The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 6

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His Brother, at Bedside, May
Not Survive Shock.
Laat Family Reunion en Chriatm
Day Attended by Score They Wara
Both In Excellent Health Then Re
markable Parallels In Life of Two
Men Each Had Eight Children.
llntiylon, N. Y. Bnmticl Munry, one
of tin' dldi'Ht twIriH In tlio world, 'li"l
at M" hniiiu li-r In Mh nliM'ty alxth
yonr Kniinn-1 nml hia brother Wllllitin
worn horn afj t Fi old farm In Hnhy
Inn on ClirlHtinna diiy, 1NI8, nnd lived
tlirip ever hIihc
I diet ClirlntiniiM, when the twin rrle
brnted their ninety fifth hlrthdny, there
irntliei'i-d about them nt Sniiniel'B home
thlrt) of their iniiny deneendHiita. In
eluding eon and d:i lighter, griiiKli'litl-
I'holu ! Anii'i Iriiii I'reea Aeaorliitlon.
dirn nnd urent Kniiiilchlldnn. The
I whin siit h,c l.y hhle nl the dinner
tnhle On one wide mil the iliildlen nf
Hilliiili'l mill thi'h chllili'i-u rhllilrtii
mid on the other Mil the DffSSJStaf of
Kniiiiiel wiih nut In Hie lies! of lieu I III
then, mid he u'tvw WeiiUel mid Weill,
er until he Nil. nimhed Wlllliiin SAM
lit Ids In il i'h'. nml II In reined Hint
tin' sln I. of his hrother'N denlh win
ls more thiiii I mi endure The tun
hiiw emit nihil' 1 1 1 1 1 1 s mid ll u
illllloliNlili of the two wiih keen
Hot h wen weir lull mid siiilwurt It
whm oiil until recent l Hint they mild
not devote much lime every du.v H
Motile Mill nt l.ilim Toui'lher they
In il. w.iII.n. iiii, I lie liicinl lili he
twccii the two wits Just lis I n us
when the) went flailing or hunting to
gel her iim Ihim
The two men wen- proud of their
henllh mid Iohki'UIv Ttna) iillrlluitisl
their long life to work III the open air
mid nlutt'iieiiee from alcohol mid to
Inn re Thc.v never imuiIiIimI Itnth
were ardent I'rohlhllloiilatJI mid ingtii'il
hind for the cause They voted for
1mm Q Ulalne for iresldeiit. hut
since then thev have Is'cli In the I'rohl
hliloii inirty.
The twlna were descended from a
I' ui: line of i osiei oil- f.nini'is The
fin iiilioiise III West IlilhyluO III tshli'h
they were horn Is proliulily the ulde:.l
Inil'dliiK on l.nng Islmnl The tWtM
lilt t two tuntliel's and ulie SattSfi lull
thet iutllcd lliein .ill h.i ui.iii.x years
The twins nun I led iiImiiiI the auinc
tlllie Si luuel null I led Iteln'i cu S.uu
ml of lluh.loii when thirty years old
and shnrlU nficiwiird Wlllliiin iiuir
lied Mil t I! I Let nf Itl'Hil.lMi iiie.
h:ul liceii wldowera for iiiiinj IHII
Itulh men weie lilcsMcd with elht dill
dreii MM li I p In I lew veins ftgo fuiu
r H miiicl iliililieii and M'cn nf Wll
llnui'i- eleille .lust linn M1BJ ''
si i mill ills nf the t wo life ,i!v c tmla It
wmild he li.nil In c.ilciihlte.
At the lllnc of their ic- e.ilw null'
I, I. mil a huiiie f.'i hliiiMl'
on the old MllUC) f.n in After the
dciili nf Ihell aIVMI the two went tn
llc ti'i.cther. lull thev dc, Idcd llunllv
It wmild lie Icllci liu Siiiiiuel to have
his i nii'hter. Mrs Smniiel Smith, with
him. wlillc Willi. mi went t" live with
l. -in. Sinllh Minn v . near hv ,
i he two men nwiud a if
irn'ciiv on l.mig Island Moth he
licvcd Hie.v wmild lelelimte their one
hundredth aiildv el .n together, mid dc. I. led tliiN did lint waul their
children to vvnll I'm e.n In cnin.i
Jlnntfs, w thev ( -li .1 cut the prop
There was Koine talk ahortlj hefiire
their last tilrthdav of Idling a apwcUl
Mr and mullni tbein to WMhliieTtou
In c I'resldeiit Wils.'ii. OUl tlM twlna
fell they weic ton nld In liiake the trip
and the project was aliaudmicd
inn eminent offtoUU received the
word on high authniitv that lluerla
delitu'iatelv id.niued the afluuii In the
1'uited Slates In mder to bring on
win with tins country, for the purpose
of uniting all Mellc.lli people
Secrelarv Ii.uiIcIh esllinatcd that hi'
Iv. i en Ufa) and 3500 leiugecti either
an on their way from Mexico or uu
del' pi nli'v Hull awalllUK depaililie for
the t nited Slate-
lieports from the coasts nl Mexico
trout Admirals BailfiT and Howard,
resiiecllvely. di-iiil'ed MMrgMtM ef
forts, not onlv ol the iniv), hut (icr
mini and UrltUta veaaela, to asajst ref
ill leaving (he Iroulilc tnin u
In Laat Decade Importa War $385,
000,000, Exporta 1220,000,000.
