ONTARIO -The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon nill The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon mt tiHifctti The Ontario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow The Produce from 15,000,090 acres is marketed from On tario each year Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. VOLUME XVII ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 19, 1914. NO. 12 &Vgtt&. PROF. HODGE TO PLAN EXTERMINATION OF In Speech at the Boulevard Grange Hall the Noted Biologist Promises to Take Up Experiments Along this Line The extermination of the gopher m one ii r the subject taken up nt Houlevard grange lent Tburadey even log by Prof. C. F. Hodge, one of tbe (ailing biologists of the country and an authority on natural history. For a number "of yeare I'rof. (lodge held the cbnlr of biology ut Clark unlversll , coe of the lending gradu ate schools of the oouotry and be la the author of a number of honks that ra recognized nuthoritlca m their llnea. Hla r. i.l v grappling with the practl ul problema shows that he la not only fauiiiiiir it.ii hla aubjecta. but Ibat he ia lutereitcd in putting bia koow ledge to in leal uaaa. Tba auooeaa that baa attended the work of hot, llodge In doiug away witb the H v and mosquito nuisance lenda hope to tbe farmer! who neanl him promise laat Tliuraday evening to take up tba atudy of tba gopher. Id tbe crusade against flics and uiut(uitoea I'rof. llodge haa Invented a number of trupa that have radii ally changed tbe methoda uaed in elimluiit nig tin hi peata ami these Inventions be freely gives to the people. With the gopher ha admita be baa not made a aulllclcnt atudy of the rodeot to give an authoritative opinion anil lie prnmiaaa to take up the matter ml eeu what can be done One point he emphasized above other ia that any work to be (float do i must bu com miiuity work. Not only must every farmer du bia part, but all uuit work ut i lie piiiiii' t mi. . prefernbjy in the fall of the year aud by suoD a plan there la no doubt Hi .t the gopher mil i in a reasonably abort time be exter miustcd. lu bia own home I'rof. llodge haa ao aolved tie fly and uiomjuito prob lem that he doea uot arrean hit House and yet thcra la uut a My or moatiulto to be fouod ahowiug how the lugenioua melboda ha employe work for tba advantage aud comfort of the human race Frof. llodge waa pleaaed with the number of II. ih White quail he louud lu tbla aeotion and gave ttgures to abow of what vital importance they are to tbe farmer. I in v are really luseut destroyiug machine!, ooe quail fating I y aotual count I'JHO inaecta in one day, while aa la well known they seldom do any damage to tbe cultivated crops. TRAIN RUNS INTO BUNCH Of CATTLE NEAR HUNTINCTON in. g.,u Nli. ut Line train, westhuiind No. 17, on lust Friday rau Into a big bunch of cattle a mile from licit inglon. The carcuaaea of 14 were scattered for over a quarter of a mile along the lluntlugtoo right of way. They were part of a bund owued by Henry Ulackweil, a stockman and bud ouly been driven in Thursday. WOULD INSTALL PUMPING PLANT IN BIG BEND SECTION J. S. N'aptou, who baa been spend iug tba winter at bia borne In tbe Twin Falls couutxy. haa returned to his large estate in tbe Big tieod sec tion. The Colonel la trying to in tereat the people owning land lu tbe Bend to join u movement to install a pumpiug system with two lifts, the first to cover all lands' uuder fifty ftet aud tbe second to reach tbe hundred foot lift. Tbis would rover about all tbe lands on tbe south side of the rivet unit tbe system cau he lustuiledat a smalt coat per ore. 400,000 ACRES THROWN OPEN Land In Deechutea And Paulina Reaervea To Be Settled Portland. More than 400,000 acres of land In the Deschutea and l'aullnn National forests in Cook, Lake and Klamath counties will be thrown open for settlement within 60 daya through an order Just signed by President Wilson withdrawing this land from the foreat reservations. It la reported that the land will be opened for actual settlement May 9 and that filings will be permitted on and after June 8. Officiaia of the Forestry Mureau In Portland estimate that of the nggre gate of 410:763 acres thrown open, approximately 120,000 acres are oc cupied by aettlera. These pettier will be permitted to remain. Settlers on the remaining 290, nun acres will be permitted to take up homesteads of 160 acres each In accordance with the Federal Innd laws The formalities of transferring this land from the Agricultural Department of the Federal Government to the In terior Department now are in progress at Washington. D. ('. The entire area will he placed under Jurisdiction of the local land offices at I-akevlew and The Dnlles. Intending settlers are Instructed to make In quiries concerning the i.unl ut those offices. MISS ELEANOR WILSON Miss Eleanor Wilson, youngest daughter of Prssldant Wilson, whose engagement to Secretary of the Treas ury McAdoo haa bean announced. PORTLAND FIRE $600,000 LOSS Portland Two great docks wen burned, half a million dol'urs' worth of grain was ruined, u steamship badly damaged, a sieuiii s lioon.t aV -' '" ,-l. almost totally, and a dozen buildings were injured b) file on the east side Wat' I' 1 1 out The los, at til -I : 1 1 mat ed ut ll.OOH Oiiu, Is cut to 400,M, and of tins amount jn.