The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 19, 1914, Image 7

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    Just Unloaded Another
Gar of Implements
And are in shape to
Care for your entire
Implement needs
Let us have a Chance to demonstrate
our entire line
Malheur Mercantile
Well, What Do You
Think of This?
This Is Our Best Offer $
That Four Firt-Cl Magaiine and Our
Wumtiia World, 3Sc rr. Grcn' Fruit Grower, 50c yr. Farm Lil, 25c yr. Home Life, 25c yr
All Five for About the Price of
H j.vjv This is the bimrcst bargain in the best rei
Iff If S AlOllG matter ever offered to our subscribers. It in
wmi v oneweav ( !a ki owr pa.)eI thc Ua wecKy puMi,hei
in this part of the state and the 1 mr M I izinei ol national promn.
shown above, sample copies of which ni bg MM at our office.
We have never sold our paper alone at less than a dollar a year.
But on account of the splendid contract we have made with these br
publications we are able to yie our readers the four magazines with our
paper, all one year for only $1.18 just 18 cents more than the
regular price of our paper alone.
Send us your orders right away, give them 1 1 our representative or call
and see us when you are in town. As soon as you see these clean,
beautiful, interesting magazines ou will want them sent to your own
home for a year.
Our Paper and These Four Standard Marjazines
04 1QF
Phone 49 J.
The Ontario Argus
P. 0. Box 12H
Practical Tests in Kansas and
Other States Show Its Ad
vantages Will Not Blow
Down and Never
Freezes Up.
Can Be Built Without Skilled Labor
Not Recommended In Humid Sec
tlona Where Water Cornea
Near to Surface.
Pit ullns are not adrocated In humid
sections. Where tho ground In llrui
ami dry, pit alios will serve tht pur
pose as well as more expensive struc
tures. They are durable, ami the cost
Is small, and they can be built with
out murh outside assistance.
In constructing pit silos, the com
monly accepted rule of a depth eitinl
to twite Ike dlatni'ter Is a good one to
follow. If thc silo Is too shallow, there
Is too large a surface oosed and the
pressure Is not sufficient to pack the
silage close enough for the best re
sults. It Is not advisable to dig the
silo too deep because of the difficulty
I of getting the silage out. In case a
I large quantity of feed la required, it
i la better to dig two small allot.
Level the ground off before starling
to dig, as this makes It easier to keep
the walls perpendicular A plumb line
or straight edge should be ueod fre-
Chaap Holat for Silo.
quently to be aura tin- walla are
Mralght. A curb ahould be built ex
tending above the ground high enough
i keep out tho water and deep enough
to got below the frost line.
Advantages of Pit Silo.
1. Small coat of construction.
t Adaptability to the site of the
In nl It costs no more to make In
pioportlon for six head than for linn
'. Can be made anywhere where the
water U mure Hum o eel below the
-in lace of Hie ground, and Hie walls
of a common dug well will stuud with
out bricking
4. An v one uii make It who can dig
a cIhI. in
I Sn, .ill coat of machinery needed
t tin it.
It w ill not blow over nor rot down.
7. It keeps the ensilage perfectly.
No freezing The Icmperulurc Is the
same winter and summer
Eaaentlala of a Good Pit Silo.
There are certain points that must
! kept lii mind when constructing a
pit silo:
1. The walkt ahould be plastered
from three-fourths to one Inch thick
The walla ahould be washed with
cement coat to make (hum air ami
N.iier tight.
3. The walls ahould be perpi udlcu
v. ... Xv,
' V : ".
Derrick for Taking Out Silage.
,n. d smooth, no Ibut the silage will
. ille evenly
A cowling must be provided that
S ill keep out dirt
... If walls become dry before puts ,
taring they should be sprinkled lightly
' I. ..!.. ll.. uluula I. . il, L .,.,1
1 Hid II. 1JK1 1111 ,,.!,. I '' Illl, ft. .I11VI
,s It trom drying out too rapidly.
Gum and Ammunition Are Shipped
To Mexican Capital.
Vefl Cruz. Mix Following the re
cent dispatch from this city to the
llritlsli and Herman citizens In Mexi
in city of machine nuns and iquade of
trained gunners, arrangement have
been made to piece In the hands of all
Americans capable of bearing linns
weapons for self defense In the eveM
of an uprising I" the MttlMl capital.
