The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 4

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If you are looking for the
very latest and best do not
fail to call on us. We are
qualified to take care of
the trade in quality, price
and delivery.
Mrs. M. C. Letson
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how Ionic it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything you
cannot nll'ord to be without :i Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
It conquers distance at lowest cost
Think of it thouiandl of Ford own
ers srs trsvoling for Ism than two
cents smile. The Ford lias given
the freedom of i!u- "open read U)
the man of moderate Income.
1'ive hiiinlrii! - lv nllM ilt'lltil l Um 't"ii-.
of thr I'lini runabout i Um touriwj earlaaia
in i -i - ii . Um town mi tight nineteea
f. i. ) Obtarto, eratpettt arita equtpa&tnt.
t eataloa and particular! frota
Ford Garage
Katartnl la tin poatofltoe at Ontai lo
Peatym, "' tnuynniaatua throoaath
U.HllH Hi. -i-iniiil ilani I.-r
M. K. BAIN, l'ullih.T.
Idaho : .'in ; to trj an n
i ii mum uritli one buudred
conviota in trying to reclaim
.tttui ;u ret u( la mis in the Ut ui
dietric. Pitta ill iun be betted
tlinii keeping them In the pen
with out anything to do.
t lei uiaiiv .- export trade has
wore than doubled during he
I net ten yean end they en oa
trying to iuoreeee it .-nil ore.
At ureeent they have a populn
tion of tixty million, a ith en
ana oi about the j a oi i 'alitor
ma, and bopt to have eighty
million in a lew years. I u the
Uuited faUalea the government
..- doing every thiug it oau to da
i i eatc in. toreigu irttut) ami
place the laiineis and cattle
raieeri at the tneroy ol the for.
eigu pi oil in era. n itli auoh
mill J it l no uondt i that busi (
- i- uu uly ed.
At mi aid to Orason larmen
who are beeoining more and
mo: ( Interacted in bog raiting,
the Agricultural Dapartinenl at
v aahingtou Ii tending out a
number ol iuttructive bulletins,
"i 1 1 1 1-1 the following ia par
tial li-i No. 879, Hog Cholen :
No. '' Feeding Kami Animalt;
tr05, lig Management; 889,Ab
falfa; S78, s,.v Beam I '-'. I'til
i ttion ol Logged OH Landa;
SAO, Dehorn i ug rattle. 272,
. Huoceaaful Hog aud8eed l)orn
I'arin 272, ttoye1 Pig clubs
Auy farmer who deeiree any o
all oi theee bulletins may obtain
aanie nee oi charge by writing
to any of the Oregon repreeeuU
Uvea or aenalort at Washington,
Many oi theee oau be obtained
at the First National Hank
Under a recent ruling of the
I tal authoritiee, faun and gar
den produce may he thippod
1 i t from produoer to conaum
er when properly paoked for
tbipment, Thia proviaion alao
iueludea farm and garden ituplr
menta, cattiugt, parte ol mach
inery, etc Tins should be of
b in-fit to farmert within eay
reach oi town offering au outlet
for fruit, vegetables, eggs, poul
try and butter.
For Sheriff.
To the voters of Malheur countv
I will be a cundidate for tin
nomination for sheriff of th it
county on the Republican ticket
subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election
to be held on May 16, 1914.
H. ft McNee.
A Bargain In Lumber.
Wo have a lot of Ixil Common
Pine, Dressed and Matched,
This it exceptional good grade,
just the thing for sub-floors,
lineing cold storage building
aud graincries, we want the
room and will close this out at
$16f00paf spot cash. It will pay
you to look at this bargain. We,
cannot hold this Lumber for
anyone. Come early.
Kiupire Lumber Co.
Miss Marie Finney went to
Hoisc this morning.
Misses Qrey. Stoddard, Austin
ami Kroessin were passengers
to Hoisc on Saturday last.
John Goings, who formerly
lived here, but who has been in
Missouri for some time, was
around this week shaking hands
with his many friends here.
.fudge McKnight was here
Wednesday to meet Ifn afc
Knight when she lelurmd from
Portland- where she lias been
for some time.
The Naatene Church litis
Oeen moved to the bulldiug l"i
morly occupied by the Library.
Locktt Oriffin is here lookiip;
after the business of the Stand
ard Oil Company. Tiny hae
jilaeetl a learn on the delivery
and the business will keep one
nan going.
John Ward, employed in the
rail road work near Juntura,
fell from a ear Ifondav and ij
brought to the hospital In-- ;
An examination was wade and ,
it was found that bit book was
bi oken, and the n in wai pa i
d from the riba down His
rolativea Ilea in Ireland and he
h is no friends bare. Me eaun t
i arrive long.
