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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1914)
BORNEO AS DEAD IN RETURNS ALIVE 0S Scattered Over Ocean .Crave" Were Wasted. .., n v Frlwedi f John WfhTr,!',.V-rT.v to hMf Of btl drowning laal July that Ike ''" -... tli nf roses mi I III' f." " ...i .llilni "lP talking IllMilll ,M. fell"" III' WIIH for almost ittcroi ll I I vtinT liny " '""" ,n"" ktappad wiii'i"1 i'1""'"' WB0 ,,W,M " ,l" !" ,.,,, iiociif. mid. sticking out hit Jerked. "Howdy, Bill." iHtrl) bad n nt. i mm biwie f ,,, coDtrlimton t tat www inrByan laal '"'.v. " ., ;u kwo Ben, Hill? I'm BBS Hi" "'Mil m. liii" V'U r"r 010 worth f f',.,.., BcnntlM." said Fnrrcll. abo. I'm W 10 IN .oii final v" drowned?" Lfff i!'""'-' return spread rapid , ,gnn (be "oltl guard" wit piling him Them t in-y Baked It II ITT i Jill. W'hO iis Willi It) ill Ml led nwajf lust July In a mi ,i go 'I nil mliihT. QUI Mini mt , iltrd ii. pin. iinil Ills parents n,,.. him US dead ih aura nil right," said Ryan in ierniy working nt aooaa s MM Ii" 'lliln't think IiIh ,, mill Iw u "tried nlioiit him." I ,,, i,, ,i imi boat weta foiiini mi !illnl Iri' Ii. Ilftri'll llllli'H from law iw day altar Ilea paif loft r iiinl .1 aline IdcutlDSd iin Ryan's del picked up h rt'ii. bed I'll" llnd thnt 1ny." Rrnn. "and got talking ovit what r p PatchogtM) nn for n xmiin villi i "il blood 'No future ml pint,' ml fllll tO Mi" l'tM It fur tli" big laagUoV -ii lil I. Mini mtn i ".'nt to South Carolina worked "IT mil on. and II I 1 1 1 mini, in Jets) I ha rani bsbb fur oaths No; i iiiiin't aonw with n bnii-ii of dough." iOSCELES" IN 56 WAYS. All Appear on Examination Pa p,r, of High School Pupil. i ut all dlhToront anjtjm of j IsiimvIi'h," none correct, have fuuiiii "ti raganta' aiaailenitloa of iiik'ii arbool rtndamta by tka Haa division of tin' state .'in i ili'iniriini'iii i Tartatknt dbtcnrsfsd in aaaue itm mi,' li'rt, i'scIi's, csnsclcs. Ice, isseles, s, i',,,s, Is oles. mi tiles. . Iscolos. I cnseelcs, (sensclcs, I,". ooe, i-iMi'liiiiiM. IscosolcS "'II'. I- It". IsoeelcSe. NlN'lU'H. I - I ' Ii'-.., Isochis, Isnen . Isnlles, Is.dlccs, si.os knaalitiM ," . oies. BNMcntla oaelea, iv.i.(.iirt. iMacotaa I line, Isiisllo ... lis. laiaailoa i mh'Il'm, IssoIIhcs. IIMI'IIH. Isse iIm, naiiroloa ER SAIL ON ICE FLOE. 8fly Navinnts tho Neverain River and Cac.ipe. Jerri, Two iIiht. atand art iii.l I'.i.l.iui.' neither to the earth toft, I'M---.1'ii here mi an lea tin' , .-i -ii,i; rlvar. Tnoooatedi '!' a it IiIhn too awtftly moving taouted it ihr door. Imt thi-y !i" bwd .ii 'i dbwnpaarad down I III ii BUM Of If", plpviia, ht'll i. lanlMH "i mii klnda anil dabrM q 'i'" rintlon i"'l thai at tin' , niitlui'iiri' DaJawaro and NaToratah tanfaa rtrta in ii ih., kIuhv ami tlu deer il "IT iiii.l mailn for tin; Jithi-.v Haa, Inforniatloaj from oakiumi. iii "'iinn. -,is (lint tho anlnialN ana .ii Hi,' rlvat at that iniint. IM Iin.' triad to k'') up with Bfi l.ut ill.' rnyiinj watL-rw run ao I tli it (lu-y arota hoiiu outdla L RAISES 26.448 FISH. !er pond n Kanaaa Produoaa Rcord Break, n0 Numbar. laV Kan. iiiree aud onohalf I flub fioin un uore tUh poud in ilils Id thu reoorJ oluliuwl aaaaaf U L Dfnaat, tate flab m wurden of Kuuaaa, for on aaptlteMlaJ i)iida at the ataU BOBMI at t'ratt. And l'rufaMor u)a that hu could do it uguln, uHdfiit. wtth m little care-and r aupiilj. i'rofeaaor Dyche be- "nt Kanaaa nm tie luado a Bb ftute. Huntlug. he aald re- h) out of the mi, -Mi.. ii, but he 'hat there U sufficient rainfall In lte t0 k'S'p