The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 6

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1 1
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Tire Finder" Will Be Ued In Baker.
BftJraf, N'i'w iiu'IIwkIh of protection
from foWll fire daman1' planned by
tb- JiakiT County Forest Klro I'mteo
I association for the comltiK year
fin hide two "fire finders." The "flrn
finder" Ik BOD device to thin sec
tlon Jl will locate u forest fin' within
mdlm of approximately 10 miles. An
aWf-easim-nt Of 1 per cent per lie re oil
J; the land represented bf the mein
tOThlp will provide a fund of over
fSOM for H. i pnrpoRi'.
Boy In a "Brigand'" Cave.
Ito-.i iniir lion't you ft nenr there.
If you ilon'i want a bullet shot Into
y m, ' Wllford Simmons, BIB In. told
Constable Singleton when the offtOOf
expressed IiIm Inieiitlon to search a
cave nenr f'ottan drove which youtiK
Simmons confessed be and some other
tiuvs hud fit eel up like the home of a
lirlKiuid. ;md wblrb, he said, was
ituarded rotilliiniilly by an armed sen
(Inel State Water Law Hit By Court.
t,n Orande State InwH governing
tlie Matt water board ItiHofar na It
l.i hireK thai the board hatt power to
make wnler ippurloinint to certain
roiert, iluii Ik. water assigned to a
pBOlfM tract of laml for IrrlKnllon,
... iiHi'd perpeiinilly on that tract and
O other, have been declared nncon
Mutational liy I'lrcult .Indue Knowlcs
Child I Deserted.
St Helens Called to It deserted
litin near West HI Helens oil Tiles
lay morning. March 17, where (Jus
lli'gele had found a child evidently In
loatlonally deserted by Its parents,
Inputy Sheriff Lake kept the mailer
secret till last Friday, saying he had
clew he wished to run down.
Wife Murder Charge Preferred.
BCenc Charged with causing the
death of his wife In poImiii. udrew
II llosseu. ol Springfield Junction,
was arii'Mled on Hie county road us
ho was bringing his mother In law ami
lor daughter to Huge lie. anil be wus
lodged In Jail without bonds.
Pamphlet Prepared by Superintendent
Churchill to Go to All School.
Salem Pluj ami education, equip
fli'-nt. 1 I l OBOOl buildings, games
4ii , n inn i.ui i feailval md
atbletli no its ,nni athletic
I Id t .Hid oilier
I ins ol i. i . . . discuss
ii blel a lin h 'Mini null nd
toil i Ii.iii ill la distributor', among
it. . soul oi i lit- atate M
(lull's tl.. I . to ll Ml h lie' i llllllletl
bow lo i . wholesome giiiies and
Ii ii d wiled to such instead
O! h.ii , Ii 1 1.1 1 ,M slaiiiling ubollt
I i . huoln i uuada, in ii
ll. e slloi.i. I..' ;.ltlliK ll. ded . .;
It has I. ii IoiiiiiI that In many
Mellon Is ihe i, nl. lieu do not know how
0 play whole i,. games that weie"""' '""' ","' """ leuds
m.iMii ramra mma and thai manv of, 'l,llh M,l", "" ""' pTtoa for the
Hi.- teachers do not remember them
Well BOUgh t" I'. I'll til. 'Ill Tills lull
let in gu.". a large list ol gullies suit
nbie lor tin rarlMM gnMtaa, oarafull)
laaalflrd with inii dlrartloan how to
(ila.v each ggBM
Delegates Are Invited.
Saletll QoVernOT West has I e, ii
.i kid lii appolul delegates for Ol
I.. the second national eoafarvnee on
III. il'lo l.ii., and I. Hlii crw4IU to he In Id
III Chicago BOglBBlng iBftl M Mar
k.'ls ami credit In the various stales
mill he dlacuaaad with tin ottjaet of
i ti. in condltloua Paraotu dtalr
: ' he appointed di lagatea lo tBa
lereiic .ire Invited i" communicate
w ah t Ii. gov , i not
Fnjht on Sijti Promised.
ii 'd liivei k'rofeaaor n H .lack
tiiin. ol i -i' t In 'u agi i col-
procured the servlt ol I'm-
m i . r Hi formerl) Basal
it the Uepui tin. -in oi I .i the '
i.lilN . i n v ul Idaiio. .it M. C0W IB
',niiliii I h - . p.i luients w tli ihe m'B
problem thai is confront I - iha gioas
na oi ihe Hood River '
Milton Vote Bond.
