The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 30, 1914, Image 2

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United States Treasurer Burke
Due This Amount Now.
Firmir Promised "Johnny" All the
Money That Had Hit Nam on It.
Now Hit Nam Appears on All Bank
note Thousands Printed Each Day
t Washington.
Now York. John niirkc Dotted
Stud's tri'iimn-ir, tnmli- M I m iir: 1 1 1 ni'iir
tf llfly jcmi-h iik'" by which ho whs to
bo pnlil ii linniii on his im li M tot
wii i- l'iiii at iimt 1 1 in, when there
mhiioii lit t if bops of its riiiiiiiini'iit
Whin f'hestor 1'i-rry has rulltllod di
purt of tln ii t rmt iili Mi lluil..'
lie "ill iniil.i' the hitter onsllv tin- rich
et Ml In the world, snya the Trllium
Oftlnsi'lM Hm to hired nut when n Im.v imt rt
leu youm ulil tu husk i oru for .1 lleiull
boring l.ll'llli'l' mill I Ivnl fur III
piiv the siniill mii ii ) of ."ii 1 1'iitH ii ilny
When the time en me for Ms employer
tn : i him lor his '. wmU I city
".lohtni. I wmit yon to know Hint
tvlml I en ii nIToril to ylve you now for
youi work t reunnl ns InsuHlciMM pay
I iiiii sure you will think Hint you huc
enrncil more, for you have boon llll
(rent niul palie liiklliu ami have never
coinplnlnoil. Mo while I can pay you
only BO MBH I ihi.v for your time I'll
Kri c to haml OVW to you In the future
nil tin money you can show mo with
yum inline mi It "
"I lU'Ccphsl Ills irit'slt Ion." nays
Mr Itinke. "hut I pivt It llllh
nlilei'iitlou iIiii'Iiik the Inli'iveliliij' ycar
lllltll Hie Ih-uIiiiiIuk of the present ml
mini -ii. iHmii. when I heeatne treasurer
of the I nlteil Sliites. Then the episode
mine to mind, mid I have written Ii
Mr Kerry. rouilndliiK him of his obli
gations." This h the letter In pnrt:
Wliini llvitl ..n mtiiiifilnu
farms In lieiiinin IiiwiiMi ami I was n
It t tw mile nf ten vn'i fi "ipniiii m-
.lnvii in.. Ill e.iin liiiakliiM an. I imn .lanl
III IT limes Hllil III! Vlllnlli ullirr .11 .. INI. HIS.
fin Hlili Ii m-rvlri- yon il.l me '" . enln n
ii iv Vnn will rem. nil., i Imwi'Ver. Unit
Nt flic limn f hetllemi'iit mil nmniiml me
tin. I vnn were m.t eerliiln Unit M rrnts
S It iniltlelellt I etmnn'i fur ni Mft
Ir.s nml llnil In aililllimi In the mvmetil
nf in renin n itny ynu wire In tain WtH
tn lee all ihe m.iiiey that nti Knt with m
II. line nil It. Willi h SKIeelllenl Wit pcifi'it-
ly tattafai i. it y in ma nml was duly nc
ceiii .1 ai tin lime
Fmrlna llml von mnv hive fiirsiiiiin
this nlillu I' mi in count nf lapse a
lime. I am lii'lmu Mill nlli'iillnn In II
new fur uf riniise I k , lint all thai Is
I... in. f H in.- tu .I.. i simply tn i, ill
yum utli in i.iii iii It. tli.ii Mini .i 1 1 i i tl...
aiirvemeiii i'l in fsjlhfulll In el
The bllleall lit eliu'lin Iiik prints .Mr
Hnrke's ii. iiue mi l.usn imi null's nf Ihe
I nltisl M.iii- i nrrein a da In nihil
th n lo this vast dally Im rciishm nbll
Kii. mi on Ihe part of Ihe larilier. Mr
llu ha- iuiiisl Ills uiiine to n mini
liet if SIO.iHti certltlciiiis..