and raise tiah by the tale. dual ,..,( DyCne uud nl8 Deip. arad ;,448 Dab. wehihiug u I taftra than 0,780 pound. from ad, u ,iie aire pond, last aprluK 0I1 a as stocked in 1910 with fatrllnga. Next aumuier auy farmer who baa a pond can ttany ftab aa are needed to atock J from the statu oh hatchery " rulsln,; tona of flah for hiui- Tae flh wlth wb(.ll Dyche a W pond Included black baaa, b blue gin sunflah, common uuflsh, hull head catflah, a few r shad, Oar naan cart) and about klfliili The goldflab are supplied a 't the othera. ASSEMBLE MIDGET DINOSAUR. Only Six Feet Long and Haa Thrne Horns Found In Montana. vVaahliialiiii i iii'i'i- aic iniw bains iisMiMnhh'ii in Hie National raaaratu ttn in. in" of a rerj niiihII tbraa bornad dl boaaur, iiirii is iwlim uada to tyH Of ll H" v i"s hell MMntbaNJ It win Im only aii'.iii si fret lonn Mini tbrat f""i high, less than onoquarter tin- stv.i' oi tho largeat tnernbera of this family iin- I I is twenty t wn Incbaa hliK. In IM miisi'iim m,. several skulls of one of the largo horned dlnoaattfBi Trlcvratopa, which i aura six to el t;hl feel mill in one case nine feet The grotto to wiil.h the new member bolonfs be eallad the Cantopala, from Hie hoins whleh ml. un tattjtff Inads - two abota tba e."s ami m n tba end of (lie Boat, Its Jaws are like tlins,. af n turtle, there balnil DO front teeth. Inn sliaii cuimmI baak, Cnrtbar back in tbtjawi are CUttlttg leilli. li, h iboW Ihe aii. mai to inne baaa barbiroroni Tbla spei'iineii miis f'.iiiui arltb tho font iimi tail articulated, baing tba m-sf romplete mnl enliliei teil sperlmeli e obtained The fool has (oar toaa the tirst with two bones, tba arond wttb three, the fmiilli uiili BVe, while only a trace of ih" tifih toe remain tend tag to siinu the loaa of tint raetobor throngb iii-us,.. ns s n,,. ,.:,, wiil till, borne PROPOSE CHANGES CONSTITUTION Most of the Forty Amendments Promptly Rejected. SUFFRAGE IS IN THE LEAD. IMPROVING HEALTH OF THE FILIPINOS Martin Giving Special Atten tion to the Children. Washington. A feature of the new administration in the PbUlppfnaa Ih the educational program, wblcb is to ba grautl) enlarged ami popaiMtrlaad Veen Qornruor llandotaoa I .Martin, erao is ais.i aee rain n of puiiiic InatrncteoBi hc cording to advleaa racalvad bam tins doter mined to devote himself esie.ial- Wannnk agegfaaw R AjMhi-' ' LaW VRP'1 aaaaoBaV adfe ' j III Mil IIM.S M MAIiriN ly to Hie luiproM'Uieiit of the heaitn of the Hii I iliiaileii. pnttlng tut" piae tie th" old piisept "I -a '.'iliid nuiid ill a ".mud hu l, Already reenarbahla raanlta bar baaa attained la tbbe dteweteon be tn llelllp- pllie sell. ml-.. follOWletf I lie sie resHflll "eniu eaiiipalcn" wlii'h linpnoi'd the niitioiis aenong tka eialMraa in the .Manila schools alone last year, out of MjtalO children eiamtnadi t.hik iv ipiinii (nodical attention, and aa re suit tba more serious tonus of skin dis eases ami trachoma are now under control. In one province many chil dren were allllcteil with hookworm There are already nearly rWJO.dOO Children i tba schools and It is be lieved that kf this attention to their welfare In u comparatively short time the entire rillpino people will be great ly Improved physically and meutally. NAVY MEN INCOLLEGE. Proyr of Young Ofrioar at Columbia Plaaaaa Denial. Washington -The rapid progreaa of the eighteen youug uaval offlcera un- .!.. Inutrnetl.ill ill ( '..llllllliill lllll Versll.v ua a result of the co operation between I the Naval academy anu wiui hi tlon. is highly gratifying to Secretary