The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 7

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Sunday School 10 A M
Preaohing Hemos 11 A M
Junior League 3PM
Epworth League 6:30 P M
.Preaohing Service 73:0 P M
Thomaa Jobna, PASTOR.
Congrcgatloaal Church Notice
Hominy Herrioes,
Hi in. lay School 10 a m
Preaoblng Service Ham
C Meeting 7pm
Preaching Services 8pm
Midweek Leotarea every Wedneaday
evening 8 o'olook
Pbillp Koeulg, Paator.
- a -
Mans at 8 A M on 1st anil 8rd Snnday
of each month. On nil other Sunday
t 10 A M.
H. A. Campo, Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Davidson D D Paa
tor. Her vices at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
p m Nutil.ath achool at 10:00 a m
Ev l atiir.lny
abbatn ihool 10:30 am
Bi j Study 11:30 a m
Vouog people.a meeting 1 ;.') pm
PM Vlv.Tli.rlri. IlU
BIDS $500,000 FOR A BABY.
But Rich Virginian's Offer la Spurned
by tb Child' Mother.
Washington. At cording to womrn
Connected with t lie ! eneiioe Critten
ton nilalon. ulii li I Inning n baby
exhibit lure to lin,. raise funds for n
summer camp nnil hospital for bahlea.
a wealthy mini from Richmond, Va..
offered to endow the mlaalon With IBOO,
000 If be whm permitted to adopt a boy
Infant he lind seen at the exhibit. Mrs.
Kate Waller Barrett, national preal
dent of the Crittenton mlaalon. aald
that the Richmond man told her that
the lioy. who la known aa "Baby
Frank." reaembled n portrait of one of
hla an.-ent.irn.
"Arrange for me to adopt him and I
will have my lawyera draw up the pa
pere turning over that amount of
money to the mlaalon at once," Mra.
Bnrrett quotea the man aa aajing.
Mra. Barrett aald ahe told tbe man
that the bablea at tbe exhibit were not
for aale and that ahe knew "Baby
I'rank'a" mother would not consent to
an adoption.
In a atatetnent Mra. Barrett aald that
many persons who hnd visited the ex
hibit had renionstrnted with the haby'a
mother because she refused to part
with him. Almost all of them aald, In
substance, according to Mrs. Harrett:
"They MgM to think of tlie child and
Its future. This mnn Is rich and can
give the child every adviiiitage."
Money to loan Improvml rr
gated farma. W. H. Uoollttls Co.
Lota for Hale 3 in ItiverHido
addition, near sub station. In
juire at Argus.
IFay delivered in Ontario at
8.75 per ton. Call Kruitland
livery. Phone 1021.
M000 buys liiO ac-rs, :::. with
good water right and in cultiva
tion. Inquire Hex Marquise,
Ontario, Oregon.
You can get four splendid
magazines one year for 1H cents
txtra by renewing your sub
Mcription to the Argus.
Three lota for sale 2 block west
sif postofflce at a bargain. Inquire at
Argua nitlcM.
For rent Furnished house in
cluding garden plot, chickeD
park, barn three lots, nice lawn
Box 43. Ontario.
That'e What Wiatar Inttitute'a Di
rector Will Do In 1992.
Philadelphia. .Iiiiiiiilcn nun L'I4 yenra
old Is promised to the directors of the
Wlstar Institute of Amitomy of the
University af Pennsylvania at the cen
tenary of the Institute. But the only
directors who will be allowed to drink
It will he those who lire In nlllce In
1002, when n dinner will lie arranged
for them for the specHlc purpose of
drinking the rum. The centenary of
the Institute will lie In im2.
A bottle of .Inmalca ruin was left un
opened In this city liy British ohVcra
upon their evacuation of Philadelphia
in die War of the Revolution, mid Ita
history aline that time Is recited upon
a curd tied to the neck The card was
written by Isaac Wlstar. founder of
thu Institute
Mr. Wiatar Inherited the bottle from
hla uncle, Franklin Jones In 1804,
two years after he founded the Insti
tute, he presented the bottle to the In
stitute, with the re-piest that It In- held
for tbe centenary celebration The
liotttu Is of green colored gluse and
holda about three pints.
Investigator Digs Up Records and
Makee Public His Conclusions.
Rellefontnlne. O.-Anaon Carter, a
pioneer grocer of Rellefontnlne, haa
licen aearchhig old records regarding
(lie conipiinitlve cost of food products
now and In the nast mid lum hmoM
this conclusion: 'Aside from three
tilings butter, poultry and meat
prices of staple groceries in the bulk
are not higher than they were twenty
five yeara ago.
