The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 23, 1914, Image 6

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Learnt Engllh To Testify.
Snlem. As a result of his leiirtilna;
o H'nk tin Kngilsb Isagssf while
Jn prison, bfSttO Mnrlnovltch, uti In
nwitn of UM ItStS prison, w:n p.inlnii
il. Marlnovltch wns nrn-stwl two
years bro bb fi" was lainnlltiR n frnln
at I'lirest drove ntirt SBSffSd with
rtfiilliiK n wntfh which hi had In his
poSSSSSkm. licltiK uniilil' to BpSSJi
BBgllSB DS iniilc virtiinlly no dsfSBSS
fiml whh KlM'ii ii maximum miiIi'Iki1.
Ilr now sppiiks the ssVfltSl hinminK"
flurntly ami hM convlnrwl prison of
flrlals atifl tin- Kovernor that Iip
trfiiildit the watch In Rooil faith of the
r. I t lil r.
Sandhill Crane Becomes a Petl.
I.a tininil" Hanillilll erSBSS if b
COOllag I pest to larnn i "f QfSDdS
fliimle Vallpy. Although pTOtSCtSSl by
the MtfSl i;ntn lews, the blnls arc
ic iiii! MM niter iur' of wheat
fields In this VBlley. TIioiihiiiiiIh of
tie .in i.i. ofti n Kffii on one farm, and
run i pi ii or they lonch la
ruined, for thoy pull It up hy the roots
So hcrlous hits the past heimne that
f n tnicrs are cuinpllliiK pctltlom and
memorials to congress to have the law
chtiUKcd I'nksa the blnN decide to
migrate mm Ii ilntnHKc will he done.
Qlrl Cann.ra to Teat.
KiiKi'iie I'ians for an Inter county
fruit and vegetable eantllllK SOStSSl
h. i.en tin I .a no and Marlon county
kIHh ni the Orcicon Ht.ite Kulr, In Hep
tiuiiier. were completed in a confer
ence helwi i e f W Kadcr niid l.ulher
.f t'liapln. i minty .n.rlculiurlHls, re
IJaM llvily. ni these IWO count leu, The
contest Ii BFfMfSSl fur the purpose or
iiiirtxlin lag 1'ioilern methods or atssn
pressure imuuIiik In the BOSBSa
of Ihc stale
Shell Explodta, Two Hurt.
Hen Ide Mrs, Hubert Hieur and
tier iIiiiikIii.i. Helen, were severely
I mi lie n hum" In this ell v S len
I rule shell cxpli.iled In the ,
Hove Mm. Hpnir was cut In Hie
cheek nud one hand and her diniKliicr
received Injuries In the head uud lace
Riamlnutlon of the wood In the
situ c seemed In ludlinle that the shell
IiimI been placed in the wood BSfON
it MS cut fi r buruliiK and that the
bent of the fire exploded Ihc powder
West Announcee Plan for Initiating
Salem l.'iiw-rimr i
e.l ) lie-
, mry electlc
1,1 liull Inl
... ii uta
.1,. lllll '' ' . I lief
i i,, ,ii. . in 1 1 or Hie
i . ' L'omiuU
I ion I i l.ll . ill.ill'i.
!. .nl i, built! . i .
ii.ii.iunnt u,i i i . ions
At. lie if .in- uo uublll I ! ihit.
tin I nl VOfki he Hid He UtpalgU
I ui be ..ii i nil on through ih .'op' i
kilos oi elllsona Istwwrtod in arttoiii
pIlblllllK the e. lillr- BOUghl III
public iinetniKH Mill be held through
out I lie stale. i In 1 1 laNalloll mailers
ulll be dlSSWSasd SSd lod's Mill be
Klien opportuuily to alSjS IRS Hilda
Mi i e i ItloM
One ol Ihc constitutional aim ml
mi Ills Unit will be BtSPSSSd "ill fix
a liuill for hIhIc and couiiti appro
plliillous The lux ruli ulll be lived,
iind Ibe Kioeruoi -inl II SfOttM BS up
to tile li-Klslatui. .ml line-. Mho con
ni count) affair io cut tbotr hsda
lb to III the OlOth .
Feud and Quarrel End In Slaying.
