The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 07, 1914, Image 6

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Important Occurrences Of The
fast Week From Cities
In Our Stats
Woman Is Found Guilty.
C'oeur d'Alene. "Oullty of assault
vlth n deadly weapon." Thin was the
erdlct returned by the Jury which
at In the ruse against I. mini Brown,
chnnrod with nscnult with Intent to
kill, the, offense having been commit
ted nt St. Joo on February 5. Mrs.
Brown, who had ahown consldenible
motion during the trial, received the
re uii in comparative calm. The pen
alty la not to exceed two yeara In the
penitentiary. Judge Flynn announced
ftt would pass aentence Monday.
Double Tragedy Joined.
Bolnp.--.The double tragedy that or
orrt (I at the Brown & Stewart Hheep
oainp, near Mayfleld, when Carl Sut
terly, a Herman, shot John HnatlngH.
well known sheepman, herauiie he
made fun of his broken Knullnh, and
then committed aulclde, wna complet
d here when HnstlnK died at a local
hospital He waa shot twice through
the abdomen ami, although he llnuer
ed several daya, medical and mmkh.iI
attention could not nave htm.
Jerome Section Healthy.
Jerome Condltlona In Jerome and
Tlclnlty are more healthful thin Hprlng
than for the psHt three yearn. In UM
nelKhborhood of 1000 acrea of land
h" clmtiKed hands alnce the first of
li i-ai pari "1 lil'li Iiiim hi n pur
ohii id by newcomer, anil a great
deal hy purlieu who have Ih'cii on
the irnct for some, time pant, which
shows the renewed confidence.
Meet at Lewlston Arranged.
Lewlston. The flfih annual Inter
rholaittlc track meet for the school
of central Idaho and custcrii Wimli
IiikIoii v. Ill he held on the local high
school field Friday. There will be 20
schools rcprcHcnted, and the reBsjfta
received Indli ate thai lliei e III I"'
at lii Ht 12.i athletcM entered fur the
Various events
OryanUe King Road Club.
Caldwell. -Ah a rcauli of the vlsll
of II. Waul King In IIiIm city, auto
mohlle owihtk of Caldwell have or
giinled a KIuk Urag Aulomoblle club
with a iiieiulierHhlp of approxiiiiiiti h
inn t In xald the 'club la the firm
of the km. I lo be organised 111 the
Thoe Who Riw Service in South
Afnc.i Would Aid America.
i.cuIhihii 'i iiai i it Canadians art
In 'nrlv Miipalhy with the lulled' ill Hie PNsHl dUflOUlt) with
M..'. u., Hie MMTttOK Ol Waller
. I Vll.lllllie. B llll II.
i in il hi an il. nil I mil 111
All ' i Itl '! 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 . i i
"Tin I , i people ami aiiaillaiih
re ai. k.'.-i iiiniil die uuscii led MB
.In R ol MaatOO M I- Hie I 'lilted
8lnlih.' lid Ml S;iiiK'.l.r 'The Hen
tliiicnl In C in hI.i is Hlrunnl with the
United Slatr. ami I In- Kliglihll people e .a hope lllltl Ihc scope
Of operation i ti . lie extended Ulilll
Bliglauil will hi' allowed In Join with
tin' I mini Stale III clearing up all
of I he rebellion countries lo the lata
mux an. I IK ii. in South Aiii.iic.i
The ICK-Mil III' i I'lii'lllotis 'ii l. mi . ,
Ceulial Annili.i nnl tile South iiht
lean iiiillitil..-. M holdillK li.u I. III.'
ili' lopuient ol ill.' rlelicM lectlOM
tin vorld KMaeaata I ha I lbs lima
nan come tin Tic iiuihuis lo i.ik. i
hand In rectorial order
At I.. I I l.llili'..' there an- lull met
who xaw .ii.ti.' in South Africa who
are raa4j in I (MM Bei the border
ami ii'inlii tlii'tr services U Iks ful
led Stall " " ' I call lor wiluu
tWI'H 11 HI. I'll'
Smallpox Again in Shoshone.
Wallace Smallpox has made its
appearance again ill this .llsirlil and
13 cases arc couiiu.d in the isolation
Wind ol the Wall. n e lio.ilal gather
d from araetieall) all aocttoai ol tha
I'ounts Tlie lioallh auihortli. s ai. .:
a loss lo l.uow wlicro I lie contagion
Idaho Guard is Stirred.
