The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 12, 1914, Image 1

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The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of kw
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 11
M HAOtlt. JV
Register If You
Expect to Vote
There ice mi to lie many people wlm
do not know that the registration law
passed by tbe last legislature wm
knocked out by tbe aopreme court
nod that it It necessary for anyone
who ffithea to vote at the primary or
regular uleotloo tbla fall to register
before they are entitled to do ao. Tbe
fact thiil you registered Inst fall doe"
oot count, everyone tnual reglater at
tbla time.
Establish the Fact That Texas
Rancher Was Killed by
Mexican Federals.
Laredo. Tex. A party of Americana
mho aecretly crossed Into Mexico dur
ing the night brought to the American
aide the mulllHteil body of Clement
Vergara, Texan rancher, and cstnb
llabed the fact of hia execution after
he waa aelted by Mexican federala.
The Invaders were not opposed, ac
compllahing their search without the
allghteat violence, taking the body
from a grave In Hidalgo Cemetery ul
moat within alght of the Texan border
The seizure wua dlveated of possibly
grave aapecta in International complt
catlolia by reaaon of the fact that the
party wua vlrtuaJly making uae of per
mission granted officially by Mexican
federul authorltlea aeveral day ago
Vergara waa hot twice through the
head and once through the neck, hia
akull waa crushed as by a blow from
a rifle butt and tbe charred flugera of
tbe left hand Indicated that he had
been tortured before being put to
Vergara left hia ranch near Halafox,
Twaaa, Friday. February IS, u'nd
croaaed the river Into Mexico on a
meaaage from three federul aoldlera
that Captain Apolonlo Rodriguez, of
the Hidalgo garriaon, wlahed to settle
for 11 horaes.
Vashlngtou. Two departments of
the United States government are en
gaged In aeeklng Information ua to
olrcumataucea under which the body
of Clemenle Vcrgum wan found eurly
Sunday on the American aide of the
Ifni Urande.
A telegram to tbe atate department
from American CoiihiiI (iurrett at Nue
vo Laredo. Mexico, informed the de
partment that the body had been found
and that detalla would be reported by
mall. The alow proceaa did not satis
fy Secretary Bryan, who promptly tel
egraphed tbe hi mi i to make his re
port by telegraph.
Meanwhile the war department haa
become intereated and Secretary Oar
riaou called upon tjeueral Hliaa at Kl
Paso for informution.
Sacramento Suffering from bruised
heads and empt stomachs, luun .'in in
hers of the unemployed army, who had
been camped in Sacramento for two
days, are Milking in their tents" on
the far aide of the Sacramento river,
lni her they were driven by Sacra
mento city and county officers.
The unemployed were driven off the
Southern I'.icilh railroad's lot by dep
uty sheriffs armed with pick handler,,
and by police They at first refused
to go, but several strong streams of
water played upon them by lireim-ii
started them on the ruu toward See
oud street.
Among those arrested after they had
refused to accept transportation to the
bay were:
"General" Charles T. Kelly and Ed
ward ("Hough neck") Teasdale. Teas
dale was arrested .several times in San
Francisco Neither resisted arrest.
Bank Robber Takes 92300 in Gold.
Sacramento, Cul Taking advan
tage of the absence of the police, who
were detailed to handle (he army of
unemployed, a lorn- highwav man en
tered the Oak Pari branch of the Sac-raiio-nto
bank of this city during the
noon hour. cover- sj (ionlon Culver the
teller, with a revolver and made hia
scape with 88M lu KO'd.
Weather Conditions Almost
Unbelievable By People
Living Here.
II. H (Iruiiel received .. letter tbla
week from a friend living In New
York atate mid It Is simply pitiable
to think what tbe people of that sec
tion have to endure in tbe way of cli
mate. He reports tbe weather
having been bad. with temperatures
running to h below zero and 1H
quit .num. hi. There I only six
weeks during the year that they do
not bave their homes boated from the
fumuoe. Tills mail lives at the edge
of tbe Adirondack mountains.
Those people would not believe
It if we told of the mild and pleasant
went her we are having here tbe year
around, with only short time wben
a lire is so advantage. While those
people are now having winter weather,
more severe than we bad all winter,
we are having ideal spring weatber
with graaa growing and the trese
budding W.. do not appreciate wbat
we have except when oontrasted with
other sections.