Milton iiie uruyoaltiun to bond
i lii' iit lor I s.t'it.i tor Ih .ionslon
it Hie Intake ol the .i(. i syslaSB, to
lilti' I'Uie 'lt watei nut lei the de
valopiueiil oi i lif elect rli sistmi tor
Xlipiiii in k iow el I. i oi ot , ,
haul tracts outside the ,i limits,
was .allied It .leclloil. Hie
Otc ticiiu 190 to
Sljyer GU Prison Term.
Corvaill iinsi m.iui.i found
ajUll'v ot in. in lallKllter. ;' -. ntenced
to serve fro i one to 16 in the '
Orckon slat, prison
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our Stat
Idaho Dry Confident.
Ttolse Confident that they have al-
r'.i'ly won their victory In making
Idaho dry. 1001 delegates and antl-sa-
loon s.Mnpathi.ers closed a three day
statewide prohibition convention here
when an address was made hy I. N.
IfcNaahi president of the Spokane
The convention ndnptad resolutions
railing on the next Legislature not
only to pass a statewide prohibition
law but a constitutional amendment
to be submitted to the people for their
approval making Idaho permanently
dry; to support only those candidates
for the legislature who come out open
ly against the liquor traffic and audi
candidates for governor, lieutenant
governor and other offices who take
the same stand. The resolutions call
Upon all political parties to place In
their platforms a slate wide prohibi
tion plank.
Slid Halta Traffic.
Montour -With one landslide con
acrvatlvcly estimated at L'a.non yards
blocking the track with earth and rock
to a depth of from three to 20 feet
and carrying with it forest trees from
the mountain side, some of them as
large as .If! Inches In diameter, the
Idaho Northern hraiu h of the Oregon
Short Line Is again tied up and un
able to operate trains further than
Club to Help Keep Week.
I.ewlston. - The I.ewlston commer
cial club I cooperating with the Ida
1 ho state league of commercial hodles
to observe properly Home Industry
week, April II 19, In tarrying on the
work It was round that some of the
smaller commercial bodies have not
planned to take part in the celebration
!' .nise they said they had nothing In
their towna which could be exploited.
Gene Lay Horn Show Plana.
(ietiesee The management of the
Horse Show held u mceilng here, de
elded on a two days' show and differ
tit committees were appointed to look
utter the different affairs of Hint day.
One of the (futures of the diiy will be
a renl Indian war dunce The Ncj
peree tribe will have charge of this.
Pnxea Won at Oallaa, Tex.. Stimulate
Farmer to Plant.
I.ewlston Throe or t years ago
ll m generally believed com in
commercial quaotlttaa oomU not he
sjrowa m Idaho only wninu the last
two yi ars has UM com crop really
auioiinted lo anything. I he year past
thousand , ol aires were planted in
corn and the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and qiinlli
produced ahoara that idaiio is on. of
the i. lining corn stales ol Hie couillr.
If UU)olie were still unconvinced uf
the fuel that Idaho leads Ihe world as
a ram stale, the recent awards given
1 this state al Hie National lorn , posl
(lull al H.illas lev . would be snlti
clem to convince Ii 1 in Official re
ports of resiills there have been re
best ear ot corn and the Indian t ro
phy, worth lloiiti. for Ihe best leu
ears of corn exhibited The prues
are oliiclalh known as MMM sweep
iik. tor ihe hesi single and for
the hest ten ears
Idaho also won the gi.tml champion
ship ol Ihe wol Id on alslk. clOVI i
and se.-olid in the world In alt. ill. t iliinl in Hie world on red iIomi
seed and I. mi ih in ih. world on inn
Olli) seed
Judge Walters Will Retire.
Shoshone The announced luteii
linn of lintge Kdw nil Walters not
to seek auollier term on the bench of
the fourth disinii, but to resume
practice at the h.u atler the e,.n.i
lion of his pre-.. 'in term. .i eonttrin
ed b the judge himself. He expects
to remain in Idaho
Justice Stewart Is Bet..-r.
