TRY NEW LIFE DEMONSTRA ION- FREE TREATMENT TO ALL SUFFERERS. WHAT HAS SOLD 432 MACHINES FROM THE BOISE OFEICE.---RESUETS RHEUMATISM, MOST PAINFUL OF DISEASES YIELDS TO a) jtmMSk. ii - u This Marvelous New Discovery of Science Ought to Be in Every Home For the Relief of Pain Head flir following (. itlmnnlal n a remarkable run- I.. one ,,f 11 tfitiiiiiirN I'l "III III. Ill hllllllPHH MlPllt --- w (Iropti lllver, Wyo, .limp ur., 1912 Hnmlltoti-lleacii Bah (jo.( dentlemcn: Some ten years ago ono of our cltl 7.CHH. Henry Stein, a mining man, was IpadPd In a mine II. nerves and nms - cles became narulvzed. leaving him ah aolutely helpless and unable to wait (ion hltnielf In any manner. His peach win Impaired, being under stood only by thorn- moat familiar with him; hla body twltrhed and ahooK from to foot rontlnually. Thouaands of dollars had been spent consulting socialists and prom Jnent physicians In ' Chleavtm. St. Louis, Denver and Salt Lake City. These noted gcntlyinc-ii diffpred as to the nature of the real disease. us no such case had vet been known to them. After belu.i treated for weeks, fir nmn ths. as the case might be, he would be informed that his case waa hopeless This spring he was once more pre vailed upon to try a sptfclaltst In Salt Ijike City, but he returned home after having apent five weeks In that city, and bis case was given up as hopeless and Incurable. A few daya after hla return a dem onstrator of your "TRY-NBW-UFK" machine took up the caso of the now hopeless man. and the result, after only five week's treatment (consisting of two treatments a day) la marvelous and almost unliellevalile Ills speech has Improved ami he can walk half a block, can use his arms, hands and limbs, wears ahoes and the twitching For Sheriff. To tlio voters of Malheur county : I will he it cuiuinlntc tor the iiuiiiiiiiitiiui for .sheriff of this! , ,, , ,. . , countv on the Htiitililiinii ticket, Huhject to the decision of the 1 voters at the primary election ' to he held ou May IS, 11)14. Hubert Odell. Vtr ('iiiint iiinnitssimit-i-. I I hereby announce myself a -candidate for the olliieof county commissioner for Malheur coun ty, Oregon, subject to the ap proval of the Republican elec tors of said county at the pri mary election to be held May 1"., ii14. Melville D. Kelley. For Joint Representative. J hereby announce myself a candidate for joint representa tive for Harney and Malheur counties, subject to the wishes of the Republican electors at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. Frank Davey. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the otlice of county treasurer for Malheur county, Oregon, subject to the approval of the Repuhlican elec tors at the primary election to be held May,, 1914. J. Ralph Weaver. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff of Malheur county, Oregon, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of the county at the Pri mary election to be held May 15, 1914. If elected as sheriff I will en- " " '"uuuuniwuuwui 1 i ; - r-TTn c mrall and Curing Ills. Is gradually growing less; In fart un loss ovclteH I. ....,.l., .... - I ., id kxiiii-i; J'CI ccpillllf lining wpII known, hln cine Ih bclns watrhpd by many with Interest, and till- CHIP Of tlllH h.llflllM (IIHP.'IKP Will lip due to your "THY XKW-I.H.T.V - iiiarhliie. which wo saws .rUi."o ,!,, hlKhly. 1 Foe Una that wn will . ;,i.i h. vise von nf a cnmtitntn I- short time, we are, (Signed) Very truly, (HAS I. YOINO, Ileal Kstatp, ROUT. I) .SMITH. ItPal Kstatp. I. O. ('HKISTKNSKN. Merchant. J. 8. LOGAN, Confectioner, UM. C. LA ROB. Constable. Hnmllton-lleach Sales Co- Uentlcmen: Since sending you n statement 4 my Improved condition a few weeks :,.-,. ulll In ilnln n.v i-nnv..