Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS President Willson might re port that the man who wrote the platform lias changed his mind ahout the canal toils. Kev. J. S. Calvin of Nampa, l'reshyterial Huperintendant of Missions will occupy the United Presbyterian church pulpit next Habhath morning and evening Come and hear him. Mo Hratney can save you money on mattresses, springs and Iron Beds. (.Jet his prices and prove this. Mrs Arthur Moody was down from Vale this week visiting i with her mother, Mrs. A. A Hrown. E- M. Brown, leader of the Ontario Concert orchestra arriv ed from Payette Lakes, ho re ports cold weather there, and the season not opened yet. Inspector Witherspoon sug gested that paint with a small percentage of arsenic on the trees, will stop the rabhits and mice from harking them. Judge i. L King was called 4o Vale Monday to look ufler legal matters. Floyd Huger was down from Cambridge over Sunday. Ho re ports the propcets for business in that section as very good. Mrs W. W. Wood is visiting with frinds ut Canyon City. Walter (llenn has returned from Klko where he has been lookingafter Nome cattle for the P. L. 8. Co , during the feeding season. Mrs Bray, of Oakland, Cal., is visiting with her sister, Mrs Ed llnlery. The ladies auxilliary to the Commercial Club met and or ganized by eleclirgMrs (ilcnn as president and Mrs Morton as secretary. They will meet on Saturday at I p. in. WE1SER TEAM PLAYS HERE ON SUNDAY NEX1 The baseball men have not heard anything further from the Helena team about coining la-re to practice. There will he a game at the grounds here on Sunday with the WtitW team. The Ontario team this year is computed of experienced ball players and all they Mtd ll team work to get them in shape. How to Detect the Alum Baking Powder "Which are the alum baking powders; how can 1 avoid them unless they are named? asks a housekeeper. Here is one way : take the can of a low priced powder m your hand and read the ingredient clause upon the back label. The law requires that if the powder contains alum that fact must be there stated. If you find one of the ingredients named alum, or sul phate of aluminum, you have found an alum baking powder. There is another and a better way. You don't have to know the names of the alum powders. Use Royal Baking Powder only; that assures you a cream of tartar powder, and the purest and most healthful baking powder beyond question. LOCAL NEWS The registration books are open Saturday evenings. On Saturday next the compo site irrigation committee will meet in the Commercial Club rooms here. Miss Webb, who has been vis iting with Mrs Walker for some time, left for Boise on Saturday, where she will attend business college. Mrs Johns is home from Wallowa county, where she was visiting with her (laughter. Bicycle tires in stock at all time at Me Brntuoy's Hardware o ml furniture store. Mrs dimming is in Boise this week visiting with her daug hter. Mis Wells, of Boise, was the guest of Dr and Mrs A. (i. Moore this week, with the two boys. William Simons, of the Alex ander Company, with headquar ters in Boise, was calling on the local agency this week. There were two car loads of hogs shipped to Portland Friday. John Kigby, of the Vale Enter prise, was calling on the Ontario business men Monday. Thos. Davidson, the oil man, was down from Vale Mondav on oil business. An Easter sale of home cook ed food is being arranged by tile ladies of the Episcopal Guild for Saturday April 11 tl: at 11 A. M. It the If, If, Co. store The Ladies Aid ami JTOODf people at the Cougregatioual church, will give a feast of seven tallies on Sat April 4, from f to S:U0. Every one cordially in vited.W iitch for the pluce. fc Hi .it m-y is now moving his Hardware store to his furni ture store and will in future convev both stocks together. T. II. Waale, the pioneer bee man ii N.iuipa, was lieru Mon day looking for some bee pas tuie. Ben Brown has sufficiently recovered from his recent oper ation to be around. L. J. Hadly, the Vale capita list, was lure Monday on husi J. B Biglow ami Art King have lieen appointed riders for the Owyhee ditch, for tliis sea sou. Water has been turned into the Owyhee ditch. LOCAL NEWS The hoys and girls of th.i High School celebrated loud sox day on the 1st, and some of them were certainly loud. Palmer Trow, youngest Hon of Mayor Trow, is down with an attack of spotted fever. He seems to be getting along all right. Mrs Taggart, of Vale, mother of I). Mi Taggart, of the Ontarie Hardware Company, was opera ted on ut the hospital Monday and is doing fine. Mr and Mrs A. F. Toiiningsen came in from the sheep ranch at Westfall Monday. Mr Tonn ingseu is suffering from an attack of lumhngo. He reports that the sheep are all on the range and that the iamb crop was a good one and the weather fine, so there was no loss. Mr and Mrs A. L. Coekriim