ONTARIO-Thc Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon The Ontario Ai-rub I'ads in Prestige, rierit, and Circula tion. Watch us jjrow V r.UME XVII SCOOP BY THE Is Captured and Tied I ;sl By The Fair Young God. MUSICAL RECEPTION MONDAY Last Snturiliiv J. R. Ur egg, pub Usher of tiw Ontario Democrat made a trip tn Vale and eceured a mar riage license from the county clerk, the BOt :n - v 1 1 1 1 I premeditated mii Kit. Jolini was wniiiiin for him at hit borne, an vvhh alnii a few li lends of th" I Mini I v and Mill I ...urn Hi'Bgle I'll"' f.-r i-'ii' in v WU 1 1 1 i ' k I v per formed and the couple went on tlielr way to Nytta, where they caught the pony for Boise, cleverly oiitwl'tlng their inun ti ii ml j who were waiting for them. After a ahort honeymoon la Uolse ttiey returned and are now ut tbeir home on the cast i I On Mnii'lni evening the iiiual re oeptlou urn hold, in nt of the callers having a iiiiikIi'iiI Instrument, to he ore the host would know they ware tlii're. Mr. Mini Mm Orcgg hare the best wlabea of thtlr boats of friends here, holli being known by moat of our people. SAYS FREE TRADE HAS CUT WOOL PRICE FIVE CENTS M. H. Owinn wai brio between train Monday, lie aaya the wool i- about nil told and ia luting shipped out a fa.t aa clipped. The sheep j John c Rockefeller, Jr., against . ,. . .. . whom tl.. -'.ate of paraonal violence in. n figure that the .rice wmild be . I ware made in connection with the Col about Hie nt a i .... I batter if j ordo U6C. troub,, there waa a traiff on wool, hut thiy : are plessed with the i r --.-n t price as It la better tbau expected. The email wiuter Imih and the good price for wool will enable the abeep men to more tbau break even this year. ONTARIO WILL HAVE LEC TURE COURSE THIS SEASON Tbe ladiea Aid Sooletiee of tbe Methodist ami Fresbyteriau oburobea have arrauged with the Kedpatb liu reau tor the appeuranoa here of u ser lee of eutei i.n.iii.i .ii.. for the tall and wiuter. Tbay were aiound T u. ..lay and met witb eoeptloual auooesa in svlliug tickets. There are ineuy excellent uumbera In the Hat. including auob ae the KHlerueye, acieutltlo Denionstra tious, liar wood K. Manlove, Tbe Collegians ljuartett and Uov. Blial leuberger, tbe man wlfV defeated Hryau tor Governor of Nebraska. Tbe voting pi...'.- are ttret ard. Ktveraide additiou, lu tbe yellow Imuae one blook north and east of tbe oity laundry, eeooud ward at tbe City Hall iiml tbe tb ii .1 ward iu tbe atore room north of tbe Ontario Hotel. At Cairo iu tbe Grange ball. Fair grounda In the exposition building, nortb weat corner. William blackaby returned .Mm. day from Eugene, where be waa a oonteataut for tbe honors iu tbe high jump. Tbe winner jumped live loot ten and a bait iocbee. Blackaby tied for tbiui place witb five foot nine and In the jump off lost. That is certainly aou.e jumping fer a seventeen year old boy end be la aure to be in tbe leed witli auotber seat "n training In the Javelin throw if Myers had goue he would have bud in. trouble in getting secuud place aa be eHaily throws mote tbau was scor ed there. She THE CEMETERY COMMITTEE IS FIXING UP THE GROUNDS The i- '11111 Ittee having the Ceme tery in charge are m - to raise a little money to keep up the work of beautifying tne plaoe. There li plenty of water t" keep things grow InR. but it it necessary to have a mail thejrc to look after tbe weeda and tend to the imputing. A little money fiotn thoie who hare relatives there will enable them to make It a beautiful plaoe In a ahort time. Over two hundred trees have been i I m ti t . i . 1 1 - btiabea and other shrube have alio been placed, many of the lota have been lmpmrd mid n mull park ban been laid nut. Annul the committee and they r i 1 1 see that the money Is well expended. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER JR. WOMAN FALLS FROM LAD DER AND BREAKS 1ER HIP Mrs. W. A. 