Wnshlntfton. Foreign trade of the
United St a tea In fruits nnd nuta prnc
tlrnlly douhled In value In the last
decade, the total Imports having heen
$;itsr,00l).0t)0 nnd eiporta $220,000,000.
Importa rose from $24,000,000 to $48,
7BO.O00 and exjiortii from $19,760,000 to
IMilBOyOOO In the period from Ml to
lOl.'l Figure innde puhllc hy the de
partment of commerce and hihor ahow
that Importa of fruit nnd nut for the
first two month of 1014 aggregated
OTer $0,(HK).kmi In vnlne, or 20 M?r cent
more than thoae for n like period of
last year, while exporta nmounted to
$4,000,000 In value, or about 30 per
cent less than a year ago.
The sharp decrease In exports Is ac
counted for hy the shortage In the Pa
cific coast fruit crops In the past year.
The domestic food supply was supple
mentis! last year by $32,000,000 worth
of fruits nnd $1(1.000.000 worth of nuts
from abroad and In Addition oTer ft.
000.000 worth of fruits and nuts from
Hn wail and $3,r00,000 worth from Por
to Itlco.
Student Loaee Them While Stealing a
Qualifying Ride.
Kansns City. Mo Cameron Heed of
Cambridge. Mnss., gnve two toes aa
part of his initiation fee In n frnternlty j
at the University of Missouri, whero he
la a sophomore.
Heed, with three other students, came
to Knnsns City riding the hrnke benm
In order to ipiallfy for the fraternity.
Only those who have traveled "a thou
sand miles without a cent" are eligible
to membership.
The students tionrded the rods of a
train to make their return trip to Co
lumbia. Iteed fell as the train started,
and a wheel (rushed his foot He was
taken to n hospital, and two of bla toe
were amputated.
Srorky Dives to Bottom of Riv
er When Funds Are Low.
Washington.- Kimrky draw check!
oil the I'lrnt Slllunill'llie liaiil. of Hinilll
went WiihIiIioMdii. lie Indorse them
with a tile nnd wrench and cahc
(hem with a cable
Snorky, known to Ida mother nnd two
or three ..Hi. I-, ua Kdwurd Thomas, la
1 v i v year old nnd Is to the Heveiith
div.'t vvluirveM In Washington what a
belli ll oillber m to the water front at
Due day about a decade ago tiny
were i hunting freight cur down III
the old Jersey yards by the gua works
when n Hwlteh engine ran off a trestle
mid plunged Into the eastern brunch
of the Potiunui The water la pretty
deep at this spot, and securely einlicd
iled iii the mud bottom of the river (he
engine reposed as peacefully aa a Hpim
IkIi galleon at the bullion of (he I'arlb
bean until SnorKv came along
As a child Huorky had taken a liking
to the water, ao when the atory of the
Hiibmerged freight engine came to hi
ear he saw visions of wealth lining
tn the tiit nn the railroad tieMlc from
which the engine was IMJMtSi M have
plunged, Snorky dived Into the turbid
A mi. 'nst In river, a the eastern branch
Is known, and started n submarine In
Viwtlgatlou. It took two or three dives
to Incite the engine, but Snorky even
(iiiillv found It nnd made an Inventory.