"A man and woman can go to house
keeping today in better manner for the
same amount of money than a couple
could a quarter of a century ago. It ta
the desire of the buying public to hare
ao much prepared food and so many
things done up in attractive packagea
that haa Increased the coat of living.
"The average can of baked beans
does not contain I centa' worth of
beans, and a package of crackers con
talna but little more than four ouncea.
People are avoiding preparing food for
"If people would continue to buy
everything In the hulk at the grocery
na they used to do nnd cook their food
for themselves as they used to do there
would not be n high coat of living problem."
Quit Laying, and Owner Ha to 8u
Neighbor For Rent.
Siihbnr.v. Pit. When ev.ip sMMktd 80
cents n dorai recently Philip Bradford
of anbury discovered a new form of
Ptealotlim. It was revealed In Squire
Tleriiey'a court when llriidford brought
suit against a neighbor to colic, t reiit.'il
for a hen.
Rrndford haa a lot of hena. Instead
of collecting hla egs and selling them
he rented out the fowls at 'J cents n
day. the renter winning If the hens con.
tinned to lay properly. One of them
whs rented to Jamea II. Snyder, but In
stead of laying she wanted to sit and
sit was all ahe did. When Rrndford at
tempted to collect Ills rental Snyder re
fused to pay.
Squire Tlerney gave Judgment for 50
.'ciiis ngnliist Snyder.
For Bale
Phooe HO K.
Household goods,
18-10 id
For Hale- My Canny Kitchen
cheap Poor health reason for sail
ing. Will tak team, wagon and
tiM. i aa part pay. Will also teaob
fHirobaaer to make candiea and Ice
cream, if thay wlab. Hadd's Candy
Kitubeo. Ontario. lD-pd.
For Hals In Ontario. A lUe
room house with bath room, bot and
oold water oounectiona, good oellar,
oual house, obioken park, and two
lota; oemant sidewalk, electric lighta.
' I. .. in on Alottit Street, for cash or
terma. furnished or uufuruiahed.
For further loformatloo, box 8,'l, On
tario, pbone Du. K. 1 I n ...
Pigs for Hale 7 weeka old. Dur
oca three mile south of Ontario.
Wm. Jobneou. 19-20.
J. W. Boor will be in OuUrio
Saturday at tbe Kagle livery with bia
horae Bryan und Jack Dun. 19-V.l
Brief News of the Week
An Invasion of 400 IIIii.Ium la threat
ening lirltlsh Columbia from Shan
ghai. The men are now said to be on
their way to the Rrltlsh possessions
Chicago municipal atore, which
opened for bus! i ae February 1. will
oloae soon because of the lack of pa
tronage to warrant keeping tbe place
Thu rlgl.' or the state of Montana to
impose a i.ix of 1 cent a pound on
oleomargarine aold within the atats
Is upheld by the United States su
pretue court.
On the claim that glrla between the
agea of 18 and XI voted at the recent
election In Bloomlngton. III., the wsts
bave started a second suit to contest
tbe election.
According to reports received at
Sacramento, an 11-pouud box of Call
fornla cherries wsa aold In Philadel
phia for 156. It waa the flrat ship
ment of thla season's cherrlea, tbe
fruit usually bringing 12 60 a box.
Concerted action by at leaat nine
weateru railroads for a petition to the
Interatate commerce commission for
flat Increases In freight rates correa
pondlng wlili the request by the
eastern lines, la expected aa aoon a
tbe commission decides tbe caaea now
under consideration, according to In
Spo-Pe. Indian of Mystery,
Speaks For First Time.
Meals 25 cents and up.
Everything the best the
market affords.
Wong Ton, Proprietor
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
Soldier Co to Vera Crui.
Oalveaton, Tex. Twenty hour af
ter ordera to start for the front were
received from Waablngton four regi
ments of Infantry, comprising 3400
men, carrying 12 machine guua, sailed
for Vera Crux. The brigade will be
commanded by Brigadier General
Frederick Funaton.
In the opinion of tbe administration
offlclula the task of financing a war
with Mexico will be comparatively
easy. For the present the current
appropriation for the army and navy
la deemed aufficlent. A atamp tax
and beer tax could raise $100,000,000
a .;.r, it la said, and there would be
no necessity for making a special
bond issue.
W. C. T. U. Head I Dead.
Portland. Me Mrs. Lillian M. N.
Stevens, president of the National
Women's Chriatlao Temperance Un
ion, died bere. She had been ill sever
ai weeks with kidney trouble.
Mrs Stevens, who was born in Do
ver, Me., 70 years ago. continued to
the last tbe temperance work to which
she devoted most of bar life.
Rat Carrie Bell on Feet.
