HON. GEO. C. BROWNELL , ANNOUNCES HIS PLATFORM HOD i Geo, t, Hrowfiell repiiM lean cnndl.latc for gOTtrnOTi issues h t ;t t -ment in the i (ili of Ol agon and says ho will veto ; 1 1 1 Mil OOODMMtlni Ha- ; IDOM ami breweries, which illicit he I paused hy the !-; islat ure- OrggM Ctl . OrggMi 1-Vlniiat II, 1!HI To tha People or Ortgw ; I have waited with I In- hope that MM of the tiimi'ToiiH lentlemM who aro eiiiidlilates for governor in the lie litilillcan iniiiiatics ami othetwlsc. In nnnonncltiK their candidal . would make Home declaration as to how lliev gfeOOd MM IM national iirohlem ol the Hali- and manufacture of Intovlcat In liquor In the I'nlterl States. I have also hoped that there would have MM ' DM MpFMtkM as to how these Kenlli'tnen stood. Of would stand on the unction Of tin amendment to the constitution of the atata of Or mm MOllslllM IM hmI'' "i"' nianuriictiire of all Inlov Icit Iri4 lli(iior within thin Btat" None of the-e gentlemen have Keen fit to make .illy ilei laratlon or commit themxelvcH In any win upon this grOOl is ne. which I think and lie lleve to he the most Important for the Welfare of the people Kclictlllh ami to the maintenance of our flu Mian clvl llxatloti that now exist. women of the lulled .b'Utcs. hankers and memherH of the OoflUMT 1 am OPpOltd to anj and all Asiatics clal rl,1 were at first opposed to a mid. M Hindus MlOf jiei milted to ,ll(l enforcement of the law because come Into tins couniiy and nitu tins .state and OOtBpetlOg hi the logging camps and otlnr ITMMI ol wuik and IMOT with llM lalioriiiK men now Ml It is MMOMMTJt lor me to add, that 1 stand with all good citicn-. in this .-tate in lan. i ol upholding and maintaining our school system in ii fair and lilieial way, and in the DOB structlou of mads and highways tu lliei'l the ilelliaild .111(1 I ei ll 1 1 clients Ol our I, itiiiing, producing! coiiiim 1 1 ill and business classea ol the people ol this slat", with tins .(ii, ilil ii alinii. that I foal that whatever plan are aOOptOd in the i oiiHtrui t( ion ol roads in this it would leave vacant hundreds of htillillngs and apparently would de moralize the tiuslness Interests of the city. However, the law was rigidly enforced; not by a trial of rases he mic juries, hut hy Intunctlon suits ii -iilnst the property owners and upon llfft davit! before a JtldRe who gfMtOd tli" Injunction showing violation After the court had adopted the plan of enforcing its orders by putting pad locks on the doors of the buildings, and prohibiting the opening of the 'iiilldlng until the owner should give I bond that it should never again be 'i ed for the Illegal purpose, and send- I i,. I that whatever plans are adopted ' the proprietors of the Joints to in the construction of roads in this statu and whatever methods are u ... .1 In the Hpciiding ol the people's uioiiuy for such construction, that the iBMIMl of the fanning class of the people oi this state, should be very caniully Balegiiaided .mil their wishes as indi cated through the society ol DQall the l)eveloiiiient League and the I'arineis Uratige, should be cousulted and followed. 1 desire also to say that 1 stand Ir rOVOMOtj In la.or ol lice picas and lice Speech, 1111(1 that If 1 should be MOOMBfol ii being nomlnaied and elei led tOVOTMt of this state, i will nee, so far as in power will pet mil, Jail for large sentences, not on con victions for the sale of liquor, under siard, but for violating the order of ibe court, there could be no Jury trials and convictions were easily obtained. slve kid-glove commissions that are lapping the taxes and resources out of the people of the stale. I am also radically opposed to the attitude of the national administra tion In Its wool schedule and wool tariff, which Is a direct slap to the great sheep Industry of the state of Oregon, nnd the country at large. If