Dunlels. be says. The officers are tak ing a course In which the theories of theruio-dyiiauil"s. machine design, elec tricity aud radio are adapted to their practical application In Ihe uaval serv ice, and in which peclal subject and problem encountered aboard ship are worked out To bring the two Institution clow together the navy department furnish ed the university with a large number of drawing aud speclticatlou of navy machinery, and the naval studenta are taught the handling of this machinery to enable them to deal Intelligently with coutractora and manufacturers and detect faults in macbluery sup piled to the government. Spear, a Wolf. Marluette. Wla.-Alei Johnson, nsb erman. Liberty Grove. Door county, brought In for bounty a wolf which he killed by spearing Off Rowleya hay be saw the animal afloat on a cake of Ice. He broke up the Ice by ram inlng It with his boat and then speared the wolf In the head with a pike pole. The boiiuty la $20. Liquor, Judiciary, Monopoly and Elec tion Affected by the Bill Doolittle Haa Plan For Recall of Judicial De cuiona by Legialaturaa Theorists Ride Hobbiaa. waablngton The agitation in con cress for the pgaggajg of a raaolution submitting to the slates an equal nf fraga amendment to Ihe federal const! tiitiini has directed attention to the man) attempt that are being made t,. change nr inppletnenl the fundamental law of the land Lverv DOW and then i raaolution of this character b drop bed into the hopper In congress, bui u is not until il ntlra batch is eolle. t, . and laid Ottl III review tli it one is iin pressed with their real abrnlttrnnaa There have i n periods of Bursal and agitation before, but never BB Midi n rarletj of cbangee been pro posed i ngreaa as now Manj ni ciais iii Waablngtoa even would be urprteod to hnen that there an fort resolutions pending before i iingroaa peostdleeg for ebnngoa in the federal colislltiitlon. The aiiieinleis w ant to i liaiiue altllimt everything the executive, legislative mid Judicial il ni rttn.'iit s of the n.,v eriimeiit mnl they want to write I r t Ihe fundamental law Battel a gnml many things that cannot be Interfered with by any part of the go eminent. The want t' Nellie thlnus for all time, and the strange feature Is that many of the proposed changes were onotdered bj the tatraria and raJoCtad as out of bar in M) with the scheme of BJ0. eriiinent which Ihe.V Were seeking to establish of all Ihe propositions of this cliariK1 ter Bow before coimress that of Kcpre seiilalh e liuollltle of Kansas Is prob ably tlie most illibpie. He proposes to aiiieiid article ." of the federal constitu tion He has a ivetliod for the recall nf Ju dkiill ileiishuis by referendum to tin. stale legtslntures mid lint to the peiv pie. Mr. Monllttle Is a 1 iciii.m rat and a direct descendant of the Mrst colonial goenior of Virginia. Itepresentatlve Lnfferty. Del rat. fr.en Oregon, suggests aii amendment by whleh proposed amendment to the constitution may be submitted to the slates by a majority vole of the two bouses of congress and be ratllled by two thirds of the states Itepresentatlve llardwlck of (ieorgla proposes the repeal of the fifteenth amendment and all after the flrsi sen ten. In the loiirteeiilh amendment. BO that all he would have remain of those Wo celebrated a llietidllielils Would be the ileiiaralli'ti that "all persons born or lialiirnlleil In the fulled States mil slibjii-t to the luiisdlctlon thereof lire dtiaene of tho United states Bad tka stale w herein I hey reside " another group af BtessBBBd eountltu