The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 02, 1914, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
je (Bnmv i vm.
The Ontario Arjrua
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch usjri-ow
The Produce from
I i.OOO.OOO acre is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
Ontario Wins in
Contest forConk
lin Cup, Friday.
It ia nearly eeten yeura elnee Prof.
Cnnklio purchased a cup and offered
I' aa b ptlM for the bent declamation
given ly a pupil from any of the
chnoln of tlia county.
For Hi- firit 'in . (luring the
even yeara the jtidgce decided that
the pupil from tbe Ontario school
waa entitled to the cup. ao the youug
folks are cxouaable for being jubilant,
lifer hav ing had It rubbed Into them
for alx yeara. Tbe judges were
Mr. Hnadley of the Welter schools,
.1. P. Iluller. of the Lnimet echool-i
ii. I Ml Helen L. Case, teacher of
elocution at the nllcga of Idaho
and they were uoanimoui in their
The flrat apeaker wee Ruby Mote
he. ill. Nrssa, whoan spli-cthio una
"I line i (linen the Hrhlc. " and It was
Keen that a high standard MM to )C
Viola Htiated, tot Ontario, reclt
d "Ulll IVrklu'e Toboggan Slide '
She waa perfectly composed, not In
any way nervous, and aiiHtiilned her
work throughout. Ton BBMatea
aeenii'd BS 1 1 'ally mint ! I to bet.
afsBflni .i"n h "' Vle, itcHsd
"The Heart ef old Hickory." a very
dlffieult selection. The
reined nervous and could
not sun-
lain the character work.
While the judge ware deliber
atlng Mlaa Oaoe Sage recited "In
Tin- Usual Way." r'our PMBg
ladle from Vale nave a moonlight
una and dance and Hulh Laekev
captured the house with liar renter
iag ,) "Mlow we limited a mourn) "
The iheatie"biiil(ll..g waa uot large
en, mull to accomodate the crowd,
I tlO'.l were admlted ami then
tbe doora were oloaed, eeverol b in
(tied in. !' wishing to gainadmlaalou.
With n large hall the etteudauie
would have been ,ar one thoiuuiud,
an I shiwa the necessity of a large
auditorium being erected bere.
Ex Teacher Leads Charge on School. k.inie, Or charging the Uuln
uiolhouae at the head of aliened
socialist Ijtsi pstSlSStSi MlS. Flora L
Foreman, deposed by Hie new StSJSSl
hoard for her teachings, amuahed in
tin- doors, i. assumed tier position and
for a short time routed her succeasor,
Mrs. .1 Clark The constable finally
.Hi. '.it in r on a skargt of hstltlai
a riot and took her from the school
bouse. The trouble followed the action of
t,. board alter a recall election had
ousted frlsadS of the ex teacher,
Farm Adviser Appointed by
County Court.
Prof. French, of the Corvullis Agri
cultural College was here this week in
troducing W. K Shinn. who has been
appointed County Adviser, by the
county court.
Mr. Shinn comes from Okanogan
county, wash., and is familiar with all
branches of farming in irrigation sec
tions and will prove a great boon to the
farming communities of this county.
He visited one place this week and
found where the advice of a vetinary
would have saved a valuable cow, some
hogs and pigs and he believea that if
the advice he gave is followed there is
still a chance for them
Mr. Shinn will make his headquarters
in one of the rooms of the Ontario Com
mercial Club and when he is not there,
messages mav bo left for him.
He is here to help a!! the farming
people of the c.unty an.i while he may
find problems that he cannot solve, hi
ii in touch wilh person- who can an-l
will, SB take ;our troubles to him
He finds that moat of the fruit nun
are busy getting their orchards in shape,
Staring and rutting out and burning
what in affected with the blight.
Farmers who contemplate planting
corn and potatoes arc getting tlic best
seed possible and there will St many
acres planted.
Farmer's County Institute.
Boulevard Grange 1 -ill
A course of illustrated lectures ex
tending through two days and evenings
will lie held at the Houlevard Grange
hall next Wednesday and Thursday,
April 8 and !', when I'rof Fit and Prof.
Larson, agricultural experts, and Mrs.
Larson , an authority on domestic science
all members of the Oregon Agricultural
College faculty, will deliver addresses
on their various subjects. The coming
lectures will positively be illustrated, a
gas machine having been secured for
the purpose.
