The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of
niatt0 vm.
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and -Malheur County.
NO. 10
Portland Commercial Club
Presses Claims as Being:
Most Feasible.
Tim following resolutions were
1 msse I Intt week v tbe board of gov
trnan of the Portland Commercial
rlut) nod mow thoHn people ere on
the job end are going to keep busy
until something I sccompllsed.
All of the OlMMNill bodtci nf
Mn- count should show mi equal
Interest and keep the matter before
the secretary of the interior, tbe
delegate In congress and the rceleiuu
tlnu commissioners. It la ouly by
keeping everlstlngly at It that any
thing' worth while la accomplished.
Whereas, tbe Owyhee and Malbeur
Irrigation projects are universally
recognized aa being the moat at
tractive In the entire west Irotn the
point of tIbw of tbe low coat of
reclamation, bountiful water aupply.
fertility or tbe toil, climatic advant
age and availability to transportation
and oiarketa, and
Whereas, in the apportionment of
reclamation futida Oregon has been
ili-. -I i ni 1 1 . t ' .- I againat in that only a
mall proporttou of her contribution
to tbe I tin (I lam been expended lu tbia
state while in ether alatea have beeu
expanded many timea tbelr respective
contrlbutlona. and
Whereal, the people of Oregon
arc greatly encouraged by tbe aaaur
uucus glveu by tbe aeoretary of the
lutarlor that justice will be done to
Oraanu in future apportionments.
Therefore, be it Iteaolvad. by the
board of gorarnora of tbe Portland
Commercial club tbat we appeal to
tbe Honorable Franklin K Lane,
secretary of the Intel lor. to crder
immediate inveatigatlon of the Owyhee
aud iMalbenr projeota of aoutb east
in Oregon with a view of Including
the tame lu tbe government plana tor
Oiegon, aud
Ue it Further Kueuved. thnt a copy
of tli its resolution be forthwith sub
milted to the secretary of the interior
and to the congressional delegation
m Waebiugt'iu with the respectful re
gueat for IU early consideration.
lloard ol governora of Portlaud
' in. in i ui 'i club.
Jobu Uuigaid. Vice President.
J. Fred 1.. 1 1 mm. Hecretary.
C. T. Prall. of Ontario, was con
ferring with State Kuginear Lewie
last week with refereuoe to tbe dli
ti i tm i kiii or the waters of Willow creek
during the coming aeaion. He de
aired an experienced Mater master
to be appoluted from eome other
county. Ilia attention wua ualled
to the law providiug tbat water
masters be selected from reaideuta of
the county and tbat Kdwanl I. Ken
dall, wbo was recommeuded by the
Jouut ('cuit and tbe water users,
had already been appointed. To pre
vent a recurrence the dittloulties of
last seasou, the water master miiat act
promptly to prevent the illegal stor
ing of water, as once this is accom
plished, litigation muat be resorted
to, to ascertain tbe aniouut to be
turned loose.
At the regular count il meeting
Monday eveniug the officers made
their reports. The usual liquor
licenses were issued and bills al
Council adjourned kfl Tuesday
Relative to estimates for lateral'
sewers it .ir revolved that bids would
not bereceive.1 for over 90 per cent
of tbe estimate made by (ireen and
company who .ire retained aa engineers.
An ordiuauce wua passed concerning
tbe lateral sewera.
A dog ordinance Mas pu-eed requir
ing all doga to be muzzled after March
, or be killed by the marshal
An r In. .nee waa paaaed regulating
the plumbing dune, requiting permits
to be taken out before connections
can he made.
Recently tbe Nyaaa Chamber of
Commerce waa reorganized with a
number or the farmers rs members.
The Ontario Commercial club was
enthused with new lite by thecleotioa
of new officers and the appointment
or a number of committees and also
provision for regular meetluga to be
held of the membera.
Last week the Vale Commercial
club passed Nome resolutions and got
iiiio the game in good abape.
The Junttira and the .lordau Valley .
nliilia mi. ilin ill ii a anil It all nf the
c Int.-. f Hi-cniiniy will wcrk together
it will be easy to accompli!) some
thing. Why not have delegates
from the different cluba meet at some
(ii 1 1. 1 1 point?
