MURPHY OUSTED BY LEAGUE Charles P. Taft Buya Controlling In terest In Chicago National Club. Cincinnati. -As a sequel to the re cm deposing of John Kvers as maiia ger of the Chir-ago National LeafUO t'lub, Charles V. Murphy, president f the club, resigned as president, sold fcl stock and severed his connection with tin' Cuba. Mr. Murphy In like; wlae no longer a dlreetor of the Na tional League His holdings In the Chicago club have boon purchased by Charles P. Taft. The retirement of Murphy In the tanner announced moans that ho Is not only out ol the Chleng" club, but also ;oi organized baseball, In so ar us the in.ijur leagues arc com cm- 4 Mediator is To Try To Avert Strike. Portland. To Ml I I mediator be tween thi' f) V It 1 N OBBBBB) and its telegraphers, and avert UM threat' ened Htriki- of iba telegrapher, 0, V. W. Maimer, of Washington. l. C, it ai'tiini comtnlealoaaf of mediation and tOtM Illation under the Xevviaml' i'-'l ral tnedliiiion liw passed at the l.i-i OOOOtOB of congress, arrived' in Port land. Brief News of the Week Wanes ol BOOO trainmen of the Chi cagn, BuiilngtOfl I QBlBO) railroad. mWlMtlM about 1100,000, were In creased by the hoard of iirliliintlon at Chicago Naa York state pnld S46,OO0 for ooaduotlni iba Inpoaebaeeai proeaad Iiiks agaJnal es-Ooveraor Bnlaar, f tli i h Mini 100, Waal in attorneys In the I I In- New fork, New llawn A Hart ford railroad has decided. beginning March I, to dl continue the ale of - guot on ta tralni throughout the en t i i. in Molding that Hie ielltlon for Hie Cense election was limilld the siipii me court oi South Dakota baa nocV i ruliiiK that aloaaa Ika aaloi b ol Vaah ton. SU saloons Hie alfected h) llle dl'I'IMOtl ledums of the Mercantile hllllk of Memphi-,. Tcnil , will reeeive .",11 c enlM OII a dollar, despite the shinlnge of $!H. a', according to Ihe report of the state superintendent of hanks 'Ihe district court at Denver ren deri d a decision adjudging ihe Mmiii t.iiu Biataa Telephone Talagrapb iiiiupaii) in he an outlaw, with no le ill rlKhl to Use the streets ol the i liy. The ruling wits rellilered oil quo war r.uiio pr lings Itrvenuc olllceis sel.i d the hook of the Wi lein I'uel coiiipaiiv at San Krnui Isco in connection wllh ihe new charge that I In- concern has delraudcd the government out 0l ISM, III ells turns drawbacks secured b false af fldav lis com i i iiIiik wilt his ol eoal tin pnrlal inns People in the News Monroe W.inl aged nine, ol Spin n i low n i',i . dull a I- iiii or a small Win in getting In hi mil tie log Ihe DO) optic in iv Total bllndi'i - occurred before lite bo) ill w wen I Butte bava en a i in an opinion rendered bj ivunt) 11 tome) Mi iffert) t" Ihe roniuileelon . 1 1 that i ball pia rvi tea ' women en i mg the court house In regtati i wii he a violation ol the cm rupt practlt ea act I'resnleill I M I l.inn.ili'i.. ol lie Northern Haalflc, announced thai his com i.iii would upend between t 000,000 and 13,000,004 tor hen. uncut--agulpntent, tafei) devices and the car ring mil ol Ihe construction work ill lead! llllilel vva 'I iiat I'm i it Qraj baa Mri land ad in . resignation from thi oi . board of i in- tin. H Northern is ih liienl made In I. mil . V Hill ll w a reported Mime lime ago Ihnl lira) wai to resign lo nocepl Ihe pri the lliisliiit Maine radio I i i hi ding M lie I'obalau ol ihe supi i im i oui i Vol k i eelng oi sulai bat k in i' ' i null i.-ii Heretofore II ha ' i u ihe rule io confine ihe delinquent In the l,ud lot street til uui ii ihe anio i have In fit leliun . i The iiiem.iu ambassador to g for etgu coiiiin la above Iba bta of hia home siaie oi urdlug to i i u the appellate emu I, a bit h refut ' to compel James A Uerard uiubassttdor to Oermany, io return froai his post to decide an appeal In i aao which came before blm while ba jus of ihe aupi erne coui ' Minei Entombed Ii Days Found Alive Boetlle Mik- Davaecoulcli one of Ihe Iwo coal miners who was eiitoinh eil by a caw in in the i .union miiu ot ihe Pacific I'oaal t'oal compan) t Franklin. ! miles from here ,ii ami was given up tor dead aei erai daya ia reacued alive Anotlier Eastern Blizzard Chicago llaavj aaoa ai;..iii fall ever