I Get i-JSave I KfcHowlfiasL-l I i cm 'ti ikr pejaaj I i RHi I hr , iv i !;-. ,). f moping fcwni I H' H i n ilnnkmf BB H "r (it;li BJ uting B itrr H I onkey Is Cny V I Laying Roup I Tonic I Remady I A RmImm ! Tirrm H A r'fnr,rf l Rrmrtfn. ' '-n ' l.MLilln(ori ton H . i-w. Kffji 'n tun I era! H J l. pi.U )l f() irxl 11 IB Vlfrti(il$inu H I ASK FOR inNKin I Mill M1HI IKY BOOK Everhart Drug Co. Ontario, Oregon. HERE IS A SNAP DO acres of choice land MM Ontario with water right W acres in high state of cultivation; farm machin ery. I head of horses, farm wagon and hack ; all for .r,HK). Half MM h. Imliince on terms. Address I'ostoflk-c Box 94 Ontario, Oregon 4n mEk OF ONTARIO. ORE S-rfW A Good Hank In a Good Country Confining our business strictly to L E0IT1 MATE banking, and with ample resources I'm-the needs of our customers, we invite the banking business of ranchers, fruitgrowers, Stockmen and individuals, Resources Over Half Million Dollars omens and DhUDcroM A. L COCKRUM, President; H. B. COCKRUM, Cashier T. TllRNHlM.t.. Vice President C W.PLATT Ass't. Cashier C. K. KENYON J. I). BILLIN08LY I,. H. COCKRUM Always on the Job If yon hive a job of hauling yon want done, large or iniall, you can alwavs depend on John LsnrlinghRro being r . m Iv I'u you. I'ull him at the Moore Hotel. Old pa pent at th Argus otHoe -25 cents per hundred, .hi-i what you need to line your cablos and Place under the carpet A Complete Line of WrftMmt tatuntmj At the Argus Office Empire Lumber Company, Limited WHOLESALE M RETAIL DEALERS IN Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal BOLE AGENT8 AND DISTRIBUTORS OF Malthoid Rooungs and all V & B Products . The Most Complete Lino of Building Material, If you esnnot And it anywhere else come to us. Wv have it. tm aaf ' J"'fc. aal rVsStfk aaaat 4. rTVoaaaTl I naaW Jtf tk. I Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME QUALITY CARRIAGE PAINT (Ned's) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, fiower stands, porch furni- gfinFs ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. MRS. LARAMORE TELLS JWUBLES Lady in Goodwater Describes Her Distressing Experience and Tells How She Was Finally Relieved. Qoodwater, Mo. Bvtr since I wm S little gift," says Mrs. Riley l.nrnmorc, "I wax great sufferer from dyspepsia. I suffered misery after eating, and had terrible heartburn. I thought I had to suffer this way as long as I lived, but when I btfJM to take Thedford's Black-Draught, in small doses, every Right, the heartburn was all gone in a few days, and I could cat without distress. I took two small packages in all, and although that w.:s some time ago, the dyspepsia has not returned. I speak a good word for Thedford's Black-Draught whenever 1 have the op portunity." If eating causes distress, we tirgc you lo try Thedford's Black-Draught. II cleanses the system, helps the stomach to digest its food, regulates the bowels, and Stimulates the liver. It acts gently and is without bad after effects. Try it. Price 25c. FOLLOW A SHADOW. PollO II -hndnw, It itlll flleS yon; Bsssn t" ly it. it win pnrna o court n in l-t i -' . -he denied yarn Let he ilons, she win court yon. S:i. hit not women truly, then. Rtyled Iml the shsdonrs of is sal At morn nnd im shsdes SfS KHtgOSt. At i ii they sre short or none So nun Mt sreskeet, thej SfS strongest) itui grant ii- perfect, they're not known. Bay. nt s ant a omen trnlj . then. I hut tl b dows of us i . V H"ll .l"ll MIL III Kl IS THE ( IIAVI 01 YOUR MFE ii von sant i locate near thiit linx a virv lnic,iit future I have Ti koros of tin' very clioi land, bai nioa slope