The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 16, 1914, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
(Btvtutio tgm.
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestijre,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 16
Large Crowd Sees Opening
Game of the Season
at Weiser.
The Ontario league team went to
Wetter Sunday in h special train aud
defeated tbe Welaer team 7 to 0,
only one Waiser ihhii getting to m.-i -oud
For eix Itiiilugs tbir was not a
run made, then H c onstly error im
the pint of the Weiacr team, some
good work by the, Ontario player
in I five run were cured The
next Inning two rum were scored
end then the WelNer playera tighten
I up iiml the game wa finished
without miy more runa.
It win tbe in-i time tbe Ontario
team bnil played together ami r t. .
y.iuie waa won by individual good
playing, ao when the boya get In
practice they will be by far the
strongest bunch in Iba league.
Depnufcy did not got here In time
to play, but will be here for the next
game Sunday.
Manager Hlmoua tblnka that i, will
not be in-ci ssary to make many clian
h' In in.' line up, lew aotl apota
were noted and these will be looked
The id.iy.-ii. will be out practicing
tbla 'I'M and will be In abapc to
Hive a good accouut of tbemaelrea
next .Sunday when the return game I.
played witb tbe Weiser team.
At Payette Sunday tbe local team
defeated tbe team form Vale.
Following la tbe Una up of tbe
team :
K llr in-kin. i ii.
.Mill I Ml 'II c
II. Urockman
lliggloe 2 b
Inyder 3 b
V. ill lr n
llnlrider f
Locey of
McCauley If
Km. by
J. McCool. of Oklahoma City.
state representative of the Ore
gon and Weatern Colonialzlon Com
pauy, and Mr. Ware of Billlwnter.
Ok.. Ini-'il representatives of the
same company, were here l.iit week
looking over toe country aul getting
Home pbotoa to phow what this sec
tion la like.
Mr. McCool statrd that If ha ire
able to convince bia people of the
actual conditions here he would
have no troulde in gittltig ninny of
Ibeii) to mime here and locate, hut
the conditions here are mo much
belter than they hare at home that
It Is hard to make them realize that
any (dace la ao mucb better than
where they are locateil.
This whs Mr. Ware's firat visit and
he was moat favorably ImprcMcd.
Mr. McCool got a number of pic
turea and will have them added to
bia collodion ao that he can give
(lie people an i I lint rut .-,1 lecture on
the Snake river valley.
Held Under the Extension Department
of the Agricultural College Large
Attendance and Much Interest.
p. Dillanl, p
Webb o
lat b I: Darnell lat b
llolstroin 2 b
Fn uer I b
Krlpal aa
O. DMMll r f
Graves of
Sill ill! If
II..I..1111.11. Kriuua, it
Darnell, Kipalr '.', (J, Daruill mid
Ontario team, one error. v . i i ;i.
Not a Weiacr mull reached second.
.aaH OlWh r law fcaaalS a it atf ,. . B
afl . Vr 21 to&m
April - and ! tbe residents or On
tario and Ita vicinity bad the oppor
tunity of meeting and bearing rep
rcHentativeaaof the Ktenion Depart
meiit of Oregon Agricultural Ool
lege. The toiemhera ot the party
were:: Mra. L. V. Hohlnnou, lie
turei and demonstrator ofdomaatic
aclencc; Prof. J. K. Laraon, aoil and
crop ipeclallut; and Prof. E. Ii.
Kltta. live atock specialist. Five
meetings were conducted by tbe party
during their vialt in tbla cum
At tbe firat meeting, in Ontario
High School, each member ot the
partv gave a abort talk to the atud
enta outlining H'imi. of the
"I the work in tneii ii--i .1 1 ui- ,..
l-ni tincuta. The talk by Mra. Hob
blna on domeatio anleuca waa epe
chilly lutereatlng and Instructive
The first meeting at the Motile
wird Orange Mall waa beld VYeduaa
day evening. Tbla n.eetiug bad the
largest ait. nil. 1 nee of any of tbe
ineetlnge aa ahout oue bundled and
twenty live people were
After m.i. ii,- musical selections 1
Mlaeea Lackey and Odel, tbe maati-r
of Hi 1 ,i ngo Introduced Mr. Lar-i n
who apoke 00 tbe auhject of oorn
growiug. II.- ciuphael .'.I 1 In- uece-
ity of ohooaiug 11 variety which Ii
adapted to aoil and olimatlc coudl
tlona; the aelectlnn of good iatd,
chunking h type winch would mature
and give maximum yield of grain:
the time of plautiug. nut deeming it
adviaable to plant too early; good
cultivation a, a mcaua of coiikerviug
im. lat on- in.. I liberating plant foot;
mii 1 careful irrigation, avoidlug tbe
Hue ol too much water.
