The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 23, 1914, Image 2

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New Measure Provides for the
Mustering of 120.000 Mili
tiamen Quickly.
WnahinKtnn.--Prompt organisation
Of a volunteer nrniy for service In
Mexico or In any other crisis woul'l
bo provided for In n house lilll pnn' 4
by the netiiite with itmendtiienta.
The bill would revise Ida hiw under
which h volunteer force m OTSjaalsad
for UM HiiiniHh-Annrli mii in lift.
Ita MtkOTl contend itmi h volunteer
force could lie IBt004 more quickly
than under lb asJatlag law; that it
would do iiway with n Bliort term of
nliHtnuTit by makltiK the erm of vol-
II II t l: lllO Hlltlie IIS tllOHC In tin- tu
tilnr army; would procure the nwi
nry number of men at the beginning
of lb'' war for a Ioiik period.
Another rhiniKo In the exlKtlliK Inw
would Klve the president, Instead of
the governors of the Hlntes, ilu au
thority lo appoint all officers Tor liM
volunteer forced, requiring him toKhn
preference In their selection to thoHe
who have bad military training and in
Mtruction In UM regular army, national
Kiinrd. volunteer forcca or military
Passenger Faree Are Readjusted.
Iteiidjnstinenl of puaaoafOf rule on
all Inlcrstale railroads In the United
Stnten in conformity with the Ioiik and
abort haul provision of the law, under
orders of the Interstate I'omniercii
CommlHHlon. will become effective on
May 1 The new tariffs filed by th
roads with the commission Indicate a
material reduction In fares, pnrtlcii
larly from Important teriulunls and
rale I.. i mi- points to intermediate
While some rates on long hauls will
be Increased, the fares on the shorter
hauls lo liilerineili.ile points will he
reduced materially In n ureal majoftt)
of Instances ll Is provided Unit no
Interstate fnres tuny exceed lite sum
of the local rales, and In the making
Up or Interstate faros Hie rales lixod
by aulhorlties of states must be ob
served "Mileage" la Caat Out.
The house struck lite llntc honored
"mileage" allow nines lor congressmen
out of the legislative appropriailoit Ml
and provided for actual expenses ol
members 0 ami from Washington
All the representstlves from Ihe
nortliMi -t SXospt Hi Mm or Washing-
h oi i :. i, i ott d in fa
iiirnl continuing pa) in. lit III (lo Lite
of M ' 'tits a mile, and holh llran and
Kl'll'll Hllpporti'll I'lleelll llllleiice nn
til they wire called on lo go oil rec
If the Semite adopts the new basis
of mileage, members and senators will
nielvs only the acluul cost of tHUM
poitalloli from their hollies to Wash
lligtoti and return, which will inalerl
all) cut the allowance of the I'aclflC
Coast no ml', i
Qraiing Entrlea Favored.
A bill to provide for the opening lo
homestead entry of "slrnk ralsltiK
lands' In the public domain w is r.
polled lo the BOOMS Ii the public land
eoiniiilltee. It was agreed on after
coiileielices between the house and
senate members and officials of (he
interior dep it -(incut
The nie.iMiie would iiutliorle Hie to designate as sllbjecl lo
enii in tracts ot not mote than tltu
acres "lauds, the surface ot which Is.
In his opinion, chiefly aluable for
gr.iiug or i. using emps .mil which.
in tils opinion, do nol contain mer
eh iiilable tinilicr and are not sn
tile of irttgitiou lioin any known
SOIIfe ol w .11.1 Mlppl) "
Kuiranls in order to perfect title
would be required to make pet in. men;
linprov eiuelits on the land lending lo
In. lease Its aliic for stock ratsl.1i:
purpooaa sntountlnj to at least t.M
an a. iv
National Capital Brevttiea.
i'restdeiil Wilson was asked by Am
drew t aitMftS lo use Ins influence h.
gelling u feileral charter tor the Car
ncgic endow uieiil tun, I He opposes
an iu esugalioii or the mud
Ueples. iil.HU e l.obcik. democrat, Ol
Nebraska, has Introduosd u rsso)utl?n
asking the d. pai (incut of common -
lo 111 the w.iKes paid 111 II el
steel Indus! r)
.l on on Ihe resolution ot Senatots
I'oimlexlei and loner, ot ashlnglon.
calling on the president to furnish
i. una tor desiring lo repeal taafroa
toll measure, was tudcllnltel) post
Ml nilier.-. ol Hie house of represent.!
thes ileclded to prci-ciil a wedding gift
lo l'ss Cleanoi W llon. who IS lo be
i oino I lie . ..a olid White House bride
ol Ihe pi IntlnlSl I allotl w hci
! . w .! S. i i' Mi- doo May 7.
luii. rs tliai the troat) b
iwiiii t'olouikis ami ili" United tttati
1. n aljusiuieul ol Issues growing out I
ot ii pti ou ol fnnsuiu from Co i
loinln.i would eiiioiint.i' opposition
win ii I U) tlii- t-. nntS (Ol i
III -am.