In the Interest of Ovvhee
Irrigation Project-Committees
Committees from tbe Vale and
Nyasa Commeicial clubs met her on
Saturday and ..m 1 to appoint regu
I. n eiiinmitti . a to work witb :l.e com
mlttee Iron) tbe Ontario club to keep
tbeOwvhee unguium projeot befoie
th peopl at Washington. There(wlll
be sutithar meetiug here later to
formulate plans for th promotion
Senate Abolition Urged.
Salem -C K. Spence. head of the
grange In Oregon, announced that bills
to abolish the stute senate and to pro
vide tor proportional representation lu
tbe house will be offered for initiation
at the coming election.
George W. Goethals, builder of the
Panama Canal, who has been appoint
ed Governor of the Canal Zona.
Mark Kutberford has matched his
bora for a raue with Radium, owned
by Klmei- (Jury and Hub Stevens
fur 1300 a aide, the race to be inn
on tbe fair grounds here on March
'.23. Lvte Howard is the stake holder
I'l.i - boieea hoik have many ad
aiders and the race is going to be a
good on as they have plenty of
time to get them in good oudition.
M ''' H? TBI F." Ae.l fP
fro ' ' J9faP?Rv ,3Si
H t "! ' aEf!
Wm AjW5 HL'' it tl 3 Kl
To Be Run From
Ontario in the
Near Future
J. F. Barnes, the Assistant
Superintendent of Short
Line Here this Week In
vestigating Matters With
New Time Card in View.
J F. Hamas, th assistant super
intendent of tbe shuit Liu, an
here Monday in consultation with J.
K. Blnokaby regarding train service
to Homedala. Wbile nothing definite
was announced it is probable- that a
train will run to Momadal from
Ontario at least three times a week
and that tbe service will atart in a
short time, possibly by the Ural of tbe
That little citv is demanding letter
service aod they r getting the buai
oesa. which la the feature that nppcala
o the railroad peopl.
The Blackaby Commercial company
will eatabllsb warehouses tber as
soon as tbe transportation faclliti
will eoabl them to get stook lu.
Later The nw train aobedul will
tart Murcb 1.1, withe train to Home
da I everv 'inexiiav. Thursday aod
Saturday and to Juntura on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Tbis is the time to II,. hi tbe boutu
fly, otherwise known as the typhoid
fever tiy tbe mauure idle fly. th one
that la born in tilth and carries tbla
tilth ou hi feat to our kitchens and
dluing rooma. If you destroy all tbe
nit h atid rubbish around your pieuiises
there will be uo piece for tbe filthy
Hy. On killed at tbl time will
in. hi man) million before tbe aud of
tbe season. If I lie health officer ia
diligent ami baa a I i tt la help b MM
uiakethia e tlvleaeolty.
Dear Editor : Having for mine
lima noticed tbe excellent locatiou
bt r in Ontario from a reaouroetul
point of view tb writsr wishes to
point out tbe unusually fine opportu
nity to the people of Ontario and sur
rounding neighbourhood for theestali
i i.-iiiiii-nt of e oo operative Canuerv
association with a geneial aiming
imlostiy ilin pickling, vinegar aud
broom faotury might be added, the
writer having raised two oropa of
i i ... in corn and made up into a goud
.. .lit V ul Li mi i s, in thin vii Hill v ia
coulldeut that a good ijuslitv of nrueh
cau lie growu here aud made into a
marketable brooms by borne la! or.
Taking the large scope of our farm
ing community into account, with
the productiveness of our soil as a
resource to draw from for the support
of iudustOes of ibis kiud even ou an
extensive scale, it may seem that a
cooperative venture of this soil from
an economical poiut of view would
be of great value to all inasmuch u
it would open a market to our farmers
for commodities that can be raised
here lu great profusion, on the other
ham! It would give employment to a
large number of winking men. women
and cbildreu In tue oommuuity in the
oouvertlng of the farm producta into
a non perishable condition end placed
on a keeu i-on litive market at the
lowc.t poaaib e cost to tbe consumer
aud i i.hIii. 1 1 alike.
