The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 2

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Hod, Geo. C. Hrownell republican
candidate for governor, Issue a state
ment to the people, of Oregon iind says
he will veto any 1)111 compensating sa
loons and breweries, whleh might be
passed by the legislature-
Oregon City, Oregon.
February It, 1M4.
To the People of Oregon:
I have waited with the hope that
me of the numerous gentlemen who
are rnndldates for gOTOfOOT in the He
Iu lil W :i ii primaries and otherwise, l'
announcing their candidacy, would
make some declaration an to how thev
Rtiod upon the national problem of
the nale and manufarture of Intoxicat
ing lliiior In the I'nlted States, i
have also hoped that theie would have
tsvxn some ex re 'Ion IIS to how these
gentlemen stood, or would stand on
the question of an amendment to the
constitution of the state of Oregon
abolishing the sale and manufacture of
all Intoxicating liquor within this
etate None of these gentlemen have
seen Rl to make any declaration or
rommlt hemsclves In any wav upon
this great Is ue, which I 1 ti Ink and be
tleve to be the most Important for the
welfare of the people generally and to
the mnlntf nance of our t'hrlstlan civi
lization that now exists.
Reluctantly, after due considora
tloti, I have concluded to become a
candidate for governor upon this lssu
lis the principal one of my candidacy.
I take this position, that the Intclll-
Kent opinion of all fair minded men I
ntiil women Is uniUcMt.iuabk that the
liquor traffic, as now in use and force,
Is a menace to civilization, and Is the
remit largely, of crime, imverty. de
generacy and moral decay, to sin h an
extent as to become a startling danger
to the 1,1111, mi i. ne. I have no person
al fight against the man who Is run
nltii' a saloon. I nail) reel more like
condemning and censuring society for
women of the United iftates. bankers and members of the Commer-
1 am opposed to any and all Asiatics c,aI cluD were "r8t opposed to a
such as Hindus being permitted to I rl"11 enforcement of the law because
OMM Into this country and Into this'11 w""1(i lpave vacant hundreds of
state and competing in the logging buildings and apparently would de
camps and other avenues ot work and
labor with the laboring meu now here.
It Is unnecessary tor tue to add,
tnorall.e the business Interests of the
city. However, the law was rigidly
enforced; not by a trial of cases be-
that 1 staud with all good citlzenb in forp Juries, hut by Injunction suits
this statu in favor of upholding uuil
maintaining our school system in a
fair and liberal way, and lu the con
struction ot roads und highways to
gsOOt the demand and requirements of
our farming, producing, commercial
and business clasnea of the people ot
tills state, with this qualllicatiou, that
1 feel that whatever plan are adopted
in the cousti uctcinn ot roads lu this
1 feel that whatever plans are adopted
in the construction of roads In this
hi. ite and whatever methods are used
lu the spending of the people's mnc
for such construction, that the Interest
of the farming class of the people ot
this state, should be very carefully
safeguarded and their wishes as indi
cated through the society of eqult; and
i be Development League and the
farmers l range, should be consulted
und followed.
1 desire also to say that I stand Ir
revocably lu favor of free press and
free speech, and that If 1 should be
successful ii being nominated and
lei ted governor of this state, 1 will
nee, so far as my power will permit,
that no man or woman, rich or poor,
black or white, shall be deptlved of
the opportunity of fairly and decently
expressing themselves anywhere, In
public halls, or UKn the streets of cit
ies lu this stale, as long as they con
duct themselves In a lawrul way
The liquor question has got to be
fought out. Men will be compelled tu
take a stand, for It or agulust It. The
saloon Is either right or It is wrong.