He tiled a i luliii with Neiluue tor Ihe
engine Of Mich parts of It us he aaaanTWl
nnd returned tn the sin face to eipnp
himself with such tools as he might
('ailing mi the .lunU denier, he made
a dii ker Willi that individual. The
jllliklliali agreed tn ndv.iiic IuiiIn if. Ill
return. Sn.'il, WOtlM give him mi in
itial option on all goods to be rcplcv
Ined from the deep. The iiiveii.iut was
made, and Mimkv dived iigain. lie
plied UK- and w rein h and s. lew driv at
until be had dctai I nil (he choicest and
most ciimI.v nlilaliuildc UOfttOM nf (he
engine I'licn he attached a cable and
I'uhc to liic mii Tin e M. Hiding OB MM
trestle, be li.iulcd BWfJJ it UM cubic
until there uppcurisd the beautiful brass
bell nl the In. nunil IV e Tills he ill
I'lised of pmlitabl.v and earned Ills first
reward frnui out the Junk dealer's
greiiNV cash drawer. Kvcr Masai lie baa
sold the engine piece by piece to tho
bhitt. It From Vermont to Maaeaohu
aetta, Where It Formerly Wil.
mistical. Mass. Kleater l.arabee
ha moved his house from Vermont
into Massachusetts because he wa
horn In Massachusetts aud wants to
die In the old Hay State
When he built a bmue in Wlilliini ,
town he supHcd that be was In the'
atntc. Then gnv eminent survcveis
came along ami changed the Mute
boundary after he had paid taxes I"
Massachusetts for several years Lara
hce then had u new cellar dug over in
Massachusetts and moved hi real
deuce into the Hay State The clisuge
coat him ll.tKKl
Mill. on For Chewing Gum.
Troy , N . Auicrlcaus tMMt IMOO.
i(Hi inure for chewing gutn laat vear
than tlicv did on foreign inlsslon waa
the COOiplalOl made bv Mi'thndlst mlu
isters in confcieiu'e licie
For Sheriff
To the voters of Malheur county
I will be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, lb14.
R. H. McNee.
For Joint Representative.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for joint representa
tive for Harney and Malheur
counties, subject to the wishes
of the Republican electors at
the primary election to be held
May 15, 1914.
Frank Davey.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Democratic
voters of the county at tho Pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
If elected as sheriff I will en
force (lie laws in nil cases and
endeavor to apprehend crim
inals of whatsoever character
and I shall conduct business as
economically as is consistent
with eflicicncy.
J. A. Wroten.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby unnounco myself a
candidate for the oflice of
county treasurer for Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
approval nf tbe Republican elec
tors tit the primary election to
be belli Muy, I .Mil, 1914.
J. Ralph Weaver.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the Htute of
Oregon for Malheur County.
Ill the uiiittcl of the ' lulu of (c W.
I us, lothcrwau known aa QWMJI
I) iWiis). deceased.
Notice la hereby given to till whom
ll may concern, that the undersigned
has been duly uppob.tud by the Coun
ty Court of the St. it.- of Oregon, for
Malheur Count), iiliuliilatrutor of the
estute of the said 11. W- Down (ntho:
wise known us Ueorge V. Downs) dc
ceusod. All persona having clulu:
agaiiibi the eatate of the said iloceus
eil, aie hereby uotifiod to present the
same to me for allowance du... veil
fled ua required by law, at the Offloa
of C Mctiomigill, at Ontario, Oregon,
within six months from the dale of
tbla notice.
luted at Ontario, Oregon, this :10th
day of April, 1014.
O. 8. SMI I II. Administrator.
Warrant t all.
Notice i hereby given that 1 have
funds on hand to pav all tiouerill Kund
Wan aula ordered nut pahi for want
of funds.
Intciest cease;- Mas ,".(ll, l'.lll.
Dated al Vale, Oieion, (his iMlll day
nt Aiuil, II'II.
j. n vi:.vku.
Cniliity Treasurer.
Administrators Notice.
Ill the I'ounty Court of the State
of Oorgou 'foi-Malheur Oouuty. lu
the iniittler ol the eatate of l'etcr
Hunt. in. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
in ilcrmgnc.l, tbe adiuuiistrator ot tbe
state nl l'etcr boutou deceased, luta
filed hi final account of tbe admin
istratiou of said estate io the above
entitled Court. And that I'riday the
loth day of May li'M. at 11 o'clock
A. H, at the Couutv Court mom
lu the court house iu Vale, Malheur
Couuty. Oregon ha beeu aet by the
.In ge of sii id court aa toe time aud
place for tbe bearing thereof. All
peikou having any iutereat m aid
eatate are hereby untitled to be pre
sent mi said dav at 11 o'clock A. M.
and stow causa If anv there be, why
the said final account should not
be accepted and allowed, aud the
said administrator discharged aud
tbe etate of the aaid l'etcr Houton
deceased distributed according to
law. This notice la publised by
.rdei of Hon. lien W. McKnight.
Couuty Judge of said County, dated
Apnl '.th. It,
Win. bouton, Admtiuatratoi.