It ia itnosaible to announce the com
plete program at the present time' but
the course will include such subjects as
"Corn for Forage," 'Grain Feeding,''
Dairy Cattle," "Draining Irrigated
Lands," "feeding and, Handling Hogs,"
I lomeatic Science, '.and cooking dean
strationu. The conking demonstration
and lectures for the ladies will he held
in the grange kitchen while the Stktl
lectures arc in progress.
Worthy Master Conklin, through
whoso efforts this program was possible
felt some hesitancy about asking such
noted speakers to conic here at a in Ml
when the residents of this coininnnity
lire " busy, fearing that it would be
able to secure audiences of BU'fi
SMOTSiSt to make it wiii tli while but
all who have been approached on the
subject express themselves ns believing
that it will more than pay them to leave
their work to listen to such an array of
talent As tins sei med to be al-out the
only time in ths near futiii-
tl.l'V (old I In- ci-l" en i ' i to
i.ave than next Break.
All of the I. , 1 1.,, I will be fnt to the
grangers Bad Mi I retyent
It cordially Invito many
as Mssible.
Aa chairman of the Nepal
Oaatial Uotjalitss si Bsreej i
I desire to BtPStl .'" tbe SSI
I.,,- aUnublloeaa ot Malheur t noil
in tiiu u.atter of joint I.
tire tioui tl is ili.trlct. In all
ueigbburlv renlproclty. Harney
county la eutltled to the lb I ' '"
(ve at tills tunc Minheur has ha I
the Iv-pi.sciilalive 'u l'.IU.i; It has
had the district attorney since 1!WI.
and it lias bad the circuit judge
Harney county lias bad no district
office in all this lime. Is it any
more than fair that e shoii'.d Pe
saasjalsad aaa I
If we were presenting a new, uu
tried man, there might be some excuse
for outturn uo an opposing caudl
date, but in Mr. Frank Duiey we
IfS putting fatil a uiau with m-ne
legislative experience, as observ
er and pbitleipaut. than aiiv Stfeai
man in Oregou ;a man who was twice
elected to the legislature in the BtS
oud largest eoiiuty in the state
iiuuierically, eacli time by the hi;,'
geat majority of :my mau nu tin-
ticket, and atter the second alee
tlou waa ehoseii Speaker ot the
House, lu which capacity he made
a remarkably good record.
Mr. Davey was a ploneei in chain
pio. iinn the people'a rlgstl and has
bten couslslelit ever since.
Mheii he was a member of tbe Legls
lature from Manou county in VM'i
ami ll't'T. he was a staunch friend of
Knsteru OtafaSi ila Hon. I.d Ii lest,
democrat. SSJO served altk Mat from
Malheur in 1901, and Hon. 0, L
King ot Outariu. wDo served with
him in 11107. can testify; and aiSJSS
Mr. Havey came lure in May. IB0T,
his AMHruiMi. Imve been devoted to
buildiug u this seetlou of the state
and f Igh l g its t.iittles.
Can auy new mau possibly do as
much good tor tins district as Mr.
Davey out 1 ask the support ot
Mulheur eouuty Hepublicuus fat hlaB
on his owu merits as a Haiuey
county choice.
j c R2ELCOMB' JB .
Chairmau County Central dm.
Set Fire to School Gymnasium
to Divert Attention From
Their Operations.
Klnm. Wash. Setting fire to the
school gymnasium Si Klnin, Wash., to
divert attention from tin lit operations,
seven bandits at S o'clock Saturday,
helil up the hank at Klin a. and. taking
$:',:.(in in currency, escaped into the
The bank of Klmn remains open
Saturday nights from 7 to 8 o'clock.
Herbert H. Arqul.h, Crgllah prem
ier, who faces a difficult situation as
a result of his doterm. notion to paas
the Irish Home fu's bill.
, ' . i, i '' lag
t i-ii. and the I Ij on, la 'I I hank
sk boat
, -. v sad Ihn. at
. sr, Ed Botlei ami
. and Baa Young.
: , liiihv.'ijn.. n nil red the
! .... I .icing
into tbe t it,
in- 'i lbs
. .. .. . '
. . .' tl
OH H "1 duiitiK
II. dfSl IStiO" of the clti
,li- in, ,...' ill the
wiuit, laavtag l-"0( ou ika counter
anli lulled.
,!,, spieled within
. .,,1, . i i-i n . .tunt of resist-
.Vance, v. ho at
tempted o n i b his revolver oa the
0M of tin- robbers fired
ul him, SOI neither bhol took tl
Alleged Desperado la Held.