At I lit- i. lie the bnreiiu of en 'I'm hjg
pi i' i . in i .-ii- . Iicarliu. his naiuc in ihe
III I ut Js;iiinmi a ,.,. which b
Oic end uf his term as treimuii-r will
lift 111 i ii el lUWOuOOfl shuiild he be for
tunnte ei in real le upon hnt
yuiiilifiii inn -tiueiii
Growsrs Psy Too Littls Attention to
the Seed They Us.
Washington The American potato
grower Is climbed with paltiK lit
tie ulteiillou to the Scli-t (Ion of seed
potatoes by the depart lucut of niirtciil
line In a statement do. Inrluj; that by
the us of high grade -eel the returns
from the crop would be Increased by
uinnv million of dollars
The Increase that might be c instill
from the use of high guide seed Is con
acnatlvely estimated m not less than
10 per cent. Such an Increase, based
on the niciage pi .stiii'llon or the ncr
age production of ihe last the years.
aa)s Hie klateinciil. would amount to
over M itmisio Inishcls Inning an ap
luoiluiiite value of 'l lum.UHI.
i if the many causes which operate to
produce a l" in ci age potato yield lu
the I nihil Slates. It Is pointed out. Im
pure i- an tusirtant one Kuril
ean potato towels. c-ii hilly those
of Ureal I llril.ilti and liei inauy. pay (he
aiih test alii nlioii to the ipialily of (ho
eitil used
Civil War Vl Ordered to Take One Is
Sandii-k) 0 An oidiug to Seigeanl
8. N Cooke nl rotiagc Mick. Sim
Holdl'i Iioiiic. a mi era n rrom near
It liana, adinlttisl the oilier dn. riglliaj
when tikhered into Hie nw4w II
racks aiiteiisim to iw.iit his tuiu ID
tin- Inirrscks bath and n 'marked
"Well, I'm sevenl) two years old. ami
this Is golui; to he Hie tlrst tunc I ever
tool, a regular out and out bath "
The old until made no cffoit to con
oval a feeling that If he suntved the
flr-t I'peiainiii he UlbjDl IT) II a- in.
ecordlHi hi Sergeant Cuokev
Women Oppose Smoking.
Porllainl. Oiv lice i use ihcy aay
ftftr and ci.i'itc Miiokc III the city
ball and ' out't'e'iise. where licy go to
I ,i maki Ihcin ick rortlainl
women bava rtasJ a utuvi (or i HU
, i, in . foi .l.hug U.aklUfl III pub
lie build I
Rules For Dist and Drsss to Counter
act Lassitude.
NtW, York. A list of Instructions for
the BgntlDR of spring fever uns Issuisl
by the Voting Men's Cliilstlali nssocla
tlon In n health bulletin for members.
It urges llrst of ull that "neither gin
rlckeys and highballs nor beer should
be used ns a cure for sptlng fever."
adding that neither medicine nor al
coholic drinks of any kind can euro
Hint mil lady. The real onuse of the
general lassitude of office folk these
days, the bulletin assorts. Is tho log
kIiik up of the body with food beyond
the amount insessnry to supply the
proper amount of heat units.
The bulletin urges the observation of
these health rules
"Knt lightly. Tim body doesn't need
the amount of food that It does In win
ter. "rTcrclso regularly. Help nature by
training down
"The man with the paunch may look
prosporotia. but It's dollars to dough
nuts he'd fool better without the ab
dominal hump.
"dress for the season. Discard your
lieiny winter clothing, but do It grad
"Hrenfhe In plenty of fresh air to
wash the blond and help carry off
"Most people experience n distaste
for fnt foods at this sinsoi. It la a
gins! thing. Shun fat finals. Your Ixidy
doe-n't need Illem.
"Knt plenty of fresh vegetables and
fruits. A lusty kii Iml Is more beneficial
than steak."
