The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 30, 1914, Image 6

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Give this Job to a man
who will reduce Taxes
and cut down expenses
If yon had an bltfftfl in private Imsinem
vnii would want it rnmlurted M ImsineM
principle. Yon have an ititrrc t m the
liUn of iMl Slate. The State of Oregon
is ;i Iniiinem itntitntioti run for the lirneht
of the people in it who, In a ff r tain verm,
are slot khnlilrr in ill lininrs mteresli.
In the coming primary election, Charles A. Johns, of Portland,
will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of Oregon
necdi to have taxes reduced and expenies cut down. The only way
to reduce taxes and cut down expense is to apply the ame principles
in running the State that you would apply in running your own husiness.
How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper
ating expenses from year to year? Not many. Well, let's reduce
our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland,
is running on that platform and stands on his platform. Get him on
the job! Start thinking about this today!
Will you elect a man who will cut down expenses and reduce
taxes, or a politician, as our next Governor ? The issue is clear.
One will cut down taxes the other will give jobs to his political
friends. Which do you want ? Paid Advertisement.
w f ml 'tsrv-' iftVv, a n f
W J w km- eaiAJUefl kP VHI f-fl ler
STRIKING example of the ilociirallve m. ul.turc at tin- I'auama
1'i.liir lufcniallniial I : i .. -1 1 ton nre allow n In these two illue
ii'i'Ioiim , thf left l 'llnin." by Albert .lacucis. ii rliMire Hint
vvl'l In- a coiilpau'oii u "Muiixhlue." Ii.v the name MSjpMTi oiiih
tticiitlin.' Die t'oiirl or Ho- l-'-'iif Ken ' III the iiinlii gUMf or exhibit (nil
MM The camel vv lib its Mulianum dan rider la by ! redcrlck il H Itoih.
wmfim P wri t Jfe N ft
fe g mm mm
Mr Mm
llvluL i " t-- ii Kj tiaBMLMBLLBB t 1 1
II VlllChLuat aVUaaMTMl WT . y I
Copyright mi J. by in.- Haaauut I'ut'irlc lalernattonal Ki,.itum Co.
Tin: abore photograph nneeaeati "Enterprise." detail of the
aeul4ui ! gfoup, tiii- "Nations ,.r the Wmt," which Kill crown
the Alill .if III,' Si'llllii; Son ill (he I'mianm Paclltc I liti'l'lia I l.'lial'n-m 'ii. s.iu 1'i.hi. i-., ,. mis This arch UI boon tb oppa
kllc hide nt m Conn of Hie Sun Mlut Stall In tin- A r, Ii nt the RlelOg
him. ii"iii'ii ii.v tin- rotupuaJUoj "Nations of the i i The (roup
"M "..ii-. ol is. Weet" u di'Mctii'.i by Mmhm a Stirling llghUf. LM
i. .in, -in .ind i i. .1,11 Li; it Uoth
-Ml B
I . . I.,
'II S.O.
Brief News of the Week
Commission form of Kovernment
plan wan defeat td tit Kansas City.
Half Of Illinois Is now prohibition,
complete returns showltiR that 22
counties went "dry," giving the prohi
bitionists 52 out of 102 enmities.
Lumbermen closed their mllla for
one tlay In honor of the funeral of the
late millionaire lumberman, Frederick
Weyerhaeuser, and BO officials from
the Dultith district attended the serv
ices at Rock Island In a body.
The faculty of the university of Cali
fornia has voiced a vigorous protest
against lhat portion of the proposed
Immigration bill which virtually ex
cludes Asiatic student from Ameri
can tinlversltlea.
For fear that they will Interfere
with the plans of the prohibitionists
to secure nationwide prohibition, the
antl saloon forces of Nebraska have
halted their fight In that state for a
law preventing saloons from locating
two mile from any state Institution.
The reserve clauae In the contracts
of "organized" baseball players was
held to be Invalid and unenforceable.
In a decision handed down by Federal
Judge t'liirence V. Sessions In deny
ing the application of the Chicago
Federal league club for an Injunction
to restrain Catcher William Kllllfer
from pi. i. win: with the Philadelphia
National league club.
Co ordinal.' development of the
greatest possibilities lhat He In the
Columbia and Snake rivers and their
tributaries. I the aim of the Columbia
and Snake Itlver Waterways associa
tion, and everv pbawe of this work as
It deal with Improvement of naviga
tion and harnessing of water power
were discussed by experts at the fifth
:i ii ii tin 1 convention which opened at
the Portland commercial dub Monday
People in the News
Count (Ik lima has
premiership of Japan.
