The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 30, 1914, Image 4

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Entered in the i.imti flier Ht Ontario
Orrion. for tratmniiHinoti through thr
mails ah HfMoml-rliiH mnttrr.
To the Honorable 00, V. Ilau's,
QW K hails. M. (1 HOP and I V.
Hope, Vale, Oregon.
I have before me n copy of what I
take to In' a letter sinned ly you fo.
pulilirntion nnl wlilrh greatly sur
prises me h the niiniher of false and
misleading conclusions Which yoll
eek to Implant In the public mind to
Injure inv cunillil.ii y for the notnlnu
lion M Joint representative, nnd It
In a gWtttlni Hhock la me to find one
In pin liculiir oT the HON attached
to It a ninn for whom I labored m
faithfully In the punt, without 9
pensatlon it thank, to re-elect to an
Iniportiint dlHtrlet office- In fuel, niv
knowledk'e of nil ou mntlemen hn:l
led nie to believe Mill would he lit
least fair with me ami dike pnl'in to
be informed of fiietg heroic making In
JurloiiM allegation.
f .i't iih give the record: In l!H !.
.ludne Miller of HiIh coiinti and U V
Hlewnit of (inillt were 1 aii'liil.itc for
nenntor. You nay the republicans of
Mallieiir ucllclilli 'ippoilcd Miller
Vel loj ill) Hut. tny fill' l. til"' n
turn of the pilman election slew
Ihnt Mm nave him MM votes. I
In a good way to nominate a Hariicv
county in Ji 11 . Isn't II?
Hpeaklni' of the general election, I 1
Which Mr, Bart?, a repuhllcin an I
Mr. Ilninan. 11 democrat, liotb from
Malheur cotiiiti, weie candidates, mi.i
allege that the of the icpuhll
ran wiin "In spile Of 1 -1 i 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 sup
port given him I Malheur coiinlv ie
publics a r. ami because nf the waul of
iomii Miippmi in inn us ami Hanoi
riiiinn ) oil ciiiiNillteil the le
t II r IIH. gciilleliu II. Mill uoillil Nee bOO
false ami niiJiiHl that declaration in
The records hIihw (bat In llann
coiinti Mr 1 1 1 1 1 - received ,:i:i mi,..
ami Mr Human US, a 111.1J11 1 It of 14
for lluilc), while Mallieui eusl
enough the other way 1.. heat llinle.
The Inniieuilo ilial I oppomd Mr. II111
li I Is 1 1 1 a 1 1 tulsc and iiiiJiihI.
The iiiikllidiMt cut of nil, gelillciucii
anil ..11 I h -i (Till 1 ' 1 Ntttl il l. lot 11
republic. Ills clci. Willie Ik .Mill!' III
tempteil (hinges that I Willi ll"t I . 1
to the head lit the ticket III Ho. dis
trict four icars ugo ' If In the head
ol Hie ticket in meant Q00 B. DOVlf
for circuit Judge, theie neicr m.ih a
llloie IIIILAI .lli-llll llllllg H.l lit. tin III III"
face of a Kelieial Maul uf collflileiu .
Ill the man. misidi and 1111 paper sup
pOfftai li 1 eaiucHilv, vMthout 1 inn
IH'iiuitio.i, tear or lavoi.
An to lll lepilhllcailUlll, II. In kI h.i.s
ever had Hie inclul.o it in iUfStlou
In lnv I UppOltOd I all tttlli ill'
elltlie olicigi and streugth. I Mip
ported Hell Selling for U, ft sen.iim
Uglllllkt Ml Mill III pelhlinal fllellil
Se.iatni III. 111 11.. all 1 1. can He of 1111 lO)
alt)' to (he pail. Jiul 1I111 IIIK the e.n--I
have wielded thii editorial pen In
1 - 111 If ollici man In the
profession east of the Cascades has
will tell mi colli Iliuousl.l and consist -umli
In Hiippi'it ol republican priii
I li.uc no leai . 11 can hood
wink the intelligent mlcis of Mallieui
count.., and I am Writing Huh null
lor the pin pone ol glilug ou a chain
In mi 1. 111 sell right and he .ii.u.
ei roopoetftilly,
kkwk DAVIT.
Kin nx, Dragon, April i, Itl 1
UeOrgO M BrOWn, the candidate loi
the nominal loii an ullonui pn.i.i1.
Who WU8 111 lIlU cnuill week.
uinle a record as an BUforOOf ol lln'
icccnt luiu of the Oragoulau
eoutaUiod the follow log rocorojtap lll;i
record I
Just iiiiw Hieie is a .leal ot talk
ablMll law eiiUiiceinelit, ami II Is 'l
enough, pei haps, it II lOrVOt OBll '
call alleiitiou In Hie lamentable In".
Hi. u Ihe law IS not obi-M l. IcSpcclcil.
