NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of The Past Week From Cities In Our State GIRL WILL TRY AN ATLANTIC FLIGHT Postofflces to Be Filled. LBWtOtOB. -Kxiimlniitloii for foiirth 2lnnH priMtiuiiHttTH will bf hold nt Low lutnii and it iiiimbor of Malm and WnshlnKton poltitH on April 18. These 'inatiouH aro hold for applicants fur office whom tho I 'oinpoiiKutloii Miii' imtH to $IS'i or mora n your. Tlii- following Central Idaho post BiastiTM will ho MloOted from tbOM vho taBO tbooe MamlBBtlOBB! I!. I kit, Cameron, Clounrator, Doary, DOWO?, BtwtrdsbarSi ft ,,r. QWofd, Kovtar llle, KOOtkU, l.npwiil, l.iirrto, l.i'hitul, Lotioro, Mohlr, Now MoadowH, I'ook, Pierce, PrlBOOtOB, KonhoiiH, KiihhHI, ji.iMIiu:, itlto, Sweotwntor, Thorp, Vlolii, ' l I in t. Wiihn, W'arroti, VVelp pp, Wi'Htlalio mnl WlnohoHtor. Will Give $2000 In Horse Prizes. Hi hi lllfl TtM total promltimH it tho forthcoming Idaho County llorno ikon H1 ho npproxliniitoly tfOOO, Includtni prli" for rlbbou win on in both tho rottatorod ami grade OUUOOO. Tho hIiijw In to ho hold on May :n. l'!i and M and ItidlriitlonB liolnt to a IHCOOlful exhibition. Auc tion of Iioimk and mules will ho font on I 01. Ho' third day. Moan Of, I'nilylo id tho uulvorHity of Idaho and profoooor T, i'. McConnoll, oouaty IlltUrial lor l,i 10 I i onnty, ha III ill Mil' Mill h brotiKhl in i all p.irtH ol aa li n iiii,. ion i ' ii' "a ami northern i tho. Government Boat Tied Up. Lewfeton Captain Ralph B man. ol tho lOVOTBBIOBl DOOl I Iiiih rccelwil onli i la lirlir- the DOOl to LoWtOtOO ami Uo up durlliK UM lilKh slime of water, tho rife In tho rlvor Off voatlBfl OffMtlVO work 111 tin wlnnil.iiii i oiiHlriiolliiu nt lii iiiih I where ttW BBS horn woiKiiik. W'oiic will in started i" I rlvor botwoon Lawletaa ami Imnaha If Ho' wihr roaohoM tho flvo loot BtBfO Kini'ls lor liiipiiom ni Oj ii x troiuo uppor rlVOf vm ri' obb d through tin offorta oi iho l.i i -inn AhuIIii and I'hirkhlnn eoiiiniorolal hod lea nflor tho ti'.u ihlllt) nl n;i ImitliiK tho iippir rlvor with a bbooJIbo orofl Willi d i ii iii 'I b I aplaln Mi t'.ii I III o Nielli Bsese, Famous German Aviator, to Make Attempt. HAS HAD MANY ACCIDENTS. Undaunted by Breaking Her Leg Five Time and Noee Three Timee Con ducts School For Aviatora and Super intends Ersction of Her Own Ma chines. Horlln. Mclll BaoBBj Germany's fn BMW woman aviator, BSOBBjOOJ, her IntonthM of Irylnit fur tho Kront honor of lioliitf tho llrst air pilot to fly BBfOM tho Allantlo, for which purpose alio In conatractlng hor own hydrooonplBao. btolll Boom Ih ortdMs bjavwi not oalf ns a ilailiiK lllor and M Uoriiiiiny'a only VMinian aoroplaiio pilot, but an the only woman In tho world who iiinlurtH a Hying school, of obJeh aho borootf la tin' principal, and who inaki's a IiiihI DOOO of ii-iIkiiIiik mid miimifiioliirlnK ii in.- iiiinhliioM. A Htnall, lllho Muuro. i ii ii Boom i a baBUttful woman of I t thirty. She won a pilot's Ihonno Woro than four yours BBJBi iho llrst to lo KTOBtod ti a womiin In Oot inanv She Is not illsi'iiiirnijoil hy tho that that hIio has broken hor leys In llvo plaoos. BU talBod fra lures of OOTOTOl rlhs nnd has brohOB hor iniso throo lluios In tuinhlos out of tho air. Theao ncel iiontn. aha doctaroe, were IBB fault of bar loarhors mid did not hiippou whon sbO hi'i-.i If was at tho wl I, When soon at tho Johannlatbal iivinu iiflil. whoio mora than 800 tnacblnoo aro stationed, l-'rn n llooso said: "Yos. I am BBtBOJ to ho a iin nit: thOOO who will In' tho Oral to try