-uianie OOYOfl moro than half. Oldest Elk Dead at 109. Owos-o. Mull Dul.lcl ( onuell, ion, Known during the lasi tew f( us as the oldest living number of tbe Klks. died at his home nt.u Inn British Navy Estimates Grow. I.aniloti 'I In- British naval I ' in -ate.s for 1914 la amount to 41'.".? 700, 000, an increase of $l3,700,ouy ovar last year Social Cent... Planned. Ashland "A social and intellectual canter' lb planned a.- tbe outgrowth of a movement now under wuy by resident P of Kvans valley, in this i oun ty, for the laatltttttM of a central farm or count. lite school Several districts would la- consolidated in the merger in a territory o? which Rogue River station is the h ib (toads in that section are ot the best and other conditions are favorable. i I'nii.i' Sand Spit to Be Sown Marshftcld Hov k. State.- "tigineer in f'oos Hay, atarteii the planting ol '' aiu o! -a grass Monday on the north sand spit. Mr Rosa la Ii also expactlui to plant bull pine aud willows iu tbe sand country. -""'It " ajTBLa POSTOfEICE OFFICIAL PAYS ONTARIO VISIT Arrangements Made For Handling Mail to In terior Points. J. H. lllakalee, fourth assistant postmaster general, was here Monday Inoklog ait. i the parcel post business He made arrangements to have the mail for the Interior polnta bandied a,,. I the coutrHctnra to he paid for what they have to care for. The mall carrier will get three centa a pound for all fourth class mail from Vale to I her. in. Iii addition to bia regular pay. Where shippers are making extra large abipmenta by parcel post tbey ahould notify the departmaut at Waab lugton aothey can prepare for It. While there ia ulte a heavy loss in handling tbe parcel post business of the west in tbe east conditions are different. WILL PLACE DAM ACROSS SNAKE RIVER NEAR LEWISTON Application la to be made to ennatroct a dam across the Huuke river below Dcwlston to develop So, 000 tin i -1- power aud regulate tbe water of the river ao hoata can he operated . throughout the year. It will be but i few years when there will be a aerias ot duns in the rlvar and the stream will he nuvignble to Ontario I beyond. COMPULSORY TRAPPING FOR GOPHER MAY SOLVE PROBLEM The lecture given by Frof. llodge at the (irauge bull the other evening I. Mils one to ask the ilest ion why It would uot be poaelblc to establish compulsory truppiug and poisoning tor tbe t.'i u. it, at n hi of the gopher after tbe maniiei aj the fruit iuspec tl'in aud the inspection tbut has been doue for the purpose of eliminating the weed pests. There is piobably uo otieageut that today ia causlug a greater losa to the farmers of this community, both In produce and labor than the damage tbut Ia done ty gophers aud so lapidly aie they increasing in spite of all that the farmers have been able to do that they are becoming a meuacu to the future prosperity ot tbe county. While many of the furmara in Ibis section ai apeuding buudreds of did lars for the purpose of getting rid of these rodents others are allowing thcui to thrive uuii tbe new generations luickly sprvud to all tbe neigbboriug 1. 1 1 ma I. ven where all tbe farmers iu a c. immunity work against tbe pests they do uot do the wmk simultaneous Iv aud ouly succeed in cbasiug the animal- from one farm tu another. It Is generally conceded that it will be impossible to rid tbe country of l be gopher without community wmk ami that requires organization. I . ,i that purpose nothing has been dis covered tbut compares with canity supervision. Tbe expeuse would be Hilling compared with tbe benellt to tie rouuted as tbe dep itmiut would te combined with tbst of f i nit iuspec tion and would require veiy small additional cut lav while the hem lit to tbe county would be beyond conipu tatiou. CORN PLANTERS AND BINDERS BEING PURCHASEDBY FARMERS The uiMcbluerv men report a big de maud for coi i planters uud listers, cultivalois ai d corn binders, iudicat ii. g the great interest being taken in tbe growing of corn lu this