Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS John Woodl and family have gone to the ranch Order your Easter suit today from Cope dk Dunnuck. Mrs A. L. Cockrum was ft MMMgtf to Boise this morn ing. Charles Thcbaiid.of Vale, was here Tuesday ' calling on the people. Kid Kelsey. the sheep man, wns calling on old friends here this week. Hill Lyells was down from Hoise over Sunday, visiting with the hom folks. A dutightur was horn to Ma and Mrs (). A. Koshnick, on Sunday morning. QoOfgO Wagner has moved his family to Ironpides, where ho has a homestead. A car of heer arrived Tuoodey from Minneapolis, the first ship mint of the kind from that place. Mr and Mrs Hoyer have re turned fnun San DitgO, where they have been for soverul mo nths. Louis Hurtle is prepared to sharpen youi shears for ten cents ami guarantees satisfue ti on. Mr and Mrs Harry Duffy are here visiting with their many friends. They are en route to California. IJev. Davidson was down from the new home at Nam pa over Sunday and preached in the rre.shyterian church. Tell your neighbor! about our big club offer. They rarely would like to u'et the ArgUI and four lllil'j :iot !l nl,e vein, for only $1.18. An action has been startc' by Gov West geinet the Pacific Live stock company for cquir ing jTt'llii acres of land through dummy locaters. .luck Surren, of Neavda, Wt liere this week visiting with 11. V. With, 'com bo Be was on his way to Alaska, where he ex pects to dig out I fortune. B09 Smith had a short runa way Tuesday, but ho was too good a sprinter an I caught up to tlicin und climbing into the wagon, soon had the tujim under control. Jndgl t'lecton, of Multnomah has rendered a decisun that taxts are not delinquent bofort Scpteiiiher and that penalties cannot be iniliced before that date. The case will probably be carried to the supreme court T. T. Kohout, of Jordan Val ley, has been here m .-ral day thi week on busine s matters He is arranging lor e?arehouie at Hoinedalc to handle the Jor dan Valley freight and also will have a lumber yard there. The Fact Remains No amount of misrepresentation by the peddlers of alum baking powders, no jug gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of any kind, can change the fact that Royal Baking Powder lias been found by the offi cial examinations to be of the highest leavening efficiency, tree from alum, and of absotute purity and wholesomeness. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable for making finest and most economical food. ThOf Coward was I Vale vis itor Tuesday. Nice line of hair switches at Grove & Riley. Mr and Mrs David Dunbar were visitors to Vale Wednes day. A. B Anderson, the Weiser banker, was visitor here this week. Mrs Crocker Johnson was up to Vale Tuesday looking after her taxes. f Dick Dearmond wns down from tho ranch for a few days this week. A. A. Hall, who is in business at Hoise, was here over Sunday visit -ing with friends. Charles Watson and Kd Jones, of Krui tland, made a trip to Weiser on business. Mr and Mrs A. D. Karns, of Weiser, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs W. V. Honian, Haul Jones has gono to Her miston, where he has a position with the government surveyor You can get four splendid muga zintsono year for IS cent txtra by renewing your sub scription to the Argus. Mi and Mrs J. H. Newport, of Notus and Miss Artie Lot, ol Hoise, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Jos Staples. Ladies and gents clothing cleaned in a thorough and workmanlike manner at reason able price bv Cope A Dunnuck. Those who are candidates for the Ontario Ball loam should report to K. fj, Bomolo. who is looking after that end of the game Attoaney t'rundall, of Vale, who is a candidate for the nom ination for n i n tentative, mi here Tuesday e.i .nig on ibo people. James Owen, of the Hig Hend, was in Vale Wednesday proving up on his boinottond and had PlinOaooaud Fobn Purooll along for witnesses. Mr.- Calloway, of Hoise win visiting Ontario friends last week roturning home Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. L. Adam, who rotumod home Tin-day. A man showed up here last night with the smallpox and wa- taken care of. He claim- to have been working near Wei ser. At PajOttO be applied foi assistance but they told him to keip going, and he probably spread the disease around some lit c.i . r Ferris and Supt Davi-,of the dabQ Oregon Light and 1'owcr Company, were hen tbi- week. Mr Ferris says when the court glfOf him POfBlilOOU he will be ready to start work ut Ox How and soon have the com puny in shape to fill all contracts for power. McBratney received a car load of wire on Monday. Klnier Orcutt was up from Weiser visiting with the home folks and others. Miss Kstella Curry was down from Nampa Monday, visiting with the family. Miss Sadie Kishbeck was in Eminett over Sunday visiting with her relatives and friends. Oh, well, it may be that sonic women wear split skirts to de tract attention from their faces Two car loads of Kord OUtOI arrived Tuesday, one for the local agents and the other for Hums. Suits made strictly to order for you as cheap orcheaper than ordinary ready made.