The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 8

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Panama Canal Tolls Exemption
Issue Absorbing Topic in
WuHhltiRton.-- Rtpotta that tin or
jmili'l cffnrt would be miide in 1 1 1 -SPItnte
to flelny tlif piissiiK'' of the bill
Npaallag Pamnii toll stsmptlon
MIMMSd iidrnlnlstriitlon lenilerK during
tin- ItBtnl delmte of the Ihhuk In the
Tin' Iriflmiitlon thnt I pTOlMgOd fill
bilHtcr in the Hennte hml been ileler
mitu'd on, now Hint the rirM dael
buttle been won p) the pnslilcnt,
rim i )nirtf to M'VitiiI MDAtOrtal h'iii
portern t UM niliniiilstrntiiin. nnd It
n lagfSStSd Hint Sentttur O'Cnrtnnn,
rli.ilrniiiti of the ONsaalttSS of Inter
Oceania iiiiiiiIh, nlremly wiih tleluyliiK
rutin, ilermloii of tin' in en mi re by Ills
Colnin i 1 1 .
A poll Miowcil the MMtt Inter
orennle roinmitii'c, to which tin- tiill
NpMlIni Hi" exemption of tnllx to
BOMtwl a A tin rii ;in nliipH will he re
fi'ind following It h iiissiiu' tiy the
house, will vote Heven for nnd Boven
Kill nt t the hill.
For the lull Chilton, Shield. . Owe,,,
HlniinotiM, IlnindeKee, Onfe nnd TkOfl
AKiiltiHt the hill: O'Ciiritmii, chnlr
mnn. Thinn.iH, Wnlnh, llornli, I'ruw
ford. PtlltlM nnd lltihlow.
An n reHtill it Ih expnied thnt the
Mil i ill he reported out on Um floor
Without reeoiniiietidiilloll.
Party Leaders Against President.
PfSSldsal W'iliiii won the opstnlni
skiriiiixli or the KrenteHt Ir-KlMltillvi-Imttle
of hiH iiilmlnlxtrntloti when the
home, over bitter prolixin rrotn the
US OfUltBSCl I'eiuiM r.itle lender nnd ;il
mot hoiid uiaorlt) opposition, miiiii
ed II Hpntnl lllle lor the I ollhlcleriltloll
ct tin' hill ri'peullne. Hi.' prmlHloii of
tile I'liliiillla 1:11ml ji.-t exemptliiK
CpiihIwIhc Atiieilinn BhlpS from 1
Hpenker I'l.irli. il.-nu m 1 ;i 1 1. lender
I iidii wood, Kepuhlli an I.i.kI.t Mum
in Pro Id sdi 1 Murdot 1- rs
l I'" ' id ol Hume lined Up .u -.mi 1
Ho' iiiimliil.'tnilhm, I111I the horn rs
Hpolllleil to in. 1 . i . ill. ,1 p, , ,,,,,, 1
iien lor pinuipl ol
lie repenl lull iih 11 ineiitiH of nipporl
iiiK tin' iidmiiil'.tiiiilim'h tin . nu pnh, v
The di h. He III the hiiiiHe wiih Hpirll
d on both diiew. part) lint bt Ittf
1 n rttod Rapraai ntatlvs n
M. ' bail mm bt ipproni
eotnmltti o'ned with :'i nb r i
1 Undarwood In the 1
f.y.tiu: 1 in. praaldanl
Other Toll Bills Before Committee.
There iiri. othar Iiiiih psrtainlB
tile b "' h. lure III" , ..,.,.
nnd no one a m pfsdlel hi I 1
I'oiiiinilt. . HI bold 1'ie bu .
1I1 ration, s. 11. in. r 1 'hllio 1
bill hh Ii. in I. .1,1 01 1I11. iilt 1, ,1,1 ,
big Hie tolla sxemptloa . bin , v ould
un 11 up 1.. ih,' pre 1, p. 1 ,,,
mlii. win,! hhlpM hIioiiIiI pny lulh.
Then there Ih latot LWl Mil 1 in
Hi" pi. allien) in m, 1 i
loll nmi another, Introdooad b) leua
i"i 1,' ad, aroul 1 1. p.- ii iiir tun . v
enipiiou nmi then iranl to ft
the rift)) III eompele w Mil ,
" 1 ' blpa, .1 lull d, 1 Km ii.