Seemingly Lonesome When Owner Is
Abaent For a Few Days.
Denver. lira vlng the waters of the
Crmid river rather than stay on a
ranch alone. Murphy, a Maltose tom
cat belonging to Ad Hockett. a
wealthy rancher of Dotsero. Colo..
swam a mile when ho wns left on the
ranch while Hockett well! to (i Ion wood
Springs on a business trip
Ihe day after Hockett left his ranch
Murphy went tu tho river bank, where
he sat for an hour and then swam the
li.'jiiii to the olilio-lle sidle whole he
sought company at a DclghborlhK
ran h.
I our days Inter, when Ilockott re
tin I ami found Murphy missing, he
began a search for his inns, ot
Standing on (he river bank, he saw
Ills 1'iit m In i iii Iii o hack When Mur
phy reached the shore he Junisd on
his master s -in. inner
At III., l.oliil whet.. Mlll'liliv nwiltll
the river Hie stream Is treacherous, ami
scleral moil have Is-en swept down the
stream liy the awitt current.
Bears Signatures of Those Who
Fought Behind Cotton Bales.
Now Orleans.- Interest In the slum
hciiuu cotton bale theory of the battle
oi New Orleans has Isan aroused hv
the i. mini,, of a water tolot' picture
map of Hie original buttle plan lu mi
iibaiidoinsl trunk In tho collar of a ho
lei l.lille Is known about Hie draw
liu,' or Ihe oihci contents of Hie trunk,
which has remained unnoticed for
years In a durk corner
live veterans of the battle hail add
I their xlKiiitturea lo the remarkable
limp to attest Ihe fact (hat It Is u true
ii eiiiiiion of Ihe battle plan as
made under the direction of Andrew
Jackson by bis military engineer, II.
I.aclolle It shows a line of collou
hales, which a uiiirulnnl nolo says waa
I '' r. .1 loin;, with a pnil oiiipiifiii el
leiidliiK U00 feet Into Ihe Monde. 8ome
historians deny the story about the
usd of cotton halts
The me veterans who say t In
foiiKht behind isit ton bales ware Jo
sepb St t'yr. Jean l.ainonlhe. 1 M
I. a pice. Chariots Itiiyuioinl and Jean
Col Mils I'eu pictures of these men
appear In the fool notes
A full view or (ho Chaluiette ileal la
k'licii. and the veteran draftauieu have
set forth (he placltiK uf the different
commands and the plan of attack and
It Is thought the map and the trunk
lu which It was found weee (he prop
ert.v of a foruier pal run of the hotel
ho took "I'Vench leavtt."
Biron de Turekheim Was an Intimate
Friend of Chopin.
MolllreUV. Sw ilci land Itaioii Ker
dluatid de Tiiickhelm. a I icn. h Alaa
Han exile since the Prussian coinpiesl.
.licl here lu his one hundred and
fourth year lie was an lutlmate
tncud of CtiOilu and celcluated his one
huudrisl and third blrtlulH) on March
:il hv playlutf some mauiiscrlpt pieces
prescnii'd to ti t tit by Hie couiHser
Itarouess do Turckhclm. who was
Iwirn in IM'.i and to whom he was
mauled iii ist.'i Is sllll living and wua
ut he hlisl.aud' hodside w lieu he died.
Girl Ponoot Two Wolvea.
l.i. i. lain II. Hue. Ml. Ml Mini
UlaUia, ilii-htei ol K i: Adams of
Itiy I'lal. Iiuisoiusl two wolves few
aJirlita no cm bad kllM IMI for
icr ilic ii iv lilac lie put poison In
to arenas iml m-xi utortilna when
-iv vent out to ace the results there
. . 'vo black On.liei wolves lreli It
. .:cr of the pair
four poui i -
For Sheriff
To the voters of Malheur county
I will he a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of th is
county on the Republican ticket
subject to tho decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, 1914.
