r . T. 7. T ' BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON fcfo ;. -, .; M9 " . 4 ;. ( iVx iS .& F'A JT ft !W f f ' . M ,1. -VW? .&. - A53k.' Of : ..;R:;xr.. jMBUJBi Vaifcv"--: THIS simple rule cf health is daily called attention to liy every doctor in the land, wliose first question to the patient almost invariably is, "Are your bowels regular? Yet there's not one person in fifty who takes proper care of the bowels. And the result of this foolish neglect is nine-tenths of all ill-health. If today you are unable to free your body of waste mailer at the usual time, or if the net causes straining, pains nnd discomfort, don't let that condition occur again tomorrow. T'nless your bowels can carry away the waste materials left, after food is digested, decay sets in, the poisons of which, taken up by the blood, increase the risk of Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, and many ol her serious diseases. In treating ;itipation, there is a right way and a wrong way. The wrong way is to take hnrsh purga tives which even though they do clear the bowel.., cause griping and nausea, injure the delicate tissues, and so disturb the normal functions ns to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to produce natural movement, without pain or discomfort, by using r.i Nvm iviore Than One Hundred Million Were Sold Last Year h CXl'J .i Wr 35ZZ This enormous quantity wns used with good results by busv men who suffered from constipation, clue to lack of exercise, or indigestion cnused by overwork by children whose parents realize the harmful effect of com mon purgatives by olil p oplc wliose sys tems cannot stand n:: thing harsh by women during pregnancy, and after child birth, when anv medicine with a violent action would be particularly dangerom. Many of these people are your neighbors and friends. Ask anyone who has ever used them they'll tell you Hexull Orderlies butisScl and helped them n pontic laiatlve In the form of a chooolato-t Bit inu tnbli-t . One f lIlCM tablets eaten just before going to bed will lielp lore-ton your boweis to normal activity ut a Rffli iiirn, your hmly uang at rest, me mrtiivine can ao us licit u one. Asa result of t Wiring that tablet for say two, if your ea.se is ob : lmiiW,)..'"nr tmwels rill more canity ami naturally ji the morning. 1 lie use of Kcxnll Orderlies for a few days afterward will restore nor mal regularity, bven elironie const i I'll n i i is lu'tiefited by tliem.and it 1$ not necessary to continue th treatment fur a long time, be cause, instead of driving . atim, tliey .urn ply help her to help herself. Sold only at the rr.oro '.in 7,000 Rexn'l Morr.i aiiit In thb town only by un, MvostpiKko: i hoxoc, 10c. 25c, tr.J This Is Our Guarantee You Risk No Money If Itexall Orderlies do not make your bowels net right, tell us so nnd we'll give buck your money without asking a single question. There is no red tape to this guarantee. It meuns just what it snys. You sign nothing. We won't hesitnte, or ask you any ques tions. Your word is enough. If Rexall Orderlies do not. do all you expect them to if you don't feel better after using them and find that they are the plcasantust-ucting and beat laxative you have ever used, we wuut you to tell ttl and get your money buck. Ontario Pharmacy Ontario, Oregon. Well, What Do You Think of This? $1 g This Is Our Best Offer $1 g I The Four Fir.t Cla.. Maculosa and Our I p.ur ah riw rais ypar n.i. Don't Forget to Renew That Subscription Paper. ALL FIVE ONE YEAR. Only HrE2SSft M m 'n M n w i' World. 3tc jt. GtMa'i Fruit Gow.r, SOc y r . Fsna Ufa, 2Sc r. Hum Ufa, 25c rr All Five for About the Price of d I --. This is the biggest bargain in the best reading IfSh UOfK niatter ever nrtned to our subscribers. It m ewe" nrBBWBBW CUJCS our papei the best weekly published in this part of the state and the Four Magazines of national prominence shown above, sample copies of which may be seen at our office. We have never sold our paper alone at less than a dollar a year. But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these big publications we are able to give our readers the four magazines with our paper, all one year for only $1.18 - juit 18 cents more than the regular price of our paper alone. Send us your orders right away, give them to our representative or call and see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these clean, beautiful, interesting magazines you will want them sent to your own home for a year. H 10 JUST THINK WHAT IT MEANS! i 10 V I '10 Our Payer end These Four Standard Magazines V I 'O I Al I BUMS? AMI? VFAR ONLY -. w -w . . . .., . - . I The Ontario Argus Phone 49 J. P. O. Box 128 CHARACTER STUDIES, till inn II Improvement a frntii within outward I'lMinlc III CVclV deed Of llli-e hlcf lit (mil ii heart lo resolve, .. hen d 10 miti'lv ' mill n tin ml to i . iii- UlbbOO Any ihii'iiiiim he imiluly lit pofaal in- teougbtlee n ho Is ur inlsed at everything In- hwm or wonderfully rum cited n iin m iiHis everything I" conform I" III sluinluiil i( 'i . . n ll.i lltt. Iii tiii-- world a in. in IIHI-.I i-i-llicr lir mi anvil or a Imiuiini LoaffeUow 'I'u inilf human i liaraiti-r litflillv a mill ma aUUmtllllM liii' ViT m.ill i'Miiinir. pro i I a -4 1 In Hi a I i'l laiyi- Iiimi i IIiiIhi I .s linn Tin' m. hi lli.il (. 