Mra Ron til 11 a gave au iutereHting
talk on the growth and development
Tbe Suuuysi !e Orchard Tract of
lUJuciee, located near Wei kit waa
Mold la.t week for 150(000 to aome
meu tiiini St. l.uuia The orchard
U aet to II. line licautit. .louathaus
and Wiue Saps, all three year old
tm, auil la oue of the fiuetit orob
arda in tbe Snake Iviver Valley. Tbia
aaa certaiuly a bargaiu for the men
who purchased it and iu a few yeara
will be paying big iuleresl ou the
purobaae price.
Now tbat tbe oajjhard men are or
gauied and are marketing their oropa
intelligently, tbre ia good money In
applea and prune and tbero ia room
for tbouaanda of acres more to be
Tbe 1914 orop of applea waa not aa
large m ttat of Mil but the growcra
got more money from it because tbe
marketing waa done right.
Oacar W. Underwood, democratic
houae leader, who defeated Congress
man Hohion for the nomination for I f '" domestic science idea which
ha defined a an expression ot the
desire lor letter staudarda ot living
IU the borne. As an llliuti at inn i t
this lileii she traced the uctc hpint nt
of tbe pl:nug ill liislry 'nun tbe sim
United Stiteea senator from Alabama
dairy cattle. As the pictures were
shown the speaker calld attention
to the striking points of dairy en
formatinii which were shown by the
different individuals
About Mevenfy persona, mostly
students of tbe Nyssa Mlgb School,
attended the session at N'.vasa. Prof.
Larson, the first speaker, gave a short
discouree on soiln, naming the esseti
Hal elements of plant food, and
tin- necessity for maintaining proper
physical and chemical condll ions In
the soil to promote plant growth.
Then be told of the preaence of alka
line salts in the subsoil. There are
two kinds of alkali, the white or
sodium sulphate, ami th-t black
which la sodium carbonate. The
latter la the moat Injurious. Three
alia become dia-olved in water, and
are brought to the surface ty cap!
lary attraction where they are de
posited when the water is evHpn
rated. Ileune the control of alkali
must be effected by keeping the
water table in tbe soil as low as
present 1 possible. Tlita naulbe accomplished
by careful regulation of the amount
of water used, by deep plowing, and
by uuderdrainage when it la pus
Tbe practical diacuskMlou of do
in. -1 ie scieuce by Mrs. Kobliltis was
much appreciated. She told ol the
methoda which were Icing ue,l to
eiicn ureue lutereat in domestic
science by the oruani.atlou of
clubs for conking, aewiug and can
lug. She gave advice In cooking:
advising tbe use of definite ktau
daids of measurement tur ingredi
ents ho that they Hie always used
In unvarying proportion, thus eiim
unit lug glleMBWurk.
I'll.- ladles who were picsent at
the demonstration of domestic
-, 1,'iici- iu conking at tbe giangc
ball 011 Thursday afternoon apokt
yi'i highly of this lecture. While
tbla ileuiunstratii 11 was being con
diii-tid Prof Fills gave liikli uctiuu
The ('has. Keeker cnttle were
shipped Saturday and they are con
Nidered the best lot to leave this
section this ..mi .mi
The cattle were three and four
year olds, from half to full blood
Durbains. and they all ahuweg the
iffoet ot good breeding. The lot
areraged I'.VIO pouuds, one large
steel weighing 17H0 pounde. Theao
catte brought about una hundred
I .1 ho-, a piece here.
The cattle were shipped ny Henry
IllHckwell. who alao ahippcd two car
loads of hogs to the Portland mar
Mr. Hecker says there waa mme
money in range cattle when they
brought one third the uey they
do now owing to the Increased prleee
of everything.
These cattle were shipped to tbe
Farmera Commission ('oinpanj, of
Portland, of wblob Chas. Decker ia
the president.
'Mils Is a company to handle all
atock for tbe farmera at a I coat.
Hold Profitable Me.'tiiig at
Cairo and Take in New
President J. D. Furrell, of the O. W.
R. & N., and his party of officials, ar
rived in a special car on No b' Wednea
day evening.
After a few hours here, the gueaUof
H. W. Doolittle, they were taken to
pie hand spindle which was in use In a munler ot men ami boy 111 tin
1,000 yeara balON tbe Obiistiau era ! practical judging of dairy cattle and
In the luveution of the kpinning hugs.
