ONURIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon (Bttfotio vm. The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us jrrow The Produce from iri.Hio.(i(M) acres is mnrketed from On tario each year Mm Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVII ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 1914 NO. 17 IDAHO NORTHERN TO BE COMPLETED To Payette Lakes at Once Slides Being Re- moved. FEW HUES TRACK TO BE LAID Work will commence this week on the clearing and reopening of the track on the Idaho Northern exten sion or Payetta valley brunch of the Oregon Short Line between Tlankn. Hi.' present train service terminal, and Donnelly, the station near the Long valley metropollH of Roseberry, where steel laying win discontinued lost rail. Due to heavy Htoritis, mm drifts and dirt slides through the Fayette (in on. (he railroad company found II imp usslhle In keep tin- track op n '! past winter rImvo Honks, the first station above Horseshoe Hen. I Ah soon an the track is cleared and repaired to Donnelly, the laying of steel for the remaining II Will stretch from tliut point to McCull on tlii- I'ayette lakes will be started. The construction of tho grude as far as thv terminus of the brunch at Met 'all was completed last fall. Hulls were laid as fur us Donnelly, oppo site Roseberry, and the laying of the remaining 11! miles of steel will be ... iiievi i within two weeko uftt r the tho opening of the truck to Donnelly This achievement wltl mean the it.!... lion of the l"l mile extension from Bunnell tu Pay ate lukes. winch In. been under construction for the past two years. It Is anticipated that icgulur train service to accommodate minis! and vacation (riffle to (lie r.,,in lakes resort will be iuaugti rates by July 1 Numpa Heemd. MEXICAN PORTS MTA: j ; riv r u L r i a ; jf i ..... v.ir I Cia7rw) " ' Principal Ports on east coast of Mexico, including Tamplco, where ar- reet of American sailors brought on a crisis. COL. PUCE WILL HAVE SOME DEFINITE NEWS SOON Col. E. R. Place, H H. Sheldon and C W. Kershaw camu In from liolse Tuesday evening and left for Winne mucca Wedueadar. morning on their return trip owr the Winnemucoa Northwestern survey. At present the Colonel has uot railroad news to give out but reported progress, and stated that they hoped to be abl to give out something definite In the near future. CROVER BROTHERS SHIP HOCS QfOVW Brothers shipped an ear loa-d of h-s la ( Friday ami re port that tho h:i tWO more car .hi r. r shipment this The last car was an especially good lot iCOMMERCIAL CLUB IN REGULAR SESSION Important Matters Before the Committees for i Consideration CELEBRATION OF FOURTH IIP At the regular meeting or the Com mercial club on Monday evening there was a good cttcidance. Tho secretary reported the receipt of a letter regarding the Introduction of a bill by Senator Chnmberliiln, up I'u printing $60,000 for the surveying of all unsurveyed government lauds In this counly. The sociability committee reported that they had called on 71 new faml lles, who huvo settled here recently. The club tendered them a vote or ih. inks ror their co-operutlon. Mi . I''ruser lor the tin; mmit tee reported the funds of the club In good condition. Tho membership committee present ed the names of II. C. Schuppel. A-I-:. Price, D. U. Kenny, L. It Cock i ii ii i . A II C.illln .mil the) were duly elected. 