-e la u.n ((H1 ,,, .,,.uollH ,, , ,,,. t() ,,,i ... i,u . , ,., ,...,., .1..,- (the flr ,n ten yaari,) Such a blessing to mankind as w m, ,n" wnolP uom TRY NKW-UKK" islioiild be noted Inflammatory iheumatlsm la per- In every city In the I'tilted States. haps the most lalntul malady known Not beliiK able to wait upon myself to mankind It la caused by parti- In any manner for ten years, and In clea of uric ac'd which are deposited two mouths of treatment with TRY- iy the blood tu the tissues of nerve NHW-LIKK" being able not only to and muscle, unally near a Joint do all these, but to attend to business seams Incredible aa hundreds of clt Ixens of ohr city will testify Wishing un success In your great work, lam very truly yours, (Si ned) HKNKY STBIN The above is an example of soma of the many testimonials which tbo Hamilton ll .0 ii Sales compuny havo 1 on their flea. I force the luws in ull cnaes utiil I eixleuvor to ujipreheud crim- inuls of whatfloever churucter mill I sll.ll! COllllui-t IlllhlllC'SS UK ,, :,.. ecoiiomii ally us is eonttlMDl ... ... . J. A. Wroton. iAiippirirn tmfCDTIOCUCUTO bLHOdlllLU HUlLnMOmLll 10 Pnul AilvrltlKRK'llla I Money to gated farms. loan improved in W. II. Uoollttle Co Lots for Sale ii in Uiversidd addition, near sub station. In quire at Argus. Hay delivered in Ontario at (8.75 per ton. (Jail Fruitlaud livery. Phone 1021. H00 buys ItiO acres, 35 with good water right and in cultiva tion. Inquire Rex Marquise, Ontario, Oregon. Money Wanted 1250 River side residence, insured for $1500, box 412, Outario. Wanted Improved small tract with buildings aud fruit, on lease. Address box IM with particulars. Waute'd tJirl for general housework. Hood wages. Apply at Rader's residence or phone 30- J. The biggest bargain we have ever offered our subscribers is the Argus aud four maga.iiies, all one year, for only $1.18. For Rent Two room house, two blocks north of school house. Rhone 20-K-3. 40 acre desert claim for sale 24 acres cleared, under ditch survey, price $50 for reliuquish- j, t r nient. Address box i 4, Ontario 1 "THV.nV.I.IrE" Is the latest discovery of science for the teller of pain, (lie curt of sickness, ami the n i i.i:m and strengthening of the hodv which for any rp""" ' w'nk and nlllng Doct- ' ,IB rccK'p$ thin truth, and nap I .'Try"New-Llro" '" t"pr private nrat- ,. I Vce A" "MMg Banltarlums are us- lug and recommindna It (for their patients. No matter In what respect the bodv Is allltiK acute disease o rmerely gen eral weakness and lack of vigor and vitality, "Try-New-Life will work wonders. It ants directly on the cir culation, kncac'lrvKi and messaging the musclea and causing a freer flow of iife-Klvlng lnood to thpm; soothing ""' tlnd nn'1 aching nerves; stimu lalitIK tllC JiilHUt .otfllllM to ,lo til. Or' work well; giving the skin a warmth and glow of life In it.uul of ih.. ,l,.m. ' nuness of disease, and putting new !.. IL. I The irritation causes congestion, tbo beicd vessel become clouxod and en gorged, and this in turn causes more it r. intern of the nerves and morfe pain. Little short of miraculous aeenis lite effect jf Trv New-Life" in the use of Its .ipiniculion. The piln die.c uway, the ntivet are calmed, the Ib'ood vessels are stimulated to carry UNCLE SAM'S MEN EASY FOR SHARKS ., , wunev Lenacrs near uao iidi m 1 Charge Excessive Interest. CLERKS ARE EXTRAVAGANT. Aggrsgata Loans Estimated at $500, 000, and tha Average Interest 150 Par Cant, or $750,000 Law of Con grssa . Evaded by Monty Lcndsrs Moving Across Potomac to Virginia. Washington. -or ail the shady in terests which are carried on by ov em inent employees in every department the "loan shark" evil Is suld to be the Worst- For years department beads and bureau chlcl liuu- failed to ntanip out Hie class of men who carry on the business among their MMBCaStM f lending small mi ion at , cn-otely largo rates of interest In tin- i,i:i,e of the I'nited Suites at torney lot the Di.