that ber
hii-li.itid likes On Sundays she at-
(i lids the bllilllghtn. ho popular III le
ico. and like her huslmnd. uiingltis
f reel j with the masses. She can la
fiYiiicutl eeu in the Mexican cafes
In the etc iilnus wlulug. dining and
dancing, and atsl would little realize
the great circs thai hung oer the
.holildcrs of bat soldier hu-luilid
She loea her ilnldicn dearly Her
OS was rH'ently uiarrled The cere
iiiou.i was perl'iuuied aluoit the time
inei 1,-tui Charge d'Affalres n'Sliaiigh
aaaay was baadaal id pa-sports by the
Mexican uiini-ier of toreun relations
.Villi, nigh representative of a hostile
govoramosl O'lssaaghaaosi who is a
close friend of the diilatot'a fauillv.
was ur.'i't to reiuulu in Meilco City
not ,- an otllci ll icpreseiitiitlve of lite
Uullod Slate- ivi'inment. but rather
as i prtvata i ItlaaO. and attend the
mill 1 1 .:, of So, .iiia's son
lie life is full of in tu ity She look
ted in tomorrow ami lives only for to
day It I- she, d, -n mi- of retaining
the tin -; eucitl io-ulin In all 0S
i .-iding in the Nat1 uial pnl
ic. who ll .:- lb,- -tmich old Indian
lo h I'd on to the last lo defy the iow
i r- ii i'ic eivili'cd world an, I tuht for
llie ii icutloii of the position -taiuod by
bloisi ul In- piedsc--or
Washington With the Panama
canal tolls exemption debate running
strong In tho aonate and the house
facing a record vote on the proposed
constitutional amendment for nation
wide prohibition, congress promises to
have a busy week.
Interest In the house centers In
Mexican developments. Representa
tives generally, including some admin
istration sponsors, would not be sur
prised If the week would be marked
by some decisive move by the admin
istration. Congress Is prepared for any war
emergency. Lying on Speaker Clark's
desk is a resolution from the military
afralrs committee, the passage of
which wouid make immediately avail
able the two hundred million dollars
of the annual army appropriation bill.
'I he appropriations committee is hold
ing hack Its hig general deficiency
hill on a peatlMUty Of I OStl for IMP
g ncy war appropriation.
All kinds of rumors about the pros
pects for action on the prohibition res
ol ut Ion are fixing about Hie capltol.
Home of (lie pro prohibition memheis
assert they will fight to win, with the
sentiment of the country back of thein
mid t lift r they believe the will cotn
ni'ind a large vote In the house. Mem
bers opposed to the resolution declare
that It could win on a majority vote,
hut that It cannot poMlhly muster two
thirds of the house, necessary for pas
sage of a constitutional amendment.
New Banking System to Start.
Machine!) for one of the final steps
In the catabllahniout of the tuition's
low bSBking system waa set In motion
when the re icrve hank organization
committee named live hanks in aad
ol Ihe I, Ml. t' III exel te Orglllll-
atlOS ceiiiin .ilea for tin led, llll I'
e banks.
When thai shall have been complot- '
ed mid I on id . ol directors organized
la each district, the contioller of cur-;
r- in x will Issue ii charter authorlxliig
llie hanks to begin hiislu, ss
The committee announced efforts
were being in..!, I,, expedite the or
laalastlOW M that the system might
l.e luilUUIII. ' I 0 XUgllHt I,
Suffrage Cohorts Present Petition. -
S,eral i lousiitid v. omen from prac
t.. ) . . ,i, in llie itiilon at
ad Saiiiil. . iloafl Penn ' inln n e
line froni Hi.- while Iioimo lo the capl- '
tol, anil, i ,ti .ii. inli, i . .
( gl, air ado it- d at lie I
all over tin- , oumry
'i in- . at .'i -i i he pasaaol rt
tha east atopt ol the capttol was lm i
praaaiva, Ma iIb tbaawalvat oa tha
phua steps, ami with rotsl basda
and n chorus of 100 girls at t: i.
. in iin- i.uiidiug, me aatsaalaa-l
In paindi-is "The Miuch ol the
Women.' In lh. lOthel I lllllll. ot !
The bands then struck up "The
tat Spangled Manner'' mid th 631
petition hearers lllisl up the slips In
lo tin- ro'iriila ot the capltol. w lure
a spc, i iiiiiiiiiii, , ol i ot
tened I Ii .-in In the line were Senator-
l.a Kollctle, Tlioiium, Thompson,
Owen Iin tow. 1'oiiniexter Ulltl Hi .ol .
and Itepi escnl.iin cs .Madden, It.
I. ill oner. Stone, Know land. Haker.
vl of West YlrMlilu . ItoherU, of
Nc.n'i I lelxeiing, Ixeutitlg and Hr
an, who iiaik hand.- with each of
i heir ,
National Capital Brevities,
Sun I piclliiilnar) lo the construe
lion ot the goxei iimciit railway in!
Alaska arc to be made iiuiiu diatcly.
The senate and house huxe agreed
on the pi. hi of Inning ('resident Wil
son issue prOOlSSsSUOB denlguutiug
ihe second Sunday in May of euch
ear us national Mother's day.