nominated and elected governor, I will veto any bill which may pass the legislature, compensating saloon keepers and breweries for money In vested In their business, In case pro hlhltton carries or Is adopted or other wise, or under any circumstances what ever. I also favor the abolishment of the fish and game commission as now constituted, but favor reasonable lawH protecting game without so much red tape. I will stand for the abolishment of all useless commissions, believing that the responsibility for the expenditure A"( r these things had been done, the I of the people's money should be fixer! owners of buildings gradually found and i other tenants and In the course of a ,'ew months or perhaps a year, the in auch a way that tho public will Know Just where, when and whom to hold responsible for the heavy taxes raitie business men who had protested and expenditures. I therefore believe Use Formaldehyde For treatment of diseases of Grain, Potatoes, and Vegetables. Book of its uses free FOR SALE BY Everhart Drug Co. that no man or woman, rich Or poor, i.. I ....i . 1 1. .ifler film ffiMMlllcra I niai'K or wune, sunn in.' uuiiiMiru mi the opportunity of fairly and decently e,nsHlng IhcniHelveH aiiywbcie. In lion I have concluded to become cniidldale for governor Upon this Issue ... n.n .iiw.ii.ni one of 111 i amildar v. ....' it,. ...mill public halls, or upon the streets ol ( it Hike lis position that the Intelll- ... gent opinion of all fair minded men mid women Is tiniiicstlonul.l that tin les in this state, as long as IMJ I N ft... ..I II ,,,K.J.M III II I'lYl.lll U'llV Jill' I III.IIIP. Ill R ... !" wmf liquor t raffle, as now In use and force, Is a menace to civilization, and Is the result largely, ol crl poVgftjr, M gciictncv and moral decay, to such an extent as to become a startling danger U) Hie bum. ill line. 1 have no pel on ill right nealnst the man who Is inn inn Milium. I leallv feel more like condemning and censuring BOClet) tor permitting this neat avll ami DOWOI In exist and to obtain the Hi m bold Hull It has In tin mil In this count i v III bad ni o. n I I in ii Id real as ir social) Itaalf. ought In be punished to the exlelil nl i pens.illiir. the men who hiiv eflgggtd III IblH business, sanct lolled Ii the law . in a ie laoMbla a. ) to rarova Ibeli mi e Hie nl thai Hie. have III n.', nil the ii Hi" them thai Kb ' Lincoln t.ivnii d bii lni 'be slavi colonizing them. In order to settle ibe .ii i p tibleUI HI I mi' " . I I i 1 1 1 1 K and kiri iliat Ida p. pit "i Ihia i il i aid nut i.imh conipans llu i men Who have iiiM'Hli'd lllclr lliollcs In the saliMin bualnaaa, nailbar am I mho eating It aa a p.ui nl mi plat im in nor pin i am in Hits llgbl I am snup gaoling II lo the i inp.1 Pin e and I. in minds nt the people "I ibis -tale, tor t Iii-iii lo (h nib.. I mi as tin . tea in r ngulilng .. i do, th il whenever HKiat) feels thai it Is In iiangii it baa i 1 1 tit in i nin.il .ma in deatro) an thing tb.n endangara it- sell object .Hid illl i,.ii In i,i Irj iii arouse tb publli upinUto ami tba mi . ii in ni tba people .a tbl - state, where Hicv will be willing In stand shoulder 0 shoulder, il I cspci lcl e ni politico pail) or all lliallniis and il II I lo lni the puipn.e nl putting Hie saloon buglneoa on) oi Mtotaoce .net deatroj its Influence In our economic, uolal and pniiip.nl Ufa l therefore am III hl.il nl destl .'V llir Hie .llnnll: il!l i nuipi l. ill' II II Hie people sllilllbl lipmi a direct vote so declare, but I would veto am bill winch the leg tela line uilghi pi cniiipiiisaiing salooua lor Ihcli line I ii i lit unlcnH tin- people in popular inii directed ma la go nibci is. i t.iini upeul) ami above inn iimi 1 1 inn 1 1 1 . iii favor ni tiie adoption "t a tiatlnnal and i.n .Hiiemlliieiil In tile COOatltUllUU "' the I III!., I Stale-, and Ibe stale nl