Ct ntrsUs, Wsi i I Hi siasa glvtaa
lljs B in Wataaa sad at
H, -v. 1 to be one ot the iii B who helu
up i In hank of MaSS Saturday night,
attempted to saael Daalpa snsv rioki
ineinli. r of the local PoUOt SBH
that ni tn , i u ti vim, in srrtal slat
iu U.. raiiro Wm
.a the pallet si. Hi'. a Watson
i to aav
automatic pistol. -' Jl sallaat ravelvsr,
three KalTSS -'lid SSSSt BiaBt SSI
Accused Man Is Nevertheless Bound
Over to Grand Jury.
l'nrthuiil, me. Although he ate the
do unieiitiiy c-'i l.'in e I him
while on the witiu t .i.d in lull I i fl
oi eoiiit sttschea and apectstore, uc
cordlni to oSlclsto. laasaal Itatheaotv
a Seattle coiitraitor, wu.i bound over
to the grand Jury by Municipal Judge
Stev-i..n on a charge of passing a
had i In-ek for
Ustbeena, arhlle testlfjlagla his own
behalf, asked to be allowed to sisaisss
the cheek, retaining It while belnt
nui-stiniied He was noticed holding
his handkerchief to bis mouth, and
court altaihes said his Jaws were busi
ly w.-rking
Later, when tin- proseeiiti-iu (filh I
fur the eh.- B th- prlsetMMF dtCtSSSd '-
did n.-t hSTS it A BSartb fallod to re
veal the slip.
m 0
m 3am
'si 3
( ,
' IBs. i i
Natalie of Servia Presents
Country With Mementos.
Merlin. V.x Queen Natnlie or Son ia
has decided tO forgive and forget her
tragic history In the lountry where her
unhappy married life was pnssed and
where her son. King Alexander, sal hla
spouse were assassinated. She hns
turned over 'JT.000 ncros to the Mel
grade university, n valuable collection
of arms made by King Milan and King
KAtAl.ll; l.V)Uir.N or SIIIVIA.
Alextinder to the National niiiseiim and
the lllirarles of her liu-liaiul and her
BOB to the Aiadeiu.v of Silence at the
Servian espltal
Natalie i sasa taa trlla ot King
Mil in of Si'ilu In is'-'i ut 'the aire ,t
slMeeu. Her sou. DBS ill fated Alex
ander. WSa horn ii vear I. ti-r. but by
thai lime -hi- and her hiisnaiiil wen-
ly on apeskhag ssnaa owing to
. --a lute lire. They ! in
I8H1 in"! X.iiailc went to VVIewh id B
. .lli her son I v. -- real liter Mil IB
ueeis-iled III getting posses .In n ot
A!eaiulei- BIHl I'tu sd tbe ineln'poll
tun to k' -in! Ml i I dlTOTI This dl
iiiee was latat declared I BgsJ.
Milan n! Icfll ' In lsv-' la favor of
Prince Alexander, Qaeen Nstalasi trao
theietipoti le a: n d to Set via. w as fofl
,, p u-o int.. .Ml,- in lS'll. lull In IBM
Imth she sad l:-r husliaud returned In
trluniph to Ueltradn and llu-y wei.
.ii, , mclled. Their triumph
however, was sim.-t iivihi 'iim iiuihi
of Ilu ii i-rvian ponnca
ill: :,r !i , II J ni , i-xai.u. i . - n
b a Into s ill 1'iai (Jjneea
V..S..II.. ...a.. Is. L.fl tl... .iiiillilPl' ItitV'ilf lit
, '' Ih 'HI ll'll till '
Tl.. ,,' , - .lenil, f Ale,,nl.-r
,.i,, I I In..,. i. . I - - I I. ill, well ill I'.sl'J and
Peter KsrscoorceTltch was called to
the throne. tlu-l'l.ieiaivlchil. nasi- P.-
in.' sstlnd
in 1001
Milan had died In Vlenn i
Child'a Prayer Answered.
Saginaw. Mhli "liear Lord. I.ll
mamma we are la the traak. Bad PMl
her to conn- qui l Mary Hart, el Mil
years old. made this when she
and her brother, l.eon. BJBad six year-.
found the ; ' In b trunk
llll-i M h 'Ii H'lV hud eliinl.ed Their
mother. M - llll ll el Hart felt llll
In look In I ne trunk In an uu-
ii . .1 upstair-. Ii. -ili..,. in I! I'll ehildreii
Brere i iKidoi I nt a - "'v Irad
Infant, Blind Since Three Weeks Old,
DlstinfUlthaa Objects.
i i, . a ftvea la
D ' me, !l tnoliths-
oiii -on oi Mr. si i Ml ii-iui.-u Kane,
ut i;, i pa . t'n BJgh the srsft-
n ... I.. the
cinid' - Una tb .i
meal ol i -i Plbsl-
, , i, ... have brougbl out
this fact will. oui a doubt WbttJ the
band. I-- B ' d, it was said lhal
tin- child followed l'" "' ;i
light) d i Banted "i
from oi bim. Anotl thai brtnga
out the fast mole sleerl) It thai the
child soi Brinks his eyelid " a finger
or a small ohjei l kl VSted SSSSt tt
the .(-.