R. H. McNee.
For Joint Representative.
I hereby announce myself a
enndidate for joint representa
tive for Harney and MalhiMir
counties, subject to the wishes
of the Republican electors at
the primary election to be held
May 16, 1914.
Frank Davey.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Malheur
county, Oregon, subject to the
decision of the Democratic
voters of the county at the Pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
If elected as sheriff I will en
force the laws in all cases and
endeavor to apprehend crim
inals of whatsoever character
and I shall conduct business as
economically as is consistent
with efficiency.
J. A. Wroten.
PaM Ai!vrtlicmrnU
Mni.o) tn loan Improved irr-
k'Hle.l farms. W. II. DoollttU Oo.
Lots for Salo 3 in Riverside
mltl it ion, near aub station. In
quire at Argus.
Hay delivered in Ontario at
7T per ton. Call Kruitland
livery. Phone 1021.
.4000 buys 100 acres, 35 with
Hood water light ami in cultiva
tion. Inquire Rex Marquise,
Ontario, Oregon.
Money Wanted 1250 River
side residence, insured for 1500,
box 41 2, Ontario.
Ynu cuii oi'l foil r siileiiiliil
( . .,
I magazines one year for IS cents
txtru bv renewing vour sub-
-i i i.tion to the Argus.
Three lota for aale 'J t.looke west
uf poetofrlca at a barKaiu. Inquire at
Artfua uitlcM.
Administrators Notice.
lu toe County Court of tba Ktata
or Ooroo tor Malbeur Couuty. Id
the inaiiiei of the estate of FeUr
liniiiiiii. Deoeaaed.
Notice if hereby Rlren that tbe
iiinlersiKueil. the ailuilulstrstor of the
eatate of Peter Houton deoeaaed, baa
filed his final account of the iidniin
Utratiou of said estate m the aboee
entitled Court. And that Friday tbe
loth day of May 1014. at II o'clock
A.M. at tbe Count v Court room
lu tbe con i bouee in Vale. Malheur
County, nil-nun baa been set by tbe
In 'tfe of aald court aa ine time aod
place for tbe bearing thereof. All
persona bm ma auy Interest in aald
estate are hereby nntlf led to be pre
sent in aaid dav at 11 o'clock A. M.
and t om cauee it an? there be. wby
' i i.e aaid in 1.1 account should not
be accepted and allowed, and tbe
aaid administrator discharged and
! tbe eetute ot the aaid Feter Mouton
deceased distributed according to
law. Tbia notice ia publiied by
Order of lion, tieo W. M. Knight.
Couuty Judge of eaid County, duted
April MtV 1914.
V in Bouton, Administrator.
Connecticut Woman Wants Rubber
Ring to Cut Third.
Souicrs. Conn - Mr tCupbeutia I.
I.ouhlin. eighty -eight years old, who
lives with her daughter. Mrs. Coorgv
Cieen of llaardv Ille. was assured
by a dciitNt (hat her swollen gums,
serenes of which tempted her to get a
teething rtJaf, presagcvl a uew set of
Mrs Unuhliu says her first teeth
never amounted to niucli. hut with ber
aefOWl set she could masticate toiiKU
steaks until tweiii.v years ago AI
ic.nlv she has cut three lower iiv''i
. . I set .tie due tu a Wool,
For Sheriff.
To the voters of Malheur county :
I 'Will be a candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket,
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 15, 1914.
Robert Odell.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
eandidute for the ofticeof county
commissioner for Malheur coun
ty, Oregon, subject to the ap
proval of tbe Republican elec
tors of said county at the pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
Melville D. Kelley.