'Iurenn.il fell from a ladder mi Friday morning and sus tained a broken hip. Mr Tnri'iiinii waaaw.iv nt the time, a six yeai old iuu belug the only ...... home at the time of the accident Mrs. Ttiermun crawled aud rolled to the house and got into lied, where ber lin.,li.in. I f.tqad her Iu the evenlug when (.(. returned home. It was Mouday befure Mrs Ture in. in would oonaeut to baviug a doc tor. Dr. Weese was summoned aud arrived there Monday evening, going to .Ironsides in an auto and then TO miles over tbe mountains In a rig. Tbe f lecture waa reduced aud the doctor returned Tuesday. REGISTRATION OF THE COUNTY AND STATE VOTERS The complete registration for tbe oouuty shows IMS, witb 152b repub lican, U76 democrat. 81 progreaeive, 93 social Hu, 88 prohibitionists, '.ill independent and aome acettertng. Ibe registration two yeara ago was 2174 for the county in October. It ia estimated that not over sixty per ft ii t of tbe voters bare registered and iu si.nie pieniucia omit- registered. Tbe registration for tbe etaie j abowa that the progressives bete goue beck to tbe old parties aud if good, clean men are nominated by tbe re publicans tbey will be elected Some men oan be beard talking tliout the big democratic victory of: two yeara ago aa a laud slide, but i tbey abould remember that the ma i jority of tbe voters did uot vote the democratic ticket and did uot favor ! a free trade platform, that it was brought ai.i.ut solely by tbe split iu the republican party and now that tbe party ia agaiu united they will return to power aud restore coutl dence. IVbV.' JM m BmUti0 Representative Newspaner of Ontario and Malheur County. ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1914. ONTARIO TEAM WINS GAME WITH VALE Now Leading the League By a Good Per Centage. VALE WILL PLAY HERE SUNDAY About three hundred people eaw a game of good hall at Vale on Holi day, the score being 0 to 1 In favor of Ontario, The Vale team was handicapped hv their catcher and llrst bhaeman being out and substitutes playing. ITiey got alx hits and the pitcher truck mil :i. The Ontario team played a good 1 1 In game and made some excellent piers The long drive of LeKeau over the fence waa ouc of the fea turns A throw by Holstrnm from l i center to third, catching hia in. in was another. Toe tnn double playa by Knupal. LnKsau and Dai ni'll was what kept the Vale team f i nm scoring. Miller hail good control and struck mil l( n.i-ii The team showed tbe elfsct of good practicn through the week. The game Holiday will be mi the home gn nude batwi on tbe same teems and It la expected to he an '(her good one a both teams will do i ln.i heat tn w In mid will pnihehlv bave unfile stronger pleycre lined up. Tbe game at Fayette resulted In a victory for I "ay etc, score one tn untiling. TI atsn.liuf of tin, teams m ne follows: Win I. -I per ceut Ontario .'I 1 750 Fayrtta 3 I Old) Vale 3 S 4iO Welaer 1 .1 IM (in.- of the Ontario Welaer games waa i i nt. 1,1. I and thrown out. THE CLOSING Splendid Entertainment Given by the Graduates on Tuesday Evening. THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES THIS EVENINC 1 1, is bas loon a busy week with tbe schools, being the last week. Tbe gradea are baviug tbeir exam illations and tbe graduating class of the High School I. ..s been baviug apeoial exercises. Ou Sunday Kav. Myera preached the Baocalaureate sermon iu the Frea byterian church to a large audieuce. Ou Tuesday evening tbey held tbe Claae Uay exercise iu tbe High School auditorium. There waa a very large crowd present aud tbe several members of the class tvho participated in the program acquitted themselves in a most creditihle uiau ner.' Miss Jessie Hicks welcomed the guests ill a few appropriate remarks. Then. Moore favored witb a piano selection A "ery pretty I ttle playlet. The unfi -d.