The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 14, 1914, Image 2

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fiuilt Steel Glad Battleships In
Sixteenth Century.
Explains Why Advancement of Nation
Has Boon Raiardsd and Why Japan
Haa Forgad to tha Front Exprsaaaa
Great Hopa For Future Undar Quid
nee of Japan.
Washington. George Kennnn, ex
eslorer und lecturer, recently cotnmu
alcatorl to the Nntlonnl Ouoxmphlc ao
tety nt WllMaflW the Information
s9int Kornn hullt BfcBaJ clnil bnttlpslilps
SCO ycnri before (lie Monitor and Mcr
rltiinr were rrcutoil. The Hermit King
d"in iim ii'iiiii: movable type mid nH
f roimnili'iil Instrument from the
twelfth to the fifteenth reiiturles mid
eunploj Iuk PHllnaJTt bombs long baflBfe
they Here known In Kuropo He
point out Hint the fnuinii .InpnnoHc
Untsuiun pottery wn innile nrlulnnlly
by Koran workmen, who were Import
ax) Into the ml kudo's kingdom
These fuels lire cited by Mr. Ken
tinn t slu.u- the terrlfle downfnll ex
perienced liv Korea. lie tnieiM her
Course from her plnnncle of civ lllxntlon
Br ' '"'' I(2fW
Prisoner Said Ha Was Fourth Prsal
dsnt's Qrsst-grsst-grandson.
Sin.iiiiuili. Ga. F. A. Madlsou, who
siiys lie I ii dlreet descendant of Pres
ident Madison, was locked up here aft
er a street light and after he had sur
leiiilereil u ruzor which he said origi
nally was the property of J Ames Madi
son. Tlie prisoner was held as wit
ness and then released.
Mndlaon. who was a stranger In 8a
v.'iin ili. was set upon and beaten by
two mun whom he said he did not
know. Ills erles for assistance brought
a policeman, who arrested one of the
men, but was unable to catch the oth
er. Madison ulso was taken to the
station, and as he was being searched
the policeman found the razor In the
prisoner's pocket.
"Ofll'-or, please let me keep that,"
pleaded Madison.
"It's against the rules." replied the
"Can't you let me hnve It? I wouldn't
take anything for It," begged the pris
oner. "James Madison was my great
great grandfather and that razor anil
the family lllbte are nil of his pons.
'l"iiH that we have left In the family
now. I hare been hungry and broke
and without a place to sleep, but I
have never parted with that razor."
lie took the razor with him when he
was released.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Slate SBMNaM.
tii the depths of degeneracy and ex
lri . great hopes fui her future Ull
ler the guidance of Japan
"While Uui'ca was sinking Jupau
waa rising uulll the Island kingdom.
All by her own efforts, beeuine such a
world power us to defeat a great Ku
ropean nation," he says. "The Koreans
Were mainland pupil Thev had
fJIUght tliii luo.llevul .lup.-t all (lie civil!
sallou h.. bud Mill by reason of
their geographical locution they were
Invaded by vastly Inferior peoples, the
Mongols ami the .M;tlu him
"Korea was Inllueie ed to establish
ileli, .ill. .Inf. US her n'llgloii tier blissl
wna weakened by ladng aajfjajMl with
il at oi .istile vastly beneath tier, and
her p. i II w:.s broken b.v (he ludlgiil
Hi's lu-ipil upon her b.v the more pow
ttrflll iliv.ilcrs She was lllldl'l tile
llitlilence ..I China, which ndopled the
Neiulsaiicl luniks of (oiifie Ins as Its
imtioual n stem of education 2.UD0
years 1 1 . The knowledge of his
works in. I I he iiMlll.v to re. lie long
chapter nt his writ lugs were made
(be chief requirement of the aspirant
for bun. us. As a result, the stud) of
the sciences. Hull liclliiil Ii s and the pile
uoineiiii of niiluic was dropped, the
meiiiMi) was over, ulllwitcd and the
reasoning power slultlllcd The habits
0 die K(j i .Miis liciiiuie uncleanly; the)
ajrajW IndllTereiit to dirt and smells
"JiiMtii, on the other hand, aTM M v er
Invadtsl in her hlstor) Her as
never Inleriulngled. and her stock vv us
illowist to remain pine. Her nalional
luirncici was developed wltli. nit out
:.! Influence The Shinto religion of
ibe empii-e has as Its cardinal prlucl
,'lcs purity of Isidy. spirit and .in Iron
in.-nt Japan Mas not eapgfjaaj le the
scourges and plagues (hut Korea's dirt
nd tlliii brought upon her. The feu
ilal s)stoiu sprang up lu Japan, cans
lug authority to U IMpMM uiul dls
Iplllie to lie develop.'. I
"In WIO Jupnn annexed Korea Prl
or to (Inn time as many deaths as
a day occurred In the city of Seoul
alone. Shortl) iiiterwurd not as many
people died from the plague In the
whole kingdom lu one year Jtiin
forcibly ti.c.-luiitcxl 5.400,000 people III
one vcir One hundred and sixty eight
courts were established, giving author
tt.v to UUHO gendarincs Ihin.lre.K of
miles of roads are Isdiig built. Mi'or
.1 i(t. in oti an extensive scale Is i dug
unlet in
' Te vieonrnge die Mlkworm ruins
Try IMJDODftOO Bulberrj tree sellings
were set out in one veur Si. do and
tiriv:ite banks were lahllshcd. The
puetal saving' ayateai was luMnlletl.