Dictator, After Much Quibbling.
Declines to Comply With
Terms of Ultimatum.
Washington. General Victoriana
Huerta. provisional president of Mex
ico, flatly refused to accede to the un
conditional demand of the United
States Hint he salute the American
Negotiations with Huerta over the
demand for a salute In reparation for
the arrest of AmeriCHti sailors nt Tnm
plco on April If came to a dose Sun
day at C P. M , the last hour gijn by
President Wilson for a favorable re
sponse from the dictator.
The final word of Huerta to Charge
O'RhniighncBHy wns a refusal to com
ply unless the Statea would
guarantee In writing that hla aaluts
be returned.
Differ Over Form of Resolution.
When President Woodrow Wll
aon reviewed the Incident at
Tampico and said he deemed It his
duty to sustain In full the demand of
Admlrnl Mayo for a salute, cheers
came from the Democratic aide and
trom some Republicans. Many mem
bers of the minority party were silent,
however, a fact which occasioned
much comment In the galleries.
opposition developed along ninny,
dlfrerent lines. Some wanted to give
the president authority to (IcbI with
the whole Mexican problem; others
objected to Individualizing Huerta In
the resolution, while others thought
the use of the word "Juslfled" In ref
MUM io the president's course might
commit them Into an expression of ap
proval of other phases of the Mexican
The resolution upholding the presi
dent In his course was adopted by the
house by a vote of Xtf to 37, nfter a
spirited debate. Kor several hours it
was considered by the scale foreign
rotations committee and a new reso
lution was reported. The purpose of,f V(, Wimt (,, liicnte iifiif It t M
th resolution. It sMI said, was .i' , illlu V11PV. heUlit fiilii.e I
to avoid the appearance of a personal
Issue between the I'nlled Stales ami
General Huerta personally, tint rather
his di haStfl r.o erntiieiit mid also to
inold any mlsiiiterpretallnn of Hie at
tituile of this government toward the
M. lean people as a whole
Porta Will be Belied.
The crisis thus reached dors not
mean that there will he a fornuil M
I of I ' i lB I I''. .I
Statatl co. ihl nol il.eli. nk-nnst
a Kovernmeiit which II does not linn:
nie I'reBldent Wilson will send the
ri I forces Into Mexico to sella tka200 to 800 er acre, so hert
pert! ol la.npno .,,,,1 e,., Crux and:,, V(mr ,.,,,,,.,. jf vo, liut i
"" '"1"""' ,"M" " fr,,m V"runo,n in.ct Of; 8 milM from
. I.I, iiiniiiu .... Alio . o-
The breach that tln.ilh has come
w-ltli Mexico will make it impossible,
H was declared on huh ll lit llol It , for
Hie I'nlled Stales to protect foreign
ers In the republic further, and lor
elgu ajOtartlinenls haw been uoiui.d
of the situation In this regard.
Must Uphold National Honor.
President Wilson slated to new spa
per corrcxpoudciits thai be did not be
llee Ihe mass of Mexn.iie. would :aip
port llui rla. but he made It plain he
intended to compel Ihe dictator to re
spot American honor and dignity.
The IsMlo, he declared, was one be
tween the I'nlled Slates and a pel aOM
calliiiK hluisidf president
of Mexico a paraoa. aawavar. whom
the I'nlled Slates has rcl.iM-d to pac
OajalM and in'irr will recoKt'le
In eflect, he declared I lint what he
w.nil.-d lioin Huerta was lull raOOf
union of the honor and dlCAit) of the
lulled StlltMS. together Willi adequate
guarantees thai Mich tilings hs Ihe
Tampico iuclileiit would nol again oi
Substance of President's Ultimatum.