Admiral Dewey, whose atatements
In his v '-biography concerning ac
tlona of the Qtrmtn admiral at Ma
nlla hjM provoked a reply from Ad
miral von Dledrlcha.
Uerlill. In statement of 11.000
onl.-, Ailiulrn' von Dicdericha re
plied to Admiral Dewey'a version of
the international Incident: in Manila
bay in IViK He says Admiral Dewey
threatened the Germans with war if
they did uoi cease interrering with
blockade regulations.
Admiral Dewi y is declared lo have
been laboring under great tension.
British Interests are accused of tan
nlug the flame Admiral Diedericha
concludes with the startling state
ment: "It waa even related that Admiral
DeMe) hud already worked out a p'an
tor the destruction of the German
The German admiral says that when
Flag Lieutenant vou Hint, visited
Admiral Dewey, this happen.-.!
' Admiral Hewev gradually talked
himself into a passion lie said. Why,
1 shall stop every vi sm-I, whatever
may be her colors Anil if the does
not stop. 1 aball fire at her. And that
me, in;- war, do you know, sir?"
Admiral von Dieijeni lis makes the
comment that Admiral Dewey must
have known a declaialion Of war did
uot depend on either admiral. He at
tributes Admiral Dewiy's conduct to
MfVOHMMH kltatafl from the weight
ol responsibility resting on him.
Income Tax Returns Reveal That New
York's Are Largest
New York i lazing figures teat I
r'ing to the slun. .idous wealth ol New
York millionaires are contained iu the
income tax report, that are made to
tbe collector of internal revenue in
this city.
Notwithstanding the strict injutic
tion to secrecy Imposed by the coin
mibslouer ot internal revenue, it was
learned that 29 residenta or New York
cty will pay approximately $8,330,000
Ml taxes Tins is about a per cent of
Ike total of flloono.ooO which the gov
etruat in ejupajejltd, would be raised
from the personal income tax.
w1 jaarafl i aV
A Very Interesting Meet
ing was Held at Chamber
of Commerce Rooms Fri
day Evening and Potato
Growers Organize.
On Friday evening W. N. Voat. one
or the directors of tbe North Pacific
Fruit Distributors association ad
dressed a meeting lu the Chamber of
Commerce, explaining the form of
organization aud what :bey accom
pliebed tor tbe growers in aix months.
The business Is bandied by men
who ue recognized experts In their
lines and maximum or elfilclency Is
thua gained. Tbelr means ot Inforinn
tiou regarding crop and market oon
ditlons extend to all parte or the globe
and they are at all times lu touch with
the actual value or the rnilt tbey have
to market aud set tbe price on It,
while under former organizations and
ciiiiditious the brokers and middlemen
net the prices at wbloh ti v were
willing to settle There Is no danger
of vei production as the Houtb
America aud Aslatio countries cau
take more apples than are rained at
present and tbt-ia are other markets
that have not been entered became
i l.i-if Is not fruit enough produced to
require It.
John V. McPherson, who has charge
of the Potato (irowera' association ad
dressed the masting from the potato
standpoint an . proceeded to oragulze
the growers luto a local assoclutlou.
At present the aasoclHtiou naa two
grade one in anoka aud the others
wrapped lu paper and parked lu boxes.
All packagea cont in the u umber
nt the grower and Is luspeuled several
times belore it reacbea the coueumer
so there is little chance ot a had pack
getting past all the Inspectors and
when it is round that a grower is not
dealing fair with the assoclutlou til
ls dropped from membership. Then
are an dues or membership fees, the
fiup is handled at actual coat to the
association. Tbe ottVera are paid
The local orgauiat ion atarta off
iih the following officers: Presi
dent. Jbarlea Adams; vice presideut.
L. D ' uidiiii ; ai . r. t.n v K. A. Wla
in. wbo witb C W. linn and
K. K Joiikllu. compose the hoard of
director Teu oars of potatoes were
sigued up, but many mure care will
be signed up betweeu uow aud next
These meu w'lll be bark lain and
organize the fruit growers luto an
asaoclatlou. Tbe association is sr
rauglug to baudle sacks and aeed for
lb membera and assist Idem lu pro
ducing a msrketable article at a time
wbeu the market ia not Hooded with
pot at .a s from other sections.