bllcblg it, Ohio, Indiana, lllluola isioiisin. Mlnueeola. Iowa ami the Pakotaa In aileaourl porttoni Kansas all I Oklahoma Ihe v'.iui w. i.ii kid b) alee) that crippled tragi portatioii ail wire service. NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Ratifies Renewal Treaties With Eight Na tions for Five Years. of Washington. (enrnl arbitration treaties ratified by the senate renew ed for five years agreements with t.reat Itrltaln, Japan, Italy. Spain, Nor way, Sweden, Portugal and Switzer land, and marked the first Htep In the In. in oi President Wlluon. Ihe treaties, briefly, provide for referonoa to Tha (facta tribunal of legal ililfi rences and queatlona relat ing U) the Interpretation of other ex isting treaties which cannot bo settled li diplomacy. No matter afrectlng the vital Inter ests, Independence, or honor df the oontraotlng powers Is Included In the scope or tkaOO treaties and all din patOI Involving the Interests of third paftiOO also are excluded. Although Hie majority for the rati- floatlon or tho traatlot was ovt rwheim Inu and the amendment to exempt by more t ton a two thirds' vote. Senators who lirne eieill Ol' the tolls eXelnp tinii pTOVlalon llUllsl Hint these voles ,ue not sigllltliaul or the attitude ol' i i.i senate on the tolls issue. State's "Equity" In Power Recognized. 'itii hi ol the pOWaf ol the i ii r 1,1 government under tha constitution In iniilrol Ihe htilldlnu id all water power projects, hut recognition of tha equities therein ot tha stales ol the union this is ihe cardinal principle lii tha conservation policy ol the Wll in administration so lar a. II affectl the iiavlgahle streams or Ihe country. Seii'iaiv Qarriaoa, or tho war da I- niiielil, Is the author ol Ihe plan. Which has been imlorsiil ! I ulenl .'. il mi and Ihe caliim t Secreiaiv liairlson, with President Wilson's approval, will ask ror aiiihor Izatloll to Issue permits tor the ion slriictlon of Witter power piojeels, with Hie stipulation that llnv he Issued only to com cms Incorporaleil us puh He utilities under state laws and so nstrlcleil Ii it t cimlrol liy monopolistic ''iirporillolis will be Impossible. To protect the rights of states, revenue ai crultiK will go io slates, and not to the fedeial gov ,-ruiuenl This sug gesllOII Is expected to heitl (lie breach cxlsllng between advocates of statis' rights nnd national control ol ihe ural resource or the country. May Exempt Small Business Concerns Preetdeol yHkoii ladmatod to call el s he desires that Ihe proposed hills dealing with the traal proalaoi he so phrased and adapted io Ihe , I clslolls 1) It i.lil V leiideli d ll. I lie Sil pnnie conn or the I ulled St ales on 'he S 1 1 in anlilrusl law that tin efflctei c oi thai ni i in hall bt ii'ither Impalieil nor mupln aled, but upph mealed, mi Wilson Indicated that serious deration baa been giveo in the framing ' Iba trual logjalotloa to pro tislona thai would proteci small ims. concerns noni atatutea prohlbll . le ai rangemenla ami combine He RUggeell d ll was a dll iii uit thing ! frame an eiempUoo la i i in-, oi dollara, and for tktlgj rat too did noi believe h wai praclfcaMo to ci i ipi all in in s uinli i , nun. nun in 1 .in from ihe Inqulallorlal I ol Hie llllelsl.lte Hade colli ii a-- hs. i been pi oposed, but .inn- mil. 'i plan would he worked mil Would Heorganue Agricultural Oept 1 ll III. Ill I .-'V "I . Hi I lie ll uise com Dl i' ah ure. ll i completed port to the linn nt the annual a, hi bill It UK i - i v.'i o: pei- iii app ..ii lUI nasi- ol total Man) i i I eh ii-' a aie pro) in the measure, Includlug reorgauuw it i t- bureau ind prepa b) 'ni .linn c a plan for reorganlilng aad oj - ti man. log Ihe ii i il illienl work Provlalon foi attention to a'st ol problems is made in several items For Investigating iba prepara turn for iniiUei handling, grading. packing. .- Irylug storing ami IraUSpOrtll Ol pOUltr) and eyga a ana appi iprlalton would be made National Capital Brevities. Application tm admission Into the t.i.ii reserve banblng syatam baa been made b) M07 hanks repreaenting 4e slates Healing on in law to regulate graalng mi non-arable landa win be held at tahlUgtOU Mali h t ihe inn ameadlng the radaawtloa permlttlt t settlers l'h roan m Head i'l 10 in which tO pa) fO( water, a reported favoi i the senate ii i ig.n ion coinmli i Delegates from ever) st te ami i-ov inc. ul .n ' !'