'Ihe following is a paraphrase ot
Hi aus telegram to O'ShaUghaaM)
directing the deliverance ot I'ersldcnt
Wilson s ultlni.ituin
' Sav to lieiieral Huerta In reply to
yours of April 17 that the president ol
the I'nlled St.ites teuls great disap
potntnient ut his failure to make
proiupl reputation for the insult which
was offered American sailors, the ot
lease being still lurtlier aggravated t
the arrest of a mall earner of the
I'nlled States at Vera Crui In the
belief that Huerta would, ou consul
i ration, top oaU to the most reasonable
demands ol Mayo, this time has been
given him i
"You ure instructed to intoiiii Huer
ta that unless he announced his in
Hon to complv with dtnirul MajTO'l
demands OJ I o'clock l' M
April 1, the president will lav Ihe
mutter before cOUgTSM with a view ol
t.ikin.'. such notion to enforce the re
litaVlllf; MH II ill lli'll U i liU'llf till' It"
POOl lue our nation a flM aa nt.i In
1 1 ueuerai liuarta cm tr
ratiKe the iletalln ol the cilute Willi
Admiral Mayo ll aa roeoaalaara t Hu
ii si t lull taken li 1 1 kin
llie i'i'ei.tcul I'ecoiiuiH'inlatloi'.h ti
. .- w . re stiliiiiutcil lictore
Joint .1 I ha ccitatc ainl I
Ol 1 1 I'll m . . i p in Moiuiat
The Results Made This Newburg
Lady Glad She Followed
Kewbtirg-, Al.i. "For more than a," writes .Myrtle Cothrum, of HiIn
place, "I suffered with terrible palna in
my hnck nnd head. I had a sallow
complexion, nnd my fare wan covered
with pimples. Our family doctor ouly
gave me tempornry relief.
A friend of mine advised me to try
Cardiil, so I begun taking It, at once,
and with the best results, for I wns
mred nfter taking two bottlea. My
mother and my aunt have also used
Cardul nnd were greatly benefited.
1 shall always pralso Cardul to sick
and Buffering women."
Cnrdul Is a purely vegetable, per
fectly hnrmlesB, tonic remedy for wo
men, nnd will benefit young and old.
Its Ingredients are mild herbs, hav
ing a gentle, tonic effect, on the wo
manly constitution.
Cardui has helped n million women
bark to health mid strength.
Have you tried it? If not, pleaae
do. It may be Just what you need.
N. R -WHSttN l-di' Advlwv Dtrt . Oitti
fsniga M.Ji. lseO.ChttmincA, Tnn., for Sprrutl
IrulrUCiwntt nnj M-rg hunk. ' Mom Trratncnt
fur Wuoien, Mint In plain nppr, on rt ;uU
Meals '25 cents and up.
Everything? the best the
czu marketjaffords. fo
WongTon, Proprietor
llll IIIIS II VITV llllg
" J . .....
IlllVe 7 iicirs "i I lie etV cbOtCCtl
I. mil, luis it hire llopO to Hit'
east, n liist. class water right;
.'III iirrt-s in ull'iilfu, i s has bd-ii
in uriini. Not linviiicj it all pnul
lor it leaves nit' tiniilile to take
ure ol 1 1 nt t niucli Inml. i will
sell nny where- from B to 70 iici '.
My I'lice mtlpTeH from $160 per
;u'ir tip. A:. .ml hull ca.-li; unol
hi m nn iei al S .cr i ini in
len-j-t. I, an. I ixuttlv ilic Mini
lllliolllillir lui lict'll Sl'llllicj at
Ontario, Ort. BtMi Malhour
Junction! wilt re I'lir sln, uinl
round boon will no doubt ie
built in tin 1 1 1'n r future.
J. J. 1)1 ESS
l... 31 Ontario, Oregon
I ii-i ai i licit ..I the luterior, 1 S
l.siui ( HI ee at Vale, Oregon. March
17th. lHII
Notice o herehv given that 'tboiiiai
II .l"ii, nt (bits' lo. Oregon who on
April, 'JHtli, Call, made Uoaaaataol
Application. No. Olltfti for the k.i
NWJ ami VNK. Seitlon , Towu
nip 17 S., i'atige Hi I , WHlam.tte
Meridian has tiled notice of intention
to make three year proof to
aatablak claim to the laud at ova
a... i ibed, tetore the Keg later and
i'ceeivtr ('. .-i. I. ami Office, at i.le,
Ori-giiii, on llie 'JMh day ot April,
('Iniliiant names as witnesses:
A I Sutton. I'srl I- It Mm. III.iiiic
Mmj'.KiI Ku.k. all of Ontario, Hhk u,
Hi uce K. Kester. iu'uuter.
