The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 07, 1914, Image 8

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Revised Calendar Would Cause
Easter to Fall oo Fined Date.
Paris.-ReeommetidnMons by thn In
tfrtiii iloini calendar coiinnhodnti at the
1 1 1 1 1 1 u' to be held Id Berlin xliortly
by the InternntlouAl Association of
A' -Hi -ml' - ln hide tbe adoption of
li -i pet mil calendar Hud a (lied, tin
Chi mi." able diite for Easter The ntu-
diInmIiiii also advocate giving thlityj
one days to June and September, thiif
ty day to February and cuIIIiik down
other months.
The Idea In to give to each month
n epial niitnher of working days, and
it has been ho arnitiKed that the drat,
flfti entli or thirtieth of the month ncv
r fulls on Sunday. Ho far iim Earner
la concerned, the commlMHlnii will take
do action unless It In sanctioned by
the religious authorities.
M. tecolnte. director of the Itoyol
lii Iglnn coiiHervatory, one of the men
Interested, nays the wnrincst partisans
of the proponed reform are not Uto
pians, hut practical men. They are, he
ays. iMWOtan and business mea,
M. Ieculute recalled that at a meet
I tit' of chambers of cuiiinicrce MM Ocr
mini deb-gales declined that (icrmiin
i'iiiiiiiii'Ii i lust mlllluiis of francs when
Raster came In March. The two aca
demic semesters. sciuriitcd according
to universal custom by Kaster. are de
(lured alsu tu cause Incutiveiilenci) In
leaching, while spring vacations are
apt to come during bad weather when
Kaster falls too noon.
s lo the it ' 1 1 in I (IIvImIoii of the year.
It Is true, snt those Interested, that
one Is acciiHtoiuisI to the iiiioiuallcs
but that II Is nevertheless highly dc
slrahle to do away with them.
Wheat- -Clllh, 9llc, bluest, .in. Wt,
red Russian. H'.ic
Hay Tliuothy. fit;, ulruiru. $13.
Iluti'i i nauiery, 25c.
Egg Hunch, PJc.
Wheal Mluiht.iu, 6c; club, c;
red KiiHslan. Kile.
liny Timothy, $17 per tin; alfalfa
$14 pi i Ion
gM '-''"
ilillti i I i -.1 i -r . L'lic.
A 1'i-poiind girl baby was horn to
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Miller Wednesday
morning, April tfftlr
Horn to thn wife of Mr. Frank Malic
011 Sunday evening, April 2-6, a baby
Tim little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Wood
r.f Juniper creek had her arm broken
in the elbow Joint by falling off a
horse and was brought In for medical
attendance Monday night.
Hlley Morn, the cattle king aid cap
italist was In town Wednesday and
Thursday of this week frojii his stock
ranch on the Owyhee rlrer at the up
per ' hole In the ground-" Mr. Horn
located there only a few years ago
and by economy, hard work and care
ful nttontlon to business has become
Firs c I
.S'everal men with about 12 teams
are making a new ball ground at Iron
side and building a grandstand.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nichols and
Mrs. S. A. Van lliiren went out t the
Nichols homestead at the foot of
liotiside Snii.l i
Harry Edwards who MM his ranch
:ii I tunable to Mr. N'lchols has moved
his family to his homestead In Cow
valley where he Is building a new
II M. Knthrfoid look his family
tu Ontario to be gone some time.
Smith Urn, have Jtmt completed
putting in a crop on their homestea I
lu Cow vallc).
School bus stalled I" the new school
house on Itose creek with Miss loiils.i
riff tit as teacher
Mrs. Henry of I " ti It who had
in en visiting her iliiiighlot, Mrl. Illn
ton. at IroiiNlile for MMM iium step
pi'd on a mill, maklug her fool very
ton and liccc.-sllatlng her going on
YK rti,ithtm FUol 1'iM'rr
lealhei i. it and BkabMi H--I
in sole, iiriwiiim easily. A set-
nllho "Naiuul ahaiw,' M.
Not by and
by' but right
from the
start The
Flexsole is a
boon to tender
feet a blessing
to much-exercised
feet. A new
shoe with an old
shoe's comfort.