. iiici Ira lie Ig .it ii iiit.uicc it Hi- annual eouveutlon ol iba suprem council, knlghti of Pj Hiias. ai Washington The delegates w cli allied bv I'raeident Wilson uui praised h) Baaretarj .ii sute ' ' Urvauti BRIEF NEWS OF 0RE60N Ruial free delivery route will be e tni.iidieil May 1 at Vale to serve 120 families. Scarcity of sheep has cauied J. H. Chrlstensen of Crook county some dlf flculty In stocking his ranges. Eighty two of the eighty four nation al banks of Oregon hare applied for membership In the federal reserve system. Oregon lumber will be used In the construction of the Oregon building at the Hun Kranrlsco 1!M5 fair, transport ed from Oregon mills In Oregon built vessels. Senator i 'liamher lain asks that the public lands committee be allowed to continue its work in order thnt the development of Alaska may not he re tarded. I'rofessor & 1. I-ewls of the Oregon Agricultural college says fruit men should organize to protect Uie Indus try and none but the best grade of fruit should be canned or shipped. A copy of Olney's Geography, pub llshed about 80 years ago, haB been lent to Superintendent of Public In structlon t'liiirchlll by William Swish er. of Salem. Kepre entmlve Sinnott has Introduc ad I bill for the roller or .loe Davis. a Slav, who was Injured at the t'elllo can; I The lull carries an allowitm ol J I. "i. mm Twent.v petitions have bOOfl placid In ( in illation tor solicitation of slg naturae demanding tha recall m Mayor ii it iiiee ami citv Commlaatoaon 11 c; lin-i U and W I, lliewester ol Portland Sheep men ol Pendleton and vicinity are asked bj DOfajt) Supervisor Wil son ol the Clearwater reserve to pas ture tlielr Hocks on the ranues. The grass In the lairnl over sections Is said In lie plentiful llakei inuiilv wool gfOWOn aiitlcl pale li.-iici prices for tln.r clip this year ihiin In IBIS. Huyeis rafWaooBt leg the big eastern houses are it I read; In the field ami otters g high as Hi edits a pound have been made Stale Si hiioi Supi'iintenden J. A. Churchill has I n requested by the Oregon Panama Pacific Exposition iilniul-'loo Io take charge of the pre paratioii and liislallation of the Ore goti educational exhibit at the Sun Francisco fair inM vear. An initiative bill will be placed In circulation In Hood lllver county with In a few H.i - providing for the orgaul Ion oi bonded districts for the pur pose ol issuing bonds tin Hie Install.! Hon or public utilities of every char at tOt John II Lewis, stale engineer, has received from the director of the I'nlt ed State- gi .diiglcal survey a report thai since June I last year, when Hie last preiioi.s report was made, S03 square liillo have been surveyed, mak lOg a total of L'l.t.'it square miles, or J:., 'I per cent or the slate. The plan in take the cadet regiment ol the llli-Mill gllcllllliral college to Ihe Panama I'acltu exposition in San I'l inclsco III Itlii recel-.ed t In- Ulialil inous approval oi the college coum II, after the oommlttee appointed to baa die the milter reported favotaMj on the proposition Kepreaentatlve Blnaott has latra dliced II bill which allows elllrv lie II Io divide into two periods Ihe live months ol ..nil vear which lhe are allowed to spend away from Hull homeeteada Tins would aaaMa thaai to take adv . llllllge ot work III Ine Im; glng camps in Hie winter ami in har veal fields in summer tin a platform indorsing statewide prohibition, ai-Oovaraof T T. Oaat h iniaiunccd his candid. u for the i. I ibllcall nomination tat governor . . Illi gubernalorial candidal!' in the id Kight republic ms fasjf democrats, one proBreaatve gad one Independent, are now seeking the mun iualloil foi' gOVt i not decretar) ol state Omotl annoanoei hut, according io ihe report received bv blm. ihe republicans constitute ill Hi pi I ci III ol Ihe total registered voter lite democr Ihe I'ro greaalvea 1.04, prohihitiouiata LOS, si cialisis L'.5fi 'und miscellaneous :! ?! The total reglatratlon to data lap, oi winch