ItokcbuiK s a i lliu. i IS I 1 1 ud
of many yeuis' Ht.indliiK. Morrison
fumphcll killed bis SSlfhSOf Jobu
in. Kit. in a qusrrol our lbs irsslsi
of tattle on a piece nl' pasture laud
t'suipl" II Has lielil without bail lo a
pear In lore ihc grand )uri hi Ins pre
Itliiluaii In .iiiiik The grand jury ulll
no el 111 Mil)
May Change Oat of Annual ByAStJ,
annual synod ol the I'rcsbi tcrlun
hurch of Orasjos ffosi October is July
ii. a to hold ii iii Rugae during (be
wctislon ol tin' inliilslerial i ouieieiu e
HI the I'nliiisil) of OfStJOS SSI the
plan divided upon a! the SMOttSI of
lb. llluincltc I'le-I r) l' I''
Child Saves B.1L1 , Life.
lie Qhvdjri Wot r, .iei 7
ilM.lnil in trout ol .. . .linn Ira
In ic ami n u.'il hi i all t HStOth
,, , ,1 .: li, at on Ins I ck As she
le.iped awsy. dl ' ' k CXt
iii'ii i . ocouiodt ' QUdyi
I. .a lug in !., N ! VSJ
A t'hnulaiiqua Association baa been
srssalssd in Corrsllhv
A three days' lair will be, held at
l.a (iriiiide, Or, September 22 to 24 In
clusive, J. A. Kusscll whh elected pres
ident and Herbert Hunter secretary.
Duncan McKlnnon came nil the way
from MIchlKan to troll for salmon in
the Willamette river at Oregon (Mty.
Ho had enjoyed the sport before.
All dnneehalls In the state must be
closed by 12 o'clock Saturday nights
or the keepers are subject to arrest,
SCOOrdlBI to SI opinion rendered by
Attorney General Crawford.
The Clackamas county court desig
nated the trunk roads for a "perma
nent" hnrrl surfiico Improvement If
the $000,000 bond ulectlou curries May
I, A. Taylor of Madras is trying to
find enough acclimated seed corn to
plant 300 acres. Ills project la so far
the Inrgest Individual venture In corn
so far undertaken in the Pacific north
west. Representative Hnwley Introduced a
bill lo amend the act to authorize the
sale of certain lands holotmlng to In
dians on the Sllet7. reservation, mak
ing the net proceeds of the land sales
payable to members of the tribe.
OrOSJOS timber, the felling or Ireea,
and their handling In the logging
camps will he shown In moving pic
tures at the I'anainu Pacific exposi
tion Arrangements for this were
made at a meetluK of the Oregon ex
position commission.
The Apple Orowera' association of
Hood Klver has wired Representative,
Hlnnott that they were Informed that
the express companlSS had Issued new
rates for carloads of western berries,
advancing the estimated weights oil
M pint SlVtSS from 17 to N pounds,
uheii the initial nelghl Is 111 pounds
Ani'd a storm or argument mid dls
approval on the part of the men of the
Oregon Agricultural college who are
In favor of retaining tlm "swallowtail''
rout for use In formal affairs, the stu
dent body voted the adoption of reso
: iihuis declaring ar.nlnsi tbu wearing
(,' Hie full dress.
At the in xt meeting of the slate
land hoard ll Is eipecled that Nil sec
tions, or bI.UHo acres of newly survey
ed school lauds will be offered for
sale The board will advertise for Ibe
bids, SroesM) fixing a minimum price
of $7 .rMi an acre. Most of the lands
are In Malheur and Harney counties.
Oregon's oldest woman, Mrs Mary
DsLore, 117 years of age, died Ht Port
land She whs born and reared nem
the old Hudson's Hay company ti ol
lug post at Vahcnuwr, Wash, In i
father being a trapper aud her mother
an Indian She raised u large lauilly,
but oiiillied tin 'in all.
Tn ii i oiniiieieinl and fruit
Interests iiriniiid Medfiiril the ggrlesl
turn! depai lineiil poslltvcl assured
Kepresi ntatlie lliivlo) thai It Mould
maintain a permanent weiilb r KtStlOS
it Mn ilni'd, giving ellbl-n. .rine
for the espei'l.ll he'.ia t.l I mil KTOW
ll o! the nni.iher.i ol i ' .! .
land i u 'in 1 1 i Kuy,
' iot.i nor I .;i d lu.iUil
Ins ii iii hut' - i and i oin
,, any. ol which J I- Moi os Is BfS I
d. lit. turn' n the I oanl wuh a fliiau
- all in. '.ii shun iiu; Ibe receipts
and M'einllini '- ol the i ompaiii Mini
,i, ,i ip, mn oi all id.' lands In
the oomBsny'a srojaol which have
li .ii dlsOSSd "i by selllin; opilons
1'eiore a COntrMi call he Iliad.' tot
(he printing Ol tfeS rotfS' pampblel
lulng the iiiiiiatue Bissau rot ti
i ihaUttod ai die soil sasstfeN
villi be lie. -ii ror Iks SSMffSJSSSI
hoard lo me. 'I and UUthorUe ii deli
I'iency in the public pinning lund It
Is e.-.i nulled l the d.'ficleiuy will
amount to about 1MM by the cud of
the c.u
Stutn I. ah. il I oininlsslolier O. P.