"A fritnj to your ft"
.V ISt-l Tl-
' SHOl
People in Ihe News
James It Manila lias been elected
mayor or fles Multii'S. Iowa, for the
third In in
JatucH c. ltii.-i.Hi-H. believed to be tin
oldcHt Civil war veteran In Nebraska,
died at Lincoln, at the age of Inn
"lOlierill" Kelly, leader of the nil
'inpliiveil in in-. rH found guilty of
ragnUM) b ,i jury In Jumiii-
en s court at Sacramento
Mayor smith tuu boon reelected at
I City. (01 I third term .in
ol Mir bOttOM campaigns III
the hlhloiy ill kin' place
l.illicatloil In the coll.-i;e branches
rOTJ member of I lit- KansiiH pent
ti nllary Is proposed by Frank Strong.
i ol lb.- ot Kansas.
UlogtM """ she t Injured by
M il- I Rogers, u ro ed at I'ur
dm university, hid. hits brought ault
in ii-roki-i n i'H Mootloga
li i i In- in. ilh ot "dm ii t I'omiiiis
-Inn. i II i M, tri in ol Tacouia, was a
iliiiil renult ot rabies ami not from
the Offset! of the seilliu In-iiiment, an
l.i I r.-porli-d. in Ibi''iil of Drs
(' Sin. it i Wilson and William II Mr
ry, Mho iiuiil iu I oil ,i post iiiiii linn
.Hid Ink weii' .ipplied. she declares
Miss Mattle Tyler, m iiiiIiIiiiikIiI it ol
al-Pr IdOll 'l" Iff. miiii ndiTi-il tbe
pi. ii i ol iiostmaster at i 'ourtUinl, Va ,
in her successor President Wilson
h.i I'liniiiM-d lo 'ook into the coin
plaint .i.uiisl tin- i.'iiuivhI made by
tin- wnin.iu
W.iti'iliHi, low, i. il.-ited Mayor K. C.
Thompson and Ills entire Socialist
(likcl The liquor ipienlloii was the
cliii-f ipii-Hllon lu die csmpalgn. (lie
wliiulug mayor HtuudliiK for the llceiis
lug of saloons
Party Should Be Represented
on National Committee
Dy a Republican
The Republicans of Oregon are en
titled to have a Republican named aa
the National Republican Committee
man from this State. C. W. Ackerson.
who claims to be a Republican, la a
candidate. He registered aa a Progrea
alve January S, 1914. Then signed petl
tlon of H W'. foe to be Progreaslre
National Committeeman. Then can
celled his registration as a Progres
sive and registered as n Republican
and Immediately filed his candidacy
for membership on Republican Nation
al Committee. Mas been nn Intimate
and convenient understudy of the Pro
greKHlve National Committeeman and
aeems now to be In combination with
him In nn attempt to shanghai the
Republican organization. Ills candi
dacy Is being actively backed by par
ties hostile to the Republican party
and having personal interests and pri
vate personal grudges to serve. Ills
erratic and excitable temperament has
frequently led him to flood the col
umns of the press with violent attacks
upon the Republican party and vicious
personal abuse of prominent Republi
cans and lifelong residents of the
It Is a grave nhuse for parties who
are not Republican to register aa auch.
It la a graver abuse for outsiders to
attempt the capture of a political par
ty to grntlfy a personal grudge and
to promote purty discord. It la an
abuse against which fair minded men
of ail parties will rlso In protest. We
can never have a reunited party by
pushing to the front political hotheads
and men who are political reformers
simply for the sake of office Having
been a Republican only twenty four
hours when he announced his candi
dacy for the hlghi-st honorary position
In the gift of the party, Is some Indi
cation of Mii.u Mr. Ackerson's motive
was In registering as a Republican.
As Hon Ralph K. Wlll!s;ns Is the only
llepubllcan vtho Is a candidate for
Republican National Comtiillteeinau,
we feel mii rran led III urging all loyal
Iti-publlcans In the stale lo give him
their earnest and enthusiastic aupport
(Chairman r Republican Slate Cen
tral Committee
(President l.lncnlu ldpiltilliau Club.)
(President or Portland Hepubllcan
Club I
(President Mullurpor It-publican
Club I
Bulletin of Seasonable Summer Wear
A Store Brim Full of Clothing and furnishings for
Cool Sox-.