tlonal aniendiiielits Ih directed at the courts HoprOOQIltUtlTQ t'llllop. Ileum .i.t. from hull ina. proposes that all Judges Of the supreme court of the 1 lilted Slates slmll be elisled at II preeidontlal ahecttou! four of wi shall serve for four years ami ihe fm eight years. Alter that BtSt election the leiui of th" .Indues s,all ! elgtit rears. Tka court shall otaet a chief Justice, licrk ami marshal, aud their ti mis shall be four years. gaUjeraaantatlve Hull of Tennesset prop.. ses to amelnl Ihe cnlistltlltinli and jjie eongrsaa power to abolish any In feiior court or the Lulled States and to remove any Judges of such courts by tWO thirds vote of both houses. Itepresentatlve Itaker of California. Ileiuocrat. proposes mi amellinSient that Ihe judicial power of the liiited States shall not be construed to extend to any suit In law or tsjulty cniiuneiiced or prosecuted against any state by citi zens of another state or BJ citizens or subjects of " f.-ielgu state or by reason af the dtlienshlp of any corporation. Mr Itaker waiiU to keep the Jnpa nese question out of tho I'nltecl States courts and leave that whole question to California. Heprescntatlve .Nelson of Wisconsin, Republican, wants au amendment giv ing congress the power to define, pre vent and suppress monopolies, com binations and agreements In restraint of trade. Itepresentatlve Kduiouds, a Itepub llcan from I'hlladelphia. suggest that Congress be euipifgered to establish uniform laws of marriage aud divorce and provide is'iialtlfes for violation of the same. Itepresentatlve I'etera, a Democrat of Massachusetts, propoae to give con greas the power to regulate the bust ness or cTiuuuerce of Insurance through out the Halted State and 1U terrl tories and possession. Itepresentatlve Henry, a Democrat from Texas, prop "ses an amendment to change the date ..I inauguration of the president to th, ist Thursday In April and the date f" the in tiling of con greas to the second Tuesday In Jan uary. I'loldbltion Is the subject of an other group of amendment Senator Work Of California propose to pro dibit iu the (iilteil States the sale. manufacture and importation of dis tilled llqu'rs containing alcohol except for mechanical, stieutitlc aud medicinal purposes. Notice lo Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un deisigmil bag been duly appointed Hdmiiiistuitnr of the eatate of Philip PfelnTer, droenaad) by the County Court of thf flats of OfOgOB, for thp cotiuiv of Malheur. Any and all per -mi- Imvlng claim against the ,i i estate Hie hereby notlHed to present them, dulv verified, as rajqulrsd iiy law, to the iiuderHlgned adminiHlratnr at Ii a home In Weatfiill, Oregon, or to bis atturney, MnCiilloch ami Wood, of Ontario, Oregon, within six montliH 1 1 fiin iimi after Hip date of the first pUblleatloB Of thie notice. Dmie ami datcil and llrst puLlislied thin l:i, day of IWaroli. 1!JI. J. D. I'lilrinau, Admlnntratof of tho eatate of Philip Ffcilf it, deceased. Balance of Different Funds in the Hands of the County Treas urer at the Close of Business, March 31, 1914. General nnd State Funds General Road Fund Contingent Kuui i ietieral School Fund I hiitiipierit Tax Sale Indemnlt) Fund I, states of Doesnead I'eraona Migratory Stock P'urid School DiqttirtH Road Districts City Tntaa School Library Irrigation Diatricta 148,071.00 .1,914.56 37.99 1,675.41 77.20 in. id (i.ill Htl 51 7. ho 2,H3fi r,i r.,ii2.ti6 SS, .19 :i5 01 $7n 7 Hi IH STATEMKNTOFRFCF.HTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING MARCH II, 11114. GENERAL FUND. Sheriff's Oflirc, taxes and other receipts Clerk's Ollice fees for six months General Road Fund 144,931. 