No aa to the busineaa system and
principles of the cooperative plan ot
the writer more will be said later in
tbe Argus providing sufficient space is
allowed and ntoessary interest can
le awakened in a cooperative system
of tbis tort
a j. l.
Qusiness Methods
Insure Good
State Dairy Commissioner
and Deputies Deliver Ad
dresses Covering Several
Different Phases of Mod
ern Dairying.
With State Dairy Commissioner
Mickl and three of his deputies,
H. M. Shi nek. 0. II. FalUnwidar end
A. E. To 1 1-. speakers, th Hon la
vaid grange and tb farmer residing
in tb vlolotty of Ci.-im. ojnyd on
of tb mint Instructive evenings last
Saturday that they bave bad during
the present series of lecture that
I being liven by tbe grange for tbe
benefit of tbe farmer.
Mr. Mickla i eouuding u new note
In the work of a dairy commission
In meeting tb farmers morn than
half way and cndenverlng to make
the department of his
office tbe atroug part, believing that
when tb farmars of the state realize
that It is to their beat unci eat to take
up tbe must modem thought In dairy
Ing the work of law enforcement will
he minimized, while th farmer will
b proportionally beoatJttad without
being aotagoQlzd.
During the evening Mr. Mi.-kh
apoke at length on the work that is
being done in Oregou for tbe dairy
I uteres" and also showed bow tnis
work ia bring carried ou in other
state, how tbe beoelit come, not
only to the cooaumer, but alao in an
even larger meaaure to tbe farmers
(iood dairy atock, proparlv oared
for, with such produotlv aoil aa
abounda lu this vulley ia, according
to tbla practical dairymau, a aure
harbinger of a prosperous community.
I- Mowing Mr. Mickl. Deputy
Shrock pok oo tbe work doun In
other parte of tbe atate by some of
the best dairymen aud gave tb tlguies
abowlng the profit from tbeae Hue
herd. Make dairying a busineaa
and eliminate the guess system was
th tenor of hi address.
Dslry sanitation, aa he expreeeed
it, a dry subject, we takau up by Mr.
Fulluwidr, but It proved anything
but a dry aubject when haodled by an
expert of hia atanding. Several auto
loads of prominent i-ili us from
Outario attended the meeting and ex
pressed their satisfaction at having
heard aucb noteworthy addresses in
tbis community.
Mt-icdith. tbe eight year old son of
Mr. aud Mrs. J. I-. tlnwmaii. ot Vale,
wss run over by a wagou loaded with
bay on Wednesday aud died a few
hours later from the injuries. Seier
at toys were hanging on the hack of
the load and lu some way the hoy
got in frout of the wheels and fell,
lie was brought to tbu hospital
here, but died before anything could
be done for bim.
Last fall Father Vandeiburg, of
Fayette, purchased --0 acres from
the Oregon and Western Colouiallon
company, part of it being neat tbe
Maiheui butte aud tbe reat Ibe St. Paul
On bin d tracts lie has a in. in en
gaged to clear and place '200 acres lu
crop this spring. Some ot this land
is on tiie Hat ami mme ou tbe bench
making an ideal combination im
the present the laud a ill he planted
to grain and alfalfa.
South of Ontario J. M.
Butler Will Also Plant
Twenty-Five Acres
W. O. Jenkins whs here several
dayn last week and we understand he
haa arranged to plant two hundred
ncrea of prunes. It will be remem that he recently sold the big
prune orchard tieur Nysia and he la
again going into the busineaa on a
till larger scale. Fart of tbia orch
ard will be south ot here and the rest
in the Holse valley. Mr. Jenkins haa
contracted bla orop for ten yearn after
th trees come Into bearing to Phi la
delpblu Arm at -" per ton. He will
plant Italian prun.
J. M. Sutler is planting 2." acres
to pniiies and arranging to Install a
lot of wooden pipe for irrigating, for
'bier and sons, on their place near
A road ia.
Qam Warden Hs-Employ Deputies.
Salem Stat- (lame Warden C II
Evans ha appointed 27 deputy game
wardens, practically all of whom are
men who were in the service before
the reorganization.