--Copc A' Dunnuck. The Hotel Moore will continue to serve Table de Mote dinners Sunday evenings from .";;I0 to s. Dinnoi 78 cent-. Trice and Company hnve re ceiveil the machinery for a bott ling plant and will have a pti nanonl location for it soon. C. T. Cooper, the Caldwell o cialist wdio drew a draft for ten thousand dollars on Pierpont Morgan, was a visitor hcroThurs day. Winter and Trousdale shipped in a car load of thoroughbred cattle for their dairy heard, from Kvcntt, Wash, this makes a herd of thirty-five. The Pacific Live Stock Coin pony are arranging to keep all their cattle on the ranches as it is not found profitable to range now, there being too much land taken up by settlers Adam Murray, the BooUb sheep man, wa-here -everaldays last week looking after bntinON matters. He say- the winter was exceptionally good for sheep and that the wool is going to be prime this season. J. (!. Staples celebrated hi 71th birthday on Sunday. He savs Ostler doesn't know much a- In i- a better man at 7 I thai plenty of them at I.'! ami know lie is going to keep on iinprov ing for twenty years mn M trshall Odell picked up a man thi- week who was pa--inj' bad checks around among tin business houses. He had a I'end iilon bank cheek book and -ev eral of the looal morehanti gel caught. He was arrested at Hunt ington on information from Odell. Q, W Thomas, who formerly reaided bOI e.but ha- been in the banking bueinooi in California for a few years, was annuel -bak ing hards with old friend- this week. He says the tourist crop was short in California this year ami business quiet but next yeai there will be a harvest. Methodist Episcopal Chinch March 2U, I'M I. Subject Morning at 1 I. a in, Tin Joyful Sound, livening at 7 o, Sorrow Unequalled yot I "- heeded, Or Bini ol 'it n-- and Nation-. There will bt good music by the choir. and a cordial invitation i- extended to u'' tUL' i,eoi''e 01 Ontario. Thome Johni Paeter The only men of worth to the town or community are tbooa that forget their own selii-h ends long enough and are lib eral enough In their idea- to en courage every public uml private enterprise, who are ready with brain and purse to push every project calculated to build up the town and enhance its import ance. The enterprise ami pub of a town or community is the foundation of its permanent UCCOM Mrs l.'alpb Kckhardt returned to Hoise a tew days ago after a weeks visit with her parents. A.E. Nichols and family have moved to their home at Iron sides for the summer months (Jeorge Ware, of Indian Val ley, who is a property owner here, was here this week looking after his interests. If you will subscribe to the Argils for one year we will -end you four monthly magazines for only 18 cents extra. The hope that railroad travel may he so systematized that there will be no need for itOOl cars is -till too remote to justify the use of the wooden coach. A Missouri .ludge nppmve of the slit skirt on the ground that the wonderful buman ma chine is nothing to be ashamed of He has doubtless observed that it is always that kind of machine that wears 'em. A. A. Wales, who is a holder of much Ontario property, was heio this week the guest of Jeo I. yells and family. Mr. Wiles bee ar ranged to have his buildings painted and fixed up lie DO leives that Ontario is the coming city of this section. Always on the Job If you ImvM ii Jot) of hiiulliitt you Htit ilniiH, Iiickh or mull, you oh:' nlwmn cmii'M'I on John I. mil I iiikIihiii 1'i-UiK rcKily tor yon. Call liiiu ut lie Moore llotitl. Mere than 1,000,000 ciilue arlH in hiiow wns rc!iniii lima Mm BtrMtl 0l Nil Veil, nl n com ol MM, I ami 1100,000 inure will till In In' hienl lo pet 'tie -irei'lH la proper cumin Imi. in. renal! of the recent heavy storms A MMtBl prlmnr .o hel'i m South Dukotn 'I'uesilay for the main nation h nil n rili- of cunilliliite lor liiii.it ItStM MMtOTi ri hvm nintle 111 I nil. I I OVt I Mill .lllll llllll I ii In- oli il lor next No Mllllll I STOMACH HEALTH -- OR NO COST TO YOU Very likely otbera have ad I i d vou to mi Rexall Dyopepoin Tm bletif because semes uf pooi l in this community believe tin m to be tin i, -i remedy ever inodt for Dy-" plu :,"l 1 udigt itb n. That i- what We think, lQO,bt OaUOO we i now what thev have lone for Otberi and w hat thev arc made of. Wo have so mucb faith in them that we urge you to try them at our risk. It they don't belp you, tin", won't uoel you oent. D they don't do all that you want them t" do--if they don't roetoro your stomach to health and make VOU? dige-tion ea-y--iu-t tell u- nid ao will gie book your money without a word or Uc tion. Containing Pepsin and l!is- inut'h, lW0 ol tbo gl RlOOt diy es- tive aidl known to medical sci ence, they soothe the inflamed stomach lining, help in tin 100 n tion of nitric juico,obock beart burn and diotreoo, promote regu lei bowel action, and make, u poenblo lor you to eat obatevor yon likt! 1 henever yon like, with tho comforting OMUreOOO that tin ie will bo no bad iftorefl We believe them to be the bt l remedy inado foi i ipep.-.ia and indige-iion. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Kexall Bl and in this town onlv at our store. 'I'll i . -. '' . 50, and $1.00. On' iri ' Pharmacy, On tario, ( In '.on. p'l. adv. Blue Stem Seed Wheat The best in the country. Also White Dent Seed Corn Raised on dry land. For Sale by H. J. Russell Phone 81 SAVING TIME h44: Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the dietanCO from your bouoo to the Doctor and Merehanl and whal timt you save by telephoning? fyour time is worth anything, you cannot titronl to he without I Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Boyer's implements the JOHN DElftt PL . ? u- "IMi '.,: - Have you everything t do your aprin pn jiaring for crop with'.' Wo like to ahow and figure with you whenever you are in need. To be sun- ol getting i pro! 1 out ol their OUtlM I '""d ' train bandit-. niint -.11 lu moving picture right Weiser, Idaho ky TELEPHONE )W COMPANV KIND P -'' ii .- - , 1 Pittsburgh' u I '"- '", ' " ' ' . . I i mhIIii onli , '""-' l" I 1 1..