Harrison. Ark A large rat to which
SUMS) hays h-ol tied tiny bells caused s
I'linic in a pi. ture show bere. The wo
:..-n in ibe mi. heme forgot all about
- - cue will, h was being showu
..I . limbered upon the chairs.
Waablngton -Rno-Pe. the Indian man
of mystery, an Inmate of the criminal
division of the Government Hospital
For the Insane at Washington, haa
broken n silence of more than thirty
two yeara.
Hk IV-, self liupoaed dlauae of hla
talking apparatus haa continued avar
since the tlrst day of hla Incarceration
nt Fort W a) lie. near Detroit, In isvj
tdjudged of unsound mind at the fort,
he was sent to Hie government hospital
!n INS?. Ilia silence was accepted by
(he army medical examinera aa a con
lining symptom of melancholia.
Tbe crime f.n which the Indian
was Imprisoned waa the murder of a
fur trader, an in t of reprisal against
Ibe white race for the killing of his
mother In one of the hostile Inter
hangee between the United State nnd tbe Hln. kfoot Indians In
It i. io. uned for Mrs. Malcolm Clark.
i f a party of member of the Illack
foot irlU-. herself a half breed, to re
awaken Ss Pe's slumbering vocal or
Times without number during hla In
car. era Hon efforts have been made t
persuade Sm. IV to talk. Not a nvI
lalile, not even a gruul. has Hie aged
warrior volunteered
But when Mr and Mra. Clark. In
company with James Perrlne and
Charles W Muck, paid a visit to the
Insane hospital they explained to the
superintendent tluit they hud under
stood there waa an Indian among the
Mra. Clark had Bpo IV isiluted out to
bar. With her husband she addraaasd
him In tbe stilled but eloquent Indian
tougue. Spo IV gave no indication
that be understood. Tbeu Mrs Clark
said to ber frleuda, "Step back, let me
w hl-per to lit in "
She sut down beside the solemn red
man and began a musical form of bat.)
talk, "the language of little eople." aa
the Indians call It. She crooned and
crooned to the gruy headed man until
liniillj the stolid heart seemed to melt
"What Is your inline f ahe said, still
In the Infant dialect
"Spo-Pe," came from the llpa of the
stole. And for the first tune since be
entered the hospital Npo-I'e bad broken
hla alienee
Finding stsut his tongue would really
perform Its ottlce. Spo Pes first quea
Hon was:
"Where is Three Hearst"
Three Bears was a brother of the In
dian who died In 1S88
Since the breaking of the thirty two
years' silence Spo 1'e ha expressed a
willingness to dls ..urae. but as the
Blackfoot lauguai." la nut universally
known in (he g . i uuieiit hospital be
finds c.nisi.b-riib'. dithVulty In obtain
ing companion!.
Injury Restore Hearing.
I '- ...ic. li I. Charles A Hertriind,
need i ty-fH .-. a hainessmaker, deaf
Hfteeil car? met with a fortunate B0
clitei ' lie :i stooping to pick a tool
from ihe ft., r when a tile fell from a
bih' h and ii k in his ear. It was re
moied xfllh difficult) S'...i. .itti-rward
Bortraad found that bis hen ring bsd
been restored.
Should be purchased
from your home jew
eler who stands ready
at all times to make it
We have the late pat
terns and standard
makes to select from.
Official watch msn for the railroads
of this section.
aftsV jj W f ' .
itl&fiflal Unfit 1
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
We have several hundred Government Bulletins on
corn and hog growing, and on the selection of 9eed
corn. We will distribute these Bulletins free to all
who call for them, as long as the supply lasts.
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
00 acres of choice land near Ontario
with water right; 48 acres in high
stste of cultivation; farm machin
ery, 4 head of horses, farm wagon
and hack; all for $5,000. Half caah,
balance on terms.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
A, L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM, Csshler
T. TURNBULL, Vice President C. W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
Old papera at lb Argua ofIloe--25
cents per hundred. Just whst you
need to line your cabin and Place
under the carpet
A Complete Line of
Urging tatuntmj
At the Argus Office
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The Most Compute Line of Building Material. If you cannot find it anywhere else
DOOM to uh. We have it.
Three High Class
Papers Free
All subscribers who are in arrears can
by paying up back account and one year
in advance to The Argus secure the fol
lowing publications Absolutely Free:
Fruit Grower and Farmer, (2) $1.00
The Vegetable Grower (monthly) .50
Woman's World ( monthly ) .50
This is an exceptional opportunity to square up
old accounts and prepare tor the Future
ltr QDtttarui Ahjub
Phone 47 J.
P. 0. Box 128