MOTOR CYCLE CRAZE Fifteen years ago Ut wpre Koine; through DM f tlio grOUtOUt cra.i'i over known in the history of apart TIiIh was Mflrultogi YuutiK aud old rich and poor man, woman and child Sl'(1 llKtl llllS tWOttl llMl Vlilll- lo ai the one liredotiilniiiit MBtn for amusement and health. The era cf the bicycle Ml an era of MquulBt' ance with American ont-oi'-doors to millloni of people who OtuerwUe WOUld have siiiicely kl.ovn the iialin al WOB4n and dfllgbts or their country- Thin Relf-Rume era Is repenting It self totlnv hj means of the motorcycle it. M a itii ,t ; undrwunod "i i onfoi I and tenfold pleasure. (June is tiie fntlgM ot pedaling up bills aBd UgUlBOl head Wlndl all the OxerlioliK of cyoliOg have 1 1 i s ;i j 1 1 1 : 1 1 . I With Kb motorliatloi. UktwlM III grntiricatlotis have increa I 1'rcBh rci;ioiia are constants open Iiik up to the motorcycli -i thoueandl ill" a i IOU Itlda of miles of huioo' Ii stale mail . macailamieil and oiled await his preference. Not thai a motoi c .wiist needa flno roads .s'leep KradeM, Ban. I, ilie nar row rtdltog pace, roiIKh snrla'i . mean le lliim; to this machine. It UM the powtr, control, anT wforl Of tin iiutomolille H.lllve featiircB too little realized ly those who have nm Klven the motorcycle a careful OM alderalion. On the other hand, the i uiiiiIiik cost of a uioloi'fwlr Ik lx-l to nullum, pel mile. Sixty-five mllcB on a gullofl ol .olille. hi' rive liiinilied lllllen oil a gallon of oil, tire trtTMU perform anecH Repair cIuukcm are cm re. ponding tow, official roportf of the llelrolt police motoi c cle hiiUiiI UHlli': llllllan niutiii i eleH ihow the avcrai: colt of upkeep per IIIIH llllie In I e $'J IS lor ...una n Him. The niulorcycle needs no Kiirtlgr. and i - I e . i iiiliiiiiniiii f It I a alwa.s runtfj to lake win to anv petal within I t went v five radius with In an In urn lime. Throw a Iik over the ruddle give a lwi..l or the wrlsi and i ft ou go. Toi ate muster of the in ii i. in.- whether throlVlluu down to a walking pace In congested Muffle or opening up to sixty iiiIIcr .111 hour on a clenie I iu.ul ThcHr brief f.ictH explain win iu nmlorcM IIh1m cwmwIi.-ic III maOT places where v oil do not see a i uutonii hlle lii'i ause the motor car cannot negotiate all the liluhwms ami byways that a motorcycle euslh ildi The itioiuriM Ii- has a univemal ptsot is a plea -ill e vehicle Ymi Will see this milliner a leuioli of inotnirvH' f illimla " IiiiiiIiik the MerkMhli' tin- While Moil t.illis, the scenic grail ii it Maine, rltttlui i Udro i (lacks, the Shenandoah rail) tin gay i i H. id and lii imi I. ikes. At lae Ihletlc inert, al Ilu hall fun. ' n I . links and lemn , out at ail ii it or town gntnoi in;s ' ih.' ii Hint l dial iii In creasing NiiiiiheiK, the mac hi e par re id) i-.i k a al i n uients notice, putting iron In ulck torn h nil i ta hi iut rei l fui md near Hill III.' I.u I must llol he oe: unk id III. I Ilu lui .'. cle lias it-, pi ... I i'ui Hide lui esauipli m hotp to Um .indent in man ..I Ins teholaatlc UOl IVItlOU, it la ulurujri available for Immediate use on Denervation Irlpa; tar nwklnj I Id ;.m e) s Bl I II neai bj OW al ' unnlunoe; r.ii eerrylng the itudenl i( milling lo localities where lui. i .