17 1,18.08 flH,04.22 1,280.40 015II9. KOT1GI FOR PUBLICATION, Denntasttt uf the Interior. I" S. Land otllee at Vale, Oregon, March 21th. ItfU, Notice is hereby given that Henry S. Button, of Ontario, Oregi n, who, Ofj Oclnlet o-'ith, 1010, made BoUM Ktt-H I hi I llcatinll No Olo'.lP. fur the S W ' M . j . V i., HE , , N a H , . County Court and Commiamonera Sect i hi 27, inwnshlp 17 H. , Range Hi J Justices' Court E,, WiHamettn Meridian, has llli.l t'oroner'a Court notice nf intention to make Final ( Insane three yi'Hi- proof, to establish claim to School Superintendent Hie land above described, before the ! Health Officer Ragtotef and Receiver, U. 8. Land Fruit Inspector Office, nt Vale, Oregon, mi the 110th .Stock Inspector day of April. 1914. Cliiimin.t names as witneiaea: A. H, Worth. F. T. Akere. 8. D. Moore, of Ontario, Oregon; Leon lligliy of Fayette. Idaho, llrucc It. Kestir, Keaiater, $19,324.72 DISBURSEMENTS FOR SIX atONTHI KNIUNG MARCH 31, 1014. CENERAL FIND F, FENDITURES. Registration and Election Sheriff's Office and Prisoner Expense Clerk's Office Treasurer's Office Assessor's Ollice Court House Expense Circuit Court Widows' Pension Care of Poor Jail Expunae Tax Rebate Scalp Bounty Aancasment and Collection of 1 axes Current Expenaea County Sealer of;Weighta and Meaaures Water Master Oir.27. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I'. S Laud Office at. Vale. Oregou. March Road and Highway for aix montha 141k, 1014. Notice i- hereby given that Albert K Worth, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on Total expenditures agT9&60 3,113(1.22 1,000.01 1,107.41 1,850.01 1,177.05 8,078.80 2,nI3.2.r) 188.78 104.00 . -- Mi2 180.00 iiu n 878.8)1 719.50 1,887.00 ii27.IH) 418.71 8,840.08 878.84 1,471.88 81.88 GENERAL FUND WARRANTS. August 15th. I '.i 10. made Homestead Balance Unredeemed Sept. 30th, 191!) $64,117.95 application No. 01527. fur H1,. HEJ, Amount laaued laat aix month 88,814.88 Section 27; N EJ NEJ Heotlou 34, Amount Redeemed laat aix montha NW, NW'4 section 35, Town Balance Unredeemed March 31t, 1914 -mi 17 8. Range 4(1 E Wilts no t te Mm limn has tiled mil ice of Intention to make Una I three year General Fund Warrant unpaid March 31at. HM4 ... ,880,848, 18 proof, to eatablUb claim to the Estimated Interest on aame 2,000 00 laud above described, before the Reg Cab In General Fund March 3lat, 1914 .... later and Receiver U. . Land Office. Exceaa of Liubilitie over Resource at Vale, Oregon, m the 30th day of Aoril. 1914. (iaiiusiit names as Aitnessea: Fiank T. Aket. Henry S. Siittmi. O. A. Palmer, L. E Olson of On- (Hrlo, Oregon Hi lies R Kcetcr Register 3r,,i.2l s2 lo.iil.r.77 $47,210.59 880,880.88 80,048.18 $100,77.. 77 $100,772.77 $ti2,MJ.ltt .. t SHERIFF'S OFFICE ACCOUNT MARCH 31, 1814, Balance uncollected Sept. 30th. 1913 8101,88814 Sneriff's assessment wince Sept. 30th 1 88.80 taxes collected since Sept. 30th I'm ill and Interest 8,884.78 Balance uncollected March '.1st, 1914 8106,80(4.78 TAX COLLECTOR'S ACCOUNT MARCH 31st, 101 1 01661, NOTICE FOR li'llLIOU'loN. Dipartineut of the Interior, C, S, Laud Office at Vale. Orcgou, March ul3Tax Roll '.'Itli, 191 1, Tax Collector's assessment since Sept. .'loth, Xnlliii. Is h.-l,v uiv.-ii thiil ' Hv .-sep,. .mm. i-ji.i r. rVkan. of Ontario, Oragoa,nko an, October 13th. 1010, Beada Boaassguad application. No 01661. far BM sWi STATE OF OREGON j Section 27. uud N ',. NSVJ. Seei i.m QOUNTY OF MALHBUR S 84, Tnunaklp i"s. Rauge it; e., W illamctte Meridian, has tiled notice $34.92-'.. 