The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Mm. W . W. Letson was In Boise
thiH week on bosiness.
MIm Oraoe Miller u visiting
with friend at Boise thle week.
Ironic Rader and Andy Maneman
nre In Portland tbl a week, delegate!
to tbe giand lodge meetlug of tbe
Knigbta of Colotnbua.
For Sale Duroo Jerseys, boar 7
months old, eleglble to register, aow,
Igbt montba old, will pig in June.
Pbone 207 -N 4, or Argne office.
Mra. K. O. Landla of Ontario,
Ore., wbo la vlaltlng In Bole for a
few weeka before going to Seattle to
make ber home, waa tbe honored
goeat of a delightful Kensington
given by Mra. U. W. Mull. Tbe
tablea where lunobeon waa served,
were beautifully deooratd with II
laoa. Statesman.
Miss Sue Stoetzel, who baa been
111 for Herein I weeks. Is Still r iiiMiim.I
to her room, but is rapidly improv
ing and will lie around again In a
few days,
ludge pHlton Biggs has gone to
Canyon Cltv, where he will bold a
term of tbe Circuit Court. Ha whs
acoompaoied by Mrs. Biggs.
E. A. Fmser made a trip to Skull
Springs tbiH week to look over tbe
wool situation.
Oraynge ordera taken at Moore
Hotel John Laodingham, residence
Pbone 421
Tbo city ha the grounds around
the Public Library level and seeded
and cemeut sidewalks laid, adding
much to the nppearunco of the place
and the convenience of those wbo
visit the library.,
Jamss Stoner was here Tuesday
calling on friends and relatives.
Miss Amelin Plugh"ff was calling
on Payette filtrds Tutsdaf,
Miss Althea Sheldon, of New Ply
mouth, waa here over Sunday. She
was a teacher here a few wars ago.
Marlon Morton and wife, of Boise
made a trip to Uurns in tneir car lo
one day. That is some traveling.
Wm. MoBratney made a business
trip to Weiser Monday to look after
property loUresta
Mr. John Brosuan returned Mon
day from a trip to Portland.
Wanted- Oeoerul boue work.
Pbone 145, Payette, Idaho. 20pd
O. II Lawsju, the Parma hutuber,
wit here Monday looking around.
He says business Is picking up at
bis town.
Jobu Pence, of Weiser, ex aberitt
of Wasliiiigtn county, was here Sat
urday visiting old friends
Mell K. Dowliog of Nampa aud
Margaret (iallagher of Weiser. took
out a marriage license Friday.
Julia B. Herlloe aud Heeae Jenk
ins, of Payette were tureried Saturday
Louis Hurtle is prepared to
sharpen your shears for ten
cents and guarantees satisfaction.
Mildred Calvert of Ontario aud
Andy Johnson, of Fruiltand, were
married on the Oth
A new grand jury waa drawn at
Vale last week, 0. ft. Kenyon was
elected chairman and John Stacy,
secretary, tbe other members are S.
F. Taylor, D. B. Pnrcell. C. K. Ami
don, Harry McCarty and ft. W. Ter
wllllger. Miss Hardy, one of tbe Vale teach
era, waa visiting at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Taggert over Sonday.
Miss Hardy's borne Is In Portland,
where she knew Mrs Taggart.
Tea aoree near New Plymontb. un
der Karri Ditch to trade for town
property In Ontario. Address Box
132. Froltland, Idabo. 20 21-22pd
Four oar loads of Chapter Masone
made a pilgrimage to Payette on Fri
day evening to witness tbe Past ooo
fen ad on three ua ml Mate. Tbey
bad a moat enjoyable evening, having
been well entertained by tbe candi
datea and companions.
Tbe Carnationa met with Mrs.
Brooke on Friday afUrnjon, Mrs.
winning the prize.
William Shivers, tbe owner of the
Brngan shsarlng plant, was In Ontar
io on business several days Inst week.
Horse paature for rant. Ou Hsh
htcberv islaod. Inquire of S. S
Brewer. 18 Imo
Homer Rambo waa down from
Westfall for supplies Isst Friday.
E. H. Tett, of Juutura, ws home
several days last week vltltlug the
family anil frleuds.