I'oeur d letie I lie condition of
Justice lleorge St. 'wait of the supreme
court, who suit, red a partial paralwie
stroke, is bclicxed lo be somewhat bet
ter, Inn lie is at ill considered m a ore
carious condition Ills mental facul
lies apparent l are less cloudy than
they were hut Ills local poncis show
no iinpioieiiient
Bull Moo Meet at Twin Fall.
Twin Falls The progressive conn
Ii ..utral committee decided on a full
Hal and county ticket this fall. Urged
reilii. noil in tales and ad ocalc.l
state w ide prohibition
Form Corn and Pig Cluba.
Kinnieli The bo of I- niniet t hni a
organised i corn alufe ot i atagaBan
A piK dull haa also hcen orKanlsed
with '. ! member These cluba will
OBaBtHB to IBJ prues oftcred by Ih '
tale aulhoi idea.
Haa Forty Representative There,
While Yale Ha Only Ten.
Cambridge. Mans. Harvard univer
sity takes nil the honors In representa
tion In the Sixty third enngreis, with
ale running n poor second and Prince
ton In third place. There are seven
teen graduates of Harvard In the
house of representatives, mnny of
whom are from Massachusetts, and
there ate (went v three Harvard nluninl
I i,. ha senate
The total Harvard representation la
' forty. Vale, which Is runner up In the
collegiate political eompetltlnn. has a
! total Bf ten. with live alumni In the
House and live in tin- seiinie i-nncc-ton.
with a graduate In the chief mag
istrate's cbalfi Ims two graduates In
the house and two In the senate.
Extermination I Atked by a Gum
Protective Aociation.
Tacoina. Wash.- The domestic cat Is
doomed If the recommendations adopt
ed by the fierce county brunch of the
Washington State (lame Protective
and Propagation association, at Its nn
nual meeting at the Tacoma hotel. Is
ndoptcd liy the Pierce county game
War on Jnbbv was declared because
she has turned out to be an enemy of
game ond a destroyer of wild life.
The association requests the commis
sion to offer a small liounty for eucb
domestic cat killed to further extermi
nation. Mule Footed Hog 811 High.
South Hostoti. Vb. E. B. Craddock
of Chester Springs. Vn., tins been rais
ing mule footed bogs In quantities for
four years He sells them for a big
price. They are said to be Immune
from cholera, but this Is disputed.
Physicians Failed To Help Mrs.
Green, But She Finally Found
Relief In Cardui.
Meetie. Va. Mr. J. C. Oreen of thla
place, aaya: "I suffered with womanly
1 1 mililes so that I could hardly sit up
Two of the host doctors In our town
treated me, and I tried different in. ill
clnea, until 1 gave up all hope of aver
J- Him- Well.
One dny, I decided to try aome Car
dui. It dbl bo much for me that I
ordered some more, and It cured me!
Today, I fed aa well aa I ever did In
my life.
The pains and the trouble are all
po'ie. I feel like another ternon In
i . -ry wa '. I wlah every sufferer could what Cardui will do for alck
A few doses of Cardui at the right
time, will save many n big doctor bill,
by preventing serious sickness.
It tones up the nervous system, and
h. Ins make pale cheeks fresh and rosv.
Thousands of weak women have been
restored to health and happiness by
Ui lag Cardui Stnqiose yon trv It.
It may bo Just the medicine you need.
N n HMh In i hB ajvimwv nit . Chan
r i M4i. m .i , In" n'... nn . Ii r ftp ill
'mi' jrJ64 pii;r h.k. "Homr TiMUMSl
hr wuoitn," Mill in pUin - u'vri. on iciul.
Meals 25 cents and up.
Kvorythiny: the best the
market att'ords.
Wong Ton, Proprietor
Urayaga orders taken at Moure
Id I. i .loliu l.Miiiiinglmiii, residence
l'liolie 4'J1
Irdin Service.
West bound.