i: Mm .,!,. republican, 1 : la.a are deinorrata, i!"'i are pro greealvea IMI are prohlbitlaalata , ure socialisls and :'"44 come un del the miscellaneous classification Vniiiiunceinenl lias been made that approximate!) (6,000 acres ot land ad janiH to Mora. Long ireek. Mouu Wat Heoell ('reek. I'llol Hock. Kntel pris.' and lljkei have been set apart for bomeetaadlng This is classed gg semi-arid laad and win he aubjocl to the ealaraod bomeatead not Tins land w:ll he icadv to he filed iipou on and gftei March ! and the applicant for Hie laud will have Hie right lo file on .ii acre it be is an ortglaal oatri man If he alreadv holds 160 acres of Hus kind ol land be Ii aatttwd la tat mi im- in holding to ;-'" acroa That is he ma) file on lao acre additional If be I . i lit iv on which he ha not made fin ' proof h he ha made eutiv and final proof OU 16" of -.i tm ai Id land, his right is exhausted and he caunol make anuthci eiuiv uu further holdiuga Lived SIk Months With Broken Neck. Pendleton. After living for more than alx months with a broken neck, Frank Dunton, Canyon City stockman, died In this city. Dunton, while watch ing some children playing In his barn, endeavored to show them some tricks on a trapeze. He fell to the floor, striking on his head, and fracturing the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Since then he has been enatrely paralyzed. Auto TBS la Held Valid. Medford. Holding that the atate I has the right to regulate travel upon Its highways, and collect fees from vehicles, the same as for registering deeds, .fudge K. II, Cnlklns, of the clr cult court, declared valid the state automobile tax contested by the Jack son County Automobile Protective As sociation through Henry K. Hoyden. If You Have Goods Worth Buying . i iney Are VVOnn inihlllg ADOUI. Buyers Must Be Informed. ADVERTISE! I ' gaaH fH gaaB al BaaH CLEAN-UP 100 High Art Suits All this season's styles and patterns made to sell for $17.50 and $20.00 at $10.22 the Suit This assures you a saving of $7.50 and $10.00 on your new suit-this is cutting the price deep-but we will not carry over any suits this season. Make your selection early while the lines are still complete BB3eBggggUggggKMBl B9B1 baT The New Spring Astor Hats are snappy and smart-all the latest rA shades and styles at - - - m)j Alexander's $2.50 Shoes Worth a Dollar More Anywhere Alexander Co. One Price Clothier, HOLD UP INTERURBAN TRAIN Three Masked Men Take I3M en Se-attle-Tacoma Train. rteatne. Overawed by the revol vers carried by the bandits, 60 passen gers und the train crew on the south bound SeatileTacotna Interurban lo cal train, leaving Seattle at 9:05 and due In Tacotna at 10:46, were held up and robbed of an aggregate of $400 by three highwaymen Saturday night at South Side station, 20 minutes out from Seattle. The bandits forced Norrls King, a boy of Kent, to carry a hat through the smoker, obtaining MfJ from th male occupants. One of the bandits handled the rear car, getting $100 from the men and women passengers. The remainder of the $4m) was ob tallied from the trainmen m" "eri f?J '? Tr'" Robb,r Seattle. L. W . Hill, president of the tireat Northern railway, while In Se- attle, announced a reward of $.10,000 for the apprehension, dead or alive, of the bandits who killed three pas sengers near Bellliighatn on the Seat tie-Vancouver train. THE NARKETS Portland. Wheat Club, 87c; bluestem, tte; red Russian, 86c. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $14. Butter Creamefy, 35c. Eggs Cnndled, 36c. Seattln. Wheat Bluestem, 98c; club, !7o; red Russian, 86c. Hay Timothy, $17 per ton; alfaaK $14 per ton. En- 37c. Butter Creamerv. 36c. Mfnnttf iilitAlniil In nil roiintrlM. oa WO f SI. TIIDI mull nun I "Ii) riirni n-B-ipwi'--i sn.l sin-i.h. Modn nr eki.e. i..r rata SI- SOST nil lull' iilnliilltT I'nli-ht irm-tlif - i'iu-iii-1) sans airtainois Scii'l i rpiiu In hi u i' for tnmltifttitp book on NOW TO OBTAIN ml SILL SSTINTS. W lii'-h oftMl will put, How iii nt inmir. palrat Isw suit uilmr Tahiti intonnfttion. D. SWIFT & CO. patent LAWvaaa, 303 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. ' It '' jr bf r dbaOBSf Ontario, Oregon