-ai les. di played tbe ability of the young n u and lady, aud many worda of praise were beard of tbe u.oi. r th v bandied Hie eeveral I'sil.. i.stis Mmtnu. took tbe part of n n obi man. Will Htraue that of a rouah n'lldi.r. I 'urns Myers ut the ljver with Miss Terressa Cox to as sist him ami Virgil Letuuiou as the o tlicer. iWARM RESERVOIR SITE Being Inspected By Gov ernment Engineers for Data. TO MAKE SOUNDINGS EOR DAM John T. Wblstler, U"' eminent en glneer. who le in the employ of the 1 government in thla state, waa here I laat week looking ir tin. Warm ' Hprings resetvoir site and said that later soundings would probably he ' made to determine tbe feaalhlllty of 1 building a dam there ami impound ing tbe watera of the Malheur. Thla work does not mean that t Ik- government is going to take up the Malheur project at tbla time but simply that tbey want the Informs , Hon regerdlng tho reservoir site to I that It may be uaed If wanted at j some future time. At one time It wes suggested that the site be used and the watera I m ..'iili. led lor the Unite to the Heed Ox Flat, but It waa found that tbe expenae was hravy and since much of the lower lauds of the Flat have htmii oovered with other projecte there would not be enough lends aviillaba at this time to make a feaa il.li project along the original Hues However there ere eeveral thousand acres In the Harper baeln and along tho Mainour not covered now that could be reached aud the pres ent water rights could he Improve. I hv holding the flood waters for the lull- aason lrrlutlng. II . rj" no more than a hundred thousaiiil acres of land on this aide of the Huake river iu this vicinity that should lie watered and will tie some day, then we will have not ouly the -i country iu the west but tbe most extensive. DAYS OF THE SCHOOL YEAR llersobel lirowu delivered tbe Halutatoiy In a bumomua veiu. win ning the plaudits of tbe audience. The aolo by Doria Myera was a pleasing number, bringiug out tbe rl.-b louea of hia voice to good advan tage. Then. Monro was the valedictoriau. llt-.ri-iii-l lirowu rendered a aolo. Ibe'claas prophecy by Mlaa Maud Fool waa full of pleasantries aud sur prises. Tbe class poem by Mtsa Terreasa Cox waa a gem, wall received. The will by Mlaa Dorotby Cox. drawn iu legal phraseology disposed of all tb belongings of the olaaa, and tbau eome. Witii toaata. olaas song and tbe yell tbe entertainment waa closed, all feeling tbat tbey bad spent a pleasaut ereulng. This evenlug the couiuiencemcut .Nt-iei-.es will be held iu tbe same place, bringiug tbe school year to a close. Tbe Alumni will give a party to tbe graduated ou Monday evening. Tbe Juuiors gave a reception to tin seniors Wednesday evening at tbe I.. mi. i- of Miss Hage. The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon vsn. GREAT DEMONSTRATION OE SUCCESSEUL WORK In the year 1008. In the United States. 115,000 people died of typhoid fever. The value of aotl typhoid vaclna Hon fur tne prevention of typoold fever may be seen, when hi the year 1(108, out of an army of 40,000, there were l.'IO cases of tyi hold fever, and 11 deaths: and In the year 101,'t, when vaccination against typhoid be came compulsory, out of an army of HO.OOO only tine., casrs of typhoid fever developed, and no deatba. 8o efficient is the vaccine, that among the 30,000 men serving abroad, only one case of typbol.1 occurred, and that in Cblna. 