Old Mexico Stuff Shipped in
Has Improved Very Much
Since Arrival.
Heurv Ulaokwell who ahipped In
a lot of Mexican she stuff eighteen
months ago, hipid lu a hunch of
white face bulla laat week Ha aaya
the Mexican atuH baa com out Hue
aud thiSHioloi is all that I left to in
dlcate tbe are from tbe aouthlaud.
lie is well pleased so far aud balleves
they will prove u wluner.
Farry llejdeii, who has i.eeu feed
ing south of town, will uot tutu bis
stulf out for a tew daya. Ha save
they are too good to lake any obauoes
with. He raises (ialloaays aud
Huds that the blooded stulf giowa luto
mousy at much lesa ax pause and time
tbau the aorubby one aud tbey ere
no more trouble to baudle, simply
a little more initial cost wnen atari
ing int.- the game.
Carl R. Gray, who recently retired
from the presidency of th Great
Northern Railway.
la, II Mai'kiuson. who lives ou tbe
I bench aud built oue ot tie that silos
over there, reports that bis herd of
llolateiiis is making bim uice nioue.v
and he has tonnd this a spleiidid
dairy onntry. lie also has tS0 pigs
as a side line and tbe couibintlon is
au excel leut one.
Good Outlook
For Lamb Crop
John Ward was here Tuesday from
N'vhsh and whs vary enthuslastlo over
th lamb orop. He bas turned some
ol his trongat on tbe range and
aaya tby ere doing fin The
weather haa been ideal for lambing
and they are getting much better
than a hundred per cent Increase.
Practically all of the old sheep
have been turneii out.
C. C. Hunt of Nyssa Buys
Big Herd of These Noted
Milk Producers.
C. 0. Hunt, of Nyae. was br
Tuesday. He is one of tb pioneer
dairymen of his section and he got in
right to atart with II baa a large
herd of Holateln'a, purchased in the
east at cost of IH.'i par head laid
down lu Nyaea. This waa for cow.
heifers and all. lie ha a line
thoroughbred bull to head the herd
anil tlmis thai the Holatain ia tb
proper animal for bim, all the milk
belug worked up In the Nyssa crsam
ery. of which h is a large stock-,
holder. He Is also a Hrm believer
lu the alio and baa a good sized mi
and will build another. F.veu the
hog do better when given th silage.
Mr. Hunt believas that it Is a
alstake to dspsud on bay or any ou
The Portland Oregon Ian of Tuea
day, eoiiiaiiie.i a long article ou the
railroad alttintion. claiming that the
O. W K. and N. waa going to take
over tbe track lietweeu Huntington
aud Ontario and also operate the
tin ma over the Oregou and Kasteru
west of Ontario. Th Herald of
llakei Citv ou Sat unlay last contained
atory of almilar import.
Ibe Oregou leu umu bad the whul
chain workad out In detail and
aeemed to t.e writing from the cards.
but Mate, I uo date when fne change
waa to i.. made.
Ho far w have beeu unable to
verity tb atory, at least auy date at
which the change wll lie made. Tiu-i
seems to be uo doubt but thai it will
occur, but wbeu is wbat the peopl
of tbla olty are anxious to know.
The pupils of Mlaa Piiicell's mum
produced the "Koii.iwuy Hear." an
operetta, lasl Friday night and the
acting and singing of the little one
was mott pleasiug. I'hia was followed
by tiie try mil by the pupils nf the
grades tor the declamatory mutest.
There were seven apeakers and tiie
julgea decided that Mias Vlulet
I In -te, I waa entitle. I to lira! plane and
Miss liora I'liigii. II aecund. Mlrni
dusted will represent Ontailu at the
county contest to be tit 1. 1 here on
! March '27.
The work of iemdeling the Carter
bouse hotel office and dining room
to aocoiniuodale the Ontario National
bank waa started Monday morning,
the contract tiaviug becu awarded lu
Mr. Draper. Tbe coutractor will
have until May to lluisb Ibe work.
The i -on trad rails for a stone vein ei
for the oiitaide and a very elaborate
liuiah on the iualde with cumium! tout
ijuniteis for the directors.
it is tbe intention to make the
the II neat bsuk rooms ill cistern