The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 23, 1914, Image 4

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P A NAM AS have never been
more popular than at the
present time for Ladien, Miases
and Children. A Splendid line at
Grove & Riley s
One Piece Hammer
In The New Model
If ynu see more than one hole iti
ii Iimfiiitii t urn know that I'Ntrn
mr(s mi' I';-. .1 1 in 1 1 to U ic hummer
whether slii.wn or not Our hum
BMt ih all MM DMCa, only (MM hole,
mi toggle! or stirrupa attached.
vs'c iinvr ni mit ail rooking
lVn. 0010, pn-di rods Mini ham
II I tirrups ami cock the iniii di-
n n i from tin' "f hMMitiicr.
Catalog Free; IH grodoe, if!" 76
ii i in iii" Hat
OurS Hi 2" bore in n hummer
In- down I" ilali' ami shoot OQOi
I I'll A A OUM CO., Ithncii. N. Y.
hi. i. il in lli- BQOtl II lot ai i tularin
O OHM for truusiuissiou through the
hmiIm an second .class mutter
l-i -h.-r
liui Inn iln quai I - oudlni March
tlot, IIH I. Htiilo KiikIi i loh ii II
I.I'M Ih Issued .i p nulls fur lllr
aiiinii i. hi i arator, lootogiog
nlllllllH llll llll' COUKll III tlllll (if USI'I-
i mi i miii th' i n'i luiu ii u pro
po ad i" Irrigate - m acrai i i .mi
develoue 21,9611 borseuooroi i go M
lliualcil cost of S, no.
I In lull. w hit; pel mils BOVi I'i'i'li
Issm I loi M.illi in count), dttriol IkO
pool iii. liter;
Tho Oul.iilo ggVOOOl uii nl Co, ol
iiiii.iiiu. iiu tin' irrigation ..i H7I
(ContlnOOd from First Pogo)
lODgtO) ilini rOOgtOO of taxation
followed tin' icpoil f tin1 lax ioiii-
nltti a, a roporl toot oootl artti Um
Willi 'till l till'
OMOaOl alul lh" I. o in I Of ' M" UIOI
i ii m. .nut tmpbooliod iii noooonttj "i
' noli a committee to legure Justice
tOr llu' luiimis ;'in I tin' BggrOO.
Mho toottoa oi iiu' rortooa lotoroota
thai mi' eontloooll) working: to shin
i.ui ..n. i" ttia ilioiili:' re of
others, Dortng Ihi' dlsciisulon of tax
ation tOO lOOJ tOXtOg OMMtgaggg BfOg
b i:ht gpi a lOO . It Ih liclli'M'il.
gffoetg thia Mottoo iu"ii' aarionoUf
than hiiiiii' of tin' oi in roiniiiiiiiii ii
I tkOl havo ili'Vclop d i mil leiitly to
II Ihi'lr llld ll wa
in i i.' I I
tliul must ot tin- members arc of the
j opinion thai tOO laxalloti of moil
ggggg would mk a huidship ii t in
I tin' fanners of thin roiiuiy. mil soil)
Inmoaalng tin n taxation tbroogh loo
added Intareal the) would bo obiim-d
in poj . inn a l - b) driving copltol
ill ot tin' count. ul Ihi' lui'lil
ban nova proviooolj Ihroi lg ntotaa
whin- lli- gg , iiiii'til has lii'i'li tried
and It w.i (lull unanimous roporl
lllllt III' n -llll ol Mil ll a law ll.ld lui'll
to incic-uee th.' inter, st rate to a
luiliil thai would offset, or more than
offset tin- iiu, thereby Inereoolog mi
.u iih ot land, dlTOrtlOg waii'i Mom ' only thi h..i lowers tux, hut uIho In.