Senator l.a Toilette told the senate
that there ,i.,- i eosapirao) lo oaorat
the Intel stale couililci'ce couinnssiou
111 liaiii of the proposed increase of 6
n r , cut ill freight rules bj eastern'
t the opening of the next session
ol congress members will haxe their
inn's lii urdeil h an electrical device,
'the house will be asked to appropri
ate I'Jii. lino for th installation of tha
machinci Intended to save time In
rec ug the VOtOt
The "little n.ny' men made thtr
nasi ttasd again.-t two bsttlaablpt oa
a ui, iiioii lo scud ihe lull back to th
committee, which was dcleatid, l'Hl to
' Di iiinciittic Leader Maun, and
, . pioiiiiufiii Hgures in the house,
ippoi icd Hie motion
I'lidmg seven years of hitter legal
w.iltaic 111, -upreme court set aside
sentences imposed bj the Oistrict of
Columbia tuprama court upon s.unuei
Hniiipei.-. John Mu, hell and 1'r.iuk
Moin.-oii tor coiitcinpl ol court in ul
leged ioliitmn of tha injunctions is
sued in Ittl bSd IPOS Jigattibi boycot
ting the UucWs Stove sc Uuuge com
The Fellows Who
Get By And Then
Stay By Are a
Mighty Well
Dressed bunch
Fifteen to twenty-five dol
lars buys a dandy good suit
these days and if you come
to this store you will get
the very best.
We show these clothes in seven stores the
seven largest at either of which you are as
sured of ample selection, both in models as
well as sizes. It's an advantage to go to the
leaders, not alone from a selling point, but in
buying as well.
Ernx-rmmTmKsmmmmmaimmwmimmmr'Z .xammmmmmmrjmm
Diplomatic Quarters Uneasy as
to Fate of Foreigners
in Mexico City.
WaSBlSftOS M'l ll BptllehellblOU
was asproaaad la d.piomntir fssitsn
., l.i the fate Ot lnelKlierH lit Mexico
t'lty lii OSOt I SOddeu rexolt should
OVMthroo lliicitii nnd penult the en
try of III .iipiitiin.- and other mulls
Olpllncd n l.i I In: ii I- Thee foreign- i
art ure Hiiid to iniiulicr tiOOu. not count- '
lm iu rii in . most ol horn bSft
Word I'ss rem died tOSM of the legit
tionw here of i ihreuts Znpata
i duiK oliuciih nnd their
wlvaa nnd dauKhters in towns near
Mloie ho was operatini;. Due me.- ;
. im n.ild to h.ue notified it prom-
loaol elthsta thai whas tha town was
c.iptiired ISBSta SSSM cut on his e.irs
nnd "'at them tried '
I ue chid tear in diplomatic
lata Is that the city will be overrun
unit looted
Official dispatches to the state de '
piirinient froin the llr.uillan legation
In Mexico flt saya that four cotre
hpoiulents held in Mexico t'ily were
released Medill Mi ol micK, U. II.
H.ixis. Walter W'hllfen and A. J. Sul
lOS left by refiiKce train for Vera I
I'rul. Aa a reason for lite arrest of .
the newspaper men, it is reported that
they had usked for permission to en j
ter the Mexican federal lines, but, I
without wattniK to receive it, bad pro
ceded to Mexico City.
Justice Lamar, ot the I'uited States
Milneine court, and Frederick W. j
iii.inn, former solicitor general, were i
Special Week
chosen by 1'resideiit Wilson as the
xineriean represeutatlves In nudiation
negotiations beiore the South Anteri
can triumvirate at Niagara falls, out.,
next Monday.
Knox Urges Tolls Exemption Right.
Washington I'hilander ('. Knox,
secretary of si.ue in President Taft's
c. ihinet. who rejected tireat ltritaln'a
protfSl agaiiibt the rinht of the I'nited
Stales to exempt Aineruaii eo.istwlse
thlpplM from the pa.wneiit oi I'.inaina
x'anal tolls, issued a stalcmettt here
trgulaj an. mist tha exemption repeal
MIL I'rimaril.x Mr. Knox i.--erted
toil xi uiption for Ainerican
vise ship.- is not In violation of
the ti.ij rauiicelote treaty.
Ontario, Oregon
Special sale of J &T Cousins Pumps
and Oxfords for Women. The sup
erior workmanship in
Cousins Shoes
tor women
is not alone responsible for their
favor with fashionable women of
exclusive taste. Their smart, dis
tinctive Fifth Avenue, New York
style has earned for them the repu
tation they hold as leaders in the
world of well-gowned women.
To demonstrate this Superiority and induce
you to try this Distinctive Line we will
offer on Special Sale for one week, May
16 to May 23 inclusive our Complete Line
of J. & T. Cousin's Pumps and Oxfords
$5.00 Pumps & Oxfords specially priced (or sale
$4.50 " " " M u
$4.00 " " " "
$6.00 Cousins White Buck Button Shoe $4.45
A Personal Inspection of our
Window Will Convince You