Simon (lllggetihelm. ex I "nit d
Stale eiitilor l ii mi Colorado, has re
signed a nallninil reptibllcati commit
teemail lie lias asked to be relieved
Of bis official ilillle at iiik e
Captain Prank Keiiey, leader of the
- idle it mi - ol Los Angeles. Cal., was
sentenced to the rockplle for 60 dilVK.
King (Hi Slav of Sweden ba been
sin ... lull, opeiaie.l on lor stomach
The state or Minneesota received
s as the Inheritance tax on the
estate of the late Charles U. Gates,
of .Minneapolis.
I'liitessor Thomas Preston, of
I'i liu e'liii ha arrived nt London with
hi wltc il:i unt f irmerly Mr. (Irov
er Cleveland, the couple taking apart
ment at a modest hotel In lllooni
Mrs William Howard Tuft, wife of
I the ex pn seiilenl, has become a meiii
ber of the New Haven .mil w niiiau
I suffrage asuoclatlou, MCOrdJiaj lo an
! aniiiiiiliceirjilil loaili b the m;h. ;i Ixi -Hon
Testimony ba been tut rmlyi . I .it
Terre Haute, hid . to show thai Mayor
J Itoberls directed assaults against re
publican worker at the poll The
mayor I also Implicated In the charge
of Illegal n gtstratloii ol Is alleged
flctliiouH n.imcs.
i he white slipper thai Mi
or Wilson will wear on the occasion of
In i approaching wedding to Secretary
ol the Treasur.v Mi vdoo, are b.iiiK
( in i.le al Lynn, Ma , but lln- mah. i .
I r. In... Ui (ell what the nUe of the
i hllppci la.
Dog Tuiiia, Race.
N.une. Alaska The world's great
est dog race, ihe All Vlaskn Sweep
Btahe, kartell al I o'clock Monday,
when iniir dog teams, with dogs and
drivers uiooiiieil for a hard struggle,
set i. ul M tlW snow trail ovci Ihe
course irom Nonic to Cainlle and re
turn. 412 allies.
Underwood Leads Hobson For Senate.
Hirmiiiiiiam. Ala. Returns show
Oscar W I'ndi'twood leading Klcb
nniiul Hobson bv a substantial vole in
the race tor ihe Culled Stale senator
ship, t'tulerwooil s c.itiipaigu leaders
tainted irtotOfl by from I'li.noo to
;; i oti
Came Warden Killed in Accident.
Vancouver, Waeh I' O, HllatiMl.
gai'ie war, ten and depuly sheriff of
Clarke OOUBty, was probably instantly
killed in an automobile uccldeut about
seven iniles Irom this city on the Pa
tlflo Highway, Sunday
Payne Want 16th Term.
Auburn. N V Seicuo I'avne,
dean of the republicans in the lower
house, announced that he is u candi
date lor reelecllou this full, lie hue
served If tenus.
Refuse to Put Ban on Tango.
11. '-ton Mass I he house of repre
seuiatives ha relu.-cil to place a ban
on the tango A bill which makes i
dancer.- of the taiirio. Of .-. called an
Imal ilaines. liable to arrest, fin.
ImprlsnomoBt. M ovafYhatfaiuglj m-feateJ.
London. John Seely resigned na
British war secretary and Premier
Herbert H. so,ulth took over his port
folio. The premier will resign from the
horn." when the second reading of the
home rule bill is about to be taken
up, and will appeal for re-election to
his ( oiiHtltuent in Fast Fife, Scot
land, within a few days.
Mr. Asquitb apparently consulted no
one except the king before his bold
decision. Ills colleagues In the cabi
net seemed to be as surprised as the
other members of the house when hi?
revealed his plans. Mr. Asqulth is al-
dy first lord of the treasury, which
orrn e ne win continue to hold If he
had merely shifted from one office to
another the resignation of bis seat In
the bouse of commons would not have
been necessary.
Moth houses debated the situation,
but the debates simmered down Into
mere assertions of one side of a plot
to seduce the army, and on the other
side of a plot to crush the lister cove
tianters with the denials and counter
denials and heated personalities.
No member of the i.atlonal party, of
which John K. Redmond Is the head,
int. tod a word In the house.