Saudpoliil Soul iin.'lil aliioug the)
local ualloiial KUai.Uui.'ii g divided
aa to desire lo ito lo I lie trout I itt
majority of the coiupuns ale . I aff
fir the Iras. Inn .iiie ggvlag
and ohllilroii to look allii feel that
their first duly la al homo
Howe Is Deputy U : Marshal.
Oreuftevlll. Mark
lowi i 'is
frtwi Boise aaa i I dim i
as deputy Pulled Stales marshal foi
tlie norilieru dlslr.l Ol Idalio, ssnli
iioail'.uiu Li- it Mom oss
Gooding Starts Race for .-mats.
ii. odiua !' ! "S"n i k. h.
tloo.iinc of ISahO opened In imualga
for the UalUN SUtl ' 'he
repuiuH :. I in an ad 'fwaa aan
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Want Men to Call Own Recall.
Eugene. A writ of mandamus Bak
ing the circuit court to compel Wil
liam Smeed, chairman, W. H. Wood,
member of the school board, and W. J.
King, clerk of the Waltcrvllle school
district, In this county, to call a spe
cial election for the recall of Smeeal
and Wood, has been filed. The recall
was Invoked upon these men some
time ago, but they refused to call the
election. In their official capacity
they were the only ones who could
call such an election, and it Is in this
mi 'u-nii'd state that the matter has
remained. The trouble Is over tha
employment of a teacher and his ial
ary, about which some of the patrona
of the school complained.
Registration for State is 179,716.
Salem. Secretary of State Olcott
announced Monday that the total reg
istration as reported to him by the
county clerka was 179,716. There ara
only four days remaining on which to
register for the primary, and, unless
there Is a big IncreaHe on these days,
the total will not be more than 200,000
or about 40,000 more than It waa In
1912, when the women were not en
titled to vote and the population of
the atate was considerably smaller.
Cooa Line la Rushed.
Mnrahfleld. The construction work
on the Willamette Pacific railroad, be
i wen Marshfleld and the Tenmlle
lakes, a distance of 17 miles, la pro
gressing as fast as labor can hasten
it. H.iuHer & llouser, the contractors,
I... " nil but three miles and a half of
the right-of way cleared ami It Is ex
pected the force of about 600 men will
be doubled soon.
Birds Coma Back.
Klamath Kails Not In many yeara
ha the number of aeese In the Klam
ath country been as large as now.
when the big game birds are return I iik
for m mini-. All day and all night,
tin' honks of flocks are lo be heard,
as the birds wend their way toward
upper Klamath lake, and steamboat
men say that the lake Is literally allva
with Iheiu
After Confertnce With Officials Lieu
tenant Hennessey Talks of Project.
Cortland. - Pendleton. Klamath
Kails, Medford. anil possibly linker
will be amoiiK the Oregon towns at
Which cavalr troops will hi' ornunl
. .1 fof iIh- I'.v, ul projected h I. leu
truant p j Haa&eaaay, r. s , who
is detailed as military Instructor ut
ill.' uncoil ajpfc ult in ii I collide for
raj Ha
It is li'K irdi'ii as ceilalli lliat troops,
consisting of about men each, could
be raised ul each ol these towns, ami
at other towns in southern, central
and eastern Oii'soii The ItoKue ItHer
valley, of which Medfoid Is the center,
could pOMtbll provide two or more
troop Another iiiIkIh be raised at
J .it- ul it ii ut I l.'iin.'MH.') came to Port
land r I mi Sali'in. where lie had a
conference with lioveruor West about
raiNiiiK i he rcKitiiciit lie r iintl the
ch let executive enthusiastic over the
Idea, is en to tile polul of announcing
bis desire lo become a member of the
Polk Fair la Under Way.
Monmouth Votive preparations
base lioon Iii-kuii lis tile pupils In the
schools of Ibis ells and other sections
of soul hern Polk county for the an
nual school children's industrial fair
to he held In Dallas next September
county. Valuable prizes In llsostock
and cash ate on (he Hat.