IIH Hi. .11. H, if pill U, "I,, r;ik ;iu
vim in in ooaatwlss ahlpplng monop
el ih. 11 ma) aklal
T Jk fcB
Wgor'lb- 5pS
Wi' ' .i '"SiVjffwfiaf
Charlee N. Burke, South Dakota
congremman. who defeated Senator
Crawford for the republican primary
nomination for United Statea senator.
WiUon Sunt. iin Page.
Il;i lag r, 1 elxe.l .1 BOP) "I mh.i:
ambii r.u . I., .in apem ii in London,
III whlih Senium- Chnmhi 1 l.nn .n,.
othan tooh aicepllon on Mooual of
"! " i" ' to Hie Monroe do, inn, ,,n,
the Panama paaal, Praaldanl W
told oallara ba taoughl taa apoech waa
parfaoll) propat
National Cipltal Brevitien.
H' 1 I Irlbin I mil the .iin.iiilm.nt
lag ii. In poollni I ha -1 nata 1. pa
III"' I'll' !' I 11. 1. Mil. in potion
fin ui -
sii'i 1 lutporia bava fallan ofl II,
nee. iiimi iiii.ier i Ii. i. tarlfl Both
Qonaaa) and lha United Kip id
land He United ' Ii g Import ol
A liliu 'on re
eiu.uel.i nnd Hi" l nu, , tatea
bat in 'i n ii.w peace treat) bleb
i""1 1 1 ' ' ." 1 en win, h cannot
! b) .iipie
l in 'I I" II II llltl ! e, a . ,,,,
i" 1 i 1 mu
Sen : I', ,1, id , 1 , i , aj.
lacki 'i .. in. lal i" 1 1 11 ."i n 1 t,iu
for tlu Mile 01 coal 1 : : ! to gjg
ti I'lihllc
, I'Ub
-.iKo. Milwaukee I ii Paul road
The .-in. ue paaeed tha annual ami
appropriation Mil, oarrj lag Itui 150
'"" abo 1 ' en mora lhau tha
lion , inii and about lha aumu amouut
ovi 1 iiie laal arm) appropriation bill
I'M,, tor Itolnn a, of the fi ill
loretgn cou
nava oouiroi 01 the indium di
ii tai United itatea and add
annuall) of canci r,
nmi thai the American boapita
unnbb to obtain an ad
Ol II" i ill o.
Brief News of the Week
Forty-one blooded horse In the fcor
ernnient Mnhlfx nt I'ort Uliey, Kim..
win Iniriieii 10 denih in a fire thnt
deslroyed the hnrna.
1 ire whieh oaaaad i ion of $irn,nnn
wiih emitted in Hie baataoaa aaotJoa of
Km in r illf. Inwn, when g bintern ex
I1I01I1 d In n llery burn
lour buitdreil bulhllnKti, Ineliiillna
thi' lending hotel nnd two depnrtment
MoreH, were flooded iih n reHUlt of
Town t'reeii overllowltiK IIh liunkH nt
Jill I. nil. Ml
The firni ablptaeat of fruit from
New Kealand ever rcelred on Um Pa
rifle const Iiiim been put on anln nl
Kmi Krunelsco The eotiHlnment con-
1 1 'I of gggfg nnd peiielieH,
llenvy rnltiH mix I gMttlag snow
Hiroukhont iw York nnd OI1I0 Qgajgi
I ft ar nl ;. ri I tltlon of IumI hprlUK'H
dlaaatroua rtooda.
The Soiilhern I'nelfle r illrond nhown
" 'I' ' !' 1 1 .'! liliu'- of more
tii. in 13,000,000 lor lha paat eight
montha, aooord to atatemenl in
1 'led ii Kranclaeo,
'i bo Ma uh legtalatUN baa
voted for iin in-1 hi, i" in ita history
In I eiir of 1. 1. 11 lun to Hi" petition
tha qna tloa of granting aaffraga to
Dtffereaeea between lha Caltforala
drj eampalgfl and lha antl aalooa
1 '! have I . 1 I'm 1 petltloaa
pie , 1 , beootao
l iftet Pebruan II, 1911
Tin- , stats 01 Hie inte mih Mary
.11. .her i:dil. roundel of Hie ClirlMllltl
Si i, ii, .- oburoh, baa bean ssttlsd, Iks
I nu Of 1 i sllVt i". I !.,
1 " tees of i be i inn, h b) taa ml-mlnlalrntor
ii pet I lion In the telephone IiiikI
I ol Mu I' mii i" i n ili, ii ,l,i
I I aril) ordered i tored ind got on
in, ni i, gulatkm of Mull bnalnsaa in
iiiMira,! b) ., deer atsred la United
i Mlet ,,Hii i b) .liuli.'" Il,,li, ri
I i' in The defeadaatt taa bmeti
pan Telephone . i . i iph oompaa)
nmi Ita ufa .'i ii v posnjmalse, la Um
suit, broughl under Hie Sheriiuin ..mi
are i rpi tnsllj enjoined
from oreatlng condition thai win in
i ii, i e w lib competition.