The lice que.tion i quickly
settled it you dust you lowl with
Conkey's Lice Powder
It's fe, quick ind Mirel
Save your poultry protit$ because it
Kills the Lice
Doesn't Harm Chickens
Pnc2Scrm 1 rmr. .ml JIIIO
For fix milr. thjr hiilr in Ih. rrrk. hy
d.y wxl pr., on rflalirfu .1 nigm, priy
your poultry how. wuh
Conkry'?. Lice Liquid
QMM hrm out thnmoyhly QaSH t
rent hjH gallon fit .mis Rillon ?l m
For the drxflv head knit hvt
F.nVtiivf and dorw't hjrm (htk N
and 2 cent Monrv bark if thcM
pfep-jratum do nt umf
The C. t CeaaVer C. ( U.ataiU. Otw
Everhart Drug Co.
Ontario, Oregon.
Mr and Mrs Rogers have
moved to Homedale, where Mr.
Bogefl Will have charge of tbe
warehouse for the J. R Hlack
aby Mereantile Co.
For sale Canning out fit con--i
t i nu I tent, stove, dishes,
betiding, etc. Rest cash offer
wkaa it. R J. Joona. at Mrs A.
Suits niMtle strictly to ortler
for you as cheap orcheaper than
ordinary readv made. Cope iV:
Always on the Job
If you liwve a Job uf haul lug j-oa
wMii t 1 1 .-. lot um or in-ill, you run .1. .!.. I oil JobU I ..iinliiiKl iitu
Im-imh i . h . I for you. Cull him at the
M ' Hntl.
The Reason Fewer
People Tdke "Salts. '
We find the uic of ult and other
tiarth aaytlc in I.. I-. mum Ioi-h evtry
faai baeaaat ttove mid pact la
are uwii'K I. x ii i i.,i. 1 1 1. -i. niin-ii we
wad llwy firmly tli In It the
heal i. ufi ii a ! atav ii i XaMj
iii-ii- ta iinii'h like ciintiy that even
the I.- l: lien like them. At tha
Hiiit tuiirt they nut ao "Hal I v utnl
unity tlmt there la no iuimu at
I'hIii. 'I hey protni'tly remove tha
aoaetlatalaa aad. by aoothtua aad
ttiaaaibaalaa tbe i . . -. . -1 . muke it
U-rr liable to o cur Huain. We baft
tli- iitiin nt irtith in tin-in. We know
hat tl.ey ure mude of aatl Ike
I'leaie-it. lietiefieiul reattlta that
uUi..i. felloe ihi'ii- ute
Veil iiPftln't take our aiortt for it
if Kaaall Orderltet doa't aala ra
it lh t ilon't etitii-elv ii'lietu all ur
. . uel triiiililtN i'iiiiih I nek ami till
muni, we'll uive baek your money
It teat i ooket tin baa t"c lie, lot
Veil can liny He Mill Orderllei only
nt Tha in Mill Stnrea, ami In thia
tm. a uul) i ti Ontario l'harmaey,
Ontario, nirtnn.
Distinctive Style
Shoes of distinction appeal to
every woman of exclusive taste
Cur tfhees
arc distinctive. Their Graceful lines of
style and luxurious quality place them
h mli in the favor of discerning fashion
able women.
The smart well-fitting Pumps, Col
onials and Oxfords that we are showing,
in many different leathers and combin
ations, will appeal to you.
And we can fit you well.
Newton Shoe Store
lor Sale, Trade or Kent 42
aerea, improved, six Tjiles from
Vci8er. Good terms Call or
address Argus.
Ymi can get four spleiulul
magazines, inn year for IN rents
txtra by renewing your sub
cripiion to the Argus.
Lathes ami gents clothing
cleaned in a thorough and
workmanlike manner atreaaoa.
able price bv Cope A' Dunnuok.
Louis Hurtle is prepared .to
barpen voui shears for ten
cents a. id n'lu.iute et satisfue-j
for Sale.
Seed I'otatoet-Karley (Queen's
extra early Netted Oem'a from
acre which broke the American
record yiehl in I'd HI, 753 bu.,
ol lbs, also winning first pri.e
at State Seed conventiou at
1'acatello. Seed corn tioldcn
.Jewell, a PO-tlay yellow tlent,
fully acclimuted, which aoii
Idaho one acre yield. Write or
phone, W. 13. liilmore, 1'ayeite,
(in to the eity hall today ami
register while the registering is
er a
eaawa iwaaa fc-au- i i we bb awa
Special Spring and
Easter Showing
April 3 to 11
Every express is bringing in New Suits,
Coats and Dresses from New York for this
Easter Showing.
('harming New Millinery in (Ireat Variety Just arriving
You will see at this showing the new
Flaring Hats in such harmony with the New
Bluffant modes in apparel that are so capti
vating in their beauty as to win immediate
Showing The Newest Walking Skirts
and waists. Kverv one we show brings a Q6W customer
Charming New Pump Footwear
and Colonials for dress wear
There is ease in knowing that the style
of your shoe is correct. You will know this
if you make your selection from our Easter
Department Store