1 he vaccine seems to be ol little value iu treating the dlaease once contracted; its eltlciency after Ilea chiefly in Its power to prevent the disease, if used in time: aud when given. It usii.il iv protecte from one to three years. i.KAli APaOTUL vi. i..i. i i.i a. HICK LOCKETT MUST PAY THE PENALTY Hick liockctt must serve bis term of one to tea years lu tbe stale pent teuiiaiy for cattle rustllug. accord ing M tbe mandates of the supreme court received by County Clerk Combs and tiled Monday The court sustained tha mutiou of Die triut Attorney (io.lwiirto affirm tbe verdict of tbe local circuit court, whlob tn i.i.l Loukett aud bis brother Marshall guilty. Tbe case was ap pealed by Hick Locket's attorneys and tbey were glveu uulil March 1 last to Hie transcript aud bill uf ex ceptions, which waa done. Maker Democrat. WEISER CONTEST CUP GOES TO THE CALDWELL GIRL In tbe Oratorioal Contest at Wil ser tbe cup went to Caldwell, Mis Oapnue (iowau, racitiug Tbe Htep uiotl.er. Th lepreseiitatlve from On tarlo, Miaa Weat got secoud place Tin n were a u umber of ounteaUnt aud tbe judges bad a hard time lu makiug tbeir decision. The i i i. . was a ill voi loving cup given by HuperiuUudent Hoadley, of Weiaer schools. THE CITY PEST HOUSE IS DESTROYED RY A FIRE BUG The pest bouse was burned Wed uesday evening ahuut uiue o'clock. When It was about gone, some of tbe people phoned lu ahoill It. It will be leplaced by a brick or concrete building at oucc. t - B at The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year NO. 20 WITH THE BUILDERS Sewer Work Being Pushed Along in Nevada Avenue. LIDRARY GROUNDS ARE GRADED The contractor on the aewer are making exceptional head way in their work this week, etriklng good ground with little wntcr. Tho main pipe to tbe hill aectloa la laid and tl.i. linn. u ..rt..,( mint .,. tl... V . . . . I .. ' ' ' -" "" "' " 'ssi v"n,,c I""'. These men have all the pipe on the ground and are pushing tbe work right along. The water level aeema to be eev eral feet lower thau when the main trunk aewer waa placed, making it much easier for tbe men aud coutrao tora. The atone maanns have their work on the new home for the Ontmlo Na tional hank about completed. The I plumbers and carpentera have their work i.l. .nit completed, leaving the marble floor and witlra.'otlug to be placed and tie plastering to be done. JUNTURA STONE EASY TO WORK 1 1 'nun Juntura Times) The Oregon llrllge uud Construc tion Co. wired for fifty extra men this week and will linvo then, at work in a few days rushing the truth crossing ..li ii c Inward coiupl. tlon. The railroad people have dlsehargsd their Austrian laborers aud will put ou it full crew of white men to take their place, aud will double the sl.e of fheir crews as soon aa they can get tbe in. ii For the lie. i. III of some of Hie f. i imi journal ista In tbe east end of the oouuty who were making a merry noise lu tbeir sleeve a short time since when w spoke of .luiitura na a wnol ceutei, we might nieutlon tbat John Johnson was In the utber day and picked up a few sacks am muting tn a total of something over ('.(in, nun pounds, ami still left a mil i Imi pounds or more for wnol sale duy. Thla shipment witb the im in. iii. amount th., I la yet to go out will .I. something toward BOfte the center of wool production a little distance iu tbe direction of tbia lo cality. Couirscioi Moore bas work well along ou the depot fouudatlon, and bas a crow of men busy cutting ruck. Mr. Moore tried a uew experiment lu the way uf atone cutting, aud found that It worked out very satis factorlly. He employs a coioinmi cross cut saw and now the rock like ao mauy blocks of wood, even cut ting the lock n little faster than the average wood cau la. cut. This lit He discovery will save buildere thuiisauds of dollars aud will make It possible to us rock for construc tion purposes her to the exclusion of about every other building mater ial. RAILROAD NEARING THE RIVERSIDE TOWNSITE The rin I mail people have been Mill. etitutiug white help on the work be tween Ionium and Kiverside ami are making good headway, lieiug on It s.ueii imlus from Hiverslde, which point they expect to reach hy July It is geueially thought that Mm graders will bo put to work soon ax they can get steam shovels to the front to woik mi the Craiic Cr.ck summit. With it icptim. of this stunt cut, the light ut way is over smooth country to the Cascades ou the wet. i