No. 17 Oregon Wash Ltd J .17 a m
No. TS lliititington 1'ass S.4I a m
No. I i'Mst Mail 0:15 p BJ
No 77 lluntingl.iii I'sss 0:33 pm
No. D tregou Wash K press ii :."il) p m
I.K.-t t'olill.i
No. IS Oregon Wash Ltd
No. 7ti llolse passenger
No. 10 I ast Mail
ill a ui
8 ill a in
11:11 p in
No. Tl Hoist- passenger
1:50 pm
j0i ,; Oregon Wash I press 0 II p m
Malheur Valley branch
The Vale tram Irarea Vale daily at
- a. in arriving in Ontario at I 10.
lictiiruinu will leave except Sumiay,
at l"a B. , Bftlf tug at Vale at 10 idO,
lesvii'K lor Urouau at 10:50, arrir
iiik' there 11 .'i'.1, returning will leave
llrouaii at It 30. uirive at Vale 1 :30.
Leave Vai- at , arriving ut Ou
tarlo at 8:00i and return to 'alc
at p. in. On Sunday the traiu will
come to Ontario iu the uioruiug aud
returu at 7 p. m . makiui ttie run to
ii. nil. .isle on that day instead ot
We tin - In.
The Juutura train will leave Onta
rio Monday. Wednesday and Saturday
at . a. in . renin ui' at o p. in
re - cnl0 - .Uinluia at IttOI aud leav
IDg at 1 p. in.
Dr. W. G Howe
No. 732
First National
Hank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilcon Block.
I)K. D. c. BRETT
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Room 1-2-3 First Nafl Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Dn Hahiukt Skak
Hit. I'AI-I.INK Si ill.
(iraduatea American Hcliool of Os
teopathy. Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. b Blk.
Office In I. O. 0. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. - . . Oregon
Will Practice in all Court
Notary Public, office over Potolllce
W. H (Veil, Ontario.
Ben llrow-n, Yale.
C C. Morton. Old's Ferry.
N. O. White, Weiser Bridge,
J. E. Holly, Riverview
A lie Hennv. .1. .i.lan Valle
Joe Hankoiier, McDermitt
J. Moid. i;. Nysaa
W 11 McWillianiH Jnntura
Win Kine, Harper
(iniiliiiitc ui Miftfouri Auction
Si-liuol. riunie or write for
I'll i hi i- Jin ti 1 Ontario, Ore.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Order.
Sunday School- 10 A M
Preaching Service 11 A M
Junior League '. P M
Kpworlli League 0 :) P M
PreactiniK Bmlsa) Tllfl P M
Thomas J untie. PASTOR.
( iiiiiirrqiiiiondl Church Notice
Suuday Services,
Sunday School 10 a BJ
1'reaehiug Serviues Ham
V K Meeting 7pm
Preach lug Services 8pm
Midweek Lectures every We.iueaday
eveniug 8 o'clock
Pbiilp Koeuig, Pastor.
Mass at 8 A M on 1st and 8rd Sunday
of each month. On all other Sunday
at 10 A M.
H. A. Caiupo, Rector
Rev Rob't J. Davidson D D Pas
tor. Sarvieee at 11 :00 a m and 7 :30
p oi Sabtath school at 10:00 a m
Kvt . ' sturditi
Man hool - 10:30 a Ul
Ui Ktuay I1:S0 a m
Vouug people. meeting l;30 pui
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
loidl Market Report.
Corrected Fab. 1 5, (or the benefit
of Argus reader by the Malheur Mer
oantile Company.
Egg, per doxen. 15o.
butter, per pound, 25o.
Oats, per hundred. 11.50
Wheat, per hundred, $1.75.
Hay, per ton, $8.
Potatoes, per hundred, 1.00
Onion, per hundred, 12.00.
Apple, per box, 11. 00. to 11.50
Chickens, dieaaed, per pound, 18c
Pork, dressed, 81, to e-'.c
Pork, live, 6. JO to 7
Veal, i v
Beet, lie to l'io
E" :M.
CloseTfcHi rDoor on the
. L !
I liMBFflBy am. X, Viiim
CURRENCY in the pocket DEPRECIATES. In the bank it EZ
PANDS. A penon with a $100 check in his pocket likely will r
all day without cashing it. With a similar amount of currency
there is a tendency to SPEND A LITTLE. The check remains intact
lo it ii with a bank account. A person likes to KEEP IT INTACT.
The Ontario National Bank
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
1 ake your next order of A ,, (GR
Butter Wrappers to the AfgUS UiilCe
Electrie Equipment--Indian Motorcycles
and supplies
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor k Williams
Straight Yellow Stone WHIskty the BEST
FOR SALE in quantitiea from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brand, bv
L d II IIK. Wholesaler