A shipment of lotto rules and a
large itinoHtit of animunltioii arrived
here riM-ently from the United Slates.
The shipment was made with the
concurrence of the Mexican govern
ment, but evefV erfort was made tO
proven) the facts gaining publicity.
The arms and iinimunltlon chests were
inn luiiy diverted of ell marks lndl
cnting the oherat tor of their contents,
Women Active In Politics.
Maker. "Tli Woman's Monster"
club, is the latest luffi ag or
Hon In this city. formed primarily to
interest women In political affairs and
to spur them to desire to take advan
tage of their nuiit to the baltol Prl
nertee will be hold In May. Cotntnli
tees will hr stutloncd'cuch day at the
oourthoejee to Instruct those who do-
re to r i boa to proi i. and a
series (if political meetings liu.i been
Game Hearing Asked.
Albany. -Thai a public hearing he
held at e hicii the - poi l ni ii iii a a l
em Oregon may submit evidence to
ieiler:il Mthoffttee looking inward a
change in the open season on migra
tory birds is a suggestion of Albany
An open season from November II
to February If Is desired. Local sports
men assert t lint under the present reg
ulations the birds do not begin to
come Into the I'pper Willamette val
ley until the 00M season Is over.
Lawyer Involved In Shooting.
linker Charinc t' Hyde, formerly
district attorney of Maker county. WOI
arrested on a charge of assault with
Intent to kin for the akootlng t Teen
Williams, a rum her. following a quai
rel over the c.ise In which Williams'
sou Is Involved, Hyde being one of thc
attorneys. The latter claims the
shooting was accidental He explain
ed having the gun by saving In .
pet -led an attack by another I" ' mi
Williams' Injuries ure nut l bought BOf
Dunes May Grow Tress.
Riigene Completion oi Hie five
root task of reforesting Mount Hebo,
In Tillamook county, and the begin
tag of an experiment Willi Hi,- i
atlon of the sand dunes about li.inll
re i have i, in announced b) ii. I.
ftanktai lupervloot ol the lluelnn Ma
tionai inn- t 'i in Mount Hebo burnt
a hlcfa a .i one ,,i Hie lame I traoti
of inn in ; ot or lumi in Hi, wi t, was
i t.v the great tni ni 1 16 a hi n
Ike Indiana set fire lo Ike umber ol
the Co., .-I ami del 1 1 nv i v ;i I ,,i
Many Who Had Decided Otherwise
Change Minds at Time Is Near.
Siiiin a number ol eniplo
who bad Hied with the State IndU
acciiieut oommlealon notices ol their
election not to come under the ii
vision ol the workmen s compensation
law, are now sending In rsHJUS I to
li.n. Mich notice.-, withdrawn ami iii
clarlng their Intention i" i ike advau
lilge il Hie b' in I ItS oil' I'd b.i I I.
.ii i ordlng to i' Hinsd
of tie- commit slon
.ii Hla d
i, among t inployi i to i he
educational work U
in, miters oi ii. i uiiii, und ii"
, p tore. He said lhal h iti i from
uiployt re w Itbdrau In i I In Ir I
,.,ii . . u , i . i.
in: ..I Hi. I i -. iviii Ii.
July I
stnnki Disinfectant.
I "ii
ll 111 III , II pill I!) Ill-
. .'.
.il A 'l.
ii ah nil til w hi' I
Campaign Against Member of
Cabinet Said to Be Cause
of the Crime.
C B. Kegley, Its Master, Extends Ef-
fectivs Support in Every Way
Muring the recent campaign for al-
farm in Hie i'ai'ltlc
'.oilhwesl. the awakening for a betier
in of farming was vet v marled
i have traveled over mnek of Ike lee
rltory since aid Hud Hie prevailing
i i iitlineiil very ;; urable Indeed The
S'a'e (irange. of irVasblngtOB especial
y apprer'lates the educational feature
.i pTtmenl and egtenda ff ctive
pport to the Molded Improveoieut
tumuiiitee from every possible aigl
Douglas Fair Date bet.
tun v 'i i i tuu i ill be
belli Hi i ,i - . ;.! ml, i i 10 to l'J
be saru
In. i was held l;i i .n ami will COine
the ' Med
mil Hi, week i" i'i
Kugene, 'I he Htats lair I
ti. week following ihi i fair.