Hugiili, to prohibit the sale and maiiiil.nl ii i e nl' all iiimxii .iliug liqiini within the t ' ii it t-il Stale and within the state of Oregou I also fgvoi national -utn. me lo lha a-.mst the rigid enforcement of the law, came to the assistant attorney general and apologized. No disinter ested business men In the r wnubl i , be willing to b.ie the city return to the old plan I remember Instances i where grocerymen and other mer chants said that since the enforce ment of the law, and this was said within u year thereafter, children came to their stores, with five and ten dollar bills to purehaf' provisions who hail, prior to the enforcement of 'be law. never seen that much money The liquor question has got to be in mc.r utvi - fooghl nut. Me. will be compelled to frrmmrly came barefooted had shoes taken stand, for It or M M It. TM '"' "- f"' l",, 1 ,hpr l,v"s; ,ni" sal Is cither right or It Is w g. , the poorer class of people were able ,s right it -.iioi.bi be maintained " Ml ""' i,;,M ,,,Hr " "' ,np ami perpe.iia.e,!. II it Is wrung. It stores wbee form.'Mv It was dllflcult s Hd be destr, I I feel that it U " o'""1" MfMMi Or rse. our wrnng. I reel that II Is foollM l- UM h,v '""",s K,,n,,i", ('l,v' ""- moral aociciies m tin. .tm tu-. .. 'md IM first blod ovor IM Mm is ......,, , .....i.. .i . known as the "wet block" and It Is , HI 1,1 IS 11 I Hill I I Ik. II I I II II e, pi e.n II m I - li.otiH against ViM, pass ,,,,.,..,,., sabl to cntitaln something like a ,1 -, lagalnal vtoo and i.-dd Mat is ind "" " MWJM road) to iraol tha I'.akl siie.ehes mid can;, an, I la ".. Ii KgBtM man wh... he comes over. Hut rhoa .hei grog gbi rico, h ""'" "'" u''"' s" "ll11'""1 "' .. ..: , tba aa to MM In this "'' " "" IM1 II u Hmo , , it is Ii. Ibe sain n lo a lMMlMa for H.em tO M wilho.it H. exlelil, lh.lt the seed is sown w.bl 111 I b- evening tJ tM UPMblfl . I .... I I.. ...... ami eventuall) rlpena Intu crime, an J '" " anaaaaan . m-w. M. won -bin,,,.,,, biding lu The l..,g. .....li.ii.v o. tbe.n. ami tin- lb. .-. H.c jail and p.. ,,.,.,.'., iVtimgO mini, turned ami wen, to b, . Mi UM m an, il,,,., ami m gagM- '""" wl""" ,,i,W"i; hl',", '" "' Ml im, g ..bom wmi .,,,,1 '" llQMf. Prior to Hi- aoforoamoni pi.M'it to tba ihoiisamU and mill. '' ihe Joints glwggg pTOMlM nt u.ii.ie, i children In tba land '"" "'" ''"' '' HU,MH "' """"" i knuvi alt i.n ban e thla n P I '' mmm i van wU i reeJlae tba power o. UwM pareaotaga oi tba m i th,- in,,,,,, element and tba Retail 1.1- mm MtMa o Iba bar, and of qi.or associaimii ol ibis siaie, l... . i, e OMrM, "" i''' ""' ' k,u,w' ,lu" gWg) guai.l I ......I. to i.attic IM UtMTOI would uatui all) toal ,1- h.i. position I know bM ban I le.l MM t spend MM P ll is to make merchants, bankers, ...id MAW Ibose circumstances, an I ll tr.- Inis - men t.,k. an active Interest gMBtl) MggMM ' '"' " ' II, Ihe imn.uielll. bei.n.M- Ih.i l,e cblldian HO Ml a VOT) III Pi'l ,,,,,'l.tli I,.,, that .1 will i..j...e ilie nl lb- PMMM Ml "bat I market, atoro, aed bank, ..ml In wg) arlth whM 'in- oi "- nbei wind-, all Hade Ibe lu I Kansas l'ilt. M iii.icas.-d ii. avarj mmm was grlvM Ml "' VopttoX hi flrol throa or tool ol blislnes. III I'liltl.llld. Ill.-ble nl all -ais ..Iter laws wn. eiibiu.,1 at l.ii.lllbs ... a M..i. Ibe me,, hauls ami a WOOOOrfgl rale Thee Wgl i,...ik,d business men would be Ibe oins who lll.p. ovelilelit in the .insp."it ol I'm WCUld be .o.i,..iti.:..in,g c.nli ul.c. incrchanls ..ml the business oi the ., th. advance lu gVOT) UM Of Ma eft) inclosed, and ins. ..,,! m ., gl .....I belter I...VI..C.IIS ol the lulls CUM. tb-ie U a gnat inc. .mm' III ,,, lB9, oll- business and population. MMt "f tlie I., llluatrata ti.is. i horowltl nuou buildings thai agro foroaorl) oeeuplad ,. i .i... ..i i... .Mint in. in a bttei wiiiieu In Ji'ims ere ......p... ... ..t... ..