88 27.917 s:i $02,843.19 448,70s ss BJ84 79 88,81 '.Oo ... $337,477.90 018 8,571.86 Balance uncollected March Mat. 1911 SS. 1106 808. TJ $ 71.' ;. LOO 1341,040.82 8341,049 -.' I, JOHN P. HOUSTON, County Clerk of thu above County, do hereby rertify that the foregoing ia a full, true ami correct statement of the financial ,1 Intention to make linal three year eondition of Malheur County, Oregon, us ahown by the records of my ollice at .ii.of. t.. establish claim lo the land the cloae of business. March 31at, 1914. JOHN F. BOU8TON, above .1. -ciil . I before the Register and Receiver. U S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 3uth day of April, 1914, Claimant name as wltiieaie: A. S. Worth. II. H, Sutton, O, A. Palmer, D, BJ, Oleaon, of Ontario. Oregon , lb uue R Keater. Register, (County Court Seal) County Clerk. Wanted Ciirl for generul housework, (iood wuges. Apply ut Ivuder'rt residence or phone :!0-J. The biggest hurguin we huve ever offered our subscribers is the Argus and four magazines, all one year, for only 1.1. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff of Malheur county, Oregon, subject to the decisiou of the Democratic voters of tbe county at the Pri mary election to be held May 16, li14. If elected as sheriff I will en force the laws in all cases and endeavor to apprehend crim inals of whatsoever character and I shall conduct business us economically H8 is consistent with efficiency. J. A. Wroten. For Sheriff. To the voters of Malheur county : Twill be a candidate for the noiniiiution for sheriff of this county on the Republican ticket, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election to be held ou May 16, 1014. Hubert Odell. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe oliieeof county commissioner for Malheur coun ty, Oregon, subject to the ap proval of tbe Republican elec tors of said couuty at the pri mary election to be held May 15, 1914. Melville D. Kelley. For Joint Representative. I hereby announce myself a candidate for joint representa tive for Harney and Malheur counties, subject to the wishes of the Republican electors at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. Frank Davey. Irdln Smite. Weat bound. No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd 4:17 am No. 75 lluiitiugtou Pas 1.41 a iu No. 9 Fast Mail 6:15 p m No 77 Huntington Pass Ii 33 p m No. 5 Oregon Wash Express 8)60 I'm East bound No. 18 Oregon Wash Ltd I 51 a m No. 7ti Boie pasaeugor 8:50 a m No. in I u.i Mail Hill P m No. 78 Hois, passenger 8.80 V m No. 6 Oregon Wash Kxpre '. 15 p in Malheur Valley Brunch The Vala train leaves Vale daily at Ma. m. arriviug in Ontario at 8:40. Returning will leave, except. Sunday, at 10 a. m. , arriviug at Vule at 10 :40, leaving for Brogau at 10:50. errlv lug there 11 86, returning will leave Brogau at 12 30. airlve at Vale I :30. Leave Vale at 2:36. arriviug at On tario at 3 -30. and returu lo Vale at V p. m. On Suuduy tbe train will come to Ontario in tbe ninrumg and return at 7 p. m., making the ruu to Horn' isle on that day ioatead of Wednesday. The Juutiira truiu will leave Onta rio Mouday, Wedueaday and Friday la 7 a. m., returning at 6 p. in., teachiog .1 not hi a t 12:05 and leav rng at 1pm, Tbe Homed, ile train leaves Nysaa at 2:45 on Tueaday, Tnuraday and rtaturday, returning, arrive at On tario at (i p. m. Three Iota for sale 2 blocks weat of postofflce at a bargain. Inquire at 1 Argua oillco.