VILLA LOVER OF j FIGHTING BIRDS Often Wagers $5,000 on Out come of Chicken Fight. HIS GAMECOCKS ARE BEST Oeacended From Thoee Brad by George Washington Thinka Example Set In Cockpit la Good For Hia Troopa on Eva of Qraat Battle Admirea Their Unconquerable Narva. Juarer., Mexico. "I will tight this gamecock In the City of Mexico on the Fourth of July," Mid General Villa, aa tie exhibited n favorite flRhtlnir rooster to Mara Casstdy, tho fnmoun starter of race boraea. who hna handled the bar rler at the Juarez race track over a tin ndi i'i duya u year since lta organlza tlnn five years ago. The gamecock In question bnd Jn-i iwon lta twenty-fifth victory and wna one of a shipment of forty-eight game cocks which Villa hud received from the breeding form of Colonel S. J. Hea ter of Heater. 8. '., who hna been stip plylng the NM chieftain with fighting blrda for aeverul yenra. "(Jenentl Vllln," aald Mr. Cnaatdy, in telling of thla Incident, "la the moat re markable man I have ever known. I have met every revolutionary lender In northern Mexico. Many of them were highly educated, and the history of these contlnuoua revolutions reveals the iiiinii'M of aeverul grent men. but Villa, a iiimii of meager education, la. according to opinion held by eminent military men, the great eat organizer. the greotest fighter and the bent loved otlcc of Sale of State Lands Notice Is hereby given that the Slnlr. I.'itld Kn'ir.i nt Ilia Cftatn fif Ctra. i Senor gon will receive scaled blilr. until 10 o'clock a. in. July II, 1914, for the following described lands, to-wlt: Ut tin .'ill. T 13 8- R. 42 E. BM, of NE14, NK'4 Of NWVi. N of SK',. WW of 9W and lots 1, 2 and 4 of Section 16, T. 16 8. R. 40 10. Sections 10 and 36, T MEXICAN DEFENSE IS MADE 32 8. R 43 E- Sections 10 and 30. T. II S- R. 44 E. Sections 10 and 30, Sections 16 and 30 Sections 10 and 36 Sections 10 and 36 T. 33 S. R. 44 E. T. 33 S. R, 45 E. T. 34 8- R. 45 E. T- 36 8. R. 44 E. Sections 16 and 36. T. 36 8. R. 45 E. S of paction 10, all of section 36, T. 36 8- R. 46 B. Sections 16 and 36, T. 36 8. R. 47 E 8ections 16 and 36, T. 36 8. R. 48 E. Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8- R. 44 E Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 45 E Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 46 E Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 8- R. 48 E. All bids must be accomponlcd by a regularly executed application to pur chase and check or draft for at least one-fifth of the amount of the bid. The right to reject any and nil bids Is reserved. iilliitliin and Mils should be ad dressed to O. ! Ilrown, clerk state land board, Snlem, Oregon, and mark ed "Application and bid to purchaso tate lands." G. O. BROWN, Clerk Slate Land Hoard. Dated May 1. 1914. 8t Rojas Denies American Flag Waa Insulted at Tampico. Mexico City. The Mexican foreign minister, Senor I'ortlllo y Rojas, an nounced It would be Impossible to agree to the demand of the United States that the flag be saluted uncon ditionally, because that flag wns not Insulted, as It was not flying from the launch, and because the murines were set free even before an investigation and the officer responsible for the ar rest was himself arrested and held for trial. Th foreign minister here announced i thnt the M xlcnn government would agree that both flags he saluted, the American flag first and then the Man Icnn flag, this arrangement to he made by a protocol signed by American Charge d'Afl'nircs Nelson O'Rhough nessy and the Mexican foreign mi i. is tar. The United Stotes government, Senor I'ortlllo asserted, has refused permission to Charge O'Shoughnessy to sign such a protocol and demanded an unconditional salute by Mexico, which Mexico felt waa Incompatible with her dignity. 01311 NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Lund Office at Vale, Oregon, April 30, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Rowley Robinson, of Ontario, Oregon, who on May 13, 1910 made homestead entry No. 01311, for SWH NW. NW'i s ', Sec. 24, Ni: SK',, SK', K', Section 23, Township 17 8., Range 46 K. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three jear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before tho Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Vale, Oregon, on the 11th day of June, 1914. Claimant names us witnesses: 8. I). Moore, II. 8. Sutton, or On tario, Oregon: John T. Taylor, Rolen Hall, or Fayette, Idaho. Bruce R. Kesier, Register. Militia Must Be Mrat to cntiat. Washington. The war department mndfl it plain that In rulslng a volun teer army for service against Mexico preference will be given the organised militia or the various states and that In no state will Independent volunteer organizations be received until tha resources or the militia of the state have been exhausted. 01537 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U B. Umd Office ut Vale, Oregon, April 30, 1914. Notice is hereby -given thnt 8tephen D. Moore, of Ontario, Oregon, who on August 30, 1910, made Homestead En try No. 01537, for K 8K4 Sac. 23, 8Wfc 8W4 Sec -'. NWfc NWVi Soc. 25 and NB4 Nas4 Section 26, Town ship 17 8., Range 46 K . Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Kim! Of fice at Vale, Oregon, on the 1 1 tit day or June, 1914 Claimant names as witnesses: Rowley Robinson. A Jniulah, II W Clement, aud O Trousdale, ot Ontario, Oregon. Bruee It. Kester, Receiver. REPUBLICAN VOTERS SHOULD BEWARE Party Should Be Represented on National Committee By a Republican The Republicans or Oregon are en titled to have a Republican named as the National Republican Committee man from this State. C. W. Ackeraon, who claims to be a Republican, Is a candidate. He registered aa a Progres sive January 8, 1914. Then signed petl. tlop or H. W. Coe to be Progressive National Committeeman. Then can celled his registration aa a Progres sive and registered as a Republican and Immediately riled hla candidacy for membership on Republican Nation al Committee. Has been an Intimate and convenient understudy or the Pro gressive National Committeeman and aeems now to be In combination with him In an attempt to shanghai tha Republican organization. His candi dacy la being actively backed by par ties hostile to the Republican party and having personal interests and pri vate personal grudges to serve. Ills erratic and excitable temperament haa frequently led him to flood the col umns of the press with violent attacks upon the Republican party and vicious personal abuse or prominent Republi cans and lite long residents or the State It la a grave nbuse tor pnrtles who are not Republican to register aa such. It Is a graver abuse tor outsiders to attempt the capture of a political par ty to gratify a personal grudge and to promote party discord. It Is an abuse against which fair minded men of all parties will rlso in protest. We can norr have a reunited party by puahlng to the front political hotheads and men who are political reformers simply for the sake of office. Having been a Republican only twenty-four hours when he announced his candl ducy for the highest honorary position In the gift ot the party, Is some Indi cation ot what Mr. Ackeraon'a motive wue In reentering as a Republican. As Hon. Ralph K. Williams Is the only Republican who Is a candidate for Republican National Couimltteemun, . feel warranted in nrgltig till loyal Repul "cans in the stale to give him tin Ir earnest and enthusiastic support. (II S It MOOUKH, (Chairman of Republican State On trnl C nimlttee.) M. B. McFAUL, (President Lincoln Republican Club.) MeKINl.KY MITCIIKKK, (President ot Portland Republican Club.) C. M. IDLEMAN. (President Muitorpor Republican Gives the Real Facts In Regard to cm- Her Case and Tells How She Suffered. MRS. McGILL BROKE DOWK aV" ft wBrmflkii yaasl The Most Qualified Judges Pronounce Taylor & Williams Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST FOR SALE in quantitiea from One gallon up. and many other Good brands, bv L B. TEfER, Wtolesaler ONTARIO, OBBQOM I EAT ALL I WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! Ti .- '"-IkAt'si Ail. "I I a , -, ........ ...wa ., -. .i, a nillli 1V11 n ejsjH r pli ta break down In health, HI I tin ago," writes MrB. A. McOIll, from tli: place. "I waa very weak and eouUt not do any work. I tried dirt -mat remedies, but they did me no good. One day. I got a bottle of Cardtit. ff did me bo much good, I was surprised, and took aoine more. Itefore 1 took Cardul, T had hcoiTueh. ml backache, and Bometlmes I would cry for hours. Now I at- over all thar . and ran do all kinds of housework, X think It is tho greatest medicine od earth." In tho pnst fiftv yenrs, thou uida of ladles have written, like Mrs. McOIll. to tell of tho benefit received front Cardul. Such testimony, from earnest women, aurely Indicates the great value of till tonic remedy, ror diseases peculiar to women. Are you a sufferer? Yes? Cardul Is the medicine you need. We urge you to try It. N. B.- HVi'fafo I I SSBM A tvltnrv Deri., ("halt a bixij Mcdli Ine Co., C.hatunonia, Tann., for eeWH iiarmrriofn, an 1 m-paee N. Iliinr I raatl sir Woman, tent In H in wrappar, on request. No Mora Qaa on tha Stomach or Sour Stomach I No Mora Heavy Feeling After Meala or Constipation I If you luivo sour stomach, constipa tion or rna en tho stomach try JUST ON'RDOSB of simple buckthorn lurk, ilti". i ite . in mixed In Adler-l-1.a. tho remedy which 1 1 becoi ihig known a tho MOST I'OWKKFUL bowel . MP ,y. r sold. Tin VERY FIRST doso showa ro stil and a short treatment with Adiir-ll.a, will Htiaprlao you. This remedy drains such astonish ing amounts of old matter from Um ystemt'intABINGLK D4 li constipation, sour stomach and gas on the stomach almost INSTANTLY. AHk Your Druggiat Fur a Hottle TODAY HERE IS THE CHANGE Of YOUR LIEE if you want tolornto nenr n towi. that linn it very bright future I have 70 acres of tho very choicest liuiil, ha.s a nice slope to the east, a lirst-cluss water riglit. N nerea in alfalfa, rest haa been in i;rain. Not ha ing it all paid for it leaven me nimble In tukt care of that much land. I will sell anywhere from B to TOacrea. My prire ranges from lf0 per nere up. About half cash; good ternih on rest at S per cent in torcat. Land exactly the taint tut jc-ii ni it i hat been Helling at 'J(MI to ip.'KH) per acre, so hen is your chance if you want good tract of land; miles from Ontario, Ore. near Malheur .Junction, where car nhopa and round house will no doubt be built in the near future. H :.l J. J. DllvSS Ontario, Orrgoi w & 1114, Mutual Film company i ursi . M. I I.I.A and worst feared man In the republic of Mexico. 111m fullowera lil"ll: him. bis fame is coiiHtiiutly spr inline lu Mexico, and re rulta ure Joiiiiug bU army at au euormoua rule. "1 have hail atuple oportuulty to atudy the uiiiu, lstb at the 1MB truck aud at (he cockpit, where he freely ndiig led with his uiliciTs aud meu. Ills cumpauluus lucluded Alfredo Mudero. brother or the martyred president, who la Interpreter for Oeneral Villa. It la generally believed (hut the ex Ileuses of the Vlllu cauipalgu are being de frayed by the Madero family. "Villa la what might be called a uat ural born sportamau. He freijuenii.i wagered $.'i tJUO ;i,l ou a favorite flgbtlug cock. "'I bate wou enough ou this game cock to defray the eipenses of the army for to inoiitliM,' remarked Gen eral Villa as be handed me the picture of the bird referred to lu hla remark already ijuott'd." Oeueral Villa receives a dozen game locks from his South Carolina breeder aver) week. These birds are moved with the military eiiulpiuwiit In a ape clul wagon. It contains twenty eit-'ht aepurate coops and la drawn by a pair of mules. Before the commencement of a bat tie (jeucrul Villa has gamecocks fought before bis soldiers and urges them t" emulate the heroic conduct of these feat he red lutllaturs, as did the ancient w.irrlurs in the dim and distant past One familiar with aiulent history Is forced to believe that this Illiterate but able lighter lu one respect at least resembles Tbemlstoclea, who Introduc ed cock fighting Into Athens ufter the l'eraluu wars. The incident is tbus re lated: "When the famous general was lead ing the Athenian army agniust the 1'eraluns he saw some cocks Ughtlns, and he took occasion f,rom this clrcum atance to auimute bis troops by observ ing to them: " These animals fight not for their gods or country, nor for the monument- of their ancestors, nor for glory, nor for freedom, nor for their children, but for the sake of victory aud that one may not yield to the other,' aud from this topic be inspirited the Athenians."-Vide Aellan. Var. lllst. li.c.2& lr Tihhfrfr&&frfr1S Church Installs a Band. Lancaster O.-A new plau waa put Into effect in church circles In this city when the First Metliodlst Episcopal church engaged the Citizens' band to (day at Sunday school. The baud marched through Main street and took part In the musical program at the church prior to the opeulug of Suuduy achool. m w m ff m ff ff f f f f I f f ff f m ff f f f ff ff m ff m ff ff m m m m ff ff ff aV The Last Word In The Perfection of Brewing a Rare Treat For Real Judges of a Highly Perfected Product a Beer Praised by Foreign Experts l m ff Supply Yourself With Some of This Superb Brew A. E. Price & Co. ONTARIO Moore Hotel H. W. OREGON Whitworth lSrlfrfrrf:tSfrf:eh-irrf:iriiirim-ir-tmimf:tfrl-f:''