New York With temperatures rls
iiik and lair weather promised, New
York and viiinity baui to MMTgl
11. mi Ih. .-I, inn vvliii Ii i and
telegraph company oltlcials assert bus
been the must ili-.-l i uclive lu tills see
tion of tin- roiintry since the ineinoi
able hli.urd of ls
Kcpolls I rum ol lit I (Hies showed
the damage caused by wind, snow.
rain .md -ie.-t in be widespread From
Cleveland on the west and llaltunore
on the south, to the Canadian and
Nova Scotian l.ui I.-i .-. the stoiin has
been ganaral 111 New Im.I.iihI lur
tin I .lii l exp.ited limn rivets
and It TM 111 .-vvollen by melting lie
and snow In and in-ar New York 11
person peiished and MVinl fatalities
were repi.iied ebiwliere
The u.i.ii 4s)SB'l have nterrilpted
the trails), .rial I. of malls and have
left the city i an a possihl short
age of milk, i Ml and provisions. A
coal famine ihieaieiied t.
the siinw fllli ! ii
Lags round. $200,000 Lost.
I'ar - Imh stolen from a post
on.. deliv. iv wagon in the Itue Chau
chat aud .huh contained M n
c.i-h w, found empty in a lot lu
Roman, v ills.
Few Stockholders Holding
Back are Retarding Work
And Stock May Become
Valueless as the Result of
Delay in the Matter.
Much has teen published and said
about what was going to be done with
the Ontario Oil aud Gas well and other
oil and gaa properties in this section,
but up to the present no heanway has
been made toward getting tbe matter
iu shape to handle.
A proposition waa made to the nttl
! - of tlia Ontario company based on
II per cant of tbe atook of the old
company, but there are a number of
the atookboldera or tbe old company,
wbo refuse to recognize tbelr stock us
valueless at present and in order for
It to have any value It Is necessary to
althsr make a cash assessment to enrry
on the work or get some one who Is
willing to go abaad for a per rentage
of whst tbey may be able lo develop
These stockholders have not turned
In tbelr atook and are blocking the
poaslblllty or auy development stork
along a stock bails.
Many persoua who purchasi stock
In a development company imaglue
they have made an Investment ignor
ing the fact that the stock would be
wortb many timet more ir the purchase
waa in a proven proposition in-i. I ..f
an attempt to develop something nt
value. When these development com
i miiim tall to secure value, such pur
chasers will uot acknowledge that
I hell- stock Is valueless aud until they
do It will be impossible to pfMgasJ
with tbe development work unless a
caen anaessment Is made.
If the stockholders ever hope to
make their atock valuable thev must
submit to either a stock or cash as
setsmeut and the sooner they act the
nooner the directum will be able lo go
ahead aud try to do aomethlug.
"See the big atate aud uot the big
city" ia the appeal to be made by the
business men of Portland to the peo
ple who will come west during I tit.
Uuleei a vigorous campaign Is con
lueteii uearly all the exposition
travel will l . direct from Kan Frau
olaco to Portland with noatopnven in
either western or eastern Oregou.
To i-erfi . t plana for all eneriietlc
cauipaigu to iiiilueiice travelera to visit
tbe smaller communltlea aud aee the
state itself rather tbau apeulallof
tbe time devoted to Oregon iu tbe city
or Portland, a maetlng will be held
iu the parlora ot the Portland Com
merclal club on Tburaday, March It!
Delegates will be preaeut fi.un all the
communities which were represented
at the Development convention re
cntly held lu Kugeue. Also, al this
meet nig, plana will be laid for a
big c. invention to be held In the
neat future iu the city "f Salem at
which all tbe countiea of the state
will be represented.
Prof. K. M. Uhrock. state dairy cum
in imb i nei sou a protlcal dairyman.
will apeak mi dairying at the Uoule-
. I .. . L..U U...H..I... ..-. !