Owen Test and Hick Jonss. who
have been ou tbe Bully Creek pro
ject, were borne for a few days lest
(inn ii llNgr who I iii charge
of a lumber yard at Miluer Idaho was
here visiting with the family a few
daya latt week.
Mr. and Mr CI a les Anderson
were In from tbe rauch for aupplUs
on Friday.
O. C Muller and Juliau Hurley
mm.- down from Vale Saturday. Mr.
Hurley bad business at Payette and
Mr. Muller waa culled to Boise.
Mr. and Mrs. Kslph Kokhardl
oauie over from Boise Friday. Mr.
Eukbardt was called to Canyon to
look after some business and Mrs. is visiting with her par
ents at Hnmedale.
J. E. Lawrence of Vale was calling
on Ontario friends on Saturday.
Miss Margaret Dunbar was home
8unday from her school at Vale.
An alarm of tire was turned in
Saturdai evening caused by the
wire ou ttis top of the Md Fellows
building. The wind had whipped
the wire until the lotmlatiou wa
worn off. canning spsrks to fly.
There was very little damage.
J no. Turner has beeu here several
days tbl week from Harper, where
he is i a the store.
The Fact Remains
No amount of misrepresentation by the
peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug
gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis,
or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of
any kind, can change the fact that
Royal Baking Powder
has been found by the offi
cial examinations to be of the
highest leavening efficiency,
free from alum, and of absolute
purity and wholesomeness.
Royal Baking Powder is indispensable
for making finest and most economical food.
Adam Murray, tbe sheep man, was
iu for supplies Isst week.
Pat Gallagher, the Juntura editor
lawyer, was here this week and went
to Baker to look after a case be bns
In conrt.
Mrs. U W. Jones, of DesMolne.
Iowa, Is here tbe guest of ber son. K.
W. Jones.
Another osr of horses was shipped
out this morning to Ogden.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church
will give a progressive dluner on
May 21. Five courses and an auto
mobile ride for 50c,
Luella Callln, of Gntbrie, Okla
boma, arrived a few days ago and
will take a position in the schools.
The Deputy Oratid Matron of the
order of Eaatern Star, Mrs. Dora
Sobilke, will visit with tbe members
of tbe local Chapter no Saturday
afternoon. She will be In Vale Frl
day evening.
Tbe Ontario Conoert Orchestra on
next Saturday night will play the
1014 hit, two-steps, waltzes, one
steps and tbe ever popular tango.
Tbe harmony quartette will slog tbe
popular choruses.
Al. Coorad, tbe popular drummer
at tbe Isis In Boise, was a guest of
E. M. Brown Tuesday. Mr. Conrad
was on bla way to Payette Lakea
where be baa an orobestra.
The Saturday night dunces at the
Moore Hall, oondiioted by the On
tarin Conoert Orchestra continues a
big Mm Owing to tbe crowded
condition of the hall, the danoe will
hi. nt at " with music by the en
tire orchestra.
ABLE. tf.
Dr. Weese, who made a trip to
Ironside section the ilret of tbe
week, ays the fruit trees in that dis
trict are In full bloom with a pros
peat of a very large crop.
Charles Petersnu Is Iu from tbe
ranch tbia week. He suys a rain
would do tbe range good. The road
are Due from tbe much.
Thomas MoUivern. wbo Uvea lo
the Big Beud district, was here tbia
week visiting with tbs family.
There waa u bridge party at Mr.
Bllliugsley'a ou Tueeday eveuiug at
which Mra. Kenyon won the bouor.
Woman, middle aged to work oo
inn. h. Telephooe 005k2. j
Mis Artie Pool waa over from
Payette for the Claas exercUee Tue
day eveniug.
Mrs. '1.. iiiiiiigti.ii ha returud from
u trip .o Caldwell and Bolae where
she was visiting with reletivea and
A. A. Hull was over from Boise
Wednesday, interviewing tome of the
local people.
('has. Long is baok from a trip to
Hit. Bye Vallev section.
H E. Single, is bete from Lewie
tou, visiting bis sister, Mr. W. It.
McBrutuey and other friend.
Tli rural credit bill waa turuod
dowu by tbe democrats. The bank
er would not stand for It, tbey
want tncontinue tbe high late of in
terest tor tbe farmers.
Mrs. O. (i. Conover. ui'.tber of
Mrs. A. Zimmerman, did M the
10th and wa buried at Payette oo
the l'.!th, ageU 61 years. She had
lived iu this section many years and
hud a host of frieu.i.