to lly aOTOM tho At lantk If I i annul ho Iho llrst to pilot a llvlnif inai'liliio In Auioiira at least I want to ln tho llrst woiiiiin to nehleve Unit honor I am COBOtrBCtlUaj a now i.l f h ilrnaorophiiio, which will he OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Plan to Secure Tourist Traffic. Portland. Officials of four trana cnuntry railroads formlnntlnK In tho northwest and repronpntatlvee of eommerolal organizations In Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and .Spokane held a OonforOBOO hero nnd planned a Joint CampoJBJfl to hrlntf to iho northwest as lain" a OBBrO as posaihle of Iho Influx of eastern tourists expected on tho I'aolflo coast nexl ear. The plan calls for the establishment of a permanont northwostorn tourlat and travel bureau at ChloaRO, which will art na a rloariliK house for all explollnlloii. piihlioity and advertialne; done bl I'.ich Of the northweHt citleH by each of tho roads. Fifty-Cent Pieces Bad. Salem The police of Saletn are lookltiK for I mysterious woman, who has passed numerous counterfeit 5n Cetll pieces here. Ii Is not believed that the bonus money was made In this city or coun ty, Imt the ilnory of the police is that the woman Is a OOBfodOfBtB of the counterfeiters and was sent here to dispose of as much of tho bogus BMBOJ as possible. All the coins were printed In the same mold and were made by all expert. WALLACE LINE IS ASSURED Morty.iyr Filed for L'linldlnu Hoad Fro. i Cm ur l Alone. t'oeiii d vi' in Ka ' i i. in in dor last wiui. r thai Iho CI M ii.. . .v si i', mi railroad oocnpanj . . 'i 'I, hi i le I Ir- i oi'iir d' v. : Ihuuihl I ! (Hod With I He i nt) Ii i b) ' :'iiii I I lata i ill . ay i I ni'iii Ti i I III' ' tor ii.. roll mail .a. , ipnii i d wl build a I. Hh" . I U op. i . .m from i " ui n vi. 'i i.' Wallace and tii, ii i.i . i.l mi iii ground i u h oil ) have btn n or a III be at b) tho oompau) for iho i ondui I ! Ii I ..nit tut BH) In. null II ma) iii ni- to build, it m road 'i . S. ui.. in. i,. .,i line 6 linn I lAJr i B&Ln- r ' r "Mlss-Fire,r"Facts Told. The lialli Thai In one sIiikIo day he BBOOrthOd 10 "nili.s Hied" holes of d.Miamlte, any one ol which, had 4I10 "1 itplodor" bOOO slmck, would have resulted In an explosion similar to tho one which resulted In the disastei OB The Hallos I'elllo canal works, Whofl four were killed ami as many injured, was the testimony of It. 8 Morris before the coroner's Jury which Is In VOOtlgBtlnl Hi'' 0BBO0 ol the explosion. "Tick" Fever is Fatal In Baker. linker I 1. ink (I aiding, titi years old, died Ii fO of BBOttOd or "lick" fovor, Hie tint bobUi from this cause .ver rOCOrdod lute, accoidliig Ii: Hiker phjtl irl.ins. (Ii. oiling was hilteii i a wood 1Kb several weeks ai'.o, hut "iiir.hi mi 1 Ileal advice until It was 00 In .1. 1 dp him. Farmers Told to Diversify Crops. I'm I, it. h Tin In liters' .'iniil ... I b) the .11 I Ii I in. m i 'in taie univi rally, uilrui tod uiucli in'ii.'.t Tin pr.ii'i.nn Included talks In I'liil. -nl K V Klllllglun .111.1 I'ruie 1.1 Mm 11. ,in dalrylnj ud poultr) I'lot. i:iiiniiou .mi tint farm .1 tin- I'.iinii.'.e iiiuuii) should do more .in .1 mil . 1 farming it win bo 1.... .1. I. 10 ChaOS iii.tlioilh araduall) from oal) gram roiolmi to cult le i.ilMiig ami ''Mng as well 'lilts, how. n.r ..ill not be sin cessful unless great care is taken in the so lei lion ot herds He gave OdVtOO for the pronor selection ul bards lie also dloouaaod the owl lor oi foodlBi atook, and sIioiikI) reciiiuiuemli'd the use of alius Mi V.t'-oUt Food a Week. Morohfiol I loae n tin. mountaini oven tejra wlthoul fo3d, ti. Ollhort, a man OOtWa M a" I M vars of age. araa too wool to walk to aafoty whon fOBBd In ih" I'deii ,; i . atry :tml was oared fot for tv 1 .! I., im,. I was abb' 1 im 1 LOCAL NEWS Hindi liy Aiii.'i I.