and one lu PVet) six families bus a
savings tdtnlint The people, at lirst
susid 'toils, hnve le. ii lied lieu th.v villi
get tliclr iiione.v lu U vvliencvcr ilnv
ask tor It In the Ih-t year after the
Japanese -upaiic) the rice crop was
doubled, and the wi.cit and barley
cropa Bfw fr I4JJ0O.00O to 80.000,000
(n, thell n l:iinie--e I ive built a
: , In every i v nice and
.,,.,. . it the pee le ( Imi'd
ejtntlur villi . iluoiu.v it the kim;
I i"
Frenchman Proposes Twenty Hores and
a Thousand Chronee For a Day.
I'nrls. A suggestion Is made In
the current Kevin. Itlciio for Hie pur
pose of bringing the chronological
system Into line with the decimnllzn
lion of money, weights and dlstnnM,
The new proposal Involves the dlvl
slim of the day Into twenty periods,
calliil bores. Instead of twenty-four
hours, each liore lielng similarly dlvld
ed Into fifty (M' culled cbrones.
each cbrotie ulsitit nun and a half
minutes being the thousandth part of
a day as the gram and the meter are
the thousandth part, respectlv ely.of the
kilogram and kilometer The ch rones
are further subdivided Into cenll
thrones, the equivalent of a second.
The deviser of the plan asserts that
the new system would facilitate ma
rine observation, besides simplifying
calculations of time generally The
French government, however, shows
no Inclination to adopt the Idea.
Work for County Division.
Plummer. A delegation appointed
by the president of the I'lummer com
mercial club visited Harrison to dis
cuss dividing the county of Kootenai
Into three part.
William D. Keeton of St. Marie be
lieves both factions should get to
gether and agree on the dividing line
between the proposed county of Hene
wah, favored by St. Maries, and the
proposed county demnnded by Plum
mer and the southwest part of Koot
enul county.
Slpela Pleafl Not Guilty.
Wallace John Slpeln. n North Fork
rancher, recently held to the district
court on a charge of flrnt degree mur
der, wni arraigned In the district
court on the charge and entered a
plen of not guilty. Slpela Is charged
with Htrlkliu; John Kiirhu, a ncnahlior.
In the bend villi a double blttel mx
nnd so severely crushing and gashbu.'
his skull thai lie died n short time
Weisrr Farmer Accused.
Welser Charles Henderson, a
prominent farmer of this valley, Is
held under 9 1 moo bonds to appear In
Hie United Slates district court In
llolse in September to answer a
charge of misusing the malls. Hen
del on was arrested at his home near
here and had his preliminary hearing
before ('tilted Stales Commissioner
Tretiam, of this city.
Armenian Shot by Holdup Succumbs.
Homier.. I'd i). Sltroc Charnicsla,
the Armenian laborer, who waa shot
by a holdup man. died In the local
hospital. He was about 28 years old
and had a wife and two children In
Klirope. Two suspects were arrested
ut the Canadian line and have been
brought here
Morgan Tells How Document
Game Into His Possession.
Ntw O. O. P. Officers Wanted.
I In . A petition has been circulated
among the county central committee
men asking the secretary to call u
meeting of the republican central com
mittee for the purpose of electing a
new chairman and other officers who
hive moved away.
Washington The first authoritative
explanation of the manner lu which J.
I'lerpout Morgan came Into possession
of the Mil i i in Washington will, to re
gain the cunttsly of which the gover
nor no. I cltlseus of Virginia have
threatened legal measures, wus glveu
out by Mr. Morgan
Committees Meat June 9 to NewAV Del
egates to Platform Convention,
llolse -Will Coventor Haines have
opposition at ibe republican prima
ries? That Is the question now para
mount in the minds of republicans
both for and against him. It begins
to look as though he would not und
if so It will produce a situation In
"The will of Martha Washington was
taken from the Fairfax courthouse In j "'H UxU' unparalleled since the direct
UMaV Mr. Morgan said, "by a colonel primary law went Into effect.
of the ( iilou army, who readied It The old count) central committees
from destruction by his men. Tills meet at the county scuta of the 33
oltleci retained It lu his ismaesslou for counties June ! to elect delegates to
thirty vcura and shortly before his ,,, ,. ,,(, , convention to be
ili-. ilh In ls;rj gave It to tils ilaugliter
who. I hi i ten years later, in IUU0, sold
It to the late J. l'lelMint Morgan
"This account she related ut the
held June M
The primary election this year Is
held September I Instead of the cat!)