-trict of t'uliiiiihin aro lileil at tin- present time no leas than titty distinct cliargeh of "loan shark ing." the olieinleis lueludilitf profes sional nione. lenders In a preliminary statement ie dill., KlVeii out Asslsta lit District Aitoine Uivaa said that no less than l.o- o ouiplainl.s of violation of the loan slmrl. law have been re CSivasJ Irom parson who requested that their names U- not made? public. A little over a year ago congress eu acted a drastic law against "loan shark lug." The Interest rates whl,ii had formerly ranged Horn oO per cent to 300 H-r cent a year, were cut to 1 per cent s month For a time it was be lieved that the business in Wasbingtou was deud Then the money lenders put their heads together and several of the profex-.auials who maintained of fices in the downtown secUou of the city tried the first evasion of the law. It Is aUuit tw, .e city blocks from the western edge of the downtown dls trlet to the VI i inia side of tha I'oto Dine river. v, inn fifteen feet of the high water ni.rk ou the Virginia nlde of the river two or three of the lend era built off , ea and hung out three balls. An Interurbau electric line gave easy a, es- to and from the city. Signs : . " " i giving notice of the change of location awa the ovor-Eupply and relieve ti cungpsnon, tno riesh blood dissolves ami takes away the uric acid depos its, and healthy conditions nre set up. Nothing will convince you like a trial of Try-New 1 Ife" Come In and get u till-1 free. Lumbago, the 1 nek-brenking pnln la the small of the back that makes you walk aM bnt over, with the aid of a cane, or maybe keeps you in bed for weekslumbago Is mxhln but iheiimatism of the muscles of the hack. Its cause is the same us tin cause of all other kinds of ri n.iii ,,, and "Try-New-Life" relieves It In an instant, just as It docs all other kinds. Stiff neck, or wry neck. Is merely rheumatism In the muscles of the neck, so that you cannot turn your head. Sometimes It pulls your head down, sometime ( ,, H,,. ,UII sometimes you go about looking over ono shoulder nd always suffering pain nnd inconvenience- "Try-New -Life" will relieve you. Rheumatism of the joints Is called articular rheumutlsm. or arthrliU 11 Is due to the same cauae aa all the other kinds-excess of uric acid, which the blood has dupolted In the Jolnta In the form of crystals. It acts Just llkv sand In .machinery, acratchlng and cutting, Inflaming ths nerves and blood vessels ami cuuslng pain whenever Uic clnl Is moved, The joint swells and grows very painful and finally, If not relieved, nature causes u bony growth which makes the Joint stiff and misshapen for all time. Hut "Try-New-Life" will give Instant relef from pain, and, unless tl-e Joint has been permanently made useless by bony growth, will relore use of the joint- Ooul la a very close akin to rheu matism, but In this ense Hie uric acid Is deposited In the form of chalk, us ually around the Jonta of fingers and toes, (ireat, hard lump disfigure the Joints, and pressure of these on uorv e and blood vessels causes great 1 were dlHplayecl before their downtown I Washington offlpea and several other shops itore signs of a change of real 1 deuce to Alexandria, Vs., Ave miles dnw 11 the Potomac. Thus by cO-operatlou among the money lenders the entire professional loan shark business of Washington j was morisl to Mrglnla. with the ex ' "I'tim. of the auwiu-ur" money lend- .,,, ,.....,: ' .."':. . '" , . ...- ,.,- .