The lice qurtlion n quicklv
Kltll'U ll ion Ousl luis le! i
00111165 Lice Powder
It ulc, tjuuk iiul urci uur xuhr priatil because t(
Kills the Lice
Doein't Harm Chickens
Hikt .Ktrirt. Sal u . ...I H I
for ihr rtntc (tut t ..U- ifK ajcii t-t
UJV nJ pfC i1 .ri vln'U ii.glil. Hti
-f -ilh( rXHttC Mlh
Cotutey'a Lice Liquid
4 traits ttkm ..ii iNn. hM( t,K.j-t
crnta, luH tj ' :
Kx the da'J'.l V fa-iJ katkC usf
M 1 I Ihcac
fMtrW4in'i du ikx atlari)
. IWUL CaaaSoy Oaa i W.aiaM Ola
VI 1118,11 Drilj, V0
Ontario, Oregon.
lliat.ik'c i i.if taken at k
lloiei John l..'niii ti'liHin, rooldauoc
Dr. W. G Howe
No. 732
First National
Hank Hldg.
Ontario, Oreffen
Office in New Wilson Block.
DR. D. ('. BRETT
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Ontario. Oretfon
Ilu II aiiiiikt Ska lis
Iu. I' Skaiis
(iradtiates American School of Os-
teopatliv. Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson lilock
Teleplione. 1"4 Hlk.
Office in I. O. 0. F. Bid..
Will Practice in all Courts
Notnrv Public. Office over Postofflce
W. II, Ontario
pen Brown, solo.
i C. Morton, old's 1-errv
N. 0. White, Weiser DrtdfO,
J. E. Holly. Kivci'view
Ai iieiinv Jordan Palloy.
Bankoffsr, m .-1 a-i mitt
i BvjMoll Nys .,
w. n. atoWllilanu Jnutora
Win Kine, Harper
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention (liven
All Ordere.
Similar School 10 A M
Preaching Nerviee 11 AM
Junior I c.kM.. .1 F M
Kiworlli League ti :.'Ul F M
FreaohniK Service 73 :U F M
Tliomaa Jobua. FASTOU.
Congretjdllondl Church Notice
Sunday Services,
Sim ley School in a m
'reaching Service 1 1 a ni
0 I Meeting " i Hi
'reaching Service 8pm
Midweek Lecturea every Wcdueaday
evening 8 o'clock
Fhilip Koenig, Fattor.
Maaaat MHun Nt and Hrd Sunday
of each month. On all other Sunday
at 10 AM.
H. A. t'ainpo, Rector
Rev. Koii't J. Davidaou D 1 Fa
tor. Sarvicte at 11 :00 a m Mid 7 :ltO
p in Sahlath achooi at 10:00 a oi
- - - - -
Kv J ut iii.i.i
abbatu "bool 10:30 a ni
Ui le Study 11 :30 a m
Vouug ieode.a Uieetlug 1(10 ptu
For County Treasurer.
1 luiehv IBOOOnOt myself a
cumhdute for the otli.'i of
OOUDty treasurer for Malheur
oounty, Oragou, aubjael lo the
approval ol the Ropublioan m1oo
: i at the primary election lo
bg bold May, l.'xh, 1014.
J. Ralph Weaver.
ybuRun Your Business
Wifh a Check Book-
HriMM A As hifrfnfn0 7
"O ILLS, bills, bills nothing but billot" frequently is the complaint of
O thf head of the family. No man would think of running his busi
ness WITHOUT A CHECK BOOK. How about YOUR home?
The running of the home today is a BUSINESS PROPOSITION.
Open a CHECKING ACCOUNT With Us at Once
The Ontario National Bank
Must lie Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Floors Like New
Marred and worn floors are hard to clean and hard to
keep clean. I lalf an hour's work with the paint brush
clianircs your old shabby floors into new floors that aro
easy to keep clean and hart! to wear out.
is the best floor paint to use. It is made especially to
be walked upon, is ready for use, easy to put on you
can do it yourself and dries quickly. A quart will
cover about 75 square feet, two coats.
Ask for a copy of our "Home Decorating" booklet.
It tells you all about the use of paints, enamels, stains
and finishes in the home.
McDrdlney Hurdvvdre und furniture (o.. OntdrU). Oregon
UL fu
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
lotdl Market Keuort.
Corrected Feb. 1 ii, lor the ln-uetit
-if Argu roader t tie . Mer
-r . I k.
Argus Office
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
oautila Compauy.
Hug, per dozen. l.o.
Butter, per pouud, 25o.
Oats, per huudred, tl.50
Wheat, per huudred, SI. To.
Hay. par ton, t v
Hotatoes, jer hundred, 1.00
Onion, per hundred, -.00.
Apples, per box, Sl.Ou. to 11.50
Chickens, ilie..-.l. per pound, 1 8c.
Fork, dressed, rt1, to U'-jO.
fork, live, 6. aj to 7
Veal. Si to 10a
loot Ho to 12o