If It Is right It should be maintained
and perpetuated; IT It Is wrong, it
should be destroyed I feel that it Is
wrong; I feel that It Is fisillsh r. the
oral societies of the state of Oregon
to talk about fl;;hlln.; vice, preuch scr
permuting this great evil and power ,,,,
n alnst the property owners and upi n
affidavits before a Judge who granted
the injunction showing a violation
After the court had adopted the plan
of enforcing its order by putting pal
locks on the doors of the buildings
and prohibiting the opening of the
'mlldlng until the owner should give
a bond that it should never again he
iM'd for the Illegal purpose, and send
ing the proprietors of the Joints to
Jail for large sentences, not on con
victions for the sale of liquor, undcr
siat'd. but for violating the order of
lie court, there could be no Jury trials
And convictions were easily obtained
.'," r tbee tilings had been done, the
owners of buildings gradually found
other tenants and in the course of a
few months or perhaps a yenr, the
came business men who had protest, d
against the rigid enforc. ment of the
law, came to the assistant attorney
general and aologlzed. No disinter
ested business men In the clt would
now be willing to have the city refturn
to the old plan I remember Instances
where grocerymen and other mer
chants said that since the enforce
ment of the law, and this was said
within a year thereafter, children
came to their stores, with five and ten
dollar bills to purchiu-J' provisions
who had, prior to Mir enforcement of
'he law, never seen that much OMM)
In their lives; Hint the children that
fcrmerly came barefooted had shoes
for the first time In their lives; that
the poorer class of people were able
to pay and paid their bills at the
s'mes where formerly It was difficult
to obtain pnyment Of course, our
city adjoins Kansas City, Missouri,
and the first block over the line Is
known as the "wet block" and It Is
said to contain something like a do n
to exist and to obtain the firm hold . , . ... ., :. or two saloons ready to treel the
.,,.. .... ,-
that it has in this state and lu this
I s man when be en over. Met
only th'ise tin were so addlei I ,.
., .. ii... i... i ....... ,
and nermlt the saloon to exist lu IhU "'" " """ " ' " '"
"' " l""'1" '" " x'"" "r ",,n SUU, because I, Is iii the saloon to ., Iniis.ssll.le for them to do without It
country. If I had my own I
should fOOl as If society Itself. OOflM
I'. .ike speeclies and i nngl at ill it e.i. !:
i i Iii-i bow Ho v an- going t" lii'.lo v P c,
(H-IISI.I.MK M.e l..e WHO .....e ....-. (Ai) ,0 j ,
In this business, sanctioned b- the ull( ,.v ..,,,,,., 1 1 x rlpOOO UtO Of , and
lOW, in a reasonable 0 to recover ur uf 9nn ,.,,..,.. ,,! ,
their Investment that thev have made. I fc J( ,1,ll!,.11,(ll.J.(
oil tie' sane theory that xiiranam
slve kid-glove commissions that are
sapping the taxes and resource out
of the people of the state.
I am also radically opoeed to the
attitude of tge national administra
tion In Its wool schedule and wool
tariff, which is a direct slap to the
great sheep Industry of the state of
Oregon, and the country at large.
If nominated and elected governor,
I will veto any bill which may pass
the legislature, compensating saloon
keepers and breweries for money In
vested In their business, In case pro
hibition carries or is adopted or other
wlse, or under any circumstances what
I also favor the abolishment of the
fish and game commission as now
constituted, but favor reasonable laws
protecting game without so much red
I will stand for the abolishment of
all useless commissions, believing that
he responsibility for the expenditure
of the peoples money should he fixed
In such a way that the public will
kiiow Just where, when and whom to
BOll responsible for the heavy taxes
and expenditures. I therefore believe
that the responsibility should rest with
the governor, secretary of state and
state treasurer, so the people will
know who to exercise the recall on, In
case it Is desired at any time-
I favor separation of church and
state In this state and nation.
Sincerely yours.
nnoROE c imowNKiiL
Use Formaldehyde
For treatment of diseases
of Grain, Potatoes, and
Book of its uses free
Everhart Drug Co.
would in the awning take the troub
to go to Missouri for liquor,
TOO huge tunjoilty of them, and the
average man, turned and went to his
Lincoln favored buying the slaves mid
cololil.Ing them, lu order to settle the
I i, III.,.,,! Ix.i-li,,. aiwitl Ilia H, .,,
to the insane asylum and to .legcti- '"""" - "' "
.. II tea II.1..I- I.. flti. ..tif. l')-ii:l'ii'll .
