The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 4

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EntT'il in the TKmtoffice at Ontario
Orcein, for trariHinisHioii IhfOBgk the
mails hh Wfionil oltM mutter.
M. K. HA IN.
Whiit if the matter? One hear
that a doen tlmea a day mirl the gen-
ihI answer li that the people have
lost ft hi tli ) iff and are afraid to en
gage id any new business. Oregon
tina more fool laws than any other
tale, many of these lawa have been
pasted to regulate corporations and
tba remit ia that there are no near
companies coming to the atate to do
business. 'I'be past four yaara baa
aaeo an admlnlitrntiun of the atate
law in a governor who was ntterly
inf it for the office and who baa made
Oregon the butt of the atatea. On
Friday the people bate an oppor
tunity to ni'I. 1 1 men to bold office
for the next two yaara. There ara
good men leaking the nomination!,
men who will out down the taxaa by
doing away with a number of the uaa
leaa oommiaaiona brought into life by
Weat, and repealing many of the
preaeat lawa that are a detriment to
the atate. It ia the duty of every
man and woman to vote only for men
who are free of all antanalamcnta and
are knuwnjto be for a aano admlnia
tration. Two mora yeara like the
paat two will bankrupt tbe atate and
we will have them unleaa the votera
select oapable man for tbe ofHoea.
Do not vote for a man because bia
name uppcara flrat on the Hit. Take
the time neneaaary to pick out tbe
beat (jualilleil man for tbe plaoa. It
la tbe duty you owa tn yourself and
the people.
The Senatorial Candidate
To the Kditor: Through your
paper may I say to tbe good people
of Malheur County that It Iins ia
pome 1 in 1 n--iiil" tor me to visit, iin-m
before ttif irlniHr.V uleotloii May
loth, lait I plan to do so anon after,
in behalf of my oundldacy for the
United -.1 iii-- Senate.
1 appreciate the full and kind ex
pressions that have come to from
Malheur County by letter, from lu
tTvlewn n-ith residents anil through
tbe pruae.
As I view it. every interact of the
Northwest ia pleading for maturation
of the In 1 hi hi mi I'hiIv to power.
A revolt agaiiiitt tbe iletuooralio tarilf
act that IfM hili'l our product ia
apparent throughout the si.itn.
The best expression of cllaapproval
uf I "iinn nit ii policies nut the lieal
llnlluatioii of their rt-versnl can ls
shown i.y a full party vote at the pri
mary. Kur the party's ruku aud person
ally, 1 acknowledge 111 ndvaucc'graie
fu aprec latum for the votes that will
be cast for me its the Parly's choice
for I nil. .1 Statea Heuator.
Arrangements have been com
1-leii I for the coust ruction of v!7
unleti uf loggiug road out of Houtli-
1 1 in toward t'oos Kay.
Tbe S P. .v 8. railroad ia con
sideling building a new line from
the . tt) I lay river to the new ter
inn. nit. at the mouth uf tbe Columbia
if bettei business conditions warraut
tbe expenditure iu Oregou.
A new foiupaiiy has been formed in
Newport to put a modern halibut tlsh
lug schooner ou tbe hauks north uf
(hat place.
llomiiiy Is said to tie I tie only 1111
pui taut foot! product not uiauufau
tin fi.l in Oregon
The wool indiuiry of Kualcrn Ore
gou is passing vhrougil a seaaon of
tint greatest activity, prices going as
high as ulneteeu cents.
Sen Fraucisco advertises the lowest
tax rate ot any 'city from Stocktou
tu New ork ami is geting 111.111 fac
The Of nit Northern railroad has
placed nitleis (or Uu million feet of
lumber and loin' refrigerator curs.
Oli lauds are beiug taken up very
i.illdly in Malheur county mi. I ui.iny
wells are being developed.
Mi-m Florence Anderson went tu
Weiser Friday evening to repreaent
Frtiitlnnd high school In n deolnma
lOfff contest. Several from here ac
ctimpauled her.