Vlllil KIMIIgH 11.11 I unii 11 i in i ! 01111
ing, March 7. flri Thurdsday run
mg. March If, Prof. K. '. Hodges,
of the L'uiveraily of Oregou, will be
at tbe grunge ball to deliver Ins
famous illustrate. I lecture on "Oouu
try Life."
It. ill. of tbeae meu are eiceptionsl
speakers and have beeu listened to
by large audiences wherever they
have appeared, lo fac. it ia an uu! evaot for either of them to ad
dreas an audience in so -.mail a com
uiuutiy aa the Huulevard. Il ia be
I leved . however, (hat the enthusiasm
shown by the community in tbe
past tew weeks warrants securing the
I,mi lectures. Kutb lectures willjhe
fiee aad tlie public is cordialy Invited
to attend.
Fred .1. Palmer, or Jordan Valley,
was in Salem on Wednesday or last
week, conferring with State Kngineer
Lewis, with reference to the oonttnin
Hon of tin- Jordan Valley Irrigation
coiupauy's Carey Act project Mr.
Palmer Is president or the company
and states that hO per ceut ol the
tiatnici mn work on the teed canal
la completed and that constiuctlon
work on the Antelope I lit reservoir
Is progressing favorably. It la pro
posed tn divert the waters ot Jordan
creek and atnrn the aame In the Ante
lope Flat reservoir for tbe Irrigation
or 40,000 acres. Mr. Palmer states
tnat water will be available for part
of theas lands during the com lug sea
Charles W. Murphy, former owner
of the Chicago National league team,
over whom a bitter fight was waged
because of his dismissal of Johnny
Nogules, Siinni i - (iniieral Carraiua
dei lined to IuiiiImIi lnfoi malum to the
otale department al WuHhiUKtou re
KiirdiiiK tbe killing al Juares of the
liritirth nubjci t, William S lleiilon At
the Maine time he gave assurances to
Hecretary llryan thai he would Inves
tlgate the disappearance near Juarex
of tiiihiav Bam Ii. all American cltileli
This HtroliKl) defined Hlaiid came
after 'in, days of lu-Kotlniiou he
tween (he American hecretary of state
and coustilullonallslh' i oniiniuiiler in
chief, through Frederick Siiuph h.
Ainerlian com-ul al NoKalen, and Ysl
dro Fabelu, in linn M-crelar ol foaelgn
relatloiiH in Caiiau.ab prov iMonal
'I In htand itim laKi n h . the revo leader that (lie diath ul II. I,
toll, a Union, hhould be taki-u up
throiiKh the diploma! n i haiiueln of Ilia
In ihc written inenaK'- to Secrelury
Bryan vblek w. iddmna to ComuI
Slinpli h, C. ii r.iii,, i did not MJ thai
. 1 1 1 In vi'tig,iiion ot the Heiiion
wah la-inn iii, nle on big pari Mow
ever. hllllllll.ilieOlial) vvilh the two
OtM 10 U ahlniiKloii .S.iiiiar l-'abe
la IlllfJ an ol t n nil allium u . no m
n. iv iiik that Uu Heiiion case was being
Ugatatl tor no- i itli t;n nun oi Dm
coiihtilutioualiri part
l-:i PMs Tex I In- Hip of tin- Ilea
Uui invcMiK.ninii commtaalon to Ckl
huaiiii.i wan Middeiiiv postpoBaaj abort
l before the coiliinlnnlolierii vv . i .
ibiill! lo take the ir.illl.
While i ontldelitiall II Wiih fell Car
railas alliliide ielaed Ihe dep,iili.i
of tin- couimihnioiiers, il was eiplai i
ed by officials lure that receipt of
instructions from (he ntale departiueni
to postpone their mission was mini i
dent with ihe failure of Ihe oiniuis
sion to oht.iin a regular pMMBSM
train lor I iiiiiiiahua. conliolled h ihe
L W Hill Succeeds Gray.
Si Caul, Minn Louis W Hill,
i i nrm. in of the hoard ol dlfMlOM of
'In Hi.-,. I Northern railroad, will be
.-onic president of the road, lo sin i e.-d
I .ul H IHav r slKlied, It was an
nouueed here.
asli. L '
A L Nttr tvA isaWaaW.