Plan New Electric Road
ln .. . v mo. 'mi ni i . on
iiii. in organise compauj iu I
row I
to.v ii on the P . rail
up the middle iurk ol Ihi Hal
i ii rivet past lii en ) to the limber
Paris. Oust mi Calmette, editor of
he Klgnro, was shot and killed by
Mine. Henrietta C'aillnux, wife of Joee
Cnillnux, the French minister of fl
niitii e Mine. Calllabl went to the
office of tho Figaro to carry out an
act of vengealice ngnlnst M. Calmettc,
who had been waging a campaign
oharacteriaed by extreme MttefMM
against the minister of finance. She
fired al taMt three times. M. Calmette
being wounded In the chest, iu the
side and the abdomen,
In her stiiteinetit lo the police, Mine.
Cnillnux explained that the campaign
ngiiinst her husband had become In
tolerable nnd she determined to stop
it She consulted an eminent lawyer.
Who advised her that legal proceed
inns would he futile that Hiey were
OftOfl worse in the case of the Inno
cent than In the case or the guilty.
She decided then 10 take the law into
her own hands. She bought I revol
Ver. drove to the Klgnro office mid
sent In her card.
M. CalmettO was most polite and
asked vvlini lie could do for her. "It Is
needleOO for ate to pretend that I am
milking a friendly call," she answered
Then I ilr a mv revolver Iroin my
muff and tired all the cartridges. M.
CalmettO tried tO take shelter behind
n desk."
Woman Says She Will Return to
Trlnidsd snd Resume Efforts.
tietiver "I am going back to Trln
lilad before the end of this week," de
clared "Mother'' Jones here "I fully
xn i I lo hi' arrested and put back
in prison as soon as I reach the strike
zone, but no governor nor president
can m. ike me abandon my constitu
tional rights as n citizen of tkc United
Slates in go where I please and so
I. hi m I live I shall refuse lo submit
to despotism."
s in the exact milliner In which
she left the hospital Ihere Is n sharp
clash between 'Mother Jones and the
lite authorities. The strike lender
tic lares she was simply deported.
that she was ot'ilercil to prepare lor
Ike Join. iev. and was brought to lien
ver under military escori ami at state
expense, without OVH llSVlllg glvell
Ihi i -oiiseiit. lioveruor Amnions and
Adjutant Hem nil John Chase mild that
"Mother" Jones had expressed willing
ii' in ennie lo lienver, I, 'living Hie
strike "in il Oovomof 1 1 1 1114 111 H
won:, I gram her an Interview
Sun Diego, c.ii The U I Sun I
Oliatoma office and poslofflce at 'IV
' ,1- miles from this city, on the
American aide ol tin luleriiatloual
In hi i' i i.i i . wore d. i-t mv d by fire ,,i
night, following ii raid )rOWtM00M
i.. ml iln rniders were Mexicans.
Ii nl, V. Johnston, ol Sail Diego.
poatmaater st Teoate, was shot to
il'.iih ulien he resisted the bandits
ami ii, companion, Warren Dtdlen
back, .' wounded
i. m bod) e found m ' be
emouldi ring ruins. u autopey di
velopi il IhO fact I hill In- I, ,1,1 been shot
IhrOUgh Hie belli! Ill I I lol was
I not fur trom Hie In.. I,
i loinisiou. the dead
I i "He 'I. leg I mi in Si Iii
in to, i iii .i Johneon and
., iiii.iiu Kottnt i
,i. hi . dini i "i
in. In I,, leli i in in ii
li .lol, n-1, a, piuci 'I the ti' in
1 iffalr on M i
is Kill Eiifjinesr.
I i . i ; '
he result ol i ittoii
hOldllp (J A NoMlivv,
in t ,
trtbui ol
ill , ' uglnei r ol
.,' di .oi i, one of Hh
i-.ii in i in iiniii, until , robber
in ., battle ,i i ni's
nl ot Auburn Clo-e I
S . V SI Ii Tin I'bl
'' i inn ker i i loward pi
f Auburn did imi open foi I
ml u hi ii. .-I for III
p ..ii i. .1 Ii, I iiii.'d Si., I.- .
in the United itatee
i hei ,,n pi hi ion of de-
T.- nty at Pendleton Indicted.
I'. i in, ' 'i 'I ' in' v in. in i nun's
vera i ind lurj after
i iter pin ' of I wei k In
I - 'i ' I 1 1 - of
g in, I i -I iiiiiuorul
pi . . .in ' protection,