1 . . a char ai'liT m iKi' rHM hiiiil; BREVITY SERMONS. Suliir Mi .i i , a loo in. o ,, ,-i ami. In tlif fourth l.i. '. uiiilli words iin-i. iIiiiil aii- iu-ii III III- ll-lllM-ll III L'llllll UIMl'l bousw I'lum i in- Isnalirlt Hi- ho Is imi mi partii today I'l in- Ii-m-i n-.ni tomorrow IM . wiuu a wumii-ifiii roreeua list in thrift! 'i wo wiifii ricoa forsake uh wi- tint i-r mtnttfM UMI it i" wi- Aim forsake them 'u-nh lUTttM inu (un Idlk in Prddkdlly All tiie People io the Town ThKOlGH THIS PAPTK Read Our AdvtTtisements And Profit by Them Stockholders of tht Drain Cannery nail Q rOWOT' asset lattoa WSi and rom- iiictcd a pi rmastm onsnltstlea. ()ron;i raittl will meet In tlielr nnnnal three (lays' bUSllteS session In Monmouth May 19 to L'l, Inrluslvp. Prppiirntinns are heitiK made for a conference of the lntercolleKlate Pro hlultion BHSoclation In connection with the annual oratorical contest to be held at Pacific College April 10. An afgreCStS of $1600 wan paid In fines as the result of Indictments til turned by the ci.im! Jury at Pendleton against gamblers and those who per mitted names in tbolr places of busl ness. Senator l.ane has received tele grams from fishermen and commer cial bodies of Portland and Astoria, urging him to have the fish Commis sion steamer Albatross sent to Alas kan waters next summer. The Sunt hern Pai ific company hns paid Into the county treasurer of .laiksoii county $81,H82 In taxes. Hal allie due of $?0,iMl0 will not be paid until laud grant matters have been adjust- l The only Oregon claim In the omnl bus claims bill was stricken out by the senate committee, leaving Oregon without representation. It was the claim of John K. Huller of Lane coun ty- The last refuge of the canvass back duck In Oregon Wapato lake at Oas ton is to be drained and Oregon's duck hunters will get few convass back dinks In the future. Arrange mn 1 . have been made to drain the lake and use the land for rarmlng pur poses. If the recommendations of Adjutant General Klnr.er and the commissioned officers of every company In the stnte sre followed by Governor West, the Oregon National Guard will hold Its annual encumpmvnt In IU15 at the Panama Pacific Kxpoaltlon Iti San Kranclsco. When McMlunvllle College won the Intercollegiate oratorical contest In Al bany It made the fifth victory that In Ml It ut ton lias won In the annual stale contests am gave It rank next to the I'nlverslty of Oregon for the largest number of contests won In this asso elation. Artlve Indorsement of the "swat the cigarette" cumpulKti ban been made by the clt) council of Seaside. One or dimince prohibits th" sale of tobacco to ail) one under the uge of IK years and another provides penalties fot llllnlepreselil lit lolls of the age of an applicant for tobacco. Seven counties have availed them selves of the bill passed at the last session of tiie legislature providing for agricultural and horticultural SS tension work. The state, under the provisions of I lie measure, gives an amount eunul to that appropriated by each county for the work. The county court plans to set apart a day 011 which every man ami boy in l.lnn county will work the roads The date will be some time In April Ac in-Img to plana business of all kinds will be suspended throughout the ennui and the elf or Is of every resl deot, liienpectlve of occ 11 pal loll or vo cation, will be devoted to road work Mioiillng to Douglas county 11111 seiyineii. about IfjtlO acres of orchard l.ni'l will be planted this year In that district Almost all of this acreage will be given over to prunes, for In the lust two peatl one season's SfSfM 011 some or the farms lias brought in mole cuhli than the land Is assessed fur A county educational rally, to be held 111 Kugene on Saturday. May 16, and to comprise the final spelling run teMs of the year, a school children's parade ami an exhibition ol tin- work of llie manual tralnlliu anil ilumestli mi iitue 1 I . beM aiiinaiiired b K .1 Moon-, count. superintendent a1 seels The V ullauiPile Vnllcv Press .1 0 -i.it ion si ,1 sMetlni in Helen weal oa record as being opposed to further legislation thai will hamper tin- 1I1 velopmeut ol ths slots sod Indorsed the miiveineiit to make Mrs Abigail Boot) Dunlwsy the western represeu t.ii'.e on the SOBOrsrj liu.iril ut wo un 11 to represssl the Uslted Itsteo ai tin- Paessss Hsolflc Exposition Prsetieell all tae usrsesrved pub In land in Maker oOUBly. escepl that 111 srsalS valleys, has ln-eii ili-h i.ii.iieil S) the secnlai ol the lliler lor lor entry iinilei the eiii.n.. : sonssteed law Between 100,000 ami 1 ""u seres, ssosll) in Baker sees '. lose t her with snail tracts in the southern end ol Union oouoty, ur- now. sulijei 1 to entry in ii'.'u m re iiucIh If Qovereer Wests plans mateii,,! 