10. ti Mulley reporte ilthe results o. Ins one ;. .mil iico u i; Ilea. I of the publicity coiiimlfltee :yid asked for fiimlM to carry on the work, lie was voted llfty dollars. Chairman Van Retell, of the good mail, committee reported on the work of the Idaho goo 1 road WOliWn The matter of u roud from Ontario to Hrog.n wus I ef. Tied to thin emu mil tee- A coniiniiiil. . tlon fniiil the I'm ette Driving club relative to the holding of a com i.itlou Fourth of Jtih k brat Ion . . I race meet was referred to the rl l.iilinielll committee A. W. Trow reported for the Irrl vatii n committee and stated that good headway wis bilng made with the Owyheu Irrigation project ami that K.'Vernineut Mttstunce was al moMt assured. A coiiimiinleatloii wus presented tiom Charles He. ker rclutlv m the leisllig i( public I. mils: lor gr.il'ic, pin poses. WHAT TARIFF DOES 10 THE WOOL MEN A Few Things to Think Of About Prices That Oregon wool m n are losing heavily, despite the advances In prices of wool, was the statement made here .u.i by J. M. Burgess, stute seuator and muuuger of the Cunningham Sheep & Laud company, among ih" state's biggest wool pro ducers. "This loss" Mr Burgees declared, "is due to free trade. If given the piolectlon due the wool producer, and with the foreign market advan cing the price in view of the great world shortage of wool, the price ot wool iu Oregou would be 21 and -'-ceuts, instead of 15 to 17 cents, the pieseui price. "The price this year is rrom 10 to 17 cents, which is au advance of fiom one- to two cents over las' year but this year the markets at Uostou Philadelphia and other places are cleaned up mole thoroughly than hub been the case for M years. This also is true of the foreign market, where the price has advanced two cents ov er last year, which was au advance of three cents over the year previous "There are few shcepmeu in Oregou so situated thai they can realise a profit in producing wool if the- price is less than M cents a pound- If they were protect1 by the tariff, as thty .-h i .1 ..-, they would re ceive from 21 to cunts a pound this year. MEXICANS UNITE AGAINST THE UNITED STATES The Taking of Vera Cruz Objected to by Carranza and His Army MEXICAN AND UNITED Twelve Americans wounded, Many The continued insults to the United States reached a climax when some marines were assaulted. The demand for an apology met with evasion, then refusal by Huerta. The marines were ordered to take possession of Santa Cruz. In the first day's fighting four marines were slain and in subsequent skirmishes eight more perish. Carranza claims all Mexico is wronged by the action and demands withdrawal of troops. His troops are join ing with the federals to oppose the invasion. California troops have been ordered to the border. Importation of arms from this country stopped. ONTARIO MUSICIANS HAVE ORGANIZATION As the outcome ot a very enthua i "die meet lug ill the . ill. . of th. .M'h. nl Library hot Wednesday even lag, a l) itiitn i' of ladles organ t.eil Into what is dediued to fill u long i.ii want In tbla vicinity. An or Kin .i. hi to lie kin.wn as the On h.riu Mimical Club The otttcert .luted were Mrs. Wm. J. West as pi vn.leiit. Mr II. I. lYtcrtnn vice pretident. Miss Amy Odell BMN tury ami Minn lltel Lackey tmtt in hi. Mhiiv plant wars )lsouacd or wnr.v aud the meeting adj.iiirued Hill tie following MouiIh.v. Other Humbert . i the club are; Miss Lillimi Turner Mr Win. MrHrstney. MM J. W. McCilllncb. Mik R. ( ). l' no. Mis J A. Lackey. Mr. W, II. Uro.ike. Mm, L. ). VHiilVtteu, Mr. K. Condy. Mrs. H. I). Dor ma, Mra.J. I'l'iiizin. Mrs.li. Uouike, and the Mioses I inn... M'(ilveru, Kclnl aud .