People in (he News
Kred, ri, I, " , i lineuaer, tha
million. nt,- lumberman, ih hi nt in
bom, in Paaadena, l ,i
Qovernor I Ibet barf, of Minns ni ,
nntiounees th.ii he mil i ., candidate I
mi i" . le, i, on on in, lepul, n-.m ti,-k,t
nl the pi mi. ii I,-. in Jiini
vaagaUat iiiii laasta) is agsj i
grandpa, oven pouad bab) bo) h.n
..... ...... .
,.,t .iui,,ii ,n ui" nonie ol Air and
Mrs ii,, in. siiini.i. ,,i r.i.oiuii
Qaesn 1 leaaor ol Etaigaria btUI M.irt
00 h, i hip tO IbS lulled, May
-i mu' win as hi.' rural reigning I
tnonaieh ui hall in. i ,. i
v aea aams, iu UmpatlooM
meaning v.r syaapatbetle," baa bsea
applliMl to Colonel Roosevi ll by Um
natlvi - "i South America
Jot g'tioyuskl, former prias tinhter.
received a beojusal u iin.i from
Jua Poo, a wealth) I'hlnaaa, whom lie
. . ... .
um p. ii leaded man) yi ura ago, and
oho .!' .1 .ii rin.
ii I....I. ii.... ... I.. ,,i. ... .,.. , , '. . .
J".' ". U, l IIII'I II UIK
I I iiiiii"iiii..iiiu. I, .i.ler ol the I
orowd ih. it Invaded Ni a art
chui. in i guilt) ei partlclpatlag u nu
unlawful aa lemMaga He .
leu, e,i to ons year In lbs penitentiary
.111,1 .1 till" ol -
Jo "ph Ang in. organlssr for the bj
taraalloaala, M lbs United Mine vYorh
i ih oi nieni.t. a.s aaatenosd to foar
v in prison at Vaaooavsr, h i .
foi bla pari la las Naualmo rlota,
Aiii,,i Partow, .iit.r :'t; years ol ne
arvlcs in , on in ctlon a lib Chris
ti.iu s, .line organisation, ball of
blob nine '.i" baa beaa maoagsr ol
lbs pommlttss on publlcattona, hi
me, i n vim aetlvt ,'ik on the commit'
MO ol hi own .ui ord and will now
be .u live In other Hum of PhWH
Price Slashing To The
Full Limit
These are our instructions from our Mr. Alex
ander in line with the Clothing War now be
ing waged in several of our neighboring cities.
In as much as all of our seven stores must of
necessity maintain equal prices to all
The Clothing War has Been Carried
Into Ontario
and we are preparing to meet and undersell
all comers. We are in the Clothing Business to
stay and our people will not be forced to other
communities to take the benefit of their scraps.
Watch the Price Slashing Watch The Fun
Right now at the Commencement of the Season.
Right before Easter when you will want your
new suit.
M-an'a JPr Varnmr Maud ITirvli
Grade Ruits I
at but a portion of their actual retail worth. All new
goods All of 1914 production AD well known standard
brands and makes. SALE PRICES
0 lor l3
50 C1Q65
for CUiwJ for
$ 1 1 .50 to $ 1 5 Suits $ 1 7.50 to 22.50 suits $25.00 to 30.00 suits
Not a few suits selected at random for sale purposes, but practically the
entire stock of Ontario's leading and largest Clothing Stock. A fit-A
variety of selection for every man, no matter how big or small.
100 dozen Mens Sample Shirts-Golf and Negligee, Soft and Military
Collars Bright new and Choice patterns.
Sale Prices-65c, 85c & $1.15
Full lines of New Spring Styles, Stetson and Astor Hats-Soft
silk hats and silk eaps--All at most popular prices.
Commencing Friday morning, April 3
One Price Clothier
Ontario, Oregon
tU I, III 1 "l lv