Wayne knit Silk mercerized thin, cool c r
and durable. All Colors including white, pair ZOC
Sailor Straws
Soft and Stiff brim Sailor straws in the new high
crown and narrow brim models with j fa
black, fancy and velvet bands, at - 41 TO ZoOU
Better this year than ever prices are a little less
Panamas are easily an economical JA 4- CfcC
summer hat in every shape - - - Jp4: lO JpU
At $1.00
Buy our famous Alexander $1.00 Shirts, easily
worth 50c more. The requirements of all good dres
sers are embodied in these shirts. Every pattern a new
spring pattern and any style you desire m g rw
at Jjl.UU
Summer Underwear-
B. V. D. Poros-knit and Balbriggan in Union or
two-piece, all sizes to fit everybody. Every gar- q
ment guaranteed of first quality, per suit - Jp 1
Buy Your Furnishings from the
Largest stock in Malheur County
Ontario. Oregon
v m
Rockafellar Asked to End Strike
Trouble in Colorado.
axhiiiKtou Picsideul Wilson has
in. idc a personal appeal to John l
Km kcteller to In in about a MltlQ
Uieiit ot the Colorado coal strike and
end the violent' Mhlch has cost a
score ot lues ami l.tifttf property loss
The financier, w ho owns- a larne part
of the iiuui'm affected h the .-.Hike,
in roapoMM in a i.'leKi.ini Iroiu the
pivxldcu!. declared he had turned ffOf
bis Intcroi tu Colorado to In.- xcn.
Jul. n l Hot k.lelier. Ji , whom he
Uiuild .l.-k tu cooperate with Chair
man h'o.-ter. nt the house COBWltlM
on nunc.- and iiIuIuk The pi. -'..lent
Ml PoOtOf to New ork to talk Vttfe
ll. c )OUIIKcr Kocket.-ller
fter a cond'ivn.' it .i s.ild word
h.ul Ii i rOCOtVOd troui Kcpnscnl.i
tiw Kosiii iu NOV uk thai John l
Uo ki'lclli-r, Jr. had flail reu.u.l .ill
offern ol arbitration w Kt tiki mine
The Willi .in II. ml. i .. hipped
; in .id of Hoon lo Portland i'u
flOJJT, which .(M-niKeil lift pmi il.
Jilt BtUiBgolO) Ih'iikIii Piit c. i
noll'n lanilm Klid.n Tin- prh .
waa not uUen out, hut it wan um-.
If oil.
W. P. Allen aold 111.- wo. I and hl
wctheia iind a (nod price in nporlid
I. J- Counoll) VII aii.uln'1 of thn nn ii wlio turned hlf. wn.. loo.-u,
a d .i!mi I.:.- lamina Sd Wiiiiiuer Ml
gained hiit clip m ikewiae I out
Ahoul 70UU wethei wen ild laat
uiii.eceHui cointiilaaiinia I wan the land hoard. Silem, Onuon. ad murk
Traokiojrlag mo been pooaod rapid.
I) the poj( luu ilJJM and at thin tllun
the Dteel is within atu.ul eeven nilUi
of Itiw'iMil,' whcic it is held up on
account oj puttitiK iu a bridge or two.
l'lie i pt-ode have changed
their gNafla a little, MtttOf Ml two
crosbliiK. time living u lot p Oui.i
in which the road will he into Hiver
sidc and ti nice little sum ol inon.-.v .in
The Oickoii llridbc and Coiietruc
lion i'u. h.ivo started MMTttlul lo;'
(he hutment at the tenth
and will eoon have a large force of
men at work with the concrete nia
cin, i' .
I.a.-i week the entire eugineeriiiK
tone if the O-W K. N were liatulei-
icii limn ,iK' lu tills point, on M
count of the fact that the work ciuld
ted troui Vael to tine OjlOJj, ou ac-
iaiiKc The couipuu.N employee but
three iiu-i. at Vale now outside of the
l.iboicie th.i; load care iu the material
yard, ilox UN have MM Ml otf and
fixed up (Of temporary officea, uuttl
such time ae the klMOM ('M do
pot le tluished when u te vci pioba
lile (hat the MglttMllai folic will ot
luc iu that building.
in t iiudldate for governor to ralie
and present that h-mh- to the people,
and the candidate.-, are all now getting
In jhe band wagon u that leeue The
people me .-i much ill earneet on
In- iueelliti. and lu my Judgment ihe
i 'pulilic.iiis are going lo mmiliiali' ll
candidate for govern, r who hu :i
(lean record on that leeue and who
i hue never been a party to the in
crease of taxea. The ofriclal records
of li.ikei ahow that I huve a clean
record and my admlnletratloo WH
both economical and tdtlcient. I am
making; my campaign straight from
the shoulder. Taxes iiiu-t lie reduced,
MMMM ut down and useless coiu
mleen :.e ahollijied As guvernor I
can ani will do (hie. I am going to
he nominated and elected on nV platform."
ed "Application ami hid o purchaeu
Blllte lands."