Th, di. ' from whii h I i
ufferei alane he va I
old is known as stapbytoma ot
Lccoers' Association Opposed to Tolls.
- The I' " i
tolis lor Aiii--i:i BB rSBSelS in the crest
wise trade.
v '
Xar' !MbV
Pennsylvania Had Premonition That
End Wis Near.
Orore cn. Ps. m i". Vogaa of
Bile, a former rosMsBl of this place,
dropped did i few minutes after he
hud selected the site for his grave.
While Vogan lived here several ypnrn
BgO his daughter died. Since then he
had vlsltisl her grave from time to
time. One evening lie took .lack Rw
lug, the sexton wilh him and. pointing
out a spot In-side his (humliter's ftSTSi
said. "Kwliig, I have a premonition
that I'm indue to die. and I want you
to bury me right there."
Vog.-in then left the cemetery, wiiiked
BOO Minis anil fell dead from heart illa
ensc. He was hurled beside his daughter.
Too Cold to Run, Vessel Can't Unload
and Loses Charter.
Benton The pror stoat! Blowanai of
cold inolasMcs has been demonstrated
iigaln. As a result the trump steamer
Kla has lost a charter. She Is a tanker
equipped to dlecharas a full cargo in
livn days and .irihed here two weeks
ago wltli raTO.tmn gallons of niolnssea.
The cold wave thleketied the mo
PlpOa were ClORged, pumps
made of little ue. and the Kin's erew
Worked two Weeks Instead of tun days
to ill, barge Ihe freight
u heal Clan, llaj btaeeteaBi
red Ii
It iy, ?I7; alfalfa, $H
BUttl ii. . L'Se
Wheat Blueetefla,
club. Me
red Ku.-slan sTe.
Bnj Tlinothy, I7 per ton;
M per ton.
i Jlc.
Hun- i in aim ry. :Vc.
' in
". : i
i - - . '.. 4.
Tie stall n. g of lllflllla on ill-
' is m problem, eenersll.
, . , it is nali win u a fsrorsbl
. . , ii II .1 the iHiiner BUI
' in gettln - a i I iitauii,
lu M i i'-i lam bare snad
c r of It, witi i" tin- ralafall It I
tl i. i hen i.n.l litis is tli. ustt n . i
,.- i in plantt i in bin- !s
, N( j(
llsted III
ii, t i ... i it- i ii i - pb ut ""
tai.i n up uud aseb i, -ot is sal out
I . I I
''::. I" B bill,
lung tool
l' nil down into tin- gio ml und ill a
shott tune it ia grastlMaad i cup
aide ol gelling plenty of limi-tui - Ii
earry It si
'I he l in is going to In li ltd
of the Dead Oa Plal raa
Clicis. II. A l.llllllll Is the ' I' 111
liitiii.lue.i the BySSStB bere aid A. H
Worth eetlBBSttt thein will I
least two hundred ecus lasted thlt
It raqatttt bal llttli to tbe
llll .-.
retal el the raaelwra In that ii got good stands In -I
bj planting Hi tin i.-u-i! at
Speaking (ontcsl, Under
AllSlliet'S of W. C. 'J'. D.
Wilh lb" "Standing mum null''
sign hung out long l.elore tin- turn
el till the lllti I tllHUl i lit In hi-glll.
tin- speaking eiiiiti-l hehi at tl a
Hoalerard UtaasjB hail last To
i villi; , pi oved one ol tin- s 10
of the BSaSOn. 'lb fiist pi I - i
beaatlfal Deasereal madal, bb
i v Miss Urate Saue The BMmbers
of tlie W. C T. I . under whosi
sueplees taa Batertalaaasal aa
alrei . esaressed themaelttei i u
Ore than pleased wilh the in il
u. i saooffded tbelr sfforts, - i 1 1
mil 60 grangers ami tlien frlSadl
entbUSISStcSalf praised the progtaiu
I i e-e'. led.
