Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS Wanted 600 rooter to attend the opening gutne at Weiser on Sunday. Onturio will have practically an entire new line up for the Opening game ftj Weiser Sun day Come and root for the home boys. The Saturday night dances given by the Ontario Concert Orchestra have added a epeciul feature to the program, the Har mony quartette, singing all the latest songs with OrobOBtMl uc c tmpaniiiUMit, scoring a big hit with the large crowd of dancers attending. E. M. Brown, leader of the Ontario Concert Orchestra, re turned from a business trip to New Meadows. Day old chicks, white leghorn and white rocks. Purity I'mil try Farm, phone !14, Fruitland, Harry Lewis, proprietor. WO acres of choice alfalfa and wheat land in the wheat belt near Cambridge. PriCi $80 per ucre and easy terms. One of the best buys here for the money. Krnnk MrKlruv, r d boi 56, Cambridge, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. l . Butler and family and Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Jones, visited friends in Vale on Sunday. A turkey gobbler has strayed from the Carter House annex, lb-turn and receive reward. LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS M rs. Macpherson and children have gone to Ironsides for the summer. Tell your neighbors about our big club offer. They surely would like to get the Argus and four magazines, all one year, for only $1.18. iuito a number of the grow ers have contracted their wool. The price is around 11 cents. The Helena ball team is ex pected here the 86th for a game. Mike Devers, of Caldwell, pres ident of the Farmers Ditch com pany, was here Wednesday be tween trains. Mrs. Andy Howard, of Bro Kan, was taken to the hospital Wednesday. Water has been turned onto the Advancement tracts. Fd Hamilton, manager of the Alexander store at Vale, was vis iting with friends here Wednes day. Order vour Faster suit tola from Cope iv Dunnuck. Have you registered at the city ball? Mrs. L W. Bobbins. .1. F. Larson and F. B. Fitts. from tin- :' III. A ....:....! 1 1'. .!!.. ' U.lill . 1 II III in l .li v iiur(;i-, made talks at the high school and Orange Hall Wnlnesd.i v and at Nyssa today. Contractor Crisman has gone to the Fayette Lakes where he will bid oh the new club lipuse There was a Knlgbtl of I'y-: to be consttucted there, thias rally at Vide last night,' Candidates for the governor with largo delegations present ohip are getting very thick from outside towns. Henry Blackwell is here this week from Portland. as the date for the primary el ection nean. They are ail sure of being nominated aud feel Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. M.Culloch sorrv for .,t. ot.r follows w.nt o Caldwell Tuesday, where: j H Kl,rbe,. of tho Owyhee Mr. Mac was one of the judges 8ectio)( WM iu tha city Tue8. in the declamatory contest be-j)uy M(. For,JM wyH tl(M0 h tween teams representing the! soino property moving m his al II II .1 i !- I 1 ' UOMWOU ana .oo,nng n.K,i j iioio0 tl0 u, Harns iiUt, schools. The Caldwell team got havinK (euu S(,uU.( U Uy (lu. "" '"' Ltte of the farm to John K.eet, F. B. Freeman, wlio hit here -, . .. - , , , . I he i ire. tors of tie Owvnee about a vear ago lor Arkansas, is here this week ebbing up bus- dUdi company held their regular iness matters. monthly meeting on Saturday. I TOk. OYAL BAKIN6 Powder Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. WHAT so tempting to the laggard appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and hi'ulthf ulness of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, hot bread and short cake mo -e di gestible and nutritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. In many counties legislative eandidates are pledging hem selves to enact no more laws to interfere with industries or busi ness. Fditor Higby, of the Vale Fn terprise, was a visitor to On tario several days this week. lift will leave in a few days for Seat tle and other points to look after some property interests. The Fruitland Banner is the latei-t candidate for public favor to reach our exchange table. It is u six column, six page sheet, full of news and ad , with W. A Cloud as publisher- Mr and Mrs Cloud were employed iu the mechanical department of the Argus for two years and , will give the Fiuitland people a good paper. Keward and no questions asked of the person who will return three rings and a mans! watch chain taken from the I'odge homestead iu Henry Otilch, three mile north of the Andersou-ti winn sheep ranch. One ring was a Marquise one ol small tuiquoiscs and pearls one a single turquoise, ami a light blue sapphire in Tiffany, totting. Heirlooms. Watch chain! thin gold with several long links of platinum. A. F. Nichols was down fro in Ironsides over Sunday. He says they had a fine rain there last week and the stock is all tinned out, the grass on the range be ing tine. W. H. McWilliams brcuglu in a bunch of horses from the Hamley ranches this week and shipped a car load to the Cald well sale. If, F. Newton and W. W. Letson made a inn to Juiitura Monday to look over the coun try. They found a rial livV town and the ountrv looked good to them. tin to the city hall today and rtgUtOf while the registering is 0 1 1 TttOf Clagett was a passenger to Nyooo Tuoodey to look eftei some land that he is ligurmu on watering weth a pumping rig. A. .Mc Williams took in the bono Mile ;it Caldwell Tuesday. Suits made strictly to order for you M cheap orcheaper than ordinary mi.lv made. Oopo 4 Dunnuck. The NjMI i Ik ese'factory con tinues to increase the produet, Inil 'cannot keep up with the ili inaml, I'm' March the out put was r',L' .'