There was a game ot ball at Fruit
laud, lust Thursday, trtwiun h hum
made up of the Imslue.-i men ol On
tario ami Fiultland. The Ontario
team wa ahead when tin. umpire
called tbe unit- becaiue of rain. Ot
mine it wan't mining, but it wa a
li.iati' case and the niiipii i- 1, 1 1
Ids ditty to atop the game when bit
team was ahead. Smiie of the Pruii
land player and bonders thought the
umpire waa crooked, but the Ontario
layers t nought he wa. not Clunked
All tbe spectators ay It was a
great game aud it waa really surpris
ing tbe number of good playera on
tbe teams, uisuv of them old league
playera and wbile tbey did not dare
practice any before tbe game for
tear ot beiug laid up witb eoreuexs.
tbey abowed plenty of claa.
Tbe Fruillaud team was more iu
practice but tbey did not have tbe
umpire with tbem.
A return uietob will be played Iu
tbe near future ou tbe On'.ario
ground aud tbe Pruitlaud team will
turuiab tbe umpire aud tbey will alao
probably bave a number of new
atunta to apiingon tbe Ontario buucb
that will make tbem ait up and take
wbetl 11 the llltciiitb century. Hut
hill.- adiaiict'iiii nt u-i inmln in all
till time in helping l! ,- women nl
ibe hnii.i'liiii.l in tin -ir work. To
day. though tin-re are many duvioes
ami conveniences for aiding iu ho tee
hold work, the women have not kept
llm last meeting wa held Tburs
day evening iu Orange Hall. Prof.
I.ursou gave a short talk on soil,
ii. Honing this by an illiiktrated lee
tore on Imri'i and swiuu showing
r.-pna -utatite of diflereut DIMM!
and lireed Mr. RobblM explained
.c - -
Miss Helen Huntington, who will
wed Vincent Astor. the richest young
man in America, April 30.
pace with the men who bave made the views which were shown of the
so much advance in their use ot ollege buildings. The uudiinci-
stiiitved great interest in these views
which gave an idea of (lie provisinn
machinery. To bring I ettcr condi
tions into the homes through ti-.ioh
iug the principle underlying the
prsctloe of daily home life is the
impose of tbe Depai timnt of Do
uiestic Science.
Tbe lecture by Prof. Kitte ou tbe
1 1. tiou of a dairy cow waa very in
-tin. tn.. 'Jtiis lecture waa illua
trated by picture showing 1. pr.ien
tatives ot tbe different breeds of
which bus lie en made for prHctli-al
Ail liieiiiliers ot the party expressed
tlielr iipp.eclatiiill of the good atteu
dance and the int. rust which waa
takeu in "ui' met'tinga. It la hoped
tbat another aeries of meetings
can be arrauged at a more o portuue
time wiii-u tbe larmera are less Inii-y
iu their fielda
The city council held a special seas
ion Wednesday evening to receive bids
Juntura. where they inspected the new J for the lateral aewera.
road and returned in time for No. 9 this ' There were four bids submitted, that iu out roads aud wbeu more iutereat
evening I of Morrison, Knudson Co., of Boise, be- ia, tbe auperviaora will in
Mr, Farrell had nothing special for , ing the lowest After some ad!usting , mom apt to give the county full
Oood roads are Interesting many
people throughout tbe state and the
25th baa beeu deaiguated aa good
roada day.
There are some place In this conn
try wbere tbe roads are uot what
would be coualdered good at all
times of tbe year. One of tbeae ia
tbe Pennington lane, uot far from
Arcadia Supervisor Kose will bave
tbia trel -h In -nape for glutei by
tbat dale and will appreciate It it
ail who travel Hii road will turn out
aud haul grav.,i that day.
A little ef'ort on tbe part of tbe
people will 1. take a great difference
publication. but it is understood the line they received the contract at $l-oi
will be pushed west The tracklayers I Work will be started soon aa material
are now several miles out of Juntura. can be got on tbe ground.
value for 104
t he 1 nad Do
April 'J-'..
money they spend on
not forget tbe date,
Kngineer Jaipiisb ha been busy
lor tbe past two weeka with a
crew of men extending tbe draius
to tbe aewer in tbe aoutb part of the
Tbe aoutb tioyer poud baa been
t apped aud the water drawn off and
the ralroad men are expected to
soon lower tbe diaio uuder tbe track
ao tbat tbe poud etat of tbe tiack
can be dralued.
Wbile it is aeverul muutba since
these bodies of water were firat
tapped there is still a good sized
stream runuiug from tbem, drawing
tbe water from the surrounding
couutry. It will take aome time foi
all the accumulated water to run off,
bat the water level uuder the city
will tbeu be several feet lower than
it wa before tbe installation of the
aewer system.
t has Ii 1 the talk among lull
rnHil men that the Short I. me will ex
tend the ( ireenleaf W idler branch to
iloiiieiiiiln thl niiiumer. The road is
uow completed from Caldwell to Wil
ii. r, distance ol II miles. To build
four mile aud put in a bridge
ai'lnaa Snake river at lloinedale,
would cniieei't the two slob lino and
cover a rich section that Is enjoying
rapid development.