Clarence Tickeu received second
l-i 111 on ln black driving team at
the ahnw Haturday in Payette.
Una Davis sold several head of fat
cattle to Mr. Wilcox of Payette.
Grandma Hall of Weiser. mother
uf Dave and Zoe Hall formerly of
this place, Died Friday, May Hth.
The bereaved ones have the sympathy
of their many frisnds here.
Mr. and Mrs. Farm II are tha par
ens of a baby girl.
There waa a good attendance at
grange pomona at Franks Hall Thorn
day. A good program waa given In
the afternnim, dinner and supper
were served In the basement of Bap
tist chinch
The Hen lor class had a party at
the home of one of Its members,
I. mil Sclnnid. Thursday evening.
I.hcIi member iDvlted a partner mak
Ing a party of eighteen. They spent
11 very pleasant evening alnging,
playlng'gamee and enjoying tbe re
freshments prepan d by the class.
Mr. Jss Barnard has traded his
ranch at l.eilui for 240 acres Id
lioiiud valley. Mr. Barnard formerly
lived two milea south uf town, where
Mr. Itoystnu now lives.
Miss Mary Kinnlson entertained at
her home Tuesday. May Mvers who
has been apsnding the winter In Call
fornia. Valley Colwell, Hculah Moyer
and Mra. Chat. Kioh.
.Mr. anil Mra. I'raier of Mnlvele.
but formerly of tills plac.-, ware
guests of their daughter, Mrs. Kulph
Hlchiirdton tha flrat "I the week,
The Fruitgrowers Association of
this pace held their annual business
meeting laat week and the following
ottlcsrs were elected : B. F. Tilaaing,
Prss; 1). It. In yard, Vlca Prss. ; A.
(1. Hodgers. St c : It, C. Ulakesly aud
Grant K'sber director. The mem
l.eihhlp Is now ueariv one hundred,
i.i. ut 120 jars of fruit was stolen
from. P. 10. Hilket'a oellar en Wed
in sd.iy uight of last week. There is
uu clue us tn who tbe thievss were.
It Is thought they were connected
with the fortune telling nuttlt who
waa here recently.
Tbe ball game l'lietilay tietween
the Friiltland high school and On
tario league remind In a tic score 4
to 4, aud the game Friday evening
between Vale aud I 1 nil laud high was
'.1 to 7 In favor of Fiuitland.
I.'ev Hower of Iowa who ia via
Itlug at the home of Mm. Mower's
pareuts, preached to au appreciative
mull Sunday evening at the M.
K, I'lllUCll "
Mother's tlayaervlces were obser
veil in each of tbe churches here last
Sunday. Tbe churches were beauti
fully decorated fur the occasion.
The silver medal contest Friday
evening given lu tiie Methodist
church uuder the dlreoion of tbe W.
C. T. U. by members of tbe high
school consisting of five girls was
well attended and eujeyed. Mltw
liapbue McKeown wou the medal,
her -.ub iect was The Kaaaon Why.
The other girl that took purl were
Olive lluuter. Pearl Kby. Klsle
Uloumstroui and Hertna Bliud.
rich cue ditl well. Tuesday eveuing
of this week live boys of tbe high
school had their cu utesl program as
follows Tbe Ship That Sauk. Grant
(011. liner. Saved, Amaey Bolinger.
Ileiukiah and his Pa. Lou Kuuisev .
College Oil Cans, I. vie Broom; A
Fat her 'a Prayer, Kail Hook A Boy
and Prohibition Wendell Brown.
Several uiimbere of music were fur
iii-dicd by tbe high Sobool.
Mrs. King who been here pari
of tbe time for several years with her
daughters. F. W Greip, die. I at
the home ot her .laugher ill 111., May
I, after ouly a brief illueas. Mr.
autl Mrs. Grelp left tbe same evening
to attend the fuuerul. Her remains
were taken to Knid. Oklahoma for
burial beside her hushuad.