At Vale And Reach An
Agreement For a Lower
Valuation on Land
A large delegation of taxpayers of
the count v went to Vale last Thurs
day and had a confeieii'e with the
county assessor lu regard lo tin.
assessing or the county.
It was pointed out that the valua
tion last year was higher than the
average throughout the atate and
that there were many tracta or land
being sold lor much leva than it waa
assessed at. It was alio brought out
that there should not be a blanket
assessment made, but each individual
tract abould be I'ated accurdlug to
IU value. The matter ot assessing
murtgage notes wan also discussed
It being shown that it meant double
The aherllf made a talk to lb
delegates and agreed on a lower value
Hon. but thought the law iu regard
to mortgage notes should be enforced.
A. B. Md'henion, Super
intendent of Schools Dies
at Holy Rosary Hospital
After Lingering Illness.
A. U. Macphersoii, the nuuly
aupci luteiident, died laal Friday
i ulng and ttie Itinera! was held
from the Haul 1st church on Hnluiday
afternoon, I'. Monroe Smock, a lire
long in. nd nt the .Ir.i ii.ed. making
a si hulai ly address.
Mr. Mm was known throughout
thin and adjoiulug couiltles, where
his suuuy smile and lieni Iv laugh will
be uilnned. 11 In nature waa audi that
ouly the In ighl side or lire waa brought
tn view and be spread suiishlue ami
chei whatever he wipi
1 1 is glveu to but tew meu tha
ability aud opportunity to do the good
that was his plrusoie. His greateat
delight was in the school room with
the youngsters, teaching the higher
Ideals aud Ihe esseutlala or ajaj
Ileal lire
A. II. Macpheisou was bum lu
(ilavgow, Hiotlaud. March Mil, Ittt.
IU came to America lu Im .1 ami
settled In Canada an I lu 1H0I moved
to ('alii.. i in.. lie married Mary
Jane Freeman iu !.. Angeles, lu
January Itftl was ordained a Hap
tlat minister iu California; came to
Payette iu IH8.I when, he taught the
lb si public school aud also preai lied
the ilrsl seriuou In that town, alter
wards belli". I ailed to Caldwell a pas
tor of the Ileptlnt i Inn. h there
Mr. Macpiieisou came to Malheur
ciiiulv II tears ago aud has resided
here i niil inuciiinl v up to the time ot
bis death. He leaves a devoted wife
ami nine children, seven daughters
ad two sous, Mis. i.. .1. Ilcaiu. Mm
V II llesin. Ironsinile, Mis. Frank
lclie, Weiser. Mrs. II. K. K.e,
Willows t.aloriua: Mm. I'lugholt,
Mrs. (iladys Hmnif, Miss I'lerla Ma.
pbemoli. I intai I- RuM ls'- liel mill,
of l.iiinetl ami l.invii or Onlaiio
Mm. Ii rule Same, a ilaugliti i ..I a
former wire Is living at Cornwall.
I Int. .no. ( aiiHil.i
Asa token or renpeil Hie following
OOUBty oltlcliils acli .1 ii- I iii I bearers
County Judge McKmght, Kbafifl
Kerfoot, Couiily Cleik llustnn, taniii
iv Ti . usurer Uiavii, '...-. r Hill
snd Deputy Ami-mil liilium.
Linn County Will Go Into the Pat
lliali , I ii . . . 1 1 .hi ihe in imn ol
Hie ii. in . .. ol im. n i rMIBS and
am. ml, 1. 1. , and to lool. up all 'h
Ion, ,ii n. , IhrOUIHUUI IBM ' ouni is
t In- plan im iiiulated it , in .ting of
Hi, I. urn County i li socief,
Announce Strawlmry Festival
Itoselniik; This yen: annual Ro
hiii. ii.vvli. rr nv.i. I II he In Id
mi ',l.i. II, L'-' and -' . The oiuiuillee
lB , Qgrgi .,1 tin- i'.i i mi bWI an
iuiiii , i . Dveral nut I faattUTM art
ni, di consideration.