The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 7

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Should be purchased
from your home jew
eler who stands ready
at all times to make it
We have the late pat
terns and standard
makes to select from.
Official watch man for the railroads
of I In nection.
!"0 acre of choice land near Ontario
with water right; 48 acres in hijjh
state of cultivation; farm machin
ery, 4 head of horses, farm wagon
and hack; all for $6,00. Half cash,
balance on terms.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
'kfffiiflfoai iibffiSfc
A Good Bank
In a Good Country
We have several hundred Government Bulletins on
corn and hog growing, and on the selection of seed
corn. We will distribute these Bulletins free to all
who call for them, as long as the supply lasts.
Resources Over Half Million Dollars
A. L. COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM, Cashier
T. TURNRUIX, Vice President C. W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier
Old paper at th' Argui . . tll-.- J
centa per hundred. Jutt what you
need to line your cabins and Place
under tha carpet
A Complete Line of
llrifting $t&tummj
At the Argus Office
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Malthoid Roofings and all P & B Products
The MoHt Completo Line of Building Material. If you cannot Unci it anywhere else
coin' to us. HV have it.
Mr. Oeorge Fisher of this
place and Miss Leah Ibggs of
Middleton were married Mareli
20 Bt the lunne of the bride's
parents. They left Saturday for
Richfield Idaho where he will
take care of o ranch heloning to
his father Mr. (..runt Fisher.
FrieiuU here received word
that Mr. William lloel formerly
of this place but now of Big
Hole Wyoming has hud a stroke
of paralysis.
Allen Kinnison has gone to
Oregon where he has accepted a
position as overseer of an or
chard tract.
The High School entcrtain
nient given Friday evening at
the packing house was well at
tended and the ones taking part
acted their parts well.
The Mother's circle will have
their meeting in the M. F.
church this Friday afternoon,
Miss (irace Shepard state supcr
ni'leiit and Mill Fay Fowler
enmity superintendent and Miss
Oreo domestic science teacher
of Fayette will attend and in the
evening Miss Shepard and Miss
Fowler will speak at the parent's
ami teacher's meeting and will
then goto Fpworth Mall where
they will spend a social hour to
gether. Mr ('. II. Sargent is just com
pleting one of the finest barns
in this part of the country.
Miss (Jail White will go to
Albion about the 20th of April
to attend the Normal school at
that place
Mr Fred Alstrand has lot the
contract to Mi (JrOVtf Mctice
for a commodious house to be
built this spring on part of the
home place.
Mr. Ira Dalell has bought
the east ten acres of John Kicb's
Dr. Wright mode a flying
J trip to Vale Sunday.
Mr F. A. Stegner is on the
sick list this week.
Mr. Ben (Srover shipped a cor
of hogs from here last Friday.
They were loaded at Ontario and
sent to Forth. ml.
Mr O. K. Wilcox's new bun
galow is Hearing completion.
Mr (Jeoige Locker ami Miss
Alice Melcher were married
last Thursday, at Caldwell.
Their mony friends wish them
much happiness and success.
They will live near Ironsides
Oregon this Mimnier.
Rev. Deal attended the Dis
trict Conference at Mountain
Home last week also the state
prohibition rally at Boise Thur
sday and Friday.
The ball game Friday after
noon between Payette and Fruit
land High School teams resulted
in favor of the Fruitlund High
School to '2.
The men's Bible class of the
Methodist church pleasantly
surprised their teacher, H. F.
Robinson, last Wednesday even
ing win n they and their wives
met at his home to spend the
evening. There wore about 10
present. The teacher was pre
sented with a line rocking chair.
The evening was much enjoyed
by all present.
(Juito a number of men from
here attended the prohibition
convention at Boise lust week.
They report a very enthusiastic
and prolitablr meeting.
S. J. Keneppe has returned
from an extended visit in the
Several of Frank Thompson's
friends gave him a Hiipn-c
party Moody evening. Till O0
casiou being his birthday.
Mi Silvidge and family of
Sieainooat Colorado arrived last
week and visited a few days at
0. C Fowell home. They rented
H. F. Bowers house and moved
Monday Mr Selvidge will work
for Mi Dalell this summer.
Valuable Property to be Sold to The
Hiqhest Bidder at Sheriffs Sale.
Two Of the lit-st pii rei (it ImtmI in
M nlli. 'ii i count v. OrcKon, mr otf T
for km I.- at one o'olnok on the lth xy
nt April, 1914) at tliecouit lioue ra
Val, Of MOM) Ht shcrfilfN isle All
nttM'Mtei) In ii-ctirinu n tiarunln in Dm
hunts should lie present. One p'Mtl
of hind Ih In the ownership ofjMMM
M. Ulanton, and it part of his l;imou
riinoh. Itx dceorlption It:
The north went quarter of mctt.-
14. Towtmblp. IS loath, rHnp ttf
Willamette meridian, with one tiwn
dredthares of the capital (dork of thf
Nevada Ditoh company.
The other piece of land ll in Jhti
owiii'iHhip of Warren f, I aue ntnl
Henry M. li'i i and I dcicrittcd
as the:
Kapt half of the Routheait quarter
of Section 211, Townnhip 18 aontti..
Uriikc 47 eiwt. Willamette Meridian.
Malheur county. Oichoo, ( taioini
H(l mi. - more or Ice and with it.
18 Hharea of ttie capltul itoek of ti
Owyhee Ditch company.
For a further Iwcrlptlqn of thiw
laud addicua room 1 9 (irunhauni
Bid., HdIhc, Idaho.
if you want to locate near a town
that has a very bright future I
have 7n acres of the very choices
land, lias a nice slope to tin
east, a lirst-class water right,
oil acres in alfalfa, rest has been
in grain. Not having it all paid
for it leaves me unable In tak
care of that much land. I will
sell anywhere from ." to 7b acres.
My .iiee ranges from $160 per
acre up. About half cash ; good
terms on rest at B per cent in
terest. Fund exactly the same
adjoining has I n selling at
$800 to $800 per acre, so hero
is our chance if you want u
good tract of land; "' miles from
Ontario, Ore. near Malheur
Junction.! where car shops ami
round house will no doubt bu
built in the near future.
J. J. 1)1 ESS
lto 51 Ontario, Oregon
Paints and Finishes
for Your Home
If there is s shabby surface in your home to be
painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any
way, we have just what you need for producing the
exact finish desired in the line of
Let us show you colors for painting your house or
barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls,
ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby j
places look new and attractive.
COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY
PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells what Acme Quality Paint,
Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and
how it shmihl be put on. It not only enables you to tell your
painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy
for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do
not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would
not bother with Ask for a copy. IT'S FREE.
, m
IlIIITTrr ill 1 11)11 1 m ijfflll
Vs WiredtoirA f
sNll m TJl m 11 -
McBratney Hardware and Furniture Co.