Johi. Johnson aud J. D. Billing
ley made a trip to Weatfall aud buck
Engineer (Jarrett, of the N.rssa
section, was here laid week consult
ing with Engineer Whistler.
C. W. Post, wbo made fifty million
dollars gelling postnm and the other
saw diifit preparations, committed
suicide last week. He had teen suf
ferlng from stomach trouble, probably
caused by eating some of bis brenK
fast foods.
The borse buyer were out in num
bers this week, four being here Tues
day, C. H. Turner. Roaa Mead, Otto
Meek and D. E. Tracy. A oar load
waa shipped to Utah Tuesday. There
are a number of good horses in this
section and tbe borers have found It
out through A. McWIIIIams hammer
ing at tbem' There is a fair demand
for blooky horses, bot tbe leggy ones
and the light ones am nut wanted.
Ontario School teachers elected for
tbe ci. in lug year:
Mr. E. (J. Bailey, Supt
High School
Mr. J. Will Prater
Mr. C M. Williams
Mr. D. A. Hiles
Misa Ora Clark
Miss .Time Oray
Otade School
Mra. Edon OrlfDn
Miss Nellla Piatt
Mr. F. J CUmo
Miss Wlunifred Maloney
Mlss Mae Piatt
Miss Susie st... t ,i
Miss .Nona Austin
Mi Welmotb Currey
Mia Riiih I'm. -II
Mlsa Luella Callln
Miss l.aurose Bailey
Kat Hide School
Mrs Olive Clement
Miss ll.i -v Taylor.
Decoration Day Services.
A Hue of march will he formed on
Main Htret. uear the Farley Furui
ture Oo'a atore, 9:30 on Saturday,
May .10, led by the old soldiers, fol
lowed by citizen, who wilL. proceed
to the cemetery to decorate tbe
grave of departed friend.
Baaket dinner at the park, ou
returning Everybody bring a basket.
Free for all.
At 2.30 Saturday, May 30 at tbe
Opera House au appropriate program
will be reudstrd.
Tbe program will be published
next week.
Cemetery Improvement Society.
Church Notice.
Sunday morning. May 17, 1914.
Subject for the morning service at
the M. E. Church. " Tbe Power of
Ibe Divine Word." Suhjeot for ibe
eveoiug at H, "Tbe Htreugtb of the
Church or On. I Help Thoe Who
Help Themselves. "
Tueaday evening at the Baptist I
church al H. Kt-v. Thomas Johns will
give tint echo s of the fort lun.l i nil
to Win Convention. All who are in
terested iu the cause of temper an cc
are cordially invited to atteud. This
will be under tbe auspice ot tbe W.
C. T. U. of Ontario.
C. C. Cate, Union Meat CVs
Expert Will Arrive
Next Week
Hog raiser ami farmers in gen
eral will now liu.t the opportunity nt
securing first hand knowledge of Ol
getter Tankage, the famous nog food
uiu.le by the I'uioii Meat Company.
O. C. Cats, tiie bog food expert will
personally visit Ooluriu next week,
when be will visit hog raisers und
farmers demonatraliug the uuuul
food value of Digeater Tankage. Mr.
Cate i a recognized authority ou
bog.. Hi knoAle.!- haa beeu guln.-d
from piactlcal exptrieuce uud expert
iiient While iu Ontario Mr. ('ate
will be glad t hare you call on hiui
and will answer any .mentions you
In... in miud.
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning If your time is worth anything, you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Urban and interurban men find the
Ford a faithful friend. For the quick
trip into town for the leisurely ride
through country-aide for business
f i )V pleasure-anvwhere-every where
thc Ford serves nest. And it's light,
right, dependable and economical.
Five hundred sixty-nine dollars i the price
of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six
nineteen; the town car eight nineteen
f. o. It Ontario, complete with equipment.
Cet catalog and particulars from
Ford Garage
j rmmammmmmmKmm
m wmfmmmmmmmtmaKt
A SURE CROP means cultivation
and water. We have the best im
plements to do the cultivating with
Whenever in need of an implement we want to show
you real practical working tools
and quote you a price
Boyer Bros. & Co.
Implement Dep't.
Argus for Job Work