Aa aoon as the weather will per
mit, tbe Idaho Northern ettenslou is
to be completed 10 Payette lake, and
dame rumor soya wbeu tbat la done
work will commence ou au cxteueioo
of the Nyasa llomedale braucb from
the latter place to Cliffy where cou
in t-i inn will be made witb the Dewey
in. ol now "p. 1 I by the Short Line.
The Murphy Duffy couutry ia a
great stock shipping section. Cattle
are gatheied all tbe w ay from the
great raugea of tbe Owyhee table
lauda to Northern Nevada, making
traiu load ahipaients of freipieut 00
. in it-iic.- dm lug the fall and early
whiter. Tbe grade la very ete.-p up
out of tbe river valley, aud all that
i--liin would ! eliminated fur Port
land shipments if tbe uew extenaiou
from llomedale is built. Vampa Pee
The purposes and organization of
the North Pacific Fruit Distributor
iiMHo.-iat inn. was explained In detail
at tbe limit. 'tin I Orange hall Mon
day evening by V. N. Voat, of Me
ridiaii, and C. .1. MoPberson. of
Boise, two of the lending officials.
First organized to handle the fruit
ol the Northwest the hmhmucI.iI ion has
11 I IimI tbe distribution of potatoes to
tbe business and Mr. McPkeraou,
the bead of the department, came
here for the express purpose of Inter
estlng tbe growers Iu the planting
and shipping the tubers. A consider
able acreage was aluucd durinu that
even iug and the organ iatloii waa
pertected making it possible for any
other of tbla section interrstsd to
For si me time there has been coo
sideiablii dlssatl-fanlion In tbia com-
itv about the expenses of the
assoclta'on and both officers exressed
tin 111 selves aa pleased to be able to
correct certain errouloiia teporta
that have 1 ... ,, put i circulation
about the exorb.iaut aim lea and
their expenses Incurred by 1 In. ship
pers: Just how these reports origi
nated ia not clear, the books helug
always open to any of the mem here
ami i-ii-n outaltlera if (hay care to
take the trouble to Investigate.
So Interested did the speakers
bold their audience that not one left
the ball until tbe close of the meet'
lug. although it was after midnight
when tbe meeting was disiersad.
For a lime it seemed thai the
fruit Industry waa threatened with
ctlinctiiiii through lack of markets
but It la now Indn. tnl that ttie pmti
Ihiu have lieen solved New iuar
kcls are being fi 11ml all over Hie
wot Id and Hie old ones regulated
so there is less danger ol filet
and cimMeiiiii,t ins. to the ginwrr
.Mi nst uiiuIh a strong Oppooj to
Hie Invallt aud pt-riini.l inti-iot of
0f0t n .id, nl ,if 1 he Norihwii.l, it
being shown that nl1 am more or
lesM atfeeli d I v Ho- piospufity of
till-, y
It.. cars ot a Height (rain wcic
wiccked heic liiiiday morning at
ui,.. ut H ;80,
It was a train nl about vl .ty car,
running west at slow speed, pl'olialilv
five mile au hour, whi-u a brake
I, rain dropped down a short distuncc
nl of vdiere Colorado street crosses
thi- tiack. 'Hie haiu dragged to Hie
switch and then one car struck a
cross for another track .
I in. air set tbe brakes and tbe
traiu wa stopped In about 00 feet,
with but slight damage to the track,
switches, cars and signal system.
Tbe wieck occurred at a poiut
wbere trains could pass aud ibere wa
no delay of any of Hie tiaii s, but It
wa sevoral hour before the wrecker
arrived aud cleaned up the wreck.
A new ruling
N. O Hard, who recently moved luie
with his family purchased two Iota
from K A lirown and has started work
on a new resilience Mr Oard who is a
1 contractor la doing his own work
land olllee that filing for ilea I. W Adam is remodeling one of his
houses on Richardson strut-taddiug bath
and other rooms
has beeu made by
ert laud muat show source of water
supply to irrigate the land. Thous
ands ol eutriea bave been made ou
laud win re here is hardly ohauce of;
water ever being available. This,
causes a loss to the government and'
also to the eiitiyuian.
Contractor Pursell is remodeling the
residence of l)r Prining adding (sireli
and "tin 1 i-oiivi-iiieiii-es
Contractor Drapt-i is working on the
. vault for Hit it w hninc of the intarin
National bank