-I in (teologlral till Illations call lie evauilll- ed al Hi hi hand The xludcnl ! OMl'icillluie can UW hi leisure nio ilieiite lo lake i mill through the near i couiiir.v. leelna practical demon MimtloUM of the thOOrlej and ineihiHls i.iwrcd in In DOUrM of work Indeed, the practical IMMM I I Ihe inn torcycle are lIUMTBl unlimited TU doctor ii-s it for eniei si'iio i i. is whore .pmk acttou is Imperative The urclillecl linds I he iuolorc cle i in. .mi ..lid an e ei gUcl in k.-ep-Ing even dep.ulmc I of hie work au di i Ins immediate i-.ioii It) lis read) aid the civil OT sanitarv engi neer can widen the radiua lf hi-, actlvltiea ami crowd n.oie ltitl CC ui pliahments iulo'a da s' work ih.i i pllahmeota into i da) oort Ui ith any other PJMM ot nan ni loa the trips 10 tow n III.' iiuie la u winch it i. aardb worth wuiie to bitch up Um are taken cure of uulokll h) thi torcyclc. The Ii n ploauuuter fuller n achlevi through Its ever read' 101 too. Our nam mil OVOrUUIUAl and mi City adinini-tiatlo s have heen QUlOB. l i.- ilie and avail III. Ills. 'lv S Uf lUO potelillaliti. ot Ilie llioli'i c ilea. it la in tui cm il Mi vice '" ,l"' ' of foreatt y, tot fluid woi It 1' i uuud in the police and fire departments of many cities giving not merely satis faction, hut made the subject of mark ed praise because of Its marvelous efficiency. Its all-reaching adoption by all classes or people Is hut the rccognl Ul due the cheapest and ino-d etri cient motor vehicle with the lowest i mining cost that mechanical Ingen uity has ever developed. Improvements In the past rew years have been numerous and revolution ary. The cradle spring rrame brought out last four fOf Instance- This de vice, which absorbs all road shocks and vlhratlnii, has made the mo torcycle fully as comfortable to ride as afl (iiiiomobile. The most conspic uous and valuable advance lu Kill ha: l. en tin- development or motorcycle. ile.trlclty --that Is, the electrically equipped machine Including electric st i rter. FRUITLAND NEWSLE1S Mr ami Mrs. BtffUOOBlh loft Tues- UOJ im liuialia wl ihe will spend Ilie Miiinner. Thej will letiiru thl.-i I. .11. A hud li uncial was given at the Knberg home near PIUUMUtl View S.u iinla evening. About twe ty were present and a uood time iiported. Mrs. Stephens and Martha were guests at the K. U I'avls home in Pi .in I ue .lay. Mlsx Vuc lloweis won the UMdul lu the declaiiiat' i . QOUtUUl given last l-'rlday aflei imon between the two di visions of the ficshniivi lOngllnh class. Mr. (Irani 1' I slier liought it fine an tumolille last week. Tho concerl lu the M K. chilli h last l-'nday evening given under lb" direction of 1'iof Nells. .n by the hlgu si IiihiI was Bfljojrod by an attentive audience, Miss (.'race llowm.i win. has been lOUthlng school Iii the Intel lor Of Ore gun returned Inane last week. di K K. Iluiilei iiinrmsl Sal in din ' I nlug fluin Ills I'lm Ida dip. I'liiinmei Hi hue. la on the sick list. Mr. W Voung and V II ROOM) shipped tWO cars of boga from lie.e l-'rldav Mi llauiev went lo I'oi'llalld with the slllpllielll Mr. ami Alra. Moor have spoil se rial day. h l-ll I-riilav lor their Inline near Ironsides. (has Swab and ruuiili move I laal week Into Ihe S K Taylor lioui.