Iloff has iBTTStljSttd the state Insti
tunous ami asya he iouud thai lln
atfjfel houi Iim is being lioi.ite.l at all
of lliiin Hs ISM be would take the
BiattSf Up with til'' ttStS b" ltd of cou
rOj liumediaieli and thai If the law.
as iuterpie'e.l hi tfeS supieine couil.
argj mil ofesSTVSdi BS would cauaa the
arrest of HhBSS responalble
The special OSSMaHtSS of the Or
pjpfj CtvtO liTSfat oil the departuieut
of schools has Hiiuouiiced the recom
incuilatlon ot the following two
changes in Hie school laws Intended
to accomplish a greatjf efficiency in
the public school Qii a the county
school superintendents power to non
mate all teacher in the county school,
and eliminate the one room oue teaoaV
er achiKil fe) consolidating the acboola
IntO sel el . I looms
POT a oml time the people of the
' itc nie lo be given an opporluulty
ot voting on the question of the aboil
tioii of t.ipit ll punishment, for a con
stiliitioiuil amendment providing for
g aSOllshlSSl will be submitted to
ihc mi i ei. ui of state for approval a
to i, u-m In fen day The amaud
UlClil pro ' lor life llUpl'loliluclil
s.i.i..: lafeoi nrtinlsstlffsai M ia atd. '
have Isdorasd ibe ainendmciit In the
ll ISH th, peiiple i olid SOWS
llbollahiM capital punish
Notice to Creditors,
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned haa been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of Philip
Pfeiffer, deceased . by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
count v of Malheur. Any and all per
sons inn tin.' claims ngninst the said
entitle are hereby notlBed to preaeut
them, dull- verified, as required by
law, to the undersigned administrator
at hie home In Wettfnll, Oregon, or
to hie attorneys, McCiillnoh ntul Wood,
of Ontario, Oregon, within six months
from and after the date of the flrst
publication of this notice.
Done and dated and Hrst published
thia IMk day of March. 1914.
J. l. I airman.
Administrator of tbe estate of Philip
Pfeiffer, deceased.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Office at V'bIb, Oregon, March
24th. 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Henry
S. Sutton, of Ontario, Oregon, who,
on i let 1 1 1. i IS.'ith, 1910, made Home
stead ar-pllcatlon No 01599, for the 8
WV, NK',. NW'4 SKi,. N' SW4.
Section 27, Township 17 8.. Kange 40
E.. Willamette Meridian, baa Hied
notice of intention to make Kinnl
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before the
Register and Iteceiver, (J. 8. Land
Office, at Vale, Oregon, on tbe :i0tb
day of April. 1914.
Claimant namea aa witnetaee:
A, 8. Worth. F. T. A here. 8. D,
Moore, of Outarlo, Oregon; Leon
lllgby of Payette. Idaho,
Bruce It, Keatcr, Iteiilster,
Department of the Interior, U. 8
Land Office at Vale, Oregon. March
Mlfe, 1914.
Notice is hereby given Hint Albert H
Worth, of Ontario, Oregon, who, ou
iiguat I. Mb. 19 ID. made Homestead
application No. 01 MT for 8', HE.
Section 27; NEi NEJ Seotlon 114,
NWi NW'4 eection 115. Town
ship 17 8. Kauge 4li K Willa
mette Mcridiiin, has llled notice uf
intention to nniki lliuil three year
proof, to establish claim to the
laud above described, before the Beg
later and Becelver U. 8. Land Otllce.
at Vale, Oregoo, on the ,'IUth day of
Aoril. 1914.
Claimant tiamea as wltneeeee:
Frank T. Altera. Henry 8. Sutton.
0 A. Palmar. L. I Olaou of On
lario, Oregon
Bruce I; Keiter Begiatar
nl 'Si.
in i ii I m. mi of the In', ii i U, S.
I Jind Office at Vale, Oiegou, Murub
.'lib, Ittl I.
Notice N heiebv given that I'lBIlk
1 Alters, of Ontario. Oregon, n h" on,
October Ulth. 1910. inede 11' niestead
application. No oi. .41. toi IX BjW
Section '27. ami Nl, NW. Scot ion
:i, Township I7S. I...I .. Ill ,
illauictte Meridian, has tile, I notice
of Intention to make tlual three war
proof, to establish claim to l he laud
mi.. .Ii sci il e.l before the Iteglstcr
aud Receiver. U S. Laud OHIcc. at
Vale. Oregon, on tbe ,'luth day of
April. 191 1.
Clamant namea aa wltucasee:
S. Worth. II. 8, Kiitton, O. A.
Palmer. I, E, Olaaou, of Ontario.