have gone to Kanas City and other eastern points. Mr Cock rum will be gone a couple of weeks and Mrs Cockrum will he away some five or six weeks, visiting in Oklahoma. John Peed was around with his ammunition and guns this week. Joint is laying on flesh and gives as an excuse that he int smoking. Judge McKuiglil was down -it in Vale on Monday, holding a session of court. The state re ports that tiie institutions for wayward girls are full ami the utitiiorities are at a loss to tind a place for the girls' hut there is plenty of room for the hoys. Lloyd M. Simons, of Boise, was here this week visiting with his futher Ad. Simons, of the Alexander Company. Mr ami Mrs Kalph Eckharilt, of Boise, have been here this week visiting with friends and looking after business matters. The Ontario post office re ceipts for the year ending March lift are the largest in the his tory of the office, running ahout nine thousand dollar The year's gain was about ten per cent. The Hotel Moore will continue to serve Table de Hole 1 1 n m-1 -Sunday evenings from 6(10 to 8. Dinner 75 cents. To Make Your ll.iii More Beautiful- To ivr your liuir tbat ((loan Mini limiir and wavy ellky eutti r.-.-, u- llmilimy Hull li-uiit itit-i It take. uttuy the dull dead leiolt of tin- ban, mil inuki-M it luiylil turua it,.- rtl IUk'Im. -- Into f luttllifi-i own-inure iii.- oily SJeVoM an. I leavaa a nmi, true i'ii-m ii.iirani't- uiakea tlie ti.oi euait-r tn put iii nt-atlv eud eaaler to k-ci' Iu i'lai-n. It ia juat exactly wli.it it ia iiaiiii-.i h liau ticuiii it ii i , aud whether your bun la uuly un or beautiful, it will improve it appeal j .met- You'll be dellubtetl with tin re. II Its. Siuiplv epiuikle a little on your ban- i-acb tune bettire brusdnv it Contalna uo oil; will not ubaiiM) tt.e oolor of bair, nor darkeu uruy tian To keep your buir aud acalp daudruft free aud dean, uae tJarniouy Sbauipou. llii pure, li'iuitl abaiupuo ia uioat t'oiiieuii-iit io uae, becauae it Kivea uu laataiitanaoii riob. foauiiutf latber tbat immediately penetratea to every part of bair and acolp, iiiauring quick, tboiouub cltaoilDK. VYaabed otf juat aa iu ickl v. tbe entire oper atiuu take mil a few uioDieuta. Cunt. i in. nothing toat can baiui the bair; leuvt. no l.urablieaa or .lick uM jiiil n ft MMlttM ceauli neai. Bntb re jatioua come iu odd liai i- I. vi-m ornaineiital bottlM, witb f i rina er t.. Iluunouy Hair t.i ai.t i; ier. J,W Haruiouy Sbauj poo. 5Ue liotb iiuurauteed to aatlafy you in awiy way, or your iimun back S' I ouly at the more than TO, 00 K.all titorea, aud in tbia 0l only by ua. Outerio Pbarujcy- On tarlo, Oit-gou LOCAL NEWS Reward and no questions asked of the person who will return three rings and a mans watch chain taken from the lodge homestead in Henry Oulch, three mile? north of the A ndei soot i wiiiu sheep ranch. One ring was a Marquise one of small turquoises and pearls one a single turquoise, ami a light blue sapphire iu Tiffany setting. Heirlooms. Watch chain thin gold with several long links of platinum. Mc Bratticy the hardware dealer has two Domo Cream i seperators worth "". 00 which he will sell for SiOM each,' These he will guarantee to do first class work. Three Iota for sale 2 blocks writ of poatofhYe at a bargalo. Inquire at Argue ntfloe. Order your Easter suit toda from ('ope i Dutinuck. Have you registered at the city hall? Tell your neighbors about our big club offer. They surely would like to get the Argus and four magazines, all one year, for only 11.18. There are a good many people who think that since J rape Juice diplomacy lias failed to bring about peace in Mexico, it is time to trv grape shot. The dances conducted by the Ontario Orchestra at Moore Hall Saturday evenings continue to draw large crowds, the iiian agement will commence the dance at N-.'l0 with music bv the entire orchestra, to enable every body to dance. Free C OR ONE WEEK BEGINNING JT Saturday, April 4th., we will give with every cash purchase amounting to 50c a package of Easter Egg Dyes. We have Easter Rabbits, Chickens and Kewpies for the little folks. Easter Cards and tokens of remembrance for your Friends, and a full line of Den nison's decorations for your entertain ments. While they Last, a pound box of Easter Chocolates and a Kewpie Doll for 65c. THE ONTARIO PHARMACY Opening Days April I Oth. and Nth Millinery & Art Store We beg to announce that on Friday and Saturday, April 10th and 11th, we will be prepared to show a complete line of Art Goods and advanced styles in summer millinery; also imported and hand made neckwear. You are most cordially invited to call and inspect our line Mrs. Clara ilarrell. Hiss Georgia Hull Ontario, Oregon Oppoflite pont office Blue Stem Seed Wheat The best in the country. Also White Dent Seed Corn Raised on dry land. For Sale by H. J. Russell Phone 81 Easter The Rexall Store WcJHer, Idaho Dyes