-IU McNuRy. Kini-rtliii) Rllllugaley, Larose Uulley. Stella Oii.Iiih, Lei. i llerline ami Katella aud Wiluiotb Currey. WATER TURNED ON TO LOWER DEAD OX FLAT Water has beeu turned to the land- or the Snake River District Improve mint Association, which covers -lino acre or the Dead Ox tint near Wei ser. Most or the laud Is ready ror crops this year. Water Is pumped hroH the Suake. THE GRAND JURY IS IN SESSION THIS WEEK AT VALE The grand jury met at Vale Mon day and has a number ot proposi tions to investigate- The jury con sists or W S R.. s, Ueorge W. Cox, J. N Thoman l, H. C Cleveland, Arthur Nichols. !1. Neese and Q O. Drown. Mr C. C. Ibil ;.. n was badly injur id inesd . morning by a piece of steel flying from the anvil and strik ing him tlM race, inflluing an if ly i utKl bOVS and below his ce. He is able to be up today but lii left eye is severely injured. STATES MINISTERS QUIT Killed and Tw enty Mexicans Killed. REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL CLOSE MAY 1 The registration hooks will clime May 1 iiili. mile., you are registered do not expect to Vi'to at the prl maries. O .e ii cation that It fre.iuinlv asked in bow can a voter vote lor . nominees out on their ticket. It ia la Impossible ror a deimcriitM ti i.le for republican nominee, so that the vote will count In the total number of votes end tor the nomi ! nee as a re.u Id lean Nlllllea call be itteii in the ballotf, but tin are ciiintid oily ii the totals of the i party uniiiiiiei.i. It is inipoKslbla for a ctli.ll. late to be liotnliitae.l by two parties, it the majority of the inrtiet vote for hint. Votes for your faTorit count only . ben they are ou your party ticket The registration of tin- hlnle is small, the reiul)liciins btiDg largely in tl Icntl uml tlio pre gressives nlonj; with tho soctul ist-, the prohihitinniHtH w II i.ilmlilv huve third place. He -in uml ii-ni-t, r toil ay at tin city hall. 1HIS COUNTY ADDED TO 0. W. R. & N. CORN SHOW Traffic manager R. R Miller, of the O. W. R. aud N., when he waa here last week stated that he wniild ai range It so that the corn growers of this section oau complete iu the 'corn contest to be held st Walla Walla oext fall. Last yeur tbey were shutout as It waa n it known th tt this was a corn growing seotlon. When the com grown here Is coin pared to the best iu the other pi r;s ot the state it leads us to believe that it will be easy for this country to carry away the prizes. BOY HAS LEG BADLY MANGLED Mr. and Mrs Oscar Hill, of Drewseyf ae.-.iinpanied by Dr. Hedges, brought in their Ill-year old son on Menday, to have his lev amputated On Friday evening while returi ing fri.m school, in climbing over the back Heat of the had. , he slipped and ait foot I got caught in the wheel Refore the rig could be stopped the leg was badly lacerated at the knee and amputation wis necessary, While the buy was badly .-.hocked t n- thought the will lecover. MALHEUR COUNTY E The Corn Contest Up For Discussion Amon? the Members DELEGATE TO STATE MEETING I be regular meeting or the Mai heur County Pomona mange, held last Friday at the Uoiilevar.i Orange ball, proved to be a moat interest ing fiisMoii, coming at it did jiut prior tt the State convent Ion ot the no nlety. which Is te la) held at Mon mouth next month, and alio offering C. unity Agricultural Advisor Shinti one of the best opportunities to meet with aud advise the farmers along his Huts. Delegate Conklin, who will represent the county at the state con vent Inn, wna given a number of reao lull. ilia to carry to the convention, icanltitlnua rnpreteutlng the opinions of the lenjilanti ot this te. lion. Corn at utual MM in tor a large share or dlii'iiiilun, the Com cum iniltee of the Fomoua Count) grange making it rrpnrt and adding much to the information already i nbii i .! in these columns. The movemsut It threading rapidly, having al'eady crotanl the liver tutu Idaho, where a corn entiled will btcaiiled on Iu Canyon county, timet fioin the minted here, but dill working with the Pomona committee on thit title. In addition to the InaO.UU Iu oath .ii.m already aiiuouiice.l it was staletl that pr7.es Of larm imple incuts aud utner articles wnulii be oll'tred Hist would make the total nine of (in prlet coutlilerabl v IMMNI of .