erucv. say nothing about want ut.d '"' '"' '""' "'
.. at.. I.. ilwk l.ilniu tilti-ut u iitiwiiri ,1
woven to the thousands and million..;"' ," '"" ,,,c ' " " ' i
slave p, olden, Of course. I think and ((f wom.n ,.,,,,, , ,,,,. , ., .,.,.,. the banks large sums of OMM)
I know vvb.t kind , ttl this "" '", '" "' " " "
.III , ,1),.. ii... oower oi l" ulage ot tilt) HI' l
Cambridge Boy Oats the Family Doo
tor to Fix tha City'a Books.
Boston. After being registered for
sixteen years as a girl In the city
clerk's office ut ('a in bridge. Frederick
Mehmson of that city forced the clerk
to correct the official birth registration
The boy wanted to go to work and
applied for the necessary birth certlll
MtO At Itj hall a clerk searched
through iV tiles and said, "The only
Melaiison we have in that year Is a girl
born to. I. a. and llertha Melaiison."
"That's me." said I'rcd.
"I can't take your word for It." suld
BM clerk.
I're.leilek hustled to the office of the
family physician, Or. Lancaster, and
brought lilm to the clerk's office.
"1 remember perfectly the day he
was born." said the doctor and took
Hie required oath to this. Tho clerk's
book now reads. "Frederick Melaiison,
boy. born April 30. 181W."
Ontario Hardware Co.
Hardware Headquarterrs
Gasoline Engines,
Keen Kutter Lawn Mowers
Clarinda Lawn Mowers
Bean Spray Pump, Meyer Mallea
Pump, Fullen Paint and Muresco.
Keen Kutter Tools
Keen Kutter Shears
Keen Kutter Knives
Ontario Hardware Gompany
knO III ' I hO people of H)ls
would not favor OOUtUOOOatlDg men
who have Invested their money in the ,.,,.., ,, . ,.,., l wee ,a b.- over the bar. and o,
sabs.n business. OMWM am I oooo- flor ,., ,,f ,! state, who ate courHe' ou K,mw' K"""' "T
-r. i t,B a i r my piatloiui inn
pro i no In this fight I am simpl) sug
gesllng It to ibe ...uscieuce ami fair
minds ot the people of this state, toi
ihein to give such consideration as1
they see . rOOOgOlllOg a I go, Hill
OhOOOVOT so. i. iv t. . I , il, .,( ii H p
I. in.', i. ii has a rlghl i llog and
" bV thing that cml.iugers It
self M obj.i and air pose is to tr)
to -ii u e (be pulillc opinion and the
" D "I Ibe people of (Ills Stute,
where tlMJ will be willing to h,,d
shoulder to rhouldci, in. spe. tilve of
political paiix ,.i affiliations ami unite
fo the puipoe id put.'lllg Hie gOMM
business out of existence and gt
Its Influence lu our economic, social
and polllliacl life. I tllelelole am
always on guunl and m.iI. to battle
the laborer would natuially feel "-
j ....... .. ..
for their position I know how hard "" "l"'" '" "'" "" '
lit la to make mer. bunts, bankers, and ,""1"1' ,h"-' '" '"n.Htances, and I
al.. i... I al. uir.. iisi.l
business men take an active interest ,u' "", ""'"'"" ' ""
children saw but a very !! par!
of the poceeds All that at
III Ibe lliovem.'llt. because I hi - tie
I i 1 1 1 1 fear that it will Injure tlie
inuikel. the stoic, ami bank, ami In
other words, all tiade. The 1 cts are
that it OVOf s.iliH.n was driven out
of business lu I'm (land, inside of six
in. ntlis or u scar, Hie iii.-i chants and
business meu would he the ones who
wiiild be couralulatllig each olbci
cpon the ac value in every Hue of bus
in, I bett. i pg mcuta of the bills
of Ion patrons
lo illustrate this, I herewith ijuote
ttll extract from a letter Written to i-.'i , , i, ... . ....'. . I nil .1 ( : I- .oil
, . ,. ... ine November 1., 1913, by Hon Sll.m
in tnoi ol dentil.) iiik the saloollS with '
. i iier, wno is one oi ine judges ot tlie
eumpaoMolajM if the pooplo abduld
upon a direct vote so d.-.laie. bin I
would veto auv bill which the I.