Irrigation Project Is Up.
Pendleton. Fxiiresslng the belief
that the flood waters of the Cmatllla
Tlivor are sufficient to make possible
the irrigation of several thousand
litres of the Umatilla Indian reserva
tion, Major B. L Swarfzlander. Indian
agent, lent added Impetus to the agi
tation for the project. Major Swartz
lander declared lhat as an official of
the Indian service he would llliitiall
fl.illv Indorse the mow and would co
operate In any movement for the es
tablishment of a system of flood or
storage Irrigation svstem
T -iti
on Nw Ship Shook Tenth
Months of Hr Crow.
I'okIiiII WHU I'llli' IT pi. lis bi'twei'tl
tn ill iiinl cotton stuffed Into their
ems to MM the Jul. Ibe crew of the
Hew Argentine I ti'fnil i)inii;lit lllvadn lii
stoiiil nit tiptoe while twelve twelve
Imli vim ami six six-Inch ones were
Blfd In one lii'o.'i.vie from the poi't
i,li' of the giant nuhier
.lllsl to show that she coill.l do It and
still ttoat that was Die cotiilltloo of
her ineeptiince by the Argentine gov-
The !!lv .idiiv III survived Ibe test unci
(lie liiillilers snld Unit every U"Uiie
iiient vv'ii fulllllisl ibe llreadliollLilt
was somewhai shikeu .tail some ghlsi
VVII bloki'll. Ill spile of special copper
shutters, but the Mtru.-turc sioml iinn
mill another test salvo MM Itivd for
good measure
ibe Illvadavia I Patted tlu heavi
est ordnance vmh-i p t:.,, t She will
carry U00 men ami ooat 1 l.oon.ooO.
Plavel to Oct Yards and Dock
Astoria. Louis W Hill, preside ii
of the (treat Northern railway aejsj
uany, aniiounced here ihn the propci
oil vard and dock ol die Hreat North
ern and North Hank companies will
'ie built ut Kluvel or "Tniuy I'olnt"
lie I liu I love- I lo-.v cheek
I If a eotal Up mill. ire .
M from slailil . CJ es il.'tb
liiel to uiallil.iill hie tile.
A old Time makes the-, disay.
So hi llaine iniit vvasie away
Hut a siuiNith and ste.ulfii-l
(ieutle thOOaThtl and calm vie
Hearts vvilh eipnil love roni
billed. Mmlle never dying tlres-
Wiicie theea are not l daaptao
Lovely . becks or lii Of aj aa,
ill. Unas ('mew
Whenever you would rutfl a
pel -mi Of a yov erniiieiil v..u
m i-t heerin by aprtallna alum
nles i (let'aine il lii-eliliauin
iiiere ure ealuinliii- Mfl u-t
w hi. b even Innocence loso cour
age -Niipoltsiii.
According in her cloth she
her coat llrvden.
PtoCOIlia MBIIlt ll onlv
when vve mi loncer can count "ii
chain e -QeofM Saud.
lio not think that years leave
us and rln.l us the same Mere
dith. Young men soon give ami BOOB
Forget arTr.'iits old tgo i- iloa
III Mth. - Addison
Brers1 one ot oe, whataeer our
aneeuuitlre olntoua, know i.,i
lei- Iti. in he prai ti'i1 and ris
.- h letter law llnin be
..i Kroude.
Mr. Richard's Experience With Dif
ferent Diets. Peaches and
Buttermilk for Three Years.
Cecilton, Md. Mr. Oeorg-e Richards,
of this place, during the past 12 years,
has probably tried more different diets
than the average person would ever use
in a lifejime.
What he has to say about his experi
ments, must therefore be highly interest
ing to anyone suffering from indigestion
or stomach troubles of any kind.
He says: "For more than 12 years.
I suffered with stomach troubles, and
niit tiiitwfrnHai rtl fin It 3 re trr firrttr hi lie
i nd medicines. I was also operated on
tor rues.
I lived on dried peaches and buttermilk
for nearly three years. The only thing
that would not give me pain was raw eggs.
I was a physical wreck. I could no!
sleep, and was as near crazy a a man
could well be.
I must say that after taking two 25-cenl
packages ot nieaioras uiacK-uraugni
I it did me more good than all I ever spen
' 'or other medicines.
I have heen worUine dailv on the farm
ever since, and I am as hard as iron."