Suaki' iUii in lootftag I I p. lv S I valuation, DOtttOg u dould d burlci
it, it K A 0. and c. a. Ipurioek oi ,on too bur rev log alooti loo class hast
Rlveraldo, lor too Irrlgotftoo i-m'uIiIc to heir it a resolution ooklog
oc no, dlvortiog votoi frooi loo aooto tin gtoto oooiaoiloo to u-w it uiiuomi
iiuk i Mann-Hi river in log, Tp aodoovon to sooon too ropaol of too
z k .; i:. it. ii. ii ii 1 1 oi w i I :.iw w.i.-. nooolgauool) adnfttd god
tun, ioi ih irriKuti! u iii in goroBi il ui gg gfooootod oj too dologoloo,
iiin w.iiii Mom Willow IprtOg TIM OOUaOtlOO g lOM iii lootol
ggOOt iii OOO, " I'p II I It II Iv iiniils Ogg albo OdVOOOl l
ii h Dovla oi v.iii ioi too Irrlfotioo Rinrtuntatrffoa viN -'ifo bg gMMla
l i.l" .on.-. dlVOrtlOg walii I nun ll .in llm PoOUNIg 10 100 lUtU I'UII-
id'd ami Oanjfoog in loon, 10 rootioo ggglog loooj loko gofluo In
Mild --' TO, - H. It II K. Ii. I' Ihi' ni.ilU'i ol I. in I loan-, parogng, the
Uorkolj oi Klveralde, lot too Irrlga moal uopotrool qooatloo now befon
Hog ot c ,n us, divortlog wain uoni too ooonto froaa toroaar'i atand
viKiiii i.i , iii Sit l".i To, M Si " 1 0 i ii i . .mil vol one that promlaea lo
. I illiui iii .mill, iiii 1. 1 ll.ii i iiu.iii, til,' lull,' itiiti ttuougb tOO hlllk
for too Irrigation gl -- ooroo, oalog goo peodlng baton ooogroao, lg
tuow waii'i.- in lot -'I if M o u i" iin' reoulotlaoa adopted it vgg gog
K K. A llaik ol ROOkVlllOj Ioi tin gegtod tOOi VOOtOVOI gUg OV tOO (lOOl
brrlgotloo gf M oorog, divortlog loo lao U ig to bg oopod that the looog
.v i .i i, o iii Laalle Qulofe lg Bom '- bm doom dlnoi Iron Hgg govern
Tp. :ti 8. U. i ti- A jfOJlOOOgldOl ni.nt to the fanueii, tho mlddliiiu n
oi Hoiks mi. ioi Irrigotlog of t.'.i ilraad) axoetlog lufftettol toil, with
ggraa, divortlog votoi trooi MoBrlde out furtoar adding to too odvgO"
i i k in Sn I To. M I K M M, i.'Hi'n of tin' privileged eluaen.
r sun,' oi .Ionian Vollgfi for loo Too anoolflo dofloltloli "f u luw-
Irrlgotlon ol 100 gerag lo lot II To. fni Coooo a aoothor ggbjoet tot
II 1 II R, with wuli'iu of i)w hoi' ii-soluiioiiM. it helug BtOtOd lOOl tOO
rtvor Kiuii John of Woiooo, ioi tin- atotutoa oo vbol ooootitotag a iaw-
Irrlgailoo "i II oeroo, divortlog omi- rul toooo ttst "f too Cogogdoa i o
id l nun the Owyhee rival Ig IOC 11 n.ikiu' lOOl it i Imiioitaihle for OOO
'i" i -I S K II H .luo Aiuiola Sons ni lunld a 1'i'in'i' with 'i-n a nunoti'
.. oi Jordan Vnllej tor th. uii- poaalblltt) of it ataodlng not law g
guttou ot OOrOOi divortlog OOtOI gggg Ol a Mil for OJMUUfgg, (feg law
uoni Oorbln arogg g ffj J TO. a now in tlu Ototntoa in;iklnu out'
13 S. It i'A K I. 0, gOOOOll ol l'.i mail gOOOg gg K"'d as auolhi-i.
iUii. Idaho, aooorod ponoU a) ooo Too ooooo of tiw gtootlog nrog uUo
utriu't ii noarvolr tor loo atorogg gl eipnoood lo favor of loo eooot) oo
II .oo aiii- lu'i. dviartlog voter frooi quirlog lood tor loo pornow of huiid-
OrOOOOd uinl Haiti. 'snaki' BraggO in lg ..n.l OOOTOtlgg I loiiniy nKr farm
S.-. Ti II S It 111 K QnoU) too 1000001 gl loo lodlgootg Ol the
oi Rookvllle. tot iiu' Irrlgotlou ol IT cimotjr, as now eonductod. Involving
i diverting water from Suoeoi an i'i''iii- droit upoo th. ton
oroofe i" Bm ; To. M s it id N
i' i iiullluU of Roekvllla, for too Tool gtttoon of fimllloi gooold oa
niiiiion o i ' .n Ms, dlvertlog woti i I lg i da lo the aooool
It.. in Sue. or uivk in Sec I I'; I tloOO Wholher t.i..iv.; or got, oloo
i k in k w took the tom i aolutlon tod
met with the approval of the meeting-After
the report of the varloua com
mittii's and the transaction of the
DO) ON try himlneis tho meeting was
thrown ojien md County Agricultural
AdvlaOr Shlnn delivered an address
on "Kami MinaKement" a subject
much appro iated by the farmers pre
sent. This was followed by a gener
al discussion of the problems of
the farmers, a dmcun.ion led by Mr.