-111 I'll . vasuclntloa. m ( m 1mm Mis. .1 AIIIOOB, who Im I. en In in from Saloiil fOt tie 1 t ti 11 ill toil In a lew 0 1 -'.s I w III tam Ii llMMWUthlj on l.i- N.ail, sea. and If ioluuie.1 to her BOmO In Sslen, 11 pi it j 11 will aorvo aa a Friday. Mr. Otaojll Koin with her "",'" '" -' '"" '" '" "M"1 ",' Mr. llrimll l,u, le n MffOriOfl with a 11 in all.nill. altomi't tiet sprinu I I will I. "in on Hie I.lg iiiaehlne hoorl tMBBtB Bad tlM OBBSBO to the I iiinioor I will p. .finally pilot valley I. thniigbl lul.e just what was ",v ",:" "-'",l b ' hBohaad ; ,.,,,.,, tl) ' t ,,im ,.,,.u t lll,ril ami ivmi iiie.'h.'ini '- My designs are .1111 Hi. 11 will l.e al.lo to cross POBdllloO. BlBMf OtOBtl BBBl I" 'in in thtrCj In c I. I'oinlloliiti with llieiii. 1 1 11. .' ' in. 1. ago married I In 1 pii K She I . till 1 . I nut We ale tilling ( clilinge our inline rorty plloto from liai school, si... , ; , u, (.(Mh Siili. tii Th .i 11- l a.l .ip'an. Speal. im,' of velopnienl ol avlall. Hi. she slid Vorlotf CllUfS WtlB big lie. The 'The future d.-v . iopineiit of ra.-li liatu e will prevail however but an far as iho sp.ut u conceruel, eaa 1 iiii' for women. Ilea iiaw the water. tnin kbtuld BOt keep BOB frmn look Power Company is Barred. lioise The public uiilltlea coinmta leu of Ibla state bas Issued au order harring iho I.l ,liu I'lnvei l.i In cvilll pan) from eatorlng lha lawn vi Buhl, in Twin falls county, and orderlag n to cease u.'live opiial ...u.. ci ih lur tin r const iin t lou ol lis UOWer I ties llitvi teinuuv Suit Brought to tint Cruise, iir.iiinn Action Jiu night her. in John Lewis to roalralu the OOUttl) loads tioiu allowing tii. cruising 01 imiliei lain, or tax. tin hi , rKMO0 tin oonlracl 0 awarded ' It. tl Nease iU I'nril. :i. i'l'hriiarv :' I .,1 I WO town fhlps 111 CI' 11 water coiuilv .. 1,..,.. 11 iu ...,. ... a. ,,,.1 11, 1- in lug ovei 0111 ilisiilay. A little cash tie danger ll I- only when the 111:11111 will bjjg H big tnilldle. The V'ailel) 1 .. Hirers recuaulae this that living will ., .. ,, ,7 Stole. ti all 1111 the popillalllv It deserves. Iran lee.e BBM that tiennan hoys (k Louu came in a few .lavs vv Im formerly ran oiT to boh to lieootne sailors aro now bTOUghl by their par BJB1 froui Cortland to look after sonic enti to Iho ll. lug school to ho turned land ho hu tioic. I'lin pilots, alllnnigli lliev are not at wavs proinlsliig material. She said that women learn tho art much oiialcr than men. except tho mechanical Ivalph K.'khuiill came in Mini, lav oveiiiug from Hum. Me It-it Hums ksuiarladan. 1 hov hav inure nre.ouco I x ' III umrulna and was twelve of inln. I thai. Iho men and act ipilckly b uirs on the road. In au emergency liifni t unitely all ; ler woinoii pupils take out marriage few of tho local Knight Touip before 1 1 lid of the coiirsi and marry pilots Instead of taking out pilots' licenses. litis attended Kastor services at Wesi ser Sunday , guests of the Weiser , , Amoug those noted WHEN DYING GETS SIGHT. ;were:ir. ..u.i m.s. PitaoiBg. Mr. ' at il Mrs. Harry .loues. Mr. and Mrs For aei Hour Preceding Death Could v,l..,ltU(.yi Mr. aUlj Mrs Tonuiugson Bee His Relatives. . u t ... 