- toiiiiii, in me ,11111 1 nil I the district attorney's offlce Is deter mined to stniui out. It Is suld that a negro messenger In the treasury department accumulated over f.Vl.OOO during his thirty five vears of M-rvIco through loaning small sums ut excessive rates of interest One of the money lenders established between his Washington otfi, e and hla .i aa. ... ttf -. Ill, tlk., I P ,, ,1 ....... ,1 1. . I...1.M ,,,,,,,, ... ,,,. , , . automolille livery service for clients in downtowu WiihldnL'ton. across Poto mac purk and the Highway bridge Into irglnlll. It proved loo expensive, how ever. Washington, filled with residents whoso homes are elsewhere, has prob amy ine apatlietle civic con s leme In the world Its population la nearly as cosmoolllau as thut of At- l.uitlc City, and there Is a spirit of I rivalry as to dn-ss and flout" in the v,ry municipal atmosphere A man vv lib a government position has a pres tige lu bis home community thai few iiher positions of .-mplovmen, , r.nfer. ihe In, umlaut thinks he must llv0 up to It by spin the lrcs and maiiiiera , f the Idle ri, h The messenger with a lalarj of turn or f'lSi a vear alms to dress like bis superior, tile clerk He da-s not want the public to think lie la I mere messenger. The clerk would bo 'Ii v islon i nlef, and be aspires to dress the part He goes the musssniSf one better i llowlai blasasif t,, be drawn into te ultra atmosphere of petty ao , ml affairs in Washington, which rare get him anv where i he diwsloti , ilief ilkes to lie mistaken for an us sistaut secretary. Aud thus tin- merry ).aiue goes on HEARS LAST RITES BY PHONE. Telephone Enables Dying Man to At tend Wifa'a funeral. I'atersou. N J. Kx Judge James inglls. confined to bis bed by pueu luoula. beard b.v telephone the funeral services conducted over the body of bis wife in the parlor below. A ball like transmitter was IlisLulled In the parlor, and wires led upstairs to the room where Judge Inglls luy. When the Itev. Imvis Stewart Hum Itton. rector of St. Paul's Bpiai opal church, began the service a receiver waa lifted to Jud-.-e Inglls' ear audi... , ,, . ,. "" "V' iucir mini ine issi wiiru waa spoken ' I "Try-New-Life" pain and swelling. Relief is afforded by ' i'i New Kite " An obi OMt ame Into the store with t badly hand !iadl crippled by gout. Two fingers or her rl-ht hand she had not elated for two years- And within ten minutes she was opening ami closing thnt hand with enae, and with no IniIii .lip shed tears of gratitude, for she had been told that her hand would be useless the rest of her life. Rheumatism, gout, ncurnl.isln. sciat ica, lumbago no matter whnt lt form Is positively relieved b "Try-New-Life." Tukp no man's word for it. but come In and lie relieved of that ! pain ami see for yourself. Hamilton Beach Sales Company, Pinny theatre ! building, will give, you free demon st rations- Nervousness is the great Amer- can disease, and a nervous break- down la the specter that always tine. lieu every Amerlcnn woman One treatment glvea nervous persona n good night's sleep. I Mager Comes, direct from the main office will be at the Ontario Thar macy ten days. If ou are suffering from any of the following ailments do not fail to avail yourself of the free demonstration. Asthma Rackache lironchltls ( atarrb t ntarrlial Deafness (irculsrl) Disorder 1 old Hand- and reel (old In the Head Constipation , ouirh Nolite 1o Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un O 'ltiaar. L. I Olsou of On- dnrslgneil lisa been duly appointed ' tarlo, Oregon administrator of the estuta of I'billui l.iueo l Hester Hegistar I'feiffer. ili-oensed. by the County J i 'ion t of tbn Htatu of Oregon, for the county of Malheur. Any and all per suuehsvlug claim- against the said j .,,.,. lu,rt.b otllled to present - ". iv -' law, to the undersigned administrator st Ins homo In We.tfull, Oregon, or to his attorneys, MoCulloeli ami Wood, i of Ontario, t)regou, within aix mouths Irom aud after tha data of the il-, t j inibllostion of this notles. Qaajg Blll juU.,j B0(j ,jrit published tui, i(jt), du, of Muroli. 