section this yeur. Oua mau ou tbe Dead Ox '','"' " Pr'l"r'nK !' oree. auntber all acres and many others smaller :tiacts. Those big prl.as otfered by the Uotai ,o Commercial dub through the grange is what is doing tbe work. Mora uows. bogs uud corn will incau larger revenues for tbe farmers. COUNTY JUDGE HOLDS JUVENILECOURT HERE Two Boys Are Sent To Re form School Three Out on Parole. (leu. McKnlght. tbe county judge, was bere Tuesday and held a session of tbe juvenile court, several youngs ters having heeu guilty of breaking Into tbe Ontario hotel and stealing case goods and tobacco from ware houses. Wilbur Turner, aged 13 mid Donglas Pruett. aged It, ware sentenced to tbe llidorm school and were taken there by I It Ice, No,.. Three other boya were paroled dor lug good behavior and will have to report to Recorder Crenel In caae of any further Irrcgularitiea in their conduct tbey will be taken to the Re form it tun. I witoout further trial. The boys had a complete set of skeleton keys and had been guilty of many depredations. THOS. CLAGETI WILL GO INTO HOG RAISING BUSINESS Tboa ci.igei i. who ba a Hue ranch on the wast side of town ia getting into tbe hog buainass. Ha haa '. I brood auwa and snme 7.' pigs at piescnt. but will gradually build up the bard. For foundation stock tu bus thoroughbred I) tiroes, from the best strains In the weat. with anme gt ade aowa. Mr. Clngelt naa had several yeara experience in tbe hog raising bust ni-a In other aeatlons. but duds it coats less here to raise hogs than any other place he bus been. He uses the nana pustule anil a lew weeks ou gram to fatten them tor market. He used barley for tba logs turned oir last full .but will raise com this year to fatten with. HOODLUMS ABOUT TOWN DESTROY SCHOOL PENNANTS A man ami a boy went out on the Boulevard rou.. and around tbe Val lay Viaw school house una night iaat week, aunoyiug the inhabitants and destroying property. They were ao nouipaiiied by two yuuug girls ami ull bad been drinking. Judge I iruuel Hoed tbe boy IDO uud the man IKiO. The girls got ..II with a lecture. hut ware told tbut any o (femes lu the future would land them iu the reformatory. Ou Friday evening some thieves broke into the Ontario hotel aud took some peonaiita belonging to the blgn school girls and 'Usl toyed sev eral of their signs around town. It ia only a tew weeks sluce some one stole a sign from t'opeaud Duunuck. Apparently tht-i a la all utlei Nek of tegard for the rights of others bv a gang of hoodlums around town ami tbey are going to land behind the liars sooner or later. When a per sou ignores the righs of othera lie forfeits all rights tie might otherwise have. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST AT OPERA HOUSE DRAWS CROWD Tbe silver medal cuutest given liy the W. C. T U. at tbe opera house last Thursday evening was a auccess iu every way. l-'luauclally tbe ladies are well pleased with the sum received and morally was an upliC aud a les son to the inauy present. Tbe eight young lady coutustauts were beuutiful aud all are deaerviug of siecial mention. Miss Ciyslal West waa the wiuiier of the medal. Her nailing was a good oue and was given iu a d-'ver aud most ci editable manner. Frof. iiailey present rd the medal. Tba judges were Miss Johnson, of Fayette, .Mrs. ockey, aud Frof. Cotton, of Fiollland. The singing by tbe quxi let was nicely rendered and the children could uot have done better if tbey bad tried. The . ni reading by Frauk V lustou was spleu lid. ELEANOR WILSON WILL WED Bride to Be Youngest of Family and Father'a Pat. Washington Formal announcement of the engagement of Miss Klcanor Randolph Wilson, the youngest daughter of the president and Mrs. Wilson, to William a. McAdoo. secre tary of the treasury, was made at the white house. Mr McAdoo Is 50 years old and for many years has been an intimate friend of the Wilson Tamlly He has six children, two of whom are mar rled. Miss Wilson Is L'4 years old. The marriage will probably lake place at the white bouse in June. The youngest of the family, Miss Kleanor, is said to be her father's pet, and there Is a strong personal friend ahlp between the president and the man who is to marry his daughter. Newport Has Herring Run. Newport An unusual run of her ring has brought a bonanza to Newport residents, for the fish were so plentl ful that it was possible to pick them out of the hay, where they swarmed around piling, with one's hands. One rowbont caught five tone in a net and small dip-nets were responsible for hundreds of pounds being caught The fish are near the surface of the water only at low tide. GEORGE WESTINGH0USE George Westinghouse, a foremost figure in ths engineering world and inventor of the air brake, who died recently in New York. BOX CAR THIEVES ARRESTED The Dulles -One of the worst bauds of boxcar thieves the northwest rail roads have hud to deal with iu years was rounded up. it is said, when K II Wood, chiet spi lal agent of the O W It Hi N company, brought about the am-st ol live men In tins city and iu Arlington The prisoners ure ull ul I ex c nv lets They are said in have been operating for several months Two of the five are lu the county jail here and thiee. who wci ted at Arlington, ate in usiudy th.