Shlni), who answered (iiestions end
gave the latest scientific information
OP the subjects as they were brought
Mrg' LoRan, vocalist, and Miss Mc
Qlvern, pianist, furnished the musical
liiirt of tho program, rendering sev
eral selections, both vocal and in
strumental, In an exceptionally pleas
ing manner.
An invitation from Nysaa to have
tlm next l'omona. meetlcg In th.:t
town, was received and accepted.
ThlB meeting, It wac announced, will
bo comliH ted by the ladles, the as
sistant lecturer will have charge of
i he program, nnd subjects and speak
ers of special Interest to the ladles
will predominate.
For Governor
0U8 ('. M08ER
Republicnn Primaries, Muy l."
UfJ Voted Aninst The New
Tax Law and Stands for
Reduction of Taxes Pay
able Semi-Annually With
out Penalty.
Economy i Kffieiency-Ditfni-Itd
law Knforcement.
il'aid Advert i'ement)
I whm lioio ami retired up. n a tmiu
io iiuft.iio '. .ii ii t x . Win. ; adoootod
myself by my owu etiortf, and
hare practiced Ihw in ForilMiid iliice
.lime, Ih'.'l. Hmvu bIwm.v liken en
gOtlVO I'm' l public utlaiii. and
have held evsritl otflrlg position.
I MmiiiI by tn I .nl Ha State ell
iioi at the lin-i si's. inn of thu I.ti
l nt ii i I worbeil and voted aitnitikt
the new tax law, nd fuvor h law
a k mi.' in m'h payable semi auually
OltfOMl penally
Duly five of the laws i .--. I Ht
that session were referred to the
pooplg by i efeii i, luiu petitions; four
of these the people gggfOVod ht
iiverwbeliiiliiK' imijuritles. Mini I VOOOd
for them, tlie fiftb was Hlinost as
I. H.lly defeated, and I Iiii I voted.
OgglOOt It ill the legislature.
I worked nnd voted for Senator
Mnho i i'v in i u i in i in wuk'e bill for
women. nrovMoof lor mi Impartial
couimiiklou to fix the maximum
In. urs of labor mid tbe minimum
amount ot pay.
I favor a similar law providing for
an impartial cooimikslou without
coiupt'iitnlmu, to fix the maximum
I in ii rat of labor for men iu the var
loOO industrial occupations ; tbts
in pn dOrOOOa to a flat eight hour
1 looog good roads legislHtiou
with atate aid. so that we muy
have cheaper truasportatiou fimu tbe
farms and producers iu every direc
1 tavor the rediiotion of taxes by
consolidation of varloos commissi
mis. nr tbe abolishment thereof, and
placlug their duties Into the haodt
of tbe State liourd, uud bv tbe re
ductiou of the expeosea of ooudiiot
iug the VOrloOg departments of tbe
1 favor suitable appropriations for
nor State Kduoatiuual iustitiitioue
and tbe contained improvement of
our great bulwark - tbe public school
And ubove all I favor the v igorous
ami eftloleut enforcement of all the
criminal statutes, me hiding those
regulstlng aud ptnhihitiug tbe sale
of Intoxicating liquors, uud this I
shall do w ith firmness aud Impartial
ity. Tbe rich, tt.c p.un, the great,
the humble, Igg OOgltolUti the labor
er. the I'liui.hinau und the Uqunr
dealer (.hall te measured t y lliu same
standard ami each shall auswsr tor
his own acta.
For Summer Pests and Save
Your Crop.
Black Leaf 40
Is an Absolute Cure Aainst
all Summer Complaints. We
have it Now in 2 pound Cans
Malheur Mercantile Co.
Three High Class
Papers Free
All subscribers who are in arrears can
by paying up back account and one year
in advance to The Argus secure the fol
lowing publications Absolutely Free:
Fruit Grower and Farmer, &?) $1.00
The Vegetable Grower (monthly) .50
Woman's World (monthly) .50
This is an exceptional opportunity to square up
old accounts and prepare for the Future
ljr (Ontario Argua
Phone 47 J. P. O. Box 128