This purely vegetable remedy has been
In successful use for more than 70 years.
Try it. but be sure that it's "Thedford'a."
Meals 26 cents and up.
Everything the best the
market affords.
Wong Ton, 1'roprirfor
YOUR llll
if you vviinl In Intiite near tOWD
tliul has .i v ei v luiulit I'uliu i
IlllVr TO iicil's ui llie very lll(ii'Csl
luiiil, lias ii llich llOM 10 'Hit'
Mat, n liist-iluHM wnier right;
;u ,.,,.. ,,, ., fM 1 ,,. ,, sl ,MS M.(.
III urniii. Nut bftting il nil Dtid
tin n leitv is in. uualilc tu lake
line ui hi ne Ii lii ml . I will
Mil nnyvvlieie f i oiii "i lo M
Mv piicf rangips iniin ISO pi'f
nil up A boil I lint t i -: i -1 , ijiiimI
til Ills on rest ill 8 per (fill ill.
iciist. I.nn.l i xuctlv lln miiiio
ii'ljiiimni! Iiii Leon s-!linu nt
$200 l' $800 IMt HO It ( so lii're
1 yOUr (iinlicc It' yoi) vv .nit U
MOO tnict ol' land; 2 mile from
Ontario, Ore. near Miillieur
Junction, uiitrccar shops and
round house will no doiiht be
built in the near future.
Box M Ontario, Oregon
The Must Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stona Whiskey the BEST
FOL BALI (!' quantities from
One gull.'i, up, ami many other
Hood brands, bv
L. B. FEIR. Wholesaler
If que
ou vlu
Gnkey'8 Lice Powder
In vile, iiuivk. and sure V
Saves )ov,i puulir) proliu became a
Kill the Lice
Doean t Harm Chickens
rtKr JS x.rnt ' CfMI umI IUU
for the mate rfut hetie in rhr nwfci 0y
ejsjf na irr on ine.fc.cru 41 maht. pri)
JVM! v'Wt'J IKXiX aim
Conney's Lice Liquid
1 araiu thcrn ouf trta-nugM i,Kiin IS
CTtUv tu lialhMi rui lvntN gkA 1' JU
fur the JcmH hei.t hMH uk
tievmc k1 Jurwit rurm ,!, 10
aid -V .
prevail oasj o,. MM ,
,TWCL CaaW Cm CkeaMl Ohea
:.akt ,'
aa ajfi -. a ' Vh l BKD i aft rt
Everhart Drug; Co.
Ontario. Oregon.
Dr. W. G. Howe
No. 732
First National
Bank Bide;.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilron Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nov-nla Avenue""
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Mil Haiikikt Srars
1)1(. I'AI'I.INK Si in
Graduate American School of Os
teopathy, Kirkavllle, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 154 Hlk
Office in I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . Oregon
Will Practice in all QoMbl
pfotaf? Public. Oflli . over Poatomce
W. H, Ontario.
Hen Urown. Vale.
C. C. Morton, Otd'a Perry.
N. O. White, Weiaer HriilKn.
J. E Holly. Riverview
Ale DennT. Jordan Valley.
Joe Hani,. ITer, McDerinitt
J Bo) dell. Nvssii
S II. MeWilliaiiiH. Jiuitiira
Win Kine, Harper
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention (.am
Sunday School- 1(1 A M
Preaching Service II AM
Junior League 3PM
Kuworlh I.. iei, U:;to p m
Preaebiuit Service 73 :0 t M
'thooiaa Jobna. PASTOR.
Congreydtiondl Church Notice
Sunday Services,
Sunday School 10 a ni
PreaobiuK Services 1 1 a ni
O E Meeting 7 p p
i 'rem nil u Services 8 p m
Midweek i.iciiiu - every Wcdueaday
eveuiuK H o'clock
Philip Koeiilg. Pastor.
MasH at H A M on lnt ami rd Sunday
of each month. On all oilier Sundays
at 10 A M. '
H. A. i n in ni, Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Oavidaou D D Paa
tor. vtu.'o at 1 1 en a in and 7 :30
p in SabLatb ecbool at 10:00 a m
Evv .v "aturday
abbato "bool - 10:30 a m
Bi lr Study -11:30 a oi
Vouok people. a meetiuji 1 ;30 piu
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of
county treasurer for Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
approval Of the RepubliCMl elector.-
at the primary election to
he held May, loth, 1914.
I Ralph Weir, i