- November it. 1911, to n.m glial bualooM. an in.' .. it.r. wbn la (.ne ni th. Judge oi tba i .limine 0OUH ol KlgfWl. and a in.... win Ma lived iii Kansas dining the . 1. .a ibe amendment to . couatitu- l 11 ami a man nt gfOOl BbilltJ and b 1 1, ai.n iei ii Porter w rltaa i Din town. Kan-., 1- ('it.. Kansas, lias ,,v,i 100,004 population It is a .it. HI favoi Hon. stale closing 1 deelre to M) IMI I Hi.- j 1 am exemption from tag i How befoe the people of thin iii addition thereto l ish to sav that I led Hull the people nt (In state of Oh' mi ami 111 fact societ. generally, roral) gppaototo IM Mbi ami obligation that thc owe lo the ot inanuf.ntiii.i- Six w eight years school teachers ..ml Inatructora, funn v. hell thev Stat ted lo 1 iiloi 1 . 1 ., law l.gldlv, Ibe..' were soui.-t bin . '. olnta" 1 nulling p.a.'tl.'allv wide opeii Mauv ol the bai weie Hxed up 1,1 a luxurious iiiaulici and einirmous sinus weie paid over Ihe bgrt tVI d.o Man. conaervatlva bualnaaa men 200 Acres for Sale OR TRADE Fifty ai-ivs has been leeded to alfalfa. Borne buildingaV All under feneti Railroad line through tract. On Snake river. Well drained bench land. Elec tric pumping plant can be installed for 12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer. Address Box 12S, Ontario, Oregon collegia down to our dletrlcl tcboila, for the cllici.'ii.v and the work th.t thev do and if 1 should be llnnmcd with tins Humiliation ami election, K would be a source of gTOOl pleas,, ie to in.', ill evctv leLiitimat.' wav. to ad and advance ihe dillerent BOhOOl la torMtg and Institutiona of this t ne ..ml the 111. 11, 'i 1. ,1 welt. ne nl Ihe 11, st 11, elms and lea. hers tlierent' I also stroiiKly favor glvlM abi ant all assistance that Is possible towards belplng the people of eastern Oregon and mbei pails of the state n.-edint: Irrigation, to got water gpon then- I itids 1 also fgvor rIvIm IM governor power to veto scpai.ite items In ap poidution bills passed bv the legis lature, and tins I advocated tnr v ears when a member of the slate senate I I g now b-.iiu taken up as a new niatti'i bv aoOM Of tba candidates gl tbougb I use! it as an argument on the floor of the state senate, for many years einleavoiinn lo induce the leijis lature t pass a bill MllUag DD I con ItltUttonol conv enlinn. BO tbat the loiistitiitiiin could be amended glvlni ovaraor this aova M ooll s man ' inges .. ' u , the Intel ests of lie state 1 an - ' that tho responsllilllty should rest with tho governor, secretary of stnte and state treasurer, so the people will know who to exercise the recall on. In case It Is desired at any time I favor separation of church and state In this stnte and nntlon. Sincerely yours. OaOBM c imowNia.i.. ajMJBBBBBjaaaBBBBBBk. "Y Jrfci-ajf MMMMMmV I Get y-S&v9 I B Yfu ran milr iar H fr tnrrnraj;, rmita' H H H 1 nt n-iii(' t"U H I luvll 1 H tin .linikiaaf I H u. I tvrm I .. 1 H 1 Conkey'r, I CoyV I Laying I Poup I I Tonic I Romody B A ara?.l,'0 ! Tnm H 4 Ptntsttw w Hr-neatat H Hi IT -t MB . i .. 4 B HI ii-s B - . i - . it asaTj b (9 " MIH ItiNblVI UN MtiMHV oooa I Everhart Oru: Co. Ontario, Oregon. Tho rt'ijisirtittnii Imoka nro opon Siitunlay evn i ua. Ontario Hardware Co. Hardware Headquarterrs Stoves, Gasoline Engines, Keen Kutter Lawn Mowers Clarinda Lawn Mowers Bean Spray Pump, Meyer Mallea Pump, Fullen Paint and Muresco. Keen Kutter Tools Keen Kutter Shears Keen Kutter Knives Ontario Hardware Company Three High Class Papers Free All subscribers who are in arrears can by paying up back account and one year in advance to The Argus secure the fol lowing publications Absolutely Free: Fruit Grower and Farmer, (tt1) $1.00 The Vegetable Grower (monthly) .50 Woman's World ( monthly ) .50 This is an exceptional oppportunity to square up old accounts and prepare for the Future SItf QDutariu Argun Phone 47 J. P. 0. Box 128