OiegJU ,
Hi nee B Keater, Beglater.
W I ii ted tJirl for general
housework, (iood aTfegSji. Apply
ut Uader's resiileiiii' or phone
Tbe bifgeet barft4n we bte
ever offered our subscribers is
the Argus and four niagauies,
all one year, for only 1.1
For Sheriff.
1 liereby announce myself a
candidate for sheriff of Malheur
ci ,: ty, Oregon, subject to the
decision 0j the Democratic
voters ot the county at the Pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
If elected as sheriff I will en
force the laws in all cases and
endeavor to appreheud crim
inals of whatsoever character
and 1 shall conduct business as
economically as is consistent
with etbeiency.
,i. a Wroteo.
For Sheriff.
To the votersof Malheur county :
IJwill be ft candidate for the
nomination for sheriff of this
county on the Republican ticket,
subject to the decision of the
voters tit the primary election
to be held ou May 15, 19H.
Robert Odell.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the ofbeeof county
commissioner for Malheur coun
ty, Oregon, subject to the ap
proval of tbe Republican elec-
Military Collar
' " I : i i
I I I i I
: : l
i i i '
i i , i i i
i ' i i . i ,
i iii i
iii '
: ! ' ' ' ' '
; i i
"t"""h i ' ' f ;"
' i
t i t . -
i x J . I- - '
I; ' i i ;
! ! i I
; ; I j
III ill liJ lil LL
All The New Thinp;t in Dress and Work Shirts. New things in Neckwear,
Underwear Ktc. Let Us Show You
Boyer Bros. & Co.
Well, What Do You
Think of This?
1 1 3
I -
Phone 49 J.
tors of said county at the pri
mary election to be held May
15, 1914.
Melville D. Kelley.
Train Service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd 4 :17 a m
No. 75 Huntington Pass 9.42 a m
No. 9 Fast Mall 8:15 p tn
No 77 Huntington Pass 6:93 pm
No. 5 Oregon Wash Express 0:50 pa
Eaat bound
No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd 2:51 n m
No. Ti; lioise passenger 8:50 a m
No. 10 Fast Mall 12:12 p m
No. 78 Hoise passenger 3:50 p m
No. (I Oregon Wash Expresa fi ill p m
Malheur Valley Brunch
The n In train leaves Vale daily nt
Ham. arriving in Ontario at 8:40.
I'i'iiirning will leave, except Snnday.
Work Shirts
This Is Our Best Offer
The. Four First-Class Magasinas and Our
l..r A1J. FIVE nsJF VI.' Alt ( i.dw
ajsjIrrF7' '"'-f ,'irrsew!3 " 7mv I
Tjr K. V .7 EM '$ Jt t4 bW Saaaalam I
li2 BKLrf V ianw . Wj1m i' 'isW CI W H
ISt M t f (Vpw . mfj I -1 V
IK fHlj BV - v ' fsf K mbL, v
W.....I,'. W-.ld. J5. ,r Grssa'tFruilCrowsr, SOc yr. Fsra Uls. 2ftc yr. Horn. Uf.. 2Sc yr
All Five for About the Prioe of
i A Ij-g.jk This is the biggest bargain in the best reading
111 S aHlOIIG niatter cvcr oftcrcd to our subscribers. It in
wwsw nivuv dudes our paper the best weekly published
in this part of the state and the Four Magazines of national prominence
shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office.
We have never sold our paper alone at leu than s dollar a year.
But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big
publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our
paper, all one year for only $1.1& just 11 cents more than the
regular price of our paper alone.
Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call
and see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these dean,
beautiful, intercstisg magazines you will want them sent to your own
home for a year.
Our Paper and These Four Standai i Magazines
Ontario Argus
P. O. Box 128
at 10 a. m. . arriving nt Vile at 10 :40,
leaving for Hrogan at 10:50. arriv
ing there 11 :59. reluming will leave
Brogan at 11 :')9, arrive at Vale t :30.
Leave Vale nt. 2:35. arriving at On
tario at 3:i0. and return to Vale
at V p. m. On Hnmlny the trnln will
come to Ontario in the morning nnd
return nt, " p. m.. miking tne run to
Humedale on that day instead of
The Jiintura train will leave Onta
rio Monday, Wednesday and Friday
ia 7 a. m . returning at d p. m.,
teaching Jiintura at 12:05 and leav
rng nt 1 p m,
The Hnmednle train leaves Nyssa
at 2:4 5 on Tueiday, Thursday and
naliirdny, returning, arrive at On
tario at 6 p. m.
Three lota for sale 2 blocks west
of poatofHce at a bargain. Inquire at
Argus iittlcii.
$1 fj
I -
tang i.::