-I. luin .in Hu great it the luterett In the coutJtt that the i. on em report tbey are riiuning abort of .1 i.i , en uia n y or their nei bliort are making liemanda on them for teetl. That none of I he value of the Malawi may tie lost tu the ctiininiiully the I'onitiiia autiiori7.nl the clients tlon of records for a report from each aire of ground entered iu the ooutest, II blankt Mill be mail able In a few day, ami at the u purtt (i.iiiiit a very coiitiileralilh per ..ill. IU the rating or tin. couteatlllils, i It la believed that they will dio audi acciiraoy that an aiinlytla ot the records will Its of great benefit to the tent ion. (Continued on page U) ONTARIO HIGH HOLDS THEIR EIELD MEET The Hitch Scorers to Meet llnisc's HeHt Athletes The High .School Held meet last Friday diew a large crowd and there weie some hot skirmishes between the boys for the honor of place. The aeuiors made 77 poluts with the fretbmeu Li. .juniors f aid sophomores 9. The wluuers were: TtU yard dath. I lot 1 1. 1, i ii. iii . t. Piatt. shot put: Piatt, blackaby, Wil liama. ion yard dash. Hutted, Rleokehy, Oramea. Hammer throw, Maddux. Myers, Piatt Hurdles, brown, Weaver. Diaciis, Maddux, lilackaby. 1 2 mile run, Koenig. lioyer. Javelin, Myers. William Low hurdles, Weavsr, ' lirown. Poo vault lilackaby. Hutted. The three high men were Hutted with II p. nuts Rlackaby '1 ami My ers IH. Judge liiggs went to Vale Monday when he will hold a Heath. ii of the iicuii MM It, tbe rogulftf M'Sdlon not oiiening until the 7tfc, but a number . f cases v, ill he h" .id bj linn this week- Th- .1- iniinher ol iu i uiuu up an 1 ihe .unit will lie in session about three weeks. CITY COUNCIL HOLDS Ordinances Passed for Im- provement of Two More Streets ORDINANCE FOR SEWER JOB An adjourned meeting of the city tuiincll wnt held Krldny evening. An affidavit was preaent d from Harry K. Stewart, Mt;itlim that he wna In I'ayette, applied to Dr- Woodward for treatment ami was told that he bad sinaJI pox. The doctor called up some tine on the telephone and then told him Unit I 'ay lie did not have a pesthouiie and told him to go to Ontario, where they had a pest house and would care for him. The afildivlt will be scut to the Idaho board of health. d I io .i strip ol land ti.nn ..lolih (iraiiiHii ami wife to th cllo. of Ontario for a street was presented The bund of Contrail. ir Cochran waa ordered re! iaed. (li lln.ince No. .'.'.(! provldlm: for the Improvement of Idaho avenue was pat d Ordinance No. HI providing for tho Improvement of Indiana avium wua passed Onllniince No. L'.".S Mitlunl.liig the m iM'i to enter Int. i cntract for the coiistriictloii of the WWW later als was passed. C nil adjourned to ibe IMtt- 4 III:1 i.v Ai.iril.Mi. Prttt Atmiclallun President Husrta, who was given an ultimatum to salute the American flag aa reparation law the arrest of American sailors at Tampiei. NEW DEPOT BUILDING FOR CITY OF JUNTURA There are tome si thousand shee. at Ihe Jiinlnra slinariug pi nit where tbey iiiinmeiiced ahnarlng this week Work la expected to Sllllt oil the new depot at once, the contractor h.nni. been lier. last week Tile plaits show I hulhliliK much sllnlini to the d. -pol at (iiii.iin. The O W. R ii N. Co . have mov. d all their office force here fioin Vale MOVING THE GRANGE TO HOPE RAILROAD STATION Q, W. Routh or Ontario Ih moving liuilding MxM leel, formerly used as a Kial.ge h.ili, rrom it B tonn r lina lion to Hope station, west o Vale M the new line of the Ohkoii K Kiibt .111. wlleie it lo p liaod for ei al store. Th.- bulldlOl helongi to M.ul llansun, who I. asel ii to otlni Ii is h.ill . mill li 'n tin former OC itlofl ol the ImlldlBI to the bite to which li is bolO move. I. PRESIDENT HUERTA bwbIbwUbwbwbwbI BVk. H I