II.. r Bfurcod as it Hbould be 'I'l.o
ideal public officer lakes (he law as
he 11 ls 11 and shows ueiihcr (ear
noi taMii in its aduiinist ration. Hut
tile idcul public ottlccr is a i.ue jrw
1 I. a lieabiiic In be iimsciM'l whe.
eM'i found
There is one Mich in Ikuilan conn-
t .111.1 in.-, iiaiue la Qoorn m Brown.
He luis been prOaOOUllBg alloine. OOOtlBUOUal) fur almost iweniv
eu.-. mrvlvlBf cbaAfoa of drcuw
itaMO ind the vlotatltOdOi Of polBtca
h tBOOl abilit to coiuinand the k''"-
eial rcspict lie does not cotinder It
Ih, .Int. or a public 'iltor to
. nie loi the nieie pin pOM 0i at"
'iniim a conviction; but he haa a rec
ord for encrKetlc pursuit if known
malefnctorH that Is without parallel
In the state. Ills muster I duty and
hi-, li nlty Is to the atate and its best
If public welfare demandH a con
viction. Mr. Hi own gets It, almost in
farlahly; If It permita leniency or
BUKKi'HtB protection. Mr. llrown feai
lensly Rcrvoa Justice In that way. Ill
Is a Rood lawyer, I faithful public of
ficer and a hluh-nilnded citizen.
If. is stiKKestcd that Mr. llrown may
he a candidate for attorney general "f
the state- The state will do well If
It is able to net such a man. for that
Important place.
The IVrsccutcd Settler.
The following communication ap
peared in the Orogonlna Mon4nj 1
Is there no relief for the settle: 1
ol Bantam Oregon, or no protection
against the apodal agent wjio comes
periodical!, with good weather an!
OOBtaOta tln eiitrvinan ieanllesfl of
Improveiiients or condlllon-. tlmt mil'.
P 11 Mill. I'he settler Is Invited to
come into the Interior and tuke up
land. Ho comes, has a small amount
of inone. builds his house and contl:
ucs to Improve his home until bin
money Is exhausted; then attempts to
make proof If his time has expire1
There stands the ever-ready special
agent who files a contest III favor nf
the gOTOrnmont, and If a homi'sliM'b 1
Iiiih not the money to mi probably 10i
miles and hire an attor ., bring wlt
liesu'S and otherwise defend his limn
he the Willie
I have In mind a place where the
family moved off the ranch to town to
send the children to school. The fam
llv bring rOTJ poor, the two daughters
worked In the telephone office during
tin- night innl .iitinib-il -Hi ool during
iln- da. The mother worked In a res
taurant lo help support Ihe family. At
the end of the term of school they
luoM-il hack on the dry ranch ami
wen- contested by a i.peclal agent The
case was decided after an expensive
trial In favor or the homesteader, and
he had to iiiiirlguuc Hie home lo pu
costs ami attorneys fees, an I will
lose II. iih lie has no wa ..f pa I ,
off the mortgage.
Till Is only one of the in. in.
win 1 e the settler oj Knsl. 111 Oregon Is
wronged The gover nt rails In .
large per cent of the cases, and Chief
Shaip Inhl me he had enough cases to
oceup) his time for four years lo
come. There should be a new him..
ligation or the major put of the cni-
Inota filed bj the government, ami
fin ulil l-e b) new men. ami I li 1 .
should he a vigorous pruning nf the
entire existing crowd of speilil
vi: a 1 011. Venaior, On
The picture of thousands of Ainerl
ciiih going lo Canada to nettle a i
lake up laud should cnvluce govern
llielll officials dial theie b. Sollielhliu
wrong with the manner of liauill III '.
our public lauds Xpp.iielitH evei
man who Hies 11 local lo:. Is looked up
on as a thief, Is subjected to persecu
Hon and in. effort made to assist lit 111
III getting II footbobl. uiiles.. he shoal I
happen to he on a government irrigat
ed section When a man ntteiupts to
icclaim a piece of wild laud he should
In- aged III evel win. provided
with seed suited to the local It. and
have literature telling tit 111 the bent
met hods In pursue, ihen It might be
possible to get the lauds u-ttlcd on
The average epeelul agent Is wins'
than a plague because he thinks It Is
BOOeaaury to cause a lot of trouble in
older to bold bis lob
Think of it--motor car transporta
tion at less than two cents per mile
what it is costing thousands of Ford
owners. It's a big reason for Ford
popularity. Other reasons Ford
lightness Ford strengthFord de
pendability. Better get yours now.
Five hundred sixty-nine dollars is the price
of the Ford runabout; the touring car is six
nineteen, the town oar eij(ht nineteen
f. o. gv Ontario, complete with equipment,
i let ciUiIhc. and particulars from
Ford Garage
(The following article is published by
request of the local osteopaths.)