-ie. Polk Fair Plans 8st. IfonmOUth M a meeting of the folk oiiniv I all assoi lallon, oln inlltceiuen and oliiuillleevv omen were named tor the fair tins year, and Itev Kdgar W Miles, a iclircil PrMbjtOf lun ininiMer, was reelected se r tury and general inuniigi-r A bond issue of 4flM U) pun ha a Intel of Iii acres, west of Dallas, was voled liv the dlieclots The dates of Ihe auiiii.ii exhibit have not hc.-u fixed, owing to uncertainty as to the tune set fot fairs iu neighboring counties. Tax For July 4 Is Plan. fiaker -A lev v ot half a mill on all taxable property in Maker t'lty lor a fund tor an annual Fourth of July celebration here was indorsed at a rneeiing of the merchant s committee oi Ho commercial i tub It was proposed aud decided to Start Initiative petition to call a vote at the next regular elecljoi lo dotOI mine v. inilier lie city should muse such a lev) 'I i.e total on had I in .1 I. . would IBM ou pi MSI valuation. i ft 9 AaS Bsl COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS VERY INTERESTING MEETING Ladies Auxiliary to be Or ganized To Work In Con junction With Club-New Members Admitted and Other Matters Considered The regular monthly meeting of the directors and committees of the Com mercial clllh Was held Monday evening with about twenty present. i .plications were received from three new members and they were duly elected. The i" tiiinitt.c repnrta preaenteil showed that aaveral of the members were doing what they could to adver tise this aeotion. Frof, II nlev wrote IM letters and A. W. Trow soma 600. There are aoorea of boya and girls and men and women whoahnuld be wilting (altera to their acquaintances In other sections, telling tbem of the many advantages we have bere. Nina of the organizations of the twenty two womena clubs here re sponded to the iuvitation to form a ladles auxiliary and Hecretury Orauel waa lotaructed to organize them. The members were requested to notify the secretary when any new families come hera so that the ladies may cull on them. It Is believed that tula will be a valuable addition to the work already being dnua. 200,000 ACRE EASTERN OREGON EAND DEAL The Oregon ami Western Coloniza tion company consummated a deal ou Saturday whriehy they trade 100, ooo acres of land in Crook couuty for the Transportation building In Chicago, valued ut .'l. .'.011.000. as sum lug the mortgages against the llUlliltUg. The laud Includes much Hue tim her east ot Frluaville aud will be colonied by a group of Herman far mers this t ring. W. F. Davidson aud L W. II ill. who own thi-ae lands are men who do big thiiua. PURE FOOD INSPECTORS MAKE A VISIT AROUND TOWN We are publishing the report of the Inspectors who made the rouuds of the inarke.s. dalrya bakeries, aud hotels a few days ago, but It is due to tbe owners to stale that thla lathe Ural inspect ion ever made here and few ot tbe people knew what was ex. I I led of them and others were given low luting lactone they had not ail Ihe equipment deemed in eo-,.i h the luspfctoia. Tu Illustrate, the I. A Iv bakery fell way oil' because they iiad no store room separate I Kim llieii I. nkc room. othciH hud similar iv perleuces and when the next inspi . tlOII In made it la ale to SUV that there will be a much higher sandaid givCII all Of Ibetli NOTHING NEW IN RAILROAD MATTERS AT PRESENT TIME The railroad situation does not de Velop us rapidly as some would like to sua It but is coming around gtudu ally ami in sj fw eeks something will be aunuuueed tu satisfy all. The bridge crews that have been ul work on tba bridges near Nvssa expect to be tluusfeiied here in a t I lays aud work slarted on the twe bridgee across the Snake at tbis niece. The water is too deep to work on the Nyasa bridges to advantage and as tbe sprilig riae Is due most anyjtiun now the slluatlou Is let improvliug. There was a load of laboreis taken to the front Tuesday for the railroad and Ibey ara, busy extending the road to Clvaiside aa lapidly as possible. William Ilanle.v says the road will i each Harney this seasoiu.