Train Service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregon Waab Ltd 1 :17 am
No. 70 Huntington Fats 9.42 a m
No. 9 Fast Mall 0:15 p m
No 77 Huntington Faaa 6:.'IS p m
No. & Oregon Waab Exprese 0:50 pa
Eaat bound
No. 18 Oregon Wusb Ltd 2:51 a m
No. 70 Unite paaeeuger 8:50 a m
No. lOFaat Mall 12:12 p m
No. 7H Koine pHsaeiignr 3:50 p m
No. C i irogon Waah Kx press 0 .15 p m
Malheur Valley Itrunch
The Vale train leavea Vale dally at
Ma m arriving In Ontario at 8 :40.
Returning will leave, except Sunday,
at 10 a. in. . arriving at Vale at 10 :40,
leaving for Brngan at 10:50, arriv
ing there 11 :5!), reluming will leave
Hrogen at 12 ttt, arrive at Vale 1 :30.
Leave Vale nt 2:35. arriving at On
tario at 3 '30. ami return to Vale
at V p. m. On Sunday tbe train will
ciiiiih to Ontario in tbe morning and
return at 7 p. m., makiug tbe run to
llomedale oo that day inatead of
The Juntura train will leave Onta
rio Monday, Wertuetdey and Krinay
la 7 a. in , returning at 0 p. in.,
Inserting .Iiintura nt 12:05 and leav
ing nt 1 p in.
Tba Homed. He train leavea Nyeta
at 2:45 nn Tuesday, Tburaday and
Saturday, returning, arrive at On
tar In at 0 p. m.
The biggest bargain we have
ever offered our subscribers is
the Argus and four magimncf,
all one year, fur only $1.18
For Kent Two room houe,
two blocks north of school house,
ritone '20.K-.S.
A Bargain In Lumber.
We have u lot of Ixtt Common
Pine, Pressed and Mulched,
This ia exceptional good grade,
just the thing for Bub-floors,
liming cold storuge buildings
and grainerie, we want the
room and will close this out at
$15.00 per M. spot cash. It will
pay you to look at this bargain.
We cannot hold this Lumber
for auyone. Come early.
Empire Lumber Co.
For The
Dry Land Farmer
Milo Maize
Kaffir Corn
Orchard Grass
Cash Grain Company
Distributers ot
Wigwam and Hollyhock
Phone 166 K
Ontario, Orey,on
You Ran ybur Business,
With s Check Book -
How About Your Home ?.
SC Jj lSSWataaaB
"O ILLS, bills, bills nothing bnt bills!" frequently it the complaint of
M3 the head of the family. No man would think of running his buti
neii WITHOUT A CHECK BOOK. How about YOUR home?
The running of the home today ii a BUSINESS PROPOSITION.
Open a CHECKING ACCOUNT With Us at Once
The Ontario National Bank
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
xv-CT nrm w wm i -ill m
BT - t. W .... I .1' J BHBt fj I 9.aVL A m I V I BW
I Vm-'jCv. ? 3ui' --atalv -V ibTibWN Jl I .AI ,m
Paint Your Own
You can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy
to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloa
finish in black or rich appropriate colors.
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and
chicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that
will look e ell and wear well. An ideal finish for settees.
McBratney HardHdre and
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
local Market Keport.
Correcleil i. :i0, ror tbe beuetlt
u( ht9M if ii ii PI tiy tin- Malheur Mar
sry i
Arcriic (MWtui
flower stands, porch furniture, garden
tools and all surfaces that must with
stand exposure and hard usage. Ready
to brush on and the label tells how.
furniture Co.. Ontario, Oregon
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
oaotlla Coupaoy.
Kk. per dosen. IT jo.
Uotter, par puuuJ, 35o.
OaU, par buudrad. SI. 60
Wbaat, par buudrad. SI. 75.
Hay. par ton, -Hotatoaa,
per buudrad, 1.00
i 'uii us, per buudred, S'-.uO.
Applaa, par box, S1.0U. to 11.50
Cbiokaua, diaaaad, per Minnd,lSo
Pork, dreated, 8, to '.''..o.
I'ork, Ilea, 6. 'i0 to 7
Vaal, 9 to lOo.
rer llo lo lie