The A. T- Still Research Institute
has completed Its preliminary Investi
gations and will soon announce Its
conclusions into the truth of falsity
of the claims of oatedpathy. Kver
since the birth of this new schiMil Of
practice the scientific world has de
manded other proofs than the cure
of patients, m the osteopaths ther
Belves contributed 1100,000 from their
own pockets to establish the research
Institute In Chicago, and Instructed
the investigators to report the facts,
regardless of thplr pet theories- Other
research Institutions are endowed by
the laity, hut ibis Is the only one in
the world financed by physiclaine. Or
John Heasoii is director of the insti
tute He was formerly an Instructor
nt the American School of Osteopathy
at Klrksvllle. Mo., of which Institution
the founder of osteopthy Is president.
Kor years trained speclall ts have,
been conducting In Chicago an elabot
ate system of s'lentiflc experlnieius
upon animals and human beings to as
certain by laboratory methods whet ti
er or not the claims of osteapnth are
substantiated by fact. Dr. Deason BM
at la'.t made public the result of all
the work. Ills verdict Is In the af
firmative. The osteapaths have not
been contented with cures. The., de
mand the only kind of proof which is
accepted 0) the scientific world, ih it
Is, proof from the laboratory under
what Is known as standardized test
conditions as used In all research In
stitutions, medical schools and hospi
tals. Hi. Heasou says In part:
"I have, with the aid of my assist
ants operated on about .Mm) animals,
dogs, monkeys, cats, rabbits and guin
1 pigs. In which we have studied, in
various ways, the effects of osteo
pathic lesions- Dootarn MoConnrit,
Karnier, Hums, Whiting and otlnis
have been doing null. 11 w m k ItOI
mi." years. We have sln-wii that In
producing striius In the vertehr il
column various perverted physiologi
cal reactions such as abii.ouial heart,
lin leased blood pressure and nthei
visceral reflexes, may be effected.
We tiled muscular massage 11 lid
man. other passive movements, ami
Ihe effects were only verj teinporor
and incomparable 1,. Hie movement-,
with' flvallo . which produced 'verte
bral strains' and lesions
"We observed the erfects of pciiu.i
lli'lit leS'OIIS oil :l:l llogS. TllC'.e ih g !
were all normal, and only those dog
wen- used which showed no physical
defects. These animals were then
placed under deep ether anesthesia
ad subluxations were produced Af
ter lesion all animals, showed .ihnoi
111. il 11 1 tli it 1 findings such as nihil
men and sugar. A careful examina
tion w.ih made of each animal i.e..
dav, .mil b palpation the lesion could
easily be ilelecleil
"An osteopathic treatment Is not In
.in. so ! massage Oslo. paths often
use massage Just as most othei phv
.11 1. his do when Mich treatment is In
dicated; but the princi
ple of nsieiiiath Is adjustment o'.
pen el ted sllllclliral lelatlolis If a
propel adjustment can be made In one
inluiile, as It often ca lie done, this
is all (hut Is iiecesMir In Hie treat
ment of the monkeys for dianhea 1
seldom treaied the animals longer
than a few seconds; Just coiicctt-il
the structural perversions, that was,
all. There was no massage or other
kind of tieatiuent given 1 In llevo
the least manipulation one can do to
effect adjustment ts all that is in li
cateil in many cases This, bow cm-.
I does not apply to all conditions.
"We have had excellent success In
treating the acute affections We can
usually make the patient rest well hv
treatment amxl thus avoid undeslra-:
ble after effects of opiate?., which are !
used by medical doctors for this pur-1
pose. We can Incrense the ellmlna-
Hon, Improve the circulation and nu
IritlOO and thus avoid the complica
tions better by osteopathy than by
modioli niwng. We have done some
1 eh work to MOW that bony le
hIovb predisKse to Infections, by re
ducing the resistance of the patient,
thereby Increasing his susceptlblllt".
We had two caes in which monkeys
after lesion, were more susceptible
to Infectious disease than the other
monkevB which were not leslotied. '
J The V' 1&ErJUc
Old Vumi
. ' inc.; i i
For Summer pests and Save
Your Crop.
Is an Absolute Cure Against
all Summer Complaints. We
have it Now in 2 pound Cans
Malheur Mercantile Go.
May Term of School Starts Monday, May 1 4th
The Only Strictly Up-To-Date Business Col
lege in Southern Idaho. Largest Enrollment.
Most Efficient Teachers, Best Equipment,
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Start Right for Business Success. Enroll Now.
Get Our training. Act at Once. It will pay You.
School in Session all Summer. Write Us Today
Link's Modern Business College
Telephone 10.r.r) J.
I Visit Our Underwear
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to-aay, 10-mor-
row or next
You will find just
the right style, size
and price you are
looking for and a lot
of better values for
the money than you can find
anywhere as this spring this
department has had special
attention and is far ahead
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Be it for child, Girl, Boy. Man
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These Values.
Boyer Brothers &
Black Leaf
Gen. Mgr.
Idaho St.
Boise. Idaho