tuie mi. -hi uaaa, cooipenaatlng aoloooi
for their line urn in unless tue people
by popular vote illreiled Ine lo do
otherwise I stand opool) and ghflVg
lioai.l. niH'oiid'ln.ii.ill , in of the
adoption ol a national ami state
.illiendnieiil to ibe ioiisI II ill loll of the
i luted si.u. .mi ibe mate of Oregon,
to prohibit Ibe sale ami iii.iuuf.lctui e
of all Intoxicating Ho.001 within Hie
United Motet and oithlg tho Molo of
ii on
I also favoi national suffrage to tho with when the Joints w...
ed. Kansas ' 1 1 1 . KgOOOO, m reaaed
lu popnlatlon the first three or (Ml alter the laws were enforced n
a wonderful rule- There wa-. marked i
llllprovenii in In the pionp. i it) ot thg
merchants ami the buelnesa ot the
cltv inci eased, and instead Of I '1
, was a gnat Im rea
business and population. M st l tho
buildings that were formerly occupied
by i.dnts are 0000 pled by 'legitimate
In aeOOUal 1 desire to say that 1
r.. ...... .1... . -,i,i ........... i.... .-...... . ..
.. , i.iii'i ,1,1- :i ' I ..i-uiiiiiii I ...'ill . .. A .
rupreme court of Kansas, and a man
w.o has lived in Kaunas dining the "" ""' ,",f"" " 001 Of this
, i. ot ibe amendment to its ooMtllu
l. ii and a man of ability ami
hlgjl .hai acter. Mr I'orter wines:
Oil i town. K.ui.-iis City. Kansas, lias
over I00.0M laipulatioll. It is a .it
ot inaiiiilactuiers. Six or eight rOON
ago. when thev Marled to MfOTCfl tie
law rigidly, there uere woMhlog Ilka
loolog praotleoll) wide
open Many of the bars were fixed up
hi a luxurious manner and enormous
Minis wore paid over the liars ever
daj Mam conservative buslneao men
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acrei has boon Ifdfld U) alfalfa.
Boom buildings. All undwr foiuv,
Kailrnail line through tract On Snaki
rivtfi Wall drained bench land i-Uv-tric
pumping plant can be Installed for
12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 12S, Ontario. Oregon
stute lu addition thereto I wish to
say that I feel that the people of tho
state Of OrOgOOl und in tact soeiei .
generally, raiely appelate the debt
and obligation that thev owe to the
school leacliein and Instructors, from
colleges down to our district school ,
for the efficiency and the work that
they do and if I should be honored
with this nomination and election, it
would be a source of great pleasue
to me, In every legitimate way. to a I
and advance the different school In
terenis and institutions of this Malt-
am! the material welfare of the In
st iiietors and tea.beis thereof.
I also strongly favor giving aid and
all assistance that Is jiosslble. towards
helping the people of eastern Oregon
and oilier parts of the state needin :
Irrigation. 10 lOt water upon their
. binds
I also favor giving the gOVOrOOf
power to veto separate items in ap
poplatlon bills passed bv the legis
lature, and this I advocated for rgorg
when a member of the state senate.
'it is now being taken up as a new
matter by some of the candidates a'
though 1 used It as an argument on
the floor of the state senate, for many
years endeavoring to Induce the legis
lature to pass a bill exiling for a con
stitutional convention, so that the
constitution eou!d be amended gtvloi
v ci nor this pOWl II well as
lOgM Inch a are then
i vital to the inteiests of the nee la '
: "he state
i am opposed to uaeleas an I i
Combination Sale on
Preferred Stock
Canned Goods
3 Cans for 60c
1 can Peaches
1 can Pears
1 can Logan Berries
Regular Price 90c
This Week Only
60c for the 3 cans
Malheur Mercantile Co.