1!H. i , .. - - ' ralrmau, 1 Administrator of the date of Pblllp r t'frilfei.d, ,..,..-, I. 0150U. NOTICK POM rUHUCATJON. Hepsrtmeul of the Interior, U. K. Land OtMiie at Vule, Oregon, March -1th. l'.IH. Notice is hereby given that Henry S. Mutton, of Ontario, Oreg.n, who, ,)U Outobei 6U, 1910, made Home BtbM!l tlttMaa No 01 .VJ... for the H w . .,,,,, vu, , u.,. L. .,, , 2 i ln ", , "w I H,,t,ou 21 l'"nshlp 17 S. . Kauge i.. K" w'""U'tte Meridian, lias tiled uo,0 of uiteutlou to make Kinal three year proof, to establish elulin to the laud above described, befene the Register aud Uc-ceiver, I,'. S. Laud OMicc. at Vale. Orauoo. ou the .'Kill. day of April. 19 I. t'laiiimni uatucsj as witnesses: A. 8, Worth. K. T. Akers, K. Ii, Moore, of Outario, Oregon, I. eon lligliy of 1'ayette, Idaho, Mruce K, K.-sttr, Itegistci, HI 27. NOflOl K1 fUaUJOATIOM, i '.-j - : 11..-1. of the int, i mi. (J, K Laud Oftlce at Vale, Oregou. March $411, IIU. Notioe is hereby given that Albert S Worth, of Outai io, Oregou, who, on August loth, 10i made Homestead application No. 01 527. for H1, HK'i, Hection 27, NKJ NKJ Keotiou .'14, NVV, NvV'4 section 85, Town SeHP 17 H. Hauae Io K Willa mette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to catabllab claim to the land above described, before the Keg ... ., ., isicr ami neceiver I,. O. IJHKI ililjce. . ir i . ... ...... nt Vule, Oregon, mi the Ibtb day of April, 1911. II. noli nil I I Digest He Disorders 1 Dixclness D)pcpla I arai-he . '. Far ilea I 11I. it;. , I I'r.ivlate Facial Neuralgia tailing Hair Klsslie III 1,'eituin limiting kldup) rreiiicnt I 1 nation I. niter Hunt Headache ,- 1 Hemorrhoids It ' Insomnia Intestinal I ah, lib Ummmm Lame Hack Locomotor 1.1la l.uiiilMMro ajLJ crtnis ii. .11,, us euriilgla i li'a Ohcslt) I "a In III Molomru I'mIii In rhesl 1 I'araljsls liles j I'nsl-tract are ( ondltlous ,,4i I'ruslale, Kiilarged 1,'ciial I Usui-. lihellilllltlMII j SdaUra i .. . . j Seiislllte Spine Slioiiness nf llieiith '., Sore I In 0.1 1 1 Spinal uruiture H..J Sprulns " .. Mill Jolllls Stiff k Klnniaeh Troubles " T Wrinkles Claimant names as witneaaee: Frank T, Akers. Henry H. Sutton. ol, Ml. Norii'K I'oi; IM' in, u:tion. I), pin tniunt of the Interior, IT, H, Laud Olllce at Vale, Oiegou, Miuch 'job, mi i. Notice In IihimIiv given that l-isuk T. Akers, of Ontario, Oregou, who ou, October atb. 1910, un-de Homestead application. No OI.'.Hl, t,,i s .. sVi Heel ion 27, aud N . i. Sect 111 14, ToiMiahip I7S, loiik- 1U K. , WillamittH Meridlau, haa tiled uotloe of intention to make llnal three-year proof, to , sti,l dish claim In the land above deacrlbed, before the Kealater aud Receiver, U H. Land Oltlce. at Vol.-, Oregon, on the .'tilth day of April. Ill I. Claiiiiaut names us witnesses A. S. Worth. . H. Hiittiui, O, A, I'nluiei, , K, olesoii, of Ontario, Oreg in , Mi une l( Kester, Register. OIH22. NOVIOM fOB I'UMLIOATION. Ilepai tineut of the Interior, I . S I, Slid H'ce ill Vale, lliegoli. Morel, 17H.. 94 Notice is hereby given that Thomas II Iij. of OnlMrio, Oregon, who ou April, Hth, l'.Hl, made II, one. lead Application. No. 01 IM. for ttie K HWJ and W4NKL Section , Towu ship 17 S., I'.ange III R, , Willamette Mcinliuii has Hied notice or intention to make liiinl three vmr proof to estalilsh i Isim to the laud above des, i lied, I, lore the Kegister uud I.', elver V. S. Laud Oltlce. ut Vale. Oregon, on the Jsth day of April, 1914, (iaiinsnt names as wltnesaes: Al Siittnn, Carl l-ield. Mlaliie Muy.Kd Musk, all of Onlaiio, Oregon. Mruce K. Kester, Kegister. Mormon Conlerenii' l uursiuns. Via Oregon Short Line to Salt Luke ( ily. Tickets mi nala from point! north of Ofdoo April 1 to (i, imlnsive, limited 0 April L". See agents lor rates mid fnrtliei particulars. While in Salt Lake visit the Utah Pro ducts Exhibit.