O. (i. HIIOWX,
Clerk State Land Board,
Dated May 1, liMI m
The following: lb troui the Maker
City m ruing Democrat or April 25:
"It was the pleasiHc of liaker
friends yesterday to meet their old
time neighbor and associate Charles
A. Johns, who ariiwd in ihe clly the
night previous In the interest of his
Notice of Hale of Male Land-.
Notice le hereby given that the
State land Hoard of Ihe .State of Ore
gon will receive sealed bids until 10
o'clock a. ui. July 14, 1SH, ror th
following described lands, to-wlt:
S.'.tin lit;. T U K 41' K
s Ii of NBHi NaUs i MWHi N ot
M, BW'4 of SW4 and lots 1. i aud
Hipartuient of the Interior, U H.
Land Ofrice at Vale, Oregon, April
:nt. lit 1 1
Ndice Is boreby given that Itowlev
Kobiuson, or Ontutio, Oregon, who ou
May 13, lit 10 made homestead entry
No. OIjU, for JJW NWK. NW4
SW'm Sec. L'l, NKk 8KV. SE
NEV Section r., Township 17 8.,
Hange it; K . Willamette Merldlau, lias
filed notice of Intention to make fiual
three year proof, to establish claim 'o
the laud above described, before the
Register and Heceiver or the Putted
Stat.-.-. Land Office at Vale, Oregou,
on the llth day of June,
Claimuut names as witnesses:
8. L. Moore, H. 8 Sutton, of On
tario, Oregon; John T. Taylor, Rolen
Hall, of Payette, Idaho.
Bruce K. Hester, Register.
candidacy for the republican guber- ' 4 of .Section 1C. T. 16 S. R. 40 K.
nutorial nomination. Mr. Julius' com
ing to Baker was hardly necessary
iu view of the tact that he has much
ground to covet luiweeu n.w and the
primaries; but he deemed it only an
act or courtesy to stop over for 4
brief lime at least. HU resi-
deuce in Baker and his record as a
loyal aud progressive citizen as so
iiidelliliiy stamped on the remem
brance o( the people of (his city aud
county that his supp. it will come
neurly unanimous, from his party ut
the primaries, ami many democrats,
who luic registered as republicans to
vote for him, will so record their sup
pot !
Mr Johns is out to win
M plaito: m ineane exactly what It
hk. ne remarked. the people an
.ir the state are aroused over the
question if reducing the IsYMOi
Cutting down expOBSOS a:id aholishtug
Sections 1C ami 3G. T 32 8. R. 43 K
Sections 16 and 36. T. 32 8 K 44 E.
Si. lions 16 and 36, T. 33 S. R. 44 E
Sections 16 and N, 1'. ;;;! S It. 45 E.
Sei -tioiia 16 and 36. T. 34 S- H. 45 E-
Sections 16 and 36, T 36 8. R. 44 E.
S. m tions 16 and 36, T. 36 8. R. 4; E
.SfVj of fit ion 16, all of section 36.
'. 36 S R 46 E.
Department of the Interior, Lr- 8.
Land Office at Vale, Oregon, April
30. 1U14
Notice is hereby given that Stephen
1 Mo "f Ontario, Oregon, who oa
August 30. 1 ill n, made Homestead En
try No. 01..37. for Nn SE' Sec. L'3,
WU SW4 .STec. L'4, NW'4 NW14 8ec.
Sections If. and 36, T. 36 8. R. 47 E M and NK4 NSM Section 26, Town
ship 17 S . Range 46 E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make final three year proof, to
etjablieh claim to the land above des
cribed, before the Register and Re
ceiver ol the I'nlted States Ind Of
fice at Vale. Oregon, on the llth day
of June. 1914
Claimant names as witnesses:
Rowley Robiuson. A Jaiiulsh. H W.
Clement, and C Trousdale, of Ontario,
Bruce R. Kester. Receiver.
Sections Ii. aud 36, T. 36 8. R. 48 E.
S.'.n.'ii- and 36. T. 37 8- R. 44 E
.ectioiie 16 and Iff, T. 37 8. It. 45 E.
Sections 16 and 36. T.'37 8. R. 46 E
Sections Iff and Iff, 1. 17 S- R 1 K.
All Bid.- must e accomiKiuied by a
regulaio exccuied aiiplication to pur
chase and check or draft for at least
one-fifth ol the aiii.iint of the bid.
The right to reject any and all hide
i-. reserved.
Application and lids should lie ad
dressed to Q, Q. Iltown, clerk state