More than $5011 ut prizes has beeu
offered by altruistic cllliens of the
Manslaughter is Alexander Verdict.
t.iauts Paaa Wllllaaa Alexander, a
7f. soarold prospector, was sunsloted
by a jury In the circuit court of man
slaughter Alexander was charged
wttii tlie murder of lohu Sorting und
Osttia Mastoisou In a cabin on Sucker
creek on January PI. uud the present
trial was for the Willing of Norllug,
he not has in yet been on trial for the
killing of llaataraoaV.
To Dismiss Baker Casta.
Pakor 'I'lie case uKSlust all city
officials of Coppei field, indicted U.l
lowing the crus.ole its liosiruor West,
will no dismissed. District Attorney
Qoda ' has aaaouaced, following UM
acquit Ml of Mayor lli.uu Stewart
on a iIi.uko ot violating lUpior laws,
b a juis in five miiiules
Alleged Murderer Held.
Marsliti.ld James I'oriaii, accused
of killing lohn Kelly ut llonrysUle.
sits ludtetaS by the Csios counts urand
jury at Coiiuillo tor .trt iloroo inur
For Sheriff
To the voters of Nfulheur county
I will be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, 1914.
R. H. McNee.
For Joint Representative.
1 hereby announce myself a
candidate for joint representa
tive for Harney and Malheur
counties, subject to the wishes
of the Republican electors at
the primary election to be held
May 15, 1914.
Frank Davey.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Democratic
voters of the county at the Pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
If elected as sheriff 1 will en
force the laws in all cases and
endeavor to apprehend crim
inals of whatsoever character
and 1 shall conduct business as
economically as is consistent
with efficiency.
J. A. Wroton.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of
county treasurer tor Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
approval of the Republican elec
tors at the primary election to
be held May, 15th, 1914
J. Ralph Weaver.
Administrator's Notice.
III the Counts Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
In the matter of the estate of (J- W.
Down, (otherwae known aa tlvorgo
W. OuWiial, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom
It may concern, that Hie undersigned
has boon duly apjioliitod by tho Coun
ts Court ol" the Slate of OrcKoli, for
Malheur County, administrator of the
estate of the auid O. W- Downs (other
wise known as Uoorgo V. Downs) do
ccuhhI. All persons busing claims
ugulust the estate of the said deceas
ed, ate heieli) tiotiilud lo present tho
same to in.- for ulloWttD.ce duly veri
fied us required by luw, ut tho office
ol C MctloUHglll, at Ontario. Oregon,
within six mouths from the dute of
this notice.
Duted at Ontario, Oregon, this 30tu
day of April, l'.'l 1.
O. 8. SMITH, Administrator.
arrant (all.
Notice is hereby that I have
; fiindh on hand lo pas all lionerul Kuml
Wan. mis ouleied ll"t puld
of funds.
IntoicM .oases May, 1HU.
Haled ut Viile, Oregon, this IMth day
Ol Hll. lull.
.1. It WKAVKIt.
County Tioasuioi.
Administrators Notice.
In the County Court of the State
ot (lorgou 'for Malheur County. In
the tuattter of the estate of Peter
Moiltotl, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Peter tioutou deceased, bus
filed his fiual account of the uduiiu
utratiou of said estate iu the above
entitled Court And that Friday the
i;,t, ,jMV f May P.Ut. at 11 o'clock
A. M. at the Counts Court room
iu the court bouse in Vale, Malheur
County. Oregon has beeu set by the
In 'ge uf said court as tne lime aud
place for the hearing thereof. All
pMMM having auy interest in said
estate are herd y untitled to be pre
sent ou said das at 11 o'clock A. M.
and stow cause it auv there be, why
the eel I "' ' account should not
be accepted and allowed, aud the
said mi iu in ut at. u discharged aud
the estate of the said Peter Koutou
deceased distributed according to
law. This notice la publised by
Dtde of Hon. Qao W. MsKnigbt.
Comity Judge of said County, duted
A iri I nth, H14.
Win. Iloiitou, Ailiiiiuistrstoi.
Alnays on the Job
If you have a job of hauling you
want done, large or small, you oan
alwavs tlepeud on John laudiugbain
belug ready for you. Call dim at the
Mo. ie Hotel.
For Sheriff.
To the voters of Malheur county:
Ijwill be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket,
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, 1914.