Arways on the Job
If you have a job of hauling you
waut done, large or small, you can
alwav dxpciid on John 1-auilit.gtiani
being ready for you. Call bnu at the
Moore Hotel.
For Sheriff.
To the voters of Malheur county:
Iwill be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket,
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, 1914.
Robert Odell.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the oHiceof county
commissioner for Malheur coun
ty, Oregon, subject to the ap
proval of the Republican elec
tors of said county at the pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1014.
Melville D. Kelley.
Train Service.
West, bound.
No. 17 Oregon Wath Ltd 4 :17 a tn
No. 75 Huntington Paae 9.42 a m
No. 0 Fait Mail 6:16 p m
No 77 Huntington Pan C:33 p m
No. D Oregon Waah Rxpreaa 0:50 pg
Eaat bound
No. 18 Oregon Watb Ltd 2:51 a m
No. M Unite paaaenger 8:5b a m
No. 10 Fait Mall 12:12 p m
No. 78 Kolie paaaenger 3:50 p m
No. (i Oregon Wath Ex pre 0:15 p m
Malheur Valley Uninch
Tbe Vnle train leave Vale dally nt
H a. m. arriving In Ontario at 8:40.
It.tiii iiiiik will leave, except Si. mlu y.
at 10 a. in , arriving at Vale at 10 :40.
leaving for Ilrngan nt 10:50, arriv
ing there 11 :5H, returning will leave
Ilrngan at 12 :30. arrive at Vala 1 :30.
Leave Vale nt 2:35, arriving at On
tario at 3 '30, and return to Vale
at 7 p. m. On Sunday tbe train will
eniiii' to Ontario In the mnrnliig and
return nt 7 p. m . tnaklug the run to
Homcdala on that day inatead of
The Juntura train will leave Onta
rio Monday, Wedueeday aud Friday
la 7 n. m., returning at d p. m .
teaching Juntura nt 12:05 and leav
ing at I i in
The Homedule train leave Nyata
at 2:45 on Ttieaday, Tburaday and
Saturday, returning, arrive at On
tario at 0 p. in
The bipcjj.nt biirptiu we hitve
ever oft'ond our subscribers is
tbe Argils and four mugaiues,
all ou6 year, for only $1.18.
Kor Rent Two room house,
two blocks north of school house.
I'hone M6-K-8.
A Burtrain In Lumber.
We have u lot of Ix Common
I'ine, Dressed and Mutched,
l'ti is is cxieptidnal good grade,
just the thing for sub-floors,
limine cold storage buildings
nnd graineries, we waut the
room and will close tin.- out at
I, V. (ill per M. spot cash. It will
pay you to look at this bargain.
We i-iii'iii't hold this Lumber
lor anyone. Come early.
I uiin' Lumber Co.
Cash Grain Company
Distributer of
Wigwam and Hollyhock
I'hone lnti K
Ontario. Oregon
eaaa-fJ' f
at I 111 lS V
4.l Hv l
srWm m
IMPRESS on the young man who it burning the candle At both ends
and who it spending hit big talary as fast as he makes it the VALUE
OF A BANK ACCOUNT. Start him on the RIGHT ROAD today.
If he it not hopelett he at once will tec the error of hit ways. The open
ing of a bank account hat pat a ito? to many a youth's wild desire to be
The Ontario
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There 1s a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
" ! 111 ! i iNin -
Paint Kitchen Floors
Don't Scrub Them
Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by
scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors arc easy to keep
bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive
noon PAINT
gives a bard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or
any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean
Mi lira tiu: tldriiware and
BBBI BBVjVa7'laK. 'aVtfVt
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
It i al Market Report.
Corrected A'i. :0, for the benefit
of Asms i4ati hf 141 ttalfcait Mar
National Bank
ArtTlic Ciffinn
and hard to wear out. You can apply
it yourself. It dries in a short time.
Offered in appropriate and attractive
furniture Co.. Ontario, Oregon
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold,
oaotlla Cootpauy.
KtfKt, ptr iluzvu. 17 to.
Butter, per poauJ, 2oo.
Data, par hundred. 11.50
Wbeat, par baodred, fl. 75.
Hay, par tou, -
Fotatoea, pr buudred, 1.00
Outline, per buodred, 12.00.
Apple, per box, S1.0U. to SI. 50
Obiokeu. dieeaed, per pound, 18c.
Pork, dreaeed, s ' . to 9..o.
Fork, lUe, 6.r0 to 7
Vaal. 9 to 10o.
Bef Ho to 12c