Trinidad. Colo. President Wilson,
throiiKh tin- vvnr ihtiiirimcnl. has In
structed Colonel .liunrs i.ockctt, com
mainline, the federal troops in south
ern Colorado, to iiermit no Importn
tlon of strllielirfiikon:. and announced a time limit would bo set at once
within which delivery of arms must
be completed, according to a state
ment by Major W. A. Holbrook.
In hla statement on President Wil
son's Instructions upon strikebreak
ers, Major Holbrook said that the
commanding officers here had . been
advised that no man shall be employ
ed In any mine In the Colorado who
had not been actually In Its employ
April 22, the date of the president's
first proclamation ordering the troops
Into the field, was published.
Htrlkers, formerly employed at cer
tain mines, will be permitted to return
to work at the specific places of their
former employment If they choose and
If they are desired by their former
employers, according to Major Hol
brook. For Governor.
Republican Primaries, May 15
He Voted Against The New
Tax Law and Stands for
Reduction of Taxes Pay
able Semi-Annually With
out Penalty.
Economy, Efficiency-Dignified
Law Enforcement.
I waa li on ami reared upon a farm
in Buffalo Cnuuty. Wla. ; educated
myself by my own etiorts, and
have practiced law in Portland since
June, 1894. Have alway tukeu au
active part In public affairs, aud
have held several official positions.
1 taud by my record as State -.en
ator at the laat aeaslun of tba legis
lature. 1 worked and voted agninst
the new tax law, and favor a law
makinit taxes payable aemi auually penalty.
Duly five of tbe laws passed a l
that sesslou were referred to the
people by referendum ietitiniia; four
uf these (he people approved by
overwhelmiug majorities, aud I voted
fur them; tbe fifth was almost sa
badly defeated, and I bad voted
tigninst it iu the legislature.
I worked and voted for Hauator
Malarkey'a miuluium wage bill for
wuuieii, providlug for au impartial
commission to fix the maximum
hours of labor and the miuiuiitui
amount of pay.
1 favor a similar law providiug for
au imparl ml commissi. hi without
couipcuentiou, lo fix the maximum
houra of labor for men iu the var
i tin industrial occupations; this
iu preference to a flat eight hour
I favor iiimil roads legislation
with state aid. so that w may
have cheaper tiuasportatlou limn tbe
farma and producers iu every due.
1 favor the reduction of faxes by
consolidation of various cuuiiuissi
ous. or tbe abolishment thereof, aud
placlug their duties into the bauds
uf the stale Board, aud by tbe re
dlictiou of the expellees of cinluct
iug the various departments of tbe
1 favor suitable appropriations for
our Slate educational Institutions
and the continued improve tueut of
our bulwark the public sobool
And above all I favor the vigorous
aud efficient eufuroement of all th
criminal statutes, iuclndlng those
regulatiut; aud prohibitum the sale
of Intoxicating liquors, aud this I
shall do with firmness aud Impartial
ity. The neb. the pour, the ureal.
tbe humble, tbe capitalist, tbe labor j
er. the churchniHU and theliiiuori
dealer shall u measured by li saui.
standard, umi each shall auswer tor i
bis own ..cis.
a? i-a
Dr. W. O Howe
No. 7.12
First National
Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Natl Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Dn Harhikt Hkajis
(trad mh let. American School of Os
teopathy. K 1 rksvillc. Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. IM.Blk.
Office In I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . Oiucao
Will Practice In all Courts
Notarv Public. Office over Poatoffice
W, II Cecil. Ontario.
Ben Brown, Vale.
C C Morton. Old's Ferrv.
N. O. White, Weiser Undue.
J. K Holly. Itii.-rv i.-w
Aim I lennv. Jordan Valley.