!.'! pound'i of cheese. Apparently cheese men are going to be free from foreign competi tion and are sure of good pi There is room in the valley lor - eral la. tol'ies. If, B. (whin, the sheep man was here Saturday. The repnbli cutis of Idaho are talking of electing him state treasurer. Jess B. Hawley was over from Boise Saturday looking alter -milt land that was being told near Vale. ('. (' Wilson was a visitor from Vale Saturday. I'or sale Camping out fit con sisting of tent, stove, dishes,! heililinr. etc. Best cash offer -'.. . .... i takes it. li J. Joints, at airs a. Joel son's Lonil Hurtle is prepared to shurpen youi shears for ten pent! a i 1 guarantees satisf action. LOCAL NEWS Fighth (Jrade State Fxamina iions will be held May 7 and 8, 191 I. I'logrum for examinations Thursday Physiology, Beading Oeography, History ami Civil Uft eminent. Friday-Oraiiiiner, Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic and Agriculture. C. F. Smith, who was division superintendent hero about v year ago died at his former home in Ontario, Canada, last week. For the past year he has been on i,the Montana division out of Pocatelio. L. O. McCov has purchased a new Overland car. Mrs Fiuison returned Mon- I dav from a visit with friends at Boise. Contractor Voglo reports that he is about through with tho work of building the house for J Orin Bull, just south of the city. If there are any more men ; with an ambition to marry the J Wilson girls they will have to' hurry. A IS year old boy wants to have home because his mother plays whist. If he saw her trump her partners ace the prayer should be granted. Bring on the Lincoln High way, and bring it by here. The woman who says she was Koekeieller's first sweetheart should remember that it is the last one that counts. If you wish to own an auto that will travel fast and far raise a pig. If you nave a dear desire lor a splendid private car raise a pig, If your daughter yearns lor jewel- that will make a lurid haze; if your wife would leader he where some matron sways; if you wish to give up toiling and in comfort spend your days; there's a way don't overlook it raise a pig. If you're sick of serving others and are looking for a chance raise u pig. If vou wish to gae .1 wonders that are far away aud strange raise a pig. If your son would like to spend some money on a neighbor's girl; if you yearn to own a cas tle having walls inlaid with pearl raise a pig. If within a senate chamber you would like to hold a seat; if you wish to DO Untroubled by the rising price of meat raise a pig. If you wish to get from under the big bur dens that you bear, if you want to go to Wall street and i...h a furore there, if, in short, you have a longing to la come a mill ionaire, there's a way, don't OVOflOOk it raise a pig. F.. William IfoLeod and Mi - Wlnneired F Wiillaee, both ol Koi k ille, Ore , were mai in d at Boise Saturday. For rent fc'urni-hed house in oludlUg garden plot, elm ken park, barn three lots, nice lawn. Box 48, Ontario. On Mondav I ship arrived from China with one thousand tons of Chinese eggs, about U.T'JJ ;$00 Ofge. Wonder what those Chinese hens will be able to do when they really get busy try ing to flood the American mar ket'.' That is one for the chicken j men who voted for Wilson to ligure out. Mrs K. W, Eeknerdl ! spend ing a mouth at llomedale with her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. T. lagers, while Mr. Fekhardt is attending court at Burns. For sale Polled Durham bull, com leg IkrOI years olil Phone 201 K i Opening Days April 1th. and Nth Millinery & Art Store We beg to announce that on Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, we will be prepared to show a complete line of Art Goods and advanced styles in summer millinery; also imported and hand made neckwear. You are most cordially invited to call and inspect our line Mrs. Clara Harrell. Miss Georgia Hull Ontario, Oregon Opposite post office ft Ow .Jim. Eflk a A 0 . ' Visit Our Display of MENS MILLINERY It will please you. All the new things for Easter in this showing n SHIRTS 2 Neckties and Collars BOYEITS 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE Fifty acres has been mdtd to alfalfa. Some buildings. All under fence. Railroad line through trad. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Klcc trie pumping plant can be installed for -VI per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon mww L ZMb fa '"i"XiP --m " N..U.' One Piece Hammer In The New Mudel Ithaca li ; -m mi. i il.iui one li" ii a ii.iuiiiK i you know I '"' '' ' Ml parts hit fanti mil t' Dm hammer w . i !..-! ihown nr nut ui hmn nut la all one piece, only one hole, IW toggUti i" stirrups atlin In 'I. We uvi 'ut Kin nil eockiruj liwrs, liar-, push ruds ami li.nii paw lUrrupo itndcock tin- gun ili- ri t from UM "( liaininiT. Cutulni; Free; IH gra4M, $17.76 n. i to 40U list Our a, lb iU Uirr isa liuiniini In- down tO ilate ami slinol (MM, ITU GUN 0.i lUiiitu. N. V.