i the .ii ii Brstolass water righl 80 aeraa in alfalfa, n -t baa boon in grain. Not Inning it nil paid iur it laavta ma u mi i l t to i lea oara ol Ibal much Intnl. I will -'ll uny w licit- from " lo 7" UOI i -My prtoa ranges from 1150 pai iurt- up, About ball cash . good terms on raal at 8 par can I m U 1 1 -t. Land exactly tba same adjoining baa boon Bailing al 200 to "CO per in it . -o Inn j our tfuani if j on want n j4 l tnnt ol land; - miles from Ontario, Ora, ncur Mai lieu I Jnintion, win it ear sbopa and rouml hoii-c will DO doubt be limit ill the near future j. J. dii:ss liiix .11 Ontariu. Oregon Vdludblt' rro)(Tly lii bi' Sold lo I In Highest Bidder dt Shfrill's SsJe. Two of the bl I I i BSS hi I" Malheur COUtHf. OrCtfOU. Htl i I for .a I n Mt inn- n'elnek on tbs ltd dNJ ot Aprlli 1014) Ht ths eonrt bones Ii nf, OraanOt Ht ibsrtlff'sssls All iiil.-i i xlfil la SSanrlSi I hiuhIh in tine i.iikIm .iiniiid 1 1- in -i ni. One r sas ni lanii i. in i Im nnstshlp of Jams M. uiMiitnn, mid Is port of hla fnnions ranch. II. di.ei l tlini I. : 'ihc tort boost ijusrtor of ssi'tlou it, 'inun.iiii II unit1, rsnga i'. WillHiiiittH ini-i iiliMii. with nut) bUB dred aharss ol the onnttol tock ol tin Novntfs Dltoh eooipsor, fhs otbsi plena of ImihI i in tbi ownoishlp ol Worroi !'. lionns hoI Henry M. I'liiunuer unit In ttccrlbed h the: Beat hall ( the soulhoaal qusrtei ot si'i'tiiui 9) Township II s liHinj. 17 essta Wiiiitiiiet!- m. riiii.n , Mulheui canity, OregoO) eootalolns io nere. mine m tSB hhI with it -) .lible. of tlie c ni, Hal Hock nt tin Owyhee Ditch cninibiiy. Pnr e fijither description ol i in . land ail.lrtn. r " HIIH 1 !l ( irilli liHlllli Bltin., Boise, Idaho The PORTLAND Restaurant Meals 1) cents and up. Everything ths bast the narket iffords. Wony Ton, Proprietor LITTLE THINGS. I think it i nithet tine, this necosslt for the tense bracing of the will hefnre :, iiilin,- worth doing .'.'iii be done i rather Ilka it myself, i feel n to be the i i lef tiilnir Hi it dlfferentl ite ine from the i si hj the Ore. Ar im id Bennett This I- tlu gospel nf labor. Ring it. ya bells of the Mrh. The l.nnl of i.i'r eatne down from nboi e To lira with the men that ork. This t- the rose that he planted Iters in the thorn earned solL Heaven I- blessed with perfect rest) lint the blessing of sorts n (nil. Henry tan Drko. HARVEST. I.cl SOngS iili-e 10 thee. II Cod. From ei erj hnn est field Ami let the nations pmfjsa thy Bams Tor what the i irth doth yield We to thy holy sltar, i.oni. The fklrei t flow i rs do bring, Ami w ith itie m-i fruits prsoenl I'm thee our nil. a Ing. I or thou h ist in thj goodness :iv w nh plentj filled the land) No pnrrow r. Ileth to i lie ground Ia. ept lij thy i ommand. i ih, rh e us Brace thai a s may Brat Ths heai onlj klni dom seek, i nfldeui o thai tbou for um I lost earthly treat ares keep. I i i hie ua to Inol Is ) I Thll thlllR of time iiii.I i- Th. it greater ban i -t a ben we -hall II ithered unto thee Sot in r ni i idi i h handi Itut in the mansions hi h r 1. 1 for ii- io th) tlcnr In in i eii iiImii e the ltd I Kin I. Mi uk fiei ' tba lb like the sun, submit i i the -mi, i. n n i The ileej t i Iml Is I i- .i i ml he a rll I v oui i ruble to i tin i .ni i. it : round "i mull it.,. , n i 10 II ; i .i. I . i : a., n th it believe in 1 1 mh Mi'" nf II lllll i t: . a i . , . . ..r loi s LOVI NOT ' n COME LY GHCf. i i nit) mi' fu i ..- fil Itll) U 11 v ai'.l ! il N... nor for i tout I i .. turn i" I I. thou ml I ' i a er, i . . . An i loi .