11, e battleship Oregon, niter H loedi the wstei pageant through the p. in. una 1 seal ai u opeslsg. win fled a ssrber Is Oregon waters The gov einui durlSg hli- n-ieiil visit to WSSaV Ington ii (' asked the ssv) 'lepurt tie in to subsides the Oregon for the I wiili Ii in now being used by Un- Oregon Naval Militia While he ..I no lietiiiili assurance that institution would 1 n .1- in- is r twill be IgrSSd to by tin iii partmsot. NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of Tht Past Week From Cities In Our Stats Woman Prisoner Is Blek. Coeur d'Alene- Mrs. l.aum Ilrown, who was Implicated In the shooting of Anna Pressley and Duke Harris at St. Joe several weeks ago nnd who Is in Jail In default of bonds pending her trial In the district court on the charge of assault with intent to commit mur der, Is in a condition of nervous pros tration. A trained nurse Is attending her. "Wet" Petition to Circulate. I.pwlston dvocntes of the snlonn have decided to circulate a petition for an election to determine whether Nez Perce county will remain dry ter ritory. At the last local opt ion the city of l.nwlston gave a substantial majority to the "wets." Country pre cincts, however, overcame this major ity nnd the "drys" won. Hog Stealing Case is Heard. Nag Perce. -The preliminary exam imitliiii of Hubert lliickltigham was in-ill before Prahate Jaags Huberts ami he was held to answer to the district court in SMI ball. Iliicklugham Is charged Jointly with Don Reynolds of I'lrillnauil of stealing eight head of hogs from Prank Plmlell near Voll ni'T Reynolds has escaped arrest. Ghoulish Catch of Salmon Fishermen. Salmon The body of George Smith who committed suicide by Jumping off the Salmon river bridge about a month ago, was found by C Davenport near Iv a mile dow 11 tli" river Davenport, while fishing for salmon, caught his hook in Smith's clothes and towed the body to shore. After Violators of Gsms Lsw. Ilallev lex Klscher of Hellevue wns fined 2i for killing s deer out of season Wardens are in this vicinity looking for violators of the fish and game laws Many complaints have been made of excessive catches of trout ut the Magic Dmn. also that lite fish were being sold UlegHlly. Culdaeac Plana Roundup. Culdesac. Plans are being perfect ed for holding a roundup here In May. l Koiiherg is promoting It and ap peared before 1 he hoard to procure it DergSlI to use th' glollllils where the ..11 a. 1 up was held Inst yest. SENTENCE IS SUSPENDED Former Shoshone Official Will Stay Out of Pen During Good Behavior. Wall. ne MM v t'ouslaii, chief deputy he-in of Shoshone county from ISS4 to ISIS, who pleaded guilty to the charge ol SBtBQSlll 110111 ol Bounty funds during his tenure of of flee, was sentenced to from one to I" years In prison. Constan had nothing to say when the coun asked him 11 In- bed SB) legal cause to show why Settees should not be pronounced Judge Woods announced that in view of llie fact that Hie money had been rep, ml to the county and other mill gating circumstances, bu would sus peed the sentence pending good be huvli.r. 11 lul re I en sell the lioiiilhiueii Klglil charges of ellllll.leuleUl were filed against Constan, to one of wlilcn, that of emhe..ling a rush bond of IMS SS pleaded guiliy after having eni.i.il a plea of not Kullly when pre vloiislv arraigned The seven oilo-r chargi s have lu-eii continued until the next term I t court Important Contest Decided. Twin Calls v. 'I. .11 ftnfltesl rase irl) three ri steadied lavoli lug i'.'.'n sorts "i un 1 lead m the rieln n hi luv 1 ut k. 1 ' ..I artesian Cltj " ii h ben 1 bu sex rei srj of the mtei lot in. uie bis iii 1 inn in fat or o 1 ho defendant Cleared of Murder Charge Oroflno Uaynard Brown ws Quitted oi tin eharge ol murdering .lame. Snodui.i Three balloli were taki a in Hi.- in t nine u . re for so quitted oa tht iseond, 1 1 'i m- killing took place Kebrunrj 15, . Idaho to llie Home Induhtiy Wck Uewlston 'Home llldll.il Week' ha 1 at. ii 1 mi Idersble Interest Is at. ami Information has just iiiin received here thai the governor of id . bai do Ignated the week "' kprll Kt to is for Its ohservsnee Trap Shooting at Krllorjrj. Keiiogg j w mi.i ..ii esrrleil off the record nt the shoo) ol las Kel ' .1111 'lib W I" i It of 11 possible -it) in Hi. 1 wo L'6 1ili.l events Kd Uef'srt) formerl) boldlns the record Willi 41 ii.' ol Frcbt Hurts Idauo Peaches. K'Uilnek The warm .itln-r has -inn. 1 i be - 1 iv fruti ami farmers re port il I i" ,n dous to Uiu pesehes h frost.