-- Mr. Wm HolleulM-ck la enjoying a visit with Ina miii who Uvea in Kan sas. M.ikliiH.aia spent Siiiulu) at the (' I-: Stewuri home on uhh e) hottflUTh (liiuc .s'luiuiberger will go lo Heili any llllile siIumiI a biellnrn Inalllu t ion at Chl ami, lu take iraluliig lo preach. Al an election held lui a iiiiiu i.i the choice fell upon lilai T II Shiilieil ami wile we b-il.-d ill' n i I iba ss .ml ill were lu ItUlle I lte ll II ll.i III ill imp. i i i idiu led (he s.i tout Miaa Itowe a Itobliison apenl the Week end al ll.i Imuie lu N.imp.i llei molhei came back with her in vlalt al tile Uulilli I'iiiw Cull hiiuie (Im. we. k Mi lulwell ami ( (i. Ullsou lelt Tueudu) for Mldvale to urorft at the ai peiii.i 1 1 .nil- Mvorul in) riie hull bum punjwd here hotwuM Ihe IisIiich nun and fUrmorU VU won lo Ilu- laliueia, Ihe acme lu ' Ihe V. C I - I' mil ai Ihe llapllai Church l'uesli Ibia wetk The n i Nee Plymouth ami Ontario and Payette wore invited The umnm iug was fur) cnlliusla.l u and piulila-ble. AdminiHtrutor's Notice. In the CoUUt) Court 0t the Slate u( Oregon lui Malheui l mini). in Ihe mallei of tiie ehtate ot li- W. iimn lOthurWUe known as QuOffHJ NV. OuWiial, deceaae.1. Notice lb herein gneu to all whom It nia collceru, ibal Ihe iliidcrslglied has been duly appol ted hj the I'oUli j i'ouil oi the State of Orcgoit. lor Malheui County, adliillliatiut.'i of the UtuM ot the said Q, V iKiwns (othe: wise known as li.-.u-'c Howuai de teased. Ml poffNBJ Inning claims agalllsi the ealale of the said ileceas cd, ale heieb Uolltled to preseut lllO son. lo me lor allowance dul cil lied as i'iiiued by luw, at the Office Of t' Mcliuu.mill. al OUtUrtO, Oregon within i nioiitlih from the date of this notice. Dated ut Ontario, Oregon, this ;'.0th ,!n ..f Aim II. l'.'U. o s smi i H. Adhnlnlairutor. Warraut I all. , ,- is In- ehy siven that I have fun mi hand to pa all lie '...! Iind m's old. Med in t paid lor want Ol Hinds lui. i. i .ease- M.i. -ill, IP14. Doled at vale, Oregon, tin lith in) ol iuil. HI I i w i:vki; I'liiin l licasuic. Sample Suits On They Come Model Suits Second shipment of our Special Purchase "High Art" Sample Suits. Purchase now here. Every one a model suit Every one the heighth of tailor's art. Tailored throughout by hand; con tains every style, color and pattern of the season English Soft Roll, Patch Pockets, Norfolks and conservative style business suits, Blue Serges as well as fancies, including a splendid showing of the popular Black and White patterns. $13.50 For The Plums of this Purchase $8.75 for $12.50 and $15.00 Suits Wm iTuotujkUot I V 1 . We have augmented this line without consideration to cost and all vou men who want a pure wool business suit of very good making at a price that spells a saving of from $3.50 to $5.00, better look those suits over. All colors and models, tftQ "TC blue Serges. Greys. Browns md Black and Whites at 90s 1 9 K1 00 tn 00 Panamas and Sailors A splen ep.Ul LUpeJUU did assortment to choose from In All Straws and Shapes. New Togs for Boys New Suits Norfolk! with two pants and belt. New patented Mothers Friend Waists, no more strings to knot and break. f $1 Silk caps, silk hats and straw hats tpl Our Boys Exclusive department is now ready for you. ALEXANDER ONTARIO One Price Clothier OREGON