Joe BankofTcr, McDermitt
J Bovdt II. Nvssa
W II Mi Wiluatns. Jiiutura
Win Kine, Harper
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby glvsu that the
underalgned lias been duly appoiuted
administrator with ti.e will miuextd
or tbe astats uf Thomas llarned, tie
.it ' t. by tbe County Court of tbe
State of Oregon for the County of
Malheur. Any aud all i ersmis hsv
in .' claims agninst the said estate ate
hereby notified to preseut the same
to the uuderalgneri adniiuistrtitor at
Westfnll, Oregon, or to bis attor
neys, McCullocb Jk Wood, at Ou
tario, Oregou, within six mouths
from the date of the first publication
of this nolle.
In. ne aud dated aud first pub
lished this It tiny of Mar. A. I)
Administrator with the will an
next . I ot the estate of Thomas liar
iied, deceased.
V. S. Land Office at Vale, Ore
w-.ii. May l:i. l'.Hi.
Notice la hereby givsu that Robert
MoKinuey, of Outiiriu, Oregou, who,
on Nov. nl. i H. l'.llil, made Home
stead eutry No. ulnl... tor the S t.
Sectiou d'A. Township 17 S. , Ranue
4ti !, Will. Meridian, baa Hied no
tice of iiiteutii i; to make dual three
year Proof, to establish claim to
tbe laud above described, before the
Register and Receiver of the United
States I. an. I Office, at Vale. Oregou,
on the Kith day of June, lull.
Claimant names as witnesses: S.
D. Moore. Albeit Wortb. Frank
Welch, aud O. A. Kosbuick, all of
Ontario, Oregon.
Newspaper Man Seeks unite.
M. K Miller, editor of the St. Hel
ens Mist, St Helens who is a candi
date for state lubor commissioner la
making an aggressive campaign.
White Mr. Miller is a republican can
didate lie rises above politics, anl
hopes to take the office which he
seeks, away from tolitlcal domination
making it independent in asjsg . .-, n-. .
a condition which should exist In
such a position. Mr Miller stands high
as a newspaperman, and possesses all
the requisites for the capable aud just
administration of the affairs of that
Important office -Astoria Daily Bud
pril 23.
Give this Job to a man
who will reduce Taxes
and cut down expenses
If vim had an interest in a private business
you would want it conducted on hiiiineis
principles. You have an interest in the
affairs of this State. The State of Orejron
is a business institution run for the benefit
of the people in it who, in a certain sense,
are stockholders in its business interests.
In the coming primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland,
will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Oregon
needs to have taxei reduced and expenses cut down. The only way
to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles
in running the State that you would apply in running your own business.
How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper
ating expenses from year to year f Not many. Well, let's reduce
our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland,
is running nn that platform and stands on his platform. Get him on
the job! Start thinking about this today!
Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce
taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ' The issue is clear.
One will cut down faxes the other will give jobs to his political
friends. Which do you want ? Paid Advertisement.
the Exclusive Agency of the Wei
ser Creamery Butter selling now
at .50 cents per pound - - -
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
Summer Excursions
Union Pacific System
To Points East
Including; Dftivrr.
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago,
MinneajMilis, St Paul,
Memphis ami many
other points.
May 13,18, 28 30;
June 3, 6. 10. 13, 17,20, 27,
July 1, 3, 10, 11. 12. 1 2.1, 2t.
August 5. 12. ID, 26;
Sept. 2, 16.
Limit October 31, I'M i
For Rates and
VI i m,- rcEw
To Points West
To San Francisco,
Lotjanjjreles and other points
via Portland, Oiden or
Salt Luke City.
Daily, June 1st to
Sept. 30, 1914
Limited October 31, 1914
Further Particulars
One Piece Hammer
In The New Model
If you see more than one hole in
u hummer you know that extra
parts are fastened to the hammer
whether shown or not. Our ham
mer is all one piece, only one hole,
no toggles or stirrups attached.
We nave cut out all cocking
K-vers, bars, push rods and ham
mer stirrups ami cock the gun di
rect from toe of hammer. '
Catalog Free, 18 grades, $17.76
net to $400 list.
Our 5, lb 'lo bore is a hummer -be
down to date and shoot MM
ITHACA GUN CO.. Ithaca, N. Y.