Robert Odell.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the oHiceof county
commissioner for Malheur coun-
ty, Oregon, subject to the ap
proval of the Republican elec
tors of said county at the pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
Melville D. Kelley.
Train Service.
Weat bonnd.
No. 17 Oregon Waah Ltd
No. 75 Huntington Puss
No. 9 Fait Mall
No 77 Huntington I'aaa
4:17 a m
9.42 a m
ti ir. p in
6:!J3 p m
No. 5 Oregon Waah Hxprea 0:50 pg
Kaat bound
No. 18 Oregon Waah l-t.l
2:51 a m
8:60 a no
12:12 p m
3:50 p m
No. 70 I lo ise paaeeugr
No. 10 Fast Mall
No. 78 Boise paeaenger
No. 0 Oregon Waah Kxpreea 6 :15 pm
Malheur Valley Uraooh
The Vale train learea Vala daily at
h a. m. arriving lo Ontario at 8:40.
Returning will leave, except Honda y,
at 10 a. m . arriving ,t Vile at 10 :40,
leaving for Brnuao at 10:50, arriv
ing there 11 :59, returning will leave
Hrogan at 12 iSS, nrrlve at Vale 1 :30.
Leave Vale at 2:35. arriving at On
tario at 3 -30. und return to Vale
Bt V p. m. On Sun. lay the train will
come to Ontario in the morning aad
return at 7 p. m., making the run to
Homedale on that day Inetead of
The Juntura train will leave Onta
rio Mouday, Weduetday and I'll. my
la 7 a. in , returning at (I p. m ,
teaching Juntura ut 12:05 ami leuv
rng ut 1pm.
The Homed ! train leavee Nyasa
12:45 on Tueedey. Tburaday aod
,-snt in . I iv. returning, arrive at On
tario at 0 p. m
The bigpat bargain wp hSTt
ever offered MjLjBDSOfibwM is
the Argus ami j magazines,
till one year, foffrilv 11.18.
For Kent Two room house,
two blocks north of school bouse.
PboDt '20(i-K-::.
A Bargain In Lumber.
We huve a lot of Ixli Common
Tine, Dressed and Matched,
This is exceptional good grude,
just the thing for sub-floors,
liueing cold storage buildings
and oraiiiiiii - we want the
room und will close this out ut
115.00 per M. spot cush. It will
pay you to look tit this bargain.
We i .11. mil hold this Lumber
for anyone. Come eurly.
Empire Lumber Co.
Cash Grain Company
Distributers of
Wigwam and Holly hock
Phone La. K
YbuRun Ybur Business
With a Check Book
flow About Your Home
"O ILLS, bills, bills nothing; but billi!" frequently ii the complaint of
ar the head of the family. No man would think of running; his buii
neii WITHOUT A CHECK BOOK. How about TOUR homef
The running: of the home today ii a BUSINESS PROPOSITION.
Open a CHECKING ACCOUNT With Us at Once
The Ontario National Bank
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
aaaL I t"TTHl m stsW . .a T aV
A Dainty Enameled
Don't vou admire a light, dainty bedroom with
immaculate linen and draperies, and with walls, furni
ture and woodwork all enameled in pure white or some
delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue? Vou can hav
one it is not expensive.
gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous genuine enamel surface.
MtBrdtney Hdrdvsare dnd furniture Co.. Ontario, Oregon
Ijsj u"iBJv aaSJkhraJa.. ua
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer. Baggage and
Kx press
Meet All Trains
lud Market Report.
Corrected Apr. SQL for the bt-uetlt
Arttus resilers by the Mallisur Mar
i j
A .., f4XZ
easily kept bright and clean. It is
offered in delicate tints or rich colors
to harmonize with draperies aud
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
oaDtlle Coupauy. '
f-KK's. lr doseu. 17 Jo.
Butter, per pouud, 25o.
Oats, per hundred. 11.60
Wheat, per hundred, 11.75.
Hay, per ton, IS
Potatoee, per hundred, 1.00
Onions, per hundred, S'i.UO.
Apples, per box, 11.00. to 11.40
Golokeus, dieeaed, per pouud, 18c.
Fork, dreaaed, 8 l4 to H'jO.
1'ork, live, 6.."iU to 7
Veal, 9 to lOo.
Beef, llo lo lio