1 .....1,1.1.,. and Mr auil Mrs. itrauel. lhey niiii'n, V n 1. iM'H'ir uriu u i' uuu from his faiuily V l Martin, eighty six years of ago, after veal's of blind liooa, had the satisfaction of seeing for report a very pleasant time. As a rule local advertlseiuenta im in. ui die raeoa of bis bisi ones pjajijaj bj aahMSaahl upon; if you ail of taklag I faivwell looa at earth I .. man had bOOB tdiud and -" -"" sa wwm an seas iiisjis. helpless for years and for a few weeks it y to oe the geoiU and deoitle upon priiytsl earnestly tint sight should be sggf Bgdl Oatt Our plan is to ask ristonsl to him for once UefOTO he died ins prayer was naoworad, as for an ""''' ot your time, given to hour ho COUld 000 and its'.igiiie these huiklug ovr our variety slock: If around Bio Bad IfeSS BO BOgBBM blind y,)U tt0 auythiUg you want al! " .Te'lia.l .... disease. Liu was simply rtaBi " ,""'- 11 r,ht- M' worn out with the luilnnltics of ad are always rigtt. The Variety Store, v a need years tf CREDITORS SALE aBaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaamaaaBaaaaaaaaaoaoBaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaas We Are Forced to Raise $10,000 Before the End of The Month Like a pack of hungry wolves our creditors are demanding their money, There fore our Big Stock of Hardware and House Furnishings must be sold. Terms of Sale Strictly Cash Woven Wire Fencing, poultry & rabbit proof, Keg. 45c rod, now 39c 26 Woven Hog Fence, Regular 32c per rod, now 2oC 26 Hog Wire, Regular 35c Now 30c Maydole Hammers, The Best Reg. 7"c, Now 59c .Jackson 4.', ft Hay Forks Reg. 18.00, now $5.95 Winchester Automatic Shot Guns Reg $30.00, now $25.00 Claw Hatchets, Reg. 70 & 80c . . 55c 12 Ja. Smokeless Shot Gun Shells Reg. value 75c, now 63c Good Watches, Reg. Val $1, now 79c Lanterns, No. 2 Cold Blast Reg 1.00 now 65c Lanterns No- 1, Reg. 75c, Now 49c Lawn Mower, 16.00 Now $11.95 9.75 ' 7.75 n.oo " 8.75 Good Axes $1.40 " 98c Good Whips, Reg. val. 25c, now 10c " " 50c " 37c Good Whips, Reg. value 75c, now 57c . 25 per cent Discount on all Crockery and Glass ware. See our 10c window Any article in this assortment for 10c. For Cash we will Discount every Article in Our Store. a Sale Commences Saturday, 8 a. m. The Rarest of Bargains Will Greet You at Every Turn IMratney Hardware & Furniture Co. ONTARIO OREGON Well, What Do You Think of This? $1 I Q This Is Our Best Offer $1 I C iiiu - imu pi The.o Four Fir. t-Cla.s Magazines and Our B P.n. All nvr niwp VPAD 1l Paper, ALL FIVE ONE YEAR, Only F ' I" -)b?- f '' ?7 Woman'. World. 35c yr. Cr..a'. Fruit Crow.r. 50c pBj Farm Ufa. 25c yr. Horn. Ufa, 25c yr All Five for About the Price of J aMIammiam ' 's li l,ic '"Hcst I'-u"'" in c best rcadunj llS aHlOnfi nutter ever offered to our subscribers. It in WBBBW BT.BVBBW cudei our paper the beit weekly published in this part of the state and the Four Magazines of national prominence shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office. We have never told our paper alone at less than a dollar a year. But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our paper, all one year for only $1.18- jut 18 cents more than the regular price of our paper alone. Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call and see us when you are in town. As soon as 'you see these dean, beautiful, interestiag magazines you will want them sent to your own home for a year. ti 1ft ST THINK WHAT IT MEANS! $4 ID I -10 Our Paper and These Four Standard Magazines V I 'Q 1 ALL FIVE ONE YEAR, ONLY The Ontario Argus Phone 49 J. P. 0. Box 128