Whle there were a
of musical selections
large ii mil 1 1 i
I C '..)( I. -i I till
prlaalaal number eat the salsu
aim v contest, winch
pi oved motl
Interest lagi aside from the sathui
la.lli uhleh a contest always arousis.
Ko iiiiitoi iniv ssasUeal aata tie
iint -tints that it appi ireil IBM ' s
nit- to pick Urn wini. ei I. iii the
- finally selected Mi s Sagi
the beat, a Judsemenl ebluh sppeared
t ii . t the I l ulrti ,i pi . .1
Oregon Short Line
Men Refuse to
Give Information
Lewistou, Idaho. Manh 2H,
Cltil englnoera in th employ of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad were lu
t Pis civ for several days dm log the
past week from the Upper Snake
l.'n. and have gone to I l.-nn steicl
the lower terminus of the linn cm
aructud from Huntington dowu the
Snake river towards Lewistou,
'I lie men were ntici-nt hut It wan
learned they aata members of Mm
I arty who wen- reported in th.
( iratid Hntiile sect inn scrotal months
ago. A. U. tVetattt ami a prty of
milling engineers recently arrived
in Ihls city from Salmou City and
declare MM ChloagO and nthwi stern
n I Hill avslotn jointly will I ulbl
in -I iim- the Hew road to lid tillllt
-town the IJIg Salmon lilver as an e
ii aatna of the Qllssata ami MtBtasBg
ia '.n a I it. m Salmon 'it U) laBtSM
ton vlr. W'nrster sabl .
"I I e Pmi-Iii,- hi,. I I l,i Nnrthclu
win bt extended north from Bat
leadattt down Mm Little salmon
Kiver lo taa jm i . i ot Hie Hig
BUd Little Salmon Blttffl at b'le
alna, a distance of IttBilss Ainniig
the blghar rallread BffMMls Mm
Ut tl t tl N'nilhw. t. i .
willl -:ll in ii, .,t Lan
. Wye., lu a point ut or near
Idaho Pal l, perhBpt ii Rltby, Idaho,
ii-i i-i be Headed t i
i' ' l h iMi the I -ilmore mi I
Ik. go d' wii the ! B ilnn n
Rttlt i to i.i-ist'it.. wti.-r, -Mi' "
,-.,ii Bossd wit'i Mm BUI ' "' "'
(Mil -Ii Bolt I -Ii in t'" 'III I
U .i I.. Paaifli i "i"1-
. it I leral m d, an aid gli
I , i,,.i'i-st nans
llaeatal Hue rrnts Oaltage lu
I ,., ,,,. foai,. by Bboat WHl
III ll s. "
M. K. ( !. ircii Scrvicea.
' ' ' .
i .i , i .in- i the I' "i
. i ... .. in I
. .. obi Iptll
7. This trill be a tmal In the people
oi 1 1 istlo. Oat . . i Bsaatt
foraabl 'l. Ths laatuta still
hie I a ,.t p. Ill . a'i sen is ll i
llll I I i i
. n ii . 1 1 Dealt ',
C.loll'do. v.HI lei t lie IU the M. I,
.Mi, h ir. Lm . Mm Bapttls
teiiiieiit el Mm i i"i' bllssloB ol Mm
il Cb nob ioi ni out
." i.iis. His si.i.jil wilt be I'.diiea
in-, t ' hill baa beea tetaaed
tan (", III... Il'l.l l'c .'ll
nr. Mil iiei uiul ran ni n
llll rtb i u. in 1. 1 .le sea.
i i a rare treat lot the peopla of
I In 'il him.
Bundnj i i ii 1 1 1 il I sis B "
u i M i.. Caurah
will b ippn.pi laic iii Urn day oi.tli
in. i ii Inn - i (w on i.'.
i bnmai Johns
i . tor.
Sold f.c(.ea Or In '.i .11 Cities.
mi, oi i i.i I tab i !
. i -. i. , i, in. . .., Ueiulh d to run down
-a i oui.i-1 irs who
,l i, i.ainhi i '.I b0 'ii- ' I
lu (ill .latum ifl
Pacific northweal ba i
( VaUlhn. aliened to he II., I. .nil I oT
b .loiiiand, Harry g- itont
la Bpnkant sad ChsMss Datahat ia
i in- I.. ,.. . and mini ot tin
,. I,, haw been in I
little cot tag) oil Dearborn atroet, Baal
,. . 'II. e COUntl l.'l' "III I I well
nude, t. ut a trifle thick. Btone and
, 'Mi'
i , i:v. i
-n, ,, Hon
, I. je, I. I
bank .