- in.' i ii inn i ... mil s.i it i him i hi "ii II i Tu dole iim)i in. i . i . i APH 1 I ' A wui II ' In I e Ii . It i Hi tore A v. i I iuuli I .ill. l lii it. M I I iiiii d I I v I . Ina Ii I i hi 1 j knew ii inn I . . 1 1. A I WO I da irf -' farl hi i tlmn the 1 i . mt CRIEF NEWS OF OREGON a bounty on I ng to ho ol f"p"i b) ths Salem commercial clan to the school children la fn!on s totoi ' i lata has bean re quested to u t his Influence to have tl r I Ox pi ol Included la lha Owj . ct inds will im opened April i at Helens for Hi" 3Sf,OQ0 I I eontly voted bj Columbia coun y lor ia rmanenl blgha s) oonstrui I Hairy COWI in COOS inunly lln SSf ars islllna for a much huh prloo than ever before, due to Um mcreaas In ths dairy hn.-ineas and the I fori I to BOttet the Kriule of the BAlr) lock. 'I he county in wliuli a SOhOOihOUBS is liualeil IniH jiirthdiciion in trj 0 el l rime In or near the I I lldlD ;. scoordlni to an opinion ol a ternoy Gonoral Crnn ford. ii Corvsills oommerotsl uiu ana stni I'd i aiiii inn to ii . use it.. membership to tvo nnU to becomo more effective in developlni corvuinu and BentOB county i oinniei. i.illy. CoUOUee Which have collected In mi delinquent taxes without ii vldlng it with ii" tnxpaylng districts DM) be Hiifd by the dlHtrlcts for their of thi money, ho AiioinsyOen1 Oral i law lord ... read n Dal a '. batter fat ti ' la i lolatlon of the watajhts and Bl in law, iieiordinK to an opinion written bj Attorney Qanoral Cras ford for Depnt) :: ler of i Ights and Measures Buchtot. rut, a- or ci. aid, lie have irKnniieti ih.' in. mi .I. Cos Crook Oood itondi. iiMtochn ion, of which Mayor Coe of Q lends le is president The ussoeia oi. on s oh a membership of It, i he Portland chamber Of cnuilli'i Iiiih filed a protest with the OfOfon ll Kill iii'iilual the propOOOd le luov.ii from Portland ol the snro4ood lal rator) of the departmenl of ami 1 1 i .1 ' . ..ii " iii try to i i ba order "i n movnl resi Inded i ho ih. I.- tn. thonaanda ol ai '. in I ii 'i ii. 'in flVI l" i "in i allroads that bmj he pni i i. i fr MO lo " an ii. ih. .ai oi Mark Woodrufi ni ..i I.. Portland i n atti nd no 1.07 pel sent . . pupils o I In Pol .1 ."it ii. ir an" oi tin' items in a rt piu i in ii. i ii, count) i pi nun ol' ni, lor ih. in" oh oi J.iiiii rvlce I i udiiiK $:'.'KMi l.i KM d mil B the t'oiulllK Mllnne I ia iiai-i and Omni count lea, wltbln the Who i. oi ii.it tonal - i loo 1 1. as to op.- and er load i " . lln i, OUIII ll I i umpti i an i lowsi John Ii val ..in" i,t gppro .1,11.0 .11. Ills Ton Be of I isuli no 1 "i it count) 1 h 1 . ht I tun mi tbe d moeratlc th . I, tb n honors, btlaa Town, hi udlod lua Inn . i" ... 11 . 1. 1 d that th U W it oouipHii) w Hi build mi n 1 Me 1 1 1. ili.m ( lllll 11 din on tba Col nalaa rll 'i , n I In I sect Ion, through the low 1 ot 1 1 1 a. ion, con net i o,. w oh iln 1: In. Coyote i itofl about - ..a ii. .a n , anting . won ihe in Inn reollo date oi lories I t onteal ol 1. 1 ,,i 1 . . 1 , . 1 la k I I "l ilhoneite unlvi I on "1 a Auiet. m Pn mid '.1 rid Pi I'lani for s fedei sled i olh gs I 1 , . Iinnl k ill BO eon nog al tba an I lllled I 1 11 III I ' I I llllett I 1 III he held .0 llil Ma il 4 IOI H Oooli h IKUe ol Villi 1 1. v. I "i al pull . 1 : , 1 ' 1 ..I ii, throw, iln I ' urgS lai um 10 Hi- a bi Vail Saloon league ol ..nd th ol b 1 1 Ions ng w.iii 11 i" ' dr) 11 nu I 1 1 . inn in 1. 11 ins. dairies . ., 1 .. 1 . nillll !. 11111 CUUUl) I'" '. , Bsolutlon 1 . :. II 1 : .1 eh a las would be in 1 he conditions 0 1. 11 in ludu 'i 1 1. j in 1 . I i'i. ll elli. 1. 11 mm I- ol M.I , , on di pai tne 1 ' 1 ' 1 iii. ii.. 1 1 In lb I ' ourt. il ' I . t . . . r II . McBratney-McNulty Co.