. ....-, .. A..B.1., BU M.MU Ka no tfl
time of the Iraicfer She stated that ' " "-"' " "-- '"- ""
her father's reulmenl uuii isoiicd Fulr- yearn ago.
fax Court House In HMH and that he
bad beaibpiarters in the courthouse
Another command bad pieviousl) will
pled the pine, and (be He'll bad lU'o
The prospective possibilities aa gu-
i timber now promlneutly
mentioned are Flunk Lewis, u Moscow
banker; C 1.. Heltman. of Itaihdi inn.
ken open the sales The lloors were i ,,.,. ,;,, chairman, and l W. l)u
"" I wl1" "'"I""" " l' vis of vuerlcan Fulls. It Is practl
mis Jg MM) I ...uklug tin, l.nter f ,, ,lmt s,.lmlor 1);ivlll wl
in,' pi. ii icis one nay lie louuu
liU men shoveling pus'is Into a stove
not make the race, although urged to.
i He stopHHl the.... aud lii eiamlulug
I 'n i aibltioulsts are particularly
the piiiK-rs found the l.irlbu Wasblug U "' '''h"lf of Mr H'", who
ton will.
'Ilu careliillv preserved the docu
l in. nt tbrougtiout his life, aud on the
eve or bis death gave It to hie daugb
The correspondence shows that Mr.
Morgan suggest. si to the governor of
Virginia two plans for the preserve
Hon and exhibition of the Martha
Washington will tine Is tbat Mr.
Morguu would present the will for
public exhibition at Mount Vernon.
the other is that the will bo preserved
b.v the congressional library at Wash
ington With boil, of these suggestions
Mr. Morgan couplee another, that
Htsirge Washington's will, now Vir
ginia's proiHTty. lie exhibited with It
lias been pioiulneiit ill the light III his
lioine count) to bring about u "dry"
coiuliiioii there He not only person
all) conducted war on the saloons In
his home town, but he aided in the
prosecution of the bootleggers. When
ibe couitiiissloners of Kootenai county
dented .he applications und petitions
of the "drs" for a local option elec
tion lu that county he took charge of
(In i.'iupalgu and circulated petlllont. the commissioners approved,
calling an election. The result waa
hat Kootenai county went from "wet"
to "dry."
Woman In Holland and Msn In Wis
consm Are Curiously Wed.
Supeilor. Wis. Johannes Jacobus
Kuyk, after a wedding cciviuoii) pre
llintiiarlcs tor which lasted several
months. Is a married man Ills bride
w - Miss M ;rl Louise tirotendorsl
ol Holland. They were married by
; ae bride Is eiivcted to arrive from
Holland June Kl final papers uniting
the couple hive from Holland
A number of olhVlals tOOh part In the
When Mis ku.vl. arrives she will be
:n oiupaniisl by Miss Nellie lletss of
HoH.'ii.d vv bo :s I, i I ecoii.o the bride of
Q Kuvk et (trend EUpede, Kllma ,
brother of the Superior titan
Improvement on Short Line.
Kooskia A Northern 1'uciflc Clear
water short line work (ruin has been
on tile branch most of the spring, dls
'.icing tics and bridge timber, audi
with the aid ol a steam shovel clear
ing avvav nil. n. v places where slides
have occurred during the spriug rulua
Milch Cows for St. Maries.
S( Mutes. I. T CaMor has Jusi
.I a carload ol milch cows, Jer
llolsicins and I'uiliaius. The)
will BMPPlj butter lat and milk for
the Si M. i is creamer)
French May Quit Race.
. oeiir d' lene Humors are un
rein here to (he ott'.vl that Congres.
man Burton 1. French lermg
' retiring froei the
i i Uorsklp.
The Barry Shoe
For Men
Is Acknowledged to Be The Best for
Of Any Shoe On The Market Today
We Have Them
Let Us Show You The Line
Malheur Mercantile Go.
Well, What Do You
Think of This?
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All Five for About the Price of
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shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office.
We have never told our paper alone at less than a dollar a year.
Hut on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big
publications we are able to give eur readers the four magazines with our
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regular price of our paper alone.
Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call
and see us when you are in